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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.85648[Last 50 Posts]

Gamescon 2024 Edition
Day 1 drinking game: take a shot every time you see a nigger.


They had the audacity to show a Borderlands 4 teaser trailer after the movie with the centenarian jew-mutt cast flopped hard. Professional fart-huffer Peter Molyneux is desperately clinging to his Legacy and releasing a new god game for moms with a Fable veneer on top. There is another nondescript Call of Duty announced. Uh, The First Berserker looks mildly interesting. PS5 is making a cute Animal Crossing clone called Floatopia.




right, OP should be getting sodomized by packs of pozzed feral mandingos like a responsible well adjusted adult (me)


Humble has a 30USD Resident Evil steam key bundle that "contains every entry", meaning no OG RE1/2/3 (to be fair, they don't have a steam release) and I think it has original RE4 instead of the remake. It also has the Revelations kusoge. Only games I like out of the pack are RE1 HD and RE0, but maybe someone is interested in getting all the new ones (except RE4 remake) cheap.


Humble has really gone downhill. I remember getting bundles for like two bucks back in the day, but now they're as expensive or more than normal steam sales.


I've gotten enough steam bucks from selling space engineers skins that I could probably buy a cheap game heh.


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>paying for games


I like how your first thought at seeing cartoon butts was fantasizing about a man stroking his dick to them. Fagboy slips again. I was posting asses because Gamescon has been ass so far.








Pathologic is a real trip.


looks gay as hell


I'm confused, it's not a game about your life?


First-person puzzle game revolving around manipulation of perspective. Not a long game, probably 1-3 hours for your first run (there is an achievement for beating it in 30 minutes), but I had a ton of fun with it. It's pricey so wait for a sale, find a cheap key somewhere or pirate it.


no its a game about yours


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was he chatting shit or nah?


It's absurd how bad some of the Command and Conquer games run natively on current generation hardware/OS.

C & C Remastered works fine (now, but I remember it being a choppy mess at release)

Red Alert 2 was unplayable without a third-party patch (works fine on my Steam Deck fwiw-just my much more powerful Windows pc it would have huge framerate drops until I did some sleuthing in the forums)

Tiberian Sun series is unplayable; it runs just as bad-maybe worse-than it did 20+ years ago on my eMachines pc at the time.

How the FRICK is this possible? I never got to play Tiberian Sun back in the day (I played it, suffering through 5fps as long as I could stand, mind) and now it looks like I might not ever get to heh

We need a total shutdown on EA remasters until we can figure out what the heck is going on



Yeah that was where I got the third party file that fixed the RA2 Windows Steam release. Tiberian Sun works pretty well on Steam Deck too apparently, just like RA2 did, so it may be a Wangblows 11 issue as much as anything else heh

Going to strongly consider dual booting into Steam OS at minimum in the future given how unhinged Windows 11 is


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I hate those oversexualized voices of jap women.


I miss this. Professional VAs are some of the biggest faggots on the planet, and they're a waste of money given that amateurs who are just trying their best adds more charm anyway. Stuff like that is a product of its time that can't be deliberately replicated, because trying to do so would turn it into "ironic" cynical shit. Dedicated localization teams have been nothing but a blight.


They're shit now because the localization industry is full of kike nepobaby retards with Steve Blumenthal as their regent lord. Quality isn't a concern, only replacing clear phonetic mentions of America with Kuwait in Angel Cop's subtitles matters. Can't have the goyim catching onto any anti-semitic messaging.


Delver is stupid. The only thing that is remotely lethal is explosive damage. I either die to an explosive jar, a jar that contained a random bomb or using a fire wand and getting killed by splash damage even though it appears that my target is far away.


recently downloaded duckstation

rec me some ps1/ps2 games

i currently have:
>spiderman (ps1)
>dino crisis 2
>crash bandicoot (might delete this)


