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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.51298[Last 50 Posts]





Real retard hours


I hate women.


Women are for loving... Retard!


...and by women, I mean-hot super models.


Women are baby factories.


My mom is a chad.


I'm cringing so fucking hard right now.


>I'm cringing so fucking hard right now.

You think CRINGE is your ally. I was born in the CRINGE, moulded by it.




The amount of people in denial.


You refuse to believe?


I refuse to believe your bullshit.




I know that there's hidden boards on this site and I will find all of them and none of you are safe in minecraft.





This video tho. Is he okay?!













shut up you fat fucking retard


4chon is for extremely intelligent, fit, good looking, single White men who love women of the appropriate ages. I mean it's why I post here, why else would I be here now would I.


As a bio woman. This 666 rule is something I've never seen or heard about before now.



I've been playing the game wrong this whole time. Later losers.


Nick thune is dating summer joy phoenix. He's off the market. She's a vegan that doesn't drink alcohol. She's good for him. Congratulations to the lucky couple.


Relax ladies. He was never going to fuck you anyways. Please calm down. Big yikes.


Yeah. She's yours, nick.





How about <6 body count, >6 blowjobs a week and >6 hours in the kitchen a day? Guessing that 666 rule won't be as popular with the women.


Are you 6" or taller,6 figures salary or higher, 6inch cock size or bigger?

If no, then you're disqualified from making demands from females that apply the 666 rule to dating.


Even if I didn't meet their retarded criteria, they should still be held to similarly high standards as they expect of men. The type of women who consider those the bare minimum in the first place are generally dysgenic garbage, I'm sure. They all grew up on Disney princess movies that implanted moronic fantasies of upward class mobility in their heads.


If you don't meet those specific 666 requirement... you're off their menu. Simple. Nothing to worry about.


>They all grew up on Disney princess movies that implanted moronic fantasies of upward class mobility in their heads.
no they grew up on reality tv, listen to mainstream pop and rap music, and grew up with single mothers who are also major sluts


I really hope you're eminem.


Anon. You can make whatever requirements you'd like for your own dating life. You're welcome.


ESL. Didn't say I don't. Using "even if" implies that I do. I'm saying they'd still be worthless people who can't live up to their own standards regardless. They should lower their expectations for men who are actually desperate enough to put up with their laziness and nagging and to risk getting divorce-raped, otherwise they are free to settle for single-motherhood rearing the next generation of mulatto criminals or becoming the cool wine aunt who pickled her own eggs with alcoholism.


Oops you're responding to the wrong anon. I never said "even if".


>They should lower their expectations
No. Anon. You don't want them. Trust me.


Again, ESL. I said "even if". Put down the wine, drink some water and read more slowly.



Anon. You're responding to the wrong person.


Tbqh I wish I had some wine right now.


No shit I don't want them? Like I said, I meet their criteria. I would be lowering mine for them, as would any man who meets theirs. I don't want a live-in hole shedding its placentae all over the place and whining for DoorDash 8 meals a day. I just think it's funny how socially acceptable it is for women to demand more and more of men while putting less and less effort in themselves.


y dont u use the beth smith flag anymore
all the other cool ppl like phag, hiv and red mage (RIP) use flags


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Are you capable of following a discussion past two responses?


If you don't meet those specific 666 requirement... you're off their menu. Simple. Nothing to worry about.


You're ESL. Simple. It's a problem on an English-speaking board.


I'm not ESL, I'm special needs.



Angry seething retards.


y r u lumping me in with him, u sexist pig! u think were all alike dont u?



Not sure why you think anyone would ever seethe at this pointless, retarded video. Glugging wine and destroying your attention span with TikToks won't make you hip with the kids nor will it reverse your eggs going rotten.


I'm not glugging wine or whatever else you believe.

The lyrics are "I'm looking for a man in finance, trust fund, 6'5", blue eyes".


[REDACTED] lives in a care home.


I take gabapentin and Zoloft. They don't serve alcoholic beverages at the care home.


y u take dose drugs. u cud just... not care wat other ppl think and bam ur anxiety is gone, no longer dependent on big pharma


Like being a pill-addled zombie is any better lol


Shut the fuck up and go fuck yourself.


ur avoiding da question as always


Eat shit.


H'what question?


i axed u a kweshchun and u post a screenshot about home care


No. I'm not doxing myself.


There weren't any questions.


nigga wat does dis hav to do wit doxing

explain dis to me, wat is the prerequisite to anxiety? in other words wat causes it psychologically



drugs wont solve ur anxiety in the long run
u kno dat, rite?


They're prescribed by my psychiatrist and I actually need them.


Non-sequitur, as to be expected from a pill zombie.


You're a disrespectful asshole. Would you rather, I live on the street?!


I live in a care home because I'm not well. I take medication because I'm not well. What exactly are you not understanding?