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in settings
bios -> enable fast boot
console -> increase read speedup to 3x(6x speed), don't go higher or some games won't launch or will crash, don't change anything else here
display -> set renderer to d3d11 hardware, all other renderers are buggier or slower
display -> i think bilinear sharp looks better than bilinear smooth
display -> i crop all borders, haven't had an issue
display -> turn off OSD messages i think they're annoying
enhancements -> internal resolution scale to automatic
enhancements -> turn on true color rendering
enhancements -> disable interlacing
enhancements -> turn on geometry correction and culling correction, unsure about perspective correct textures i think it might've added intermittent flickering texture bug to grandia so it's off for me


im not doing all that



Playing Icewind Dale rn
I never had the patience to learn how to play it in the past-and even still with access to the 400 page manual certain important things remain cryptic for now (how tf do I bind my mage's spell to her hot bar ffs)-but I've managed to make it to the second town which is much further than I'd expected to get heh

On the topic of voice acting most of the acted npcs and the narrator are great, it's charming in its old-fashioned sincerity.


Oh, you just right-click it heh


You were trying to memorize them from the spellbook, right?


Yeah I figured it out eventually. It's not quite as un-intuitive as I thought. If I didn't have access to this manual (no real thanks to Steam other than hosting an independent post on the game's page), it would be mortifying. Even still it's pretty obtuse though. I don't think it says anything about how memorizing spell scrolls can fail, in game or out, for example. At least not in a specific way

>t. the one "Identify [item]" scroll available in the town ended up failing


RNG can be pretty brutal on CRPGs unless you savescum constantly.




didnt ask what you have for breakfast


Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of having to play that way-but when they have a frequent auto-save and quick save is hard baked and even hotkeyed into the gameplay mechanics I feel like the devs are telling you that it's the way the game is meant to be played. I haven't died THAT many times since learning how to play, but I have been penalized with appreciably worse loot rolls after having had to retry and that feels like punishment enough I suppose.


why not?


Cleared a cave called Discotheque on Pikmin 4 today. The boss was a real cocksmoker. It's basically a rave party Long Legs-class boss. It has a strobe light body that changes colors as it shifts between phases. It starts out blue, then changes colors after enough damage (pink -> yellow -> red) and it plays dance music. It also periodically spews gas out that charms pikmin to dance beneath it (whistling doesn't free them) and speeds up with every phase. It's weird, though. You could just attack it a bit, stay out of range for a bit and it will reset to the starting phase retaining damage. Wonder how much of a bastard this guy is on a speedrun, because I really didn't like fighting it during yellow and red phases. The choice of colors for the phases is also misleading. The cave recommends taking red and yellow pikmin before entering and you can turn 10 of them into fairy pikmin over the course of the cave. I got all my fairy pikmin charmed on my first attempt because I thought pink lights means they're immune to the gas during that phase. I tried off-color pikmin depending on the strobe colors too. It's entirely arbitrary. Bit of a stupid design choice in my opinion.


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That sounds lovely and magickal.


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Whew I'm stoned.


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Codebro, I got a HDD off of Amazon that's compatible with my laptop, and reinstalled everything, and it's working well, but I think the other one is well and truly dead.

What cloud sharing platforms do you recommend that have a lot of bandwidth that I can use in the future to back up important shit on the cloud/in addition to my externals?


why the fuck would you buy a slow noisy hdd instead of a sata ssd
go return it before the return window
your waifus gonna kick it again n u'll b crying

$150 AUD for Kingston KC600 1TB SSD

if you're really stingy get the Corsair MX500 for $100 but recent batches reportedly have a high failure rate (around 20%), but it's otherwise high quality like the KC600 if you're not one of the unlucky 1/5

>What cloud sharing platforms do you recommend that have a lot of bandwidth that I can use in the future to back up important shit on the cloud/in addition to my externals?

b2 pay-as-you-go is cheapest, they charge by storage so if you have 1 TB you'll pay $6 USD per month, if it's 0.5TB then $3/mo, etc.
their phone app https://www.backblaze.com/apps/mobile

but a samsung bar plus USB should be good enough unless you really need the mobility


Icewind dale is beatable without savescumming, especially if you're familiar with dnd.



I believe it. tbh I never wiped or came close to wiping once-have just had the (for now, somewhat useless) dart-spamming mage preset character get crit twice because of bad positioning and/or pathing, and chose to go back a save instead of playing it out and reviving her at the temple. Oh actually my berserker died once to these fat little beetle fellas as well. If this was the year 2000 and the game just came out I would feel a little ashamed of myself maybe, but I feel like I just want to get through this one at a brisk pace without taking too much extra time for largely arbitrary stuff like that; got nuffin' to prove these days innit


I just got the one with the same model as my actual laptop, for compatability because I was concerned it wouldn't run on my Asus X550J.

I'll definitely look into Pay-As-You-Go, $6 USD is pretty good tbh


When I was a kid I couldn't beat that game without cheating since I was too dumb to understand the mechanics. The class disparity in 2e is so outrageous there's never any reason to play a pure caster or rogue. Multi/dual-classing fighter is practically required, otherwise you can't hit a god damn thing while also having bones made out of glass.


nigga windows 10 isn't even designed to run on an HDD. windows 8.1 is the last windows OS that can run decently on an HDD.


don't torture urself with that shit. never heard of any motherboard chipset limiting which 2.5in SATA drives ur allowed to install. get the kc600, it's the best deal for reliability (failure rates) and performance. show me any other cheaper SSD and i can show you why it's shit.

convert the hdd to an external drive with a SATA USB 3.0/3.1 enclosure if you done goofed on the return window


Back in the day "savescumming" wasn't considered cheating. It was just what you do. Don't feel bad about it.

Cheesing the game mechanics is also valid. For example you can stack your wizard with fireballs, lightning bolts, and cones of cold, and then send him into a room, nuke all the enemies, and then rest to regain the spells. Rinse and repeat. It sounds stupid but tbh that's the way some real dnd games go too LOL.


Casters in 2e are more role specific. They aren't suppose to hit things, although clerics can do it in a pinch. They are suppose to cast spells, and when those spells are gone, they stand back and do nothing.

Clerics heal and buff.
Wizards shoot fireballs.
Thieves unlock doors and disarm traps.
Fighters/Paladins mop up after the wizard nukes the room.

Multiclassing fighter with your caster makes them more versatile but you lose access to the better spells, which is the whole reason your brought a caster.


It's extremely easy if you know how to cheese it, but likely much harder for people who don't know. Also as a side note, I never understood people who play meta builds in actual DND. Seems autistic as fuck. Smashing through campaigns isn't really the point of pen and paper RPGs. It's more like an acceptable form of playing make-believe for adults, like when kids would raid the closet and pretend to be pirates or cowboys or whatever.


>Multiclassing fighter with your caster makes them more versatile but you lose access to the better spells, which is the whole reason your brought a caster.
You don't really lose access to better spells, it just takes longer to level up IIRC, which can be mitigated by running a leaner party in IWD. The casters are going to almost entirely be dead-weight for the first couple of levels, so from a "meta-gaming" perspective running a full party with pure casters is kind of a trap.


We should play one of the infinity engine games in MP sometime. Seems like it would be fun.


A lot of people, especially those coming to tabletop gaming from a video game background, can't wrap their head around roleplaying. They see rpgs as being like jrpgs, complex battle systems involving number crunching and fighting monsters and getting exp, rather than the systems being there to facilitate roleplaying in a make believe world.

Blame final fantasy I guess.

There is a finite pool of exp in any game, and icewind dale in particular. I don't believe the enemies respawn so it's not like you can grind them to level up higher if you gimp yourself. First level casters are absolutely useless yes, but the first few areas of icewind dale (and any rpg tbh) are pretty easy and you can make do.

>running a full party with pure casters is kind of a trap

Sure, but you're suppose to have a diverse party. Standard rpg stuff. A cleric to heal, a fighter or a barb to tank, a wizard to nuke, a thief to open doors, that sort of thing. At earlier levels the physical classes like fighter dominate but later on the casters outclass them by orders of magnitude. It isn't balanced in the slightest but that's dnd for you.


why so you can IP grab and stalk us?


I think I would be down for it.