Non-sequitur. There is no law saying I have to coddle you when you go on your unhinged, pill-induced tirades.


The nurses here distribute the pills.


>Pill induced tirades.
Like laying in bed all day quietly on the Internet?


My state insurance covers my stay here. I have no money. No bank account.



Like when you call people retards for criticizing the socially disharmonious attitudes of trashy dumb whores with undeserved egos.


666 rule bothers you. Not my problem, retard.


Poor, manlette with microcock detected. Try being a rich chad next time.


666 rule takes you out of Stacey's dating pool. Seethe more.


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isn't it spelled stacy?


Wow, those pills sure are making you act NOT unhinged! I'll keep enjoying living on my own rural property in early retirement while you rot away drooling forever in the loony bin because you fell for the pharma jew lmfao. Swiss cheese-brained lobotomite.



Here's my insta. Try being a rich chad next time.


Loony bin. I've actually never been to the funny farm. That's something I'm very grateful about, actually.


u two both like to argue, like husband & wife


Seethe more Poor, manlette with microcock detected. Try being a rich chad next time.


Husband's and wife's aren't supposed to argue.


My parents argued and divorced when I was three. I am not looking to mimic their behavior. I don't like to argue and am a non confrontational kind of person.


There's no arguing on my end. I'm being put down and I'm standing up for myself.


ya in a fantasy world of rainbows and ponies
then u'll be single forever if thats wat u want, all couples argue and the ones who don't are the ones who give up on relationships quickly


Not all couples argue. That's not true at all. Communication is key and solves all problems.


>Here's my account on kike social media #6,000,001
Bread and circus for the glorified livestock known as normalniggers.

>Try being a rich chad next time

Already am, probably in large part because I ignored the advances of worthless succubi. Hopefully they sometimes treat you to little hot chip snacks at the not-loony bin as a consolation for the lot you drew at birth.


ur many years older than me and ur this naive wow


Arguing isn't necessary. Make-up sex exists for a reason.


Seethe more Poor, manlette with microcock. Try being a rich chad next time.




I live in a care home. It's not a loony bin. I've never been to the funny farm.

They provide three square meals a day @6:00-9:00am 11:00-12:00am and 4:30-6:00pm and three snack @ 10:00am and 2:00pm and 7:30pm


Found a video of you.


I'm sam hyde. This is the coolest self discovery of my life.


They have "therapeutic recreation", here. That's what the they call it.


We can leave the facility but for only 22 hours at a time but as much as we'd like by filling out a therapeutic leave sheet and that way insurance doesn't count it as a leave of absence. They only allow you 36 leave of absence for all 365 days a year. If you use all the leave of absences up...insurance pulls the rug out from under you.


So far living here..two residents have kicked the bucket. That's just how it is. We have our names and room numbers on our bed posts, dressers and closets. That way the medical people can identify us.


This is kind of like a nursing home. That's kinda the best way to describe a care home.


so u cant work even if u wanted to?


Lots of old people. Old people are disabled by nature and then us younger disabled are thrown in the mix.


I'm in the process of applying for social security disability, again.


Anon. I lay in bed all day, for the most part. I'm disabled. I am not a normal functioning member of society and I never will be. I've accepted that fact with radical self acceptance and moved on. Anon. I'm 35. I've never had a official job with government pay stubs. I've never paid taxes. What do you think?


Being a jewish e-begging sex addict with a penchant for minors sure is cool!


I've never ever e-begged in my life. I have no clue what you're talking about. Seriously.


>That vid
They do screenings on the residents every three months to check for psychosis/schizophrenia.


Sam Hyde is all of those things.


8% ashikinazi


Nigger, you said being Sam Hyde is cool so I described just what is so "cool" about Sam Hyde. Not surprised you're a mongrel as well, though.


I've accepted that this care home might be my final stop. Yes. That's kind of dark but it is what it is.


Scottish, Irish, German, swedish.. I'd hardly say I'm a mongrel.


>Anon. I lay in bed all day, for the most part.
>They only allow you 36 leave of absence for all 365 days a year.
u shud go together with HDV to the gym twice a month. that's 24 days of the year. it wud be good for u, im srs. i think he lives in the same state as u. just do easy stuff like kettleball squats, dumbbell deadlifts and pullups

>I am not a normal functioning member of society and I never will be.

only fags are normies who gives a shit about them


Okay. Sam hyde isn't cool but I appreciate the memes.


HDV doesn't exist.


im sure hed be willing to drive u as long as u dont act like a total jerk


22 hours for therapeutic leave, when going out(loophole so insurance doesn't take it down as a leave of absence). The leave of absence is supposed to be used extremely sparingly or else insurance wouldn't cover my stay here and I can't afford to live here w/out insurance.


HDV doesn't exist.