>I don't believe the enemies respawn so it's not like you can grind them to level up higher if you gimp yourself.
Pretty sure ambush spawns from resting are infinite.
>It isn't balanced in the slightest but that's dnd for you.
It's not necessarily a bad thing, but the disparity feels more drastic than IWD2 and 3E. Even pure rogues have shitty THAC0 for some god-forsaken reason. Not min-maxing is based, but it's rough when little Timmy is going in blind. Tangentially related, but it's funny that a lot of people seemed to have a similar issue with Morrowind as a kid.


I post here raw so I couldn't really do that and get away with it even if I ever thought about doing that a single time in my life.


>couldn't figure out why "Inspect" spell wasn't working
>had to do more reading to learn that you can't wear armor and cast spells at the same time


>Pretty sure ambush spawns from resting are infinite.

You're right, that's true. Grinding those feels like an exploit though tbh. Although I'd also say resting every room for 8 hours feels like an exploit (and is massively immersion breaking) but that's just kinda what you do in dnd so...

>but it's rough when little Timmy is going in blind

An unfortunate thing about most dnd games, with the possible exception of neverwinter nights 2, is that they assume you're already familiar with the system to some extent I think. There's very little handholding to explain the mechanics. I bet not-hdv had to look up that lower armor class is better in 2e for example. It isn't intuitive.

When most kids picked up morrowind, they went into that cave outside of sneedna neen (basically the tutorial dungeon) and tried punching the bandits with a dagger, and got killed after seeing MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS appear on the screen 40 times. It's a good game but that sort of shit is just bad game design, and turns people off the game before they've even gotten started.


Clerics can wear heavy armor and cast spells but they are the only class... I think. I can't remember if druids can wear light armor.


>first major dungeon in the game
>come upon a large door with gears and such obstructing the path shortly after a very pain in the ass fight with a powerful skellington
>alludes to the presence of a nearby switch that should open it
>explore the entire floor and clear every chest and item cache by any other name
>there's no switch or visual indication of there being a switch in this room
>reading 20+ year old forum post about how to progress at this point, they claim the switch is on one of the three pillars
>just not seeing it


File: 1725166012305.png 586.41 KB, 725x561, switch.png

"Oh, here it is"


When you do see it it's pretty obvious-but the combination of Fog of War, multiple line tangents with details on the floor and a complementary color scheme it doesn't make it easy to see in the moment. I guess you can press "tab" to see clickable stuff which would have been helpful to know


Back in the day, the game would have come with an instruction manual that had all the keybinds.


That was the first really interesting dungeon of the game. Congrats on getting through it.


Pill me on dis


I don't actually know how well these games run in multiplayer. Just always been curious about it. Looks like you can assign characters to players or let them create their own. I saw some lobbies when I looked at multiplayer, but didn't try joining any.


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Trying Brave again, updated GPU driver, hopefully I don't get the YouTube stuttering issue again. Firefox's GPU Process gradual memory leak is unacceptable (GPU Process alone is currently using 2GB(!!!) in about:processes), they're never going to fix this pile of shit, this has been a problem for several years it seems.


They (Firefox) are literally controlled opposition from google with a pampered, do-nothing femoid CEO. I think it was 80-90% of their funding and 100% of their marching orders comes directly from google heh. Brave for all its flaws is ostensibly the new Firefox


Concord is already shutting down.


those damn far righters making the game shit with their nazi powers




Would you prefer the dates here remain "09/03/24" as default and "X Y ago" when hovering the cursor or "X Y ago" as default and "09/03/24" when hovering the cursor?


Dates are more useful for dead websites such as this, if it ever gets archived.


Yeah it's better for archive.org. I can change it so it changes/replaces it immediately to "X Y ago" while hovering and then back to the date when not hovering instead of just a tooltip which has a 1 second delay, but that might be too annoying/distracting.


Think I found a fix for the YouTube stuttering thing in Brave. It started stuttering again on YouTube after some time yesterday, but going to brave://flags and then switching Graphics Backend from the default D3D11 setting to OpenGL seems to have gotten rid of the stuttering.



Trying out Cassette Beasts. Seems pretty gay so far. They have a pronoun option in character creation. There is a fusion feature that is interesting, but after fusing the first time the girl you fused with talks about it like you had casual sex. The music is lame too.


There's a gang of people called Landkeepers on Cassette Beasts. Commies complaining about landlords in their video game.


Uh, based? Landlords are parasites.


Videos of people buying cheap retro video games from retarded old people at yard sales piss me off because I know the buyers don't give a shit about any of that stuff past reselling it for jacked prices.


Bought Pokemon Scarlet with the DLC pass for one of my kid brothers. Can't believe the base game is still $60. With the pass I paid around 110USD. Nintendo is so jewish. I should get my hacked console working again so I can play Violet with him for free locally. Gonna be quite a few hours of work to accomplish that though.


cry about it


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It belongs in a museum!


part time


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the jews shred your health pretty quickly on this game


Pretty good for a RPG Maker game. It reminds me of Berserk in a lot of ways given how fucked up it can be.


This trailer might be a bit better than the previous one.


looks garbage


Weird since it's not a game about your pathetic life?




It's a fun game. Probably the only turn-based RPG I've enjoyed in years that aren't pokemon romhacks.





You're nostalgic for generic CoD entry #6,000,001. That series is beloved by little gay squeakers. Zero room to be calling anyone a manchild.


cod is way less shit than pokemon, manchild


also stop going through my post history you loser


Nobody needs to do that to know who you are.


>CoD is way less shit
Literally the most stale FPS series in existence. You probably unironically listen to Eminem, too. Literal boy taste.

>muh post history muh muh muh mod boogeyman muh!!!1

Not a mod and don't need to go through your post history when you posted about it yesterday, retard.


Pikmin 4 has annoying lock-on targeting, which seems to do more harm than good. I remember it being a lot easier to one-shot the little bulborbs by throwing a pikmin on their backs. Now the pikmin land on their faces.


STONKS-9800 is kind of a cute game. Japanese stock market simulator. Been playing it off and on for a bit.


you eat shit and are gay
imagine defending pokemon
literally how
>Not a mod and don't need to go through your post history when you posted about it yesterday, retard.
yes you do, stalker mong
ok grow up
grow up


>hurr how is sequel to the game that solidified the series formula for the past 17 years stale durr??? *drools*
Even Pokemon has been more innovative during the same span of time. You're just a retard i.e. you are on the level of a child mentally.

>h-hurr u really r stalking me mod!!

You only believe this because you have the memory of an insect, so you can't relate to anyone without retardation.


you play pokemon, youre a retarded manchild, nothing you say to me i care about


Just one more way you're an autistic, immature, overcompensating retard.

>Me big adult, me play big adult army man game for 10-year-olds.

Like holy shit, what a pathetic faggot lol.


The funny thing is, all they had to do was reduce the price slightly, and include both DLCs together, and it would've been fine.
That and not release a glitchy mess.


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What's wrong with pokemon? I have some romhacks on my phone because they're convenient and quality enough as a mobile distraction


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So Brave/Chromium has the exact same problem but at least unlike in Firefox I can end GPU Process without restarting the browser to reclaim memory from 2GB down to 300MB.


noone cares


I think the DLC was sold like a season pass deal originally. You only paid once for staggered content in two installments, as far as I recall. It was called "Hidden Treasure of Area Zero" and the first installment was "Teal Mask" with second being "Indigo Disk", releasing a few months apart.

Just spent a bunch of time comparing price histories of AAA games released around the same time and I guess Nintendo actually isn't that far off not only from other Japanese publishers, but Western ones too. I just usually buy a bunch of shit on sale or off Humble, so the $110 for the game and two DLC felt more shocking than it should have. Still jewish, but I guess the entire industry is and I just forgot due to changing purchasing habits a long time ago.


Tyrone's big black willie isn't going to suck itself avid.


Recc me some pokemon romhacks.


shut up troon


Crystal Clear is an open-world hack where you can start in any town I think. Also have like 24 different starters to choose from. What sucks is the fags who made it jammed original donut steal characters and nigger trannies into it, too. I think the image from >>87240 is a screenshot of it. Looks similar at least.

Radical Red for FireRed is probably the most popular difficulty hack for any of the games.

Liquid Crystal is just Crystal ported to the FireRed/LeafGreen engine.

Emerald Rogue is just Emerald as a roguelike (randomly generated routes and trainers, stronger items and pokemon appear the farther you get into a run).

Fool's Gold is Gold version but every pokemon has a new typing and sprite.

Pokemon Glazed is a romhack with 3 regions. Don't know how many pokemon it has, but has an assortment up to gen 5 I think. I remember a romhack having a quest log like a MMO and I think this was the one.

Pokemon Clover made by /vp/ on 4chan. All the pokemon are custom. Never played it so don't know if it's fun. I think it has moot and W.T. Snacks as legendary pokemon.

Pokemon Vega, made by a Japanese team. Has a lot of new pokemon, but also mixed with real ones kinda like actual pokemon games.

There are a ton of prepatched roms on this website: https://www.pokeharbor.com/

Sometimes the roms there are glitchy, though. In which case, you should find the .ips patch file and use a web app version of Lunar IPS to patch the clean roms, though I haven't looked into good websites for base roms since Vimm's layer got closed.


Pokemon glazed sounds like avid's kind of game.

>moot and W.T. Snacks as legendary pokemon

Kind of cool heh. I will look into that one.


>Kind of cool heh. I will look into that one.

of course you will, manchild


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Looks like no Snacks, at least not as a pokemon. My bad.


Bring back snacks.


Emerald Rogue sounds like exactly what I'm looking for


haha le ebin anonalouse is winz0rZ amirite!!!!


whats the hell are a videos games


It's pretty nice, condenses the formula quite a bit. A Pokemon roguelike seems like such an obvious idea to make, considering how much variety the series has and the popularity of the nuzlocke ruleset. I think Emerald Rogue DX has some new pokemon or forms, too. Don't entirely recall, but I swear I remember getting a Galarian Zapdos (fighting/flying instead of electric/flying, looks like a roadrunner) during a run. Could've been a dream.


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One of the coolest legendaries ever, in my opinion. I like Buzzwole a lot too. Reminds me of a JoJo stand.


Command and Conquer Tiberian Sun works great on the Deck but, gosh is it a slow game compared to Red Alert 2 heh. Every mission feels like a slog. A mission that would otherwise take 15-20 minutes takes an hour because of a hidden structure somewhere on the map that so slowly reveals itself. The structures build very slowly and the resource gathering moves at a snails pace. You can turn the game speed up but it's just silly to have the units move comically fast.


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tony hawks underground


>DSP getting called an idiot by an 11-year-old girl on VR Chat


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This "game" sure has a lot of spergs on it. Seemed like every single thing to come out of the Ninetales kid's mouth was bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch. I tried it out one time when it was new. Walked around a server full of avatars you could clone. Some guy was running around as Kermit doing his voice to say stuff like "1488 gas the kikes race war now!"


🅱️attle 🅱️rothers
After all these years, it is our time now


I was playing Enshrouded (open world survivor, similar to Valheim/Ark) but it doesn't run well on my pc - rx 580, i5 9400f (mid range from about 2 years ago I guess). The game itself isn't enough to inspire me to upgrade. I guess its a bit of fun to see people's house/base builds on yt. I prolly spent like 25 hours on it at least. It seemed like you could spend a ton of time constructing a house/base the way you wanted to, there were few limitations. And the gameplay loop was fun - do quests and otherwise go out into the pve enviro to find stuff to upgrade your gear, it was rewarding. A new Ark game - that is actually good - would be good...


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Why does Sony keep making one bad decision after another? Pretty soon they'll be as bad as me.


No disc drive no buy


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Guy relentlessly trolls a GMod RP server to the smooth sounds of Casiopea.


One of my brothers randomly brought over his Steam Deck. I got the new family sharing thing running with him and another account for the family to use. Don't have a huge library to share, just a few hundred games, but I guess they made game sharing a lot less gay now. It doesn't stop you from playing any game if another account is playing anything from your library anymore, so this will help to avoid unnecessary repurchases between us all. The only real limitation is that however many accounts in the same family can only play the same game simultaneously based on how many licenses the family has in total for that specific game. Gonna take forever to install Yakuza 7, but gonna try that out on the Steam Deck at some point. I think I can play singleplayer games in offline mode without kicking my family off of my account at their house.


Deck having SEGA/Xbox layout is throwing me off since it's shaped like a switch lol (A/B and X/Y are swapped between SEGA/Xbox and Nintendo)


Coming from a Snoy Playstation background I feel like I'll never get used to the X/Y A/B thing heh


At least most of the face buttons are unique. I think the deck has a setting to swap the button functionality and I usually don't have the lights on to see the faces anyway so I might use that.

Also I wish Xboxes went forward with the original plan to be backwards compatible with Dreamcast. I kinda want to jailbreak my OG box. Actually seems like one of the better systems to softmod.


>A lot of people, especially those coming to tabletop gaming from a video game background, can't wrap their head around roleplaying. They see rpgs as being like jrpgs, complex battle systems involving number crunching and fighting monsters and getting exp, rather than the systems being there to facilitate roleplaying in a make believe world.

I was thinking about this and I don't agree with this perspective. Especially earlier editions of D&D read like they're meant to be meat-grinders, where you are expected to re-roll fairly frequently. The idea that the mechanics are supposed to take a back-seat to the role playing elements seems like the more modern sensibility. For example when I tried to get back into D&D a few years ago every DM was very obviously soft-balling encounters, and that's a big reason I never stuck around. I don't expect them to make brutally difficult campaigns(even though that would be based), but I expect them to play optimally for the encounters they've created. They didn't because they all have the believe that the story takes precedence over the actual game.


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>The idea that the mechanics are supposed to take a back-seat to the role playing elements seems like the more modern sensibility. For example when I tried to get back into D&D a few years ago every DM was very obviously soft-balling encounters
I'm teaching people how to play TTRPGs right now. I tell them it's like reading a story, where you control a single character in a story and the GM controls everything else. The game system introduces an element of chance, balance and fairness

It's okay to fudge rolls in secret occasionally if it results in greater fun for all parties, but typically the most fun thing of all is pure random chance. Full party death is fun. Maiming, crippling, all the terrible things out there make the game have real stakes and genuine fun

If the players act like retards they should all die like retards. There's absolutely zero fun to be had if the characters have God on their team and can't lose at all


TLDR: playing with cheats isn't fun


Space Marine 2 works pretty good on the Steam Deck. Just have to lower the resolution to 1024 x 768 but it doesn't look too bad; still some pretty significant frame drops in scenes with a lot of Guardsmen and Tyranid swarms but it's very playable


Min-maxxing nerds can be annoying, I think it's valid to be invested in the gameplay mechanics and playing well too, of course, but I agree it's really about group storytelling first heh


Shining Force 1 and 2 are a buck a piece on Steam. Not even a sale. Obviously you can just emulate them for free and they're ancient, but the price is very surprisingly un-kiked.


The Darkside Detective is a lot of fun heh. I don't normally like point and clicks but this one is pretty well made. No moon logic puzzles.


Tiny Rogues is pretty fun. Very similar to Isaac.


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Beat Emerald Rogue. Alcremie was my MVP


Didn't know Obstagoon has such a flamboyant shiny.


I own them both through the silly Sega Classics frontend. Two of my favorites along with Phantasy Star IV heh


I realized that after I downloaded them. I bought Golden Axe and something else awhile back for it. The SEGA/Megadrive emulator is bad, but at least it doesn't make you buy it separately and all those games come with a copy of it if you didn't have one previously. Playing for free on a superior emulator is still better, but SF games are so good that I'd still consider $1 each a great deal for them.

They have a lot of good SRPGs on Steam. Wonder why they haven't made a FFT port yet. Would be nice if they ported the GBA and DS sequels too.


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Beat Space Marine 2 last night. Was pogging and soy facing throughout much of the closing acts. Good hammerslop; minimal woke shit but it is present to some degree (why is the Imperial Guard leader an Indian woman lmfao). Ran into a few glitches but nothing too serious or game breaking, for what story there was it was enjoyable, especially if you played the first game (which I played through for the second time right before).


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My sleeping habits might have gotten worse since I started playing this a year ago.


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Would be cool if they made it so you can transfer mons to the main games like you can with Go.


Also, I wasted half my master balls on the Suicune event and all the ones after the first (which is seeded to have the same rolls for everyone) were bad. You can only get one master ball every 30 days.

Kinda wondering if they plan to do another GSC game soon. Scarlet and Violet have dinosaur paradox forms of the legendary beasts and the first trio they added to Sleep was the beasts. Maybe it'll be a Let's Go sequel. GSC is miles ahead of RGBY, so it could actually be pretty fun as a Let's Go entry.


Against the Storm is incredibly addictive heh. DLC coming out soon. Game is adding frogs... :D


People who criticize Bethesda for "MUH ENGINE" are dumb retard idiots, who have no idea what they're talking about. Of all the problems with their games, that isn't a major one. It should not be the first thing anyone mentions. It feels like a microsoft psyop to save face for how shit Starfield is.


Don't know about Creation, but I swear Todd Howard complained about Gamebryo at some point. Or some prominent Bethesda member did. I also recall them claiming adding co-op would be too hard, but Gamebryo is apparently geared for MMOs.


If a Bethesda executive complained about it, then it was probably just a poor excuse for something. The sentiment seems to originate from idiots on /v/, that then got spread to a wider audience through youtubers. Using their own engine over crap like unreal or unity is one thing I actually applaud them for. In fact, if they released a stand-alone version to the public, I would use it, simply due to how comfortable I am with modding Skyrim. It would probably be quite a hit with indie-developers.


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>Nintendo and The Pokémon Company filed a lawsuit against "Pokémon with guns" game Palworld this week, officially kicking off a fight that's been looming since January.


>Kiyoshi Kurihara, a Japanese patent attorney and consultant on intellectual property spoke to Yahoo Japan on the lawsuit (translated by Automaton), and pointed to a “killer patent” that revolves around the mechanic of catching Pokémon itself.

>Aiming a capture item (Poké Ball) at a character placed on the field (Pokémon), releasing the capture item in a direction determined by player input, judgment of whether capturing is successful or not upon contact between the capture item and Pokémon, and changing of the Pokémon’s status to “owned by the player” when capturing is successful. In addition, the patent also covers the mechanic of having capture probability displayed to the player, regardless of whether it uses colors, graphics or numbers.


So what about Robopon, Coromon, Nexomon, Cassette Beasts, TemTem, etc?


The lawsuit is specifically for Japanese copyright law, which is only valid in Japan.


japan is one giant carnival game


OK, Robopon is/was a Fatlus/Hudsoft series. Why didn't they get sued when the games had you catch robots with magnets the same exact way Pokemon has you catch monsters in capsules?


So does Nintendo have a good chance with this lawsuit against Palworld? Is this in a US or Japanese court?


My friend got me this game called Death Must Die and I didn't wanna hurt his feelings but this is basically a fidget spinner, not a game. I still don't mind it though cos my spastic ass likes fidget spinners.

>What if Diablo I and Hades had a baby, only, you don't even really have a dungeon map and you just keep spamming attack?


I've played a lot of that. It's a pretty grindy game, at least it was for me because they added the talent tree in the act 2 update and didn't give old players any fast track talent points. It feels like you can't push higher difficulties without heavy investment since the last tier or two on the talents have skills that significantly affect playstyle. Getting the right gear to start pushing torment levels is also quite grindy. I still don't have most of the unique gear for meta builds. Guess talents are a bit nice to compensate for that. What I found good to prioritize on gear are god die stats (alteration, banish, reroll) because pushing higher difficulties requires very specific builds. Gear that also affects rarity upgrade and level upgrade are decent too.

I will say it's certainly more involved than other survivor clones merely for limiting your move speed when you are attacking. Been playing a similar game that just left early access called Halls of Torment. It's more braindead than DMD. I like the art style, but I probably won't play much after I get it back up to 100% completion. The nice thing about these braindead games is they tend to be cheaply priced. They're basically just ego stroking and watching numbers go up and tons of enemies all dying