I'm not meeting up with anyone from 4chon and I'm definitely not going to the gym with them.


he's right here >>86267


hes not going to bite u like smiley hes a nice guy


I got put on thyroid medication. Turns out my thyroid is fucked. I take a pill for it every morning by itself. I can't take it with other meds or food. It has to be in my system for half an hour by itself and the then I can take my other meds etc.


Nope. That's absolutely not happening. Nope. Nope. Nope.


>22 hours for therapeutic leave, when going out(loophole so insurance doesn't take it down as a leave of absence).
wat r u talking about, going to the gym with HDV wud absolutely be therapeutic for u, it would help both ur physical and mental health


Whoever from 4chon that lives in the same state. Stay away from me or I'll have the police get involved. You will stay away from me one way or another. I will not live in fear. I will take action if I need to. This facility has cameras. I am safe here.


Not happening.


k well enjoy being stuck in ur crib for the rest of ur life like dis >>86287 and become a banshee since ur too much of a pussy to get out of ur bed


>this is a demonstration of the meds working


I do get out of bed. These unsettling rude aggressive names you give me make me deeply dispise you.


Thank god.


cry me a river


Britney Spears drowns you clown. Eat shit.


no rly go back to your safe space feminist hugbox at lolcow.farm and let them tell u how theres nothing wrong with u lying down in ur bed on drugged up all day and being too scared to go to the gym, cuz "u go girl" n thats wat "strong independent women" do or w/e, this site already has enough pussy faggots already (avid occupies that space, two's a crowd)


I am permabanned from their website.


I am permabanned and if I were to try and post, they'd recognize me because of my distinct writing style and permaban me again. They call me trump chan because they say I type like 'ol Donnie and accuse me of being a moid etc


lol watd u do


I don't think you know what that word means.





>accuse me of being a moid
maybe u could email the admin of that pic of urself w/ the cute frown u posted a few days ago.
then again most imageboards wouldnt tolerate u cuz how u post multiple times in a row, especially the screenshots






I get permabanned over and over again. It's not worth the effort. I just lurk there now.





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do u actually believe this utopian kumbaya nonsense? hope ur trolling. do u deny biological reality? have u studied much anthropology and history? thought u knew better since u at least acknowledge transgenderism defies biological reality. even women admit (anonymously, not in public) that they compete with each other for their preferred male mates and constantly try to "one-up" each other (whether directly or indirectly), ur not all in this together. even in the TERF vs. transgender culture war there are tons of females being "traitors" siding with the transgenders


I don't deny biological reality.


This statement >>86327 is at odds with this one >>86324. Scrolling Instagram all day is rotting your brain as much as the pills are.


cam on m8 b nice to her i dont think shes fully bought into that nonsense


You enjoy kicking people when they're down. You enjoy picking low hanging fruit. There's a special place in hell reserved for you.


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Why, because I'm giving you a dose of reality? Do you want to be treated as an equal to men or coddled like a child? Because it sounds like you expect the best of both worlds at the moment.

Feminism, and by extension egalitarianism, sucks. People aren't born equal. Sex-based roles were ingrained in sexual species before humans even existed. Men and women are both mentally and physically suited for different duties at a fundamental level. There is no sense in breaking the "structures" because those "structures" are immutable aspects of nature.


how dare they not enable your rotting!


avid dont u scroll thru instagram all day too?


Weird. I don't see anything about feminism, here(on her insta). Retard.



>coddled like a child
You're an idiot.


You're not giving anyone a dose of reality.


Walk into your local nursing facility and give the residents a dose of reality. I'm sure that'll work out great for you.


Avid smokes meth all day.


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kek this is pretty funny and cute. but it's also sad to hear ur former girl friends kicked u out of their high school lunch table

ignore what i said yesterday, ur always welcum here, trump-chan!

thats ur new nickname from here on, 1000 times better than "[redacted]"


>Ignore what I said yesterday
This is an anonymous image board. IDK who you are or what you said. I can't ignore what I don't know.
Y-you too!


>former girl friends
They always hated me. They were never my friends. I never sat at their table. I am not welcome there.


not all day but i do scroll it sometimes, sue me


Isn't it weird ?

How endless versions of yourself exist out there, and how you may never know them.

Even in your own mind, you can conjure up different versions of yourself and most of the time still not know which one is the truest form of who you are...










Just ordered my first glass dildo.



And it has this added bonus of spiritual protection....



How are you ordering that in a care facility?


Discreet packaging.


We have privacy here.


You act like I'm going to open it up in front of everyone and wave it around.



youre acting like people care or would care about you buying a dildo


Stop negging me.



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truth hurts


This news alert will break your heart and crush your soul. You've been warned.


it didnt


Deranged whiny samefag refuses to face reality.


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Vid related. I'm a retard. My reality that I've already faced through radical self acceptance.


I don't understand. Instagram. H'what are you trying to tell me? ZUC what are you trying to tell humanity? H'what?


People who get H'what?





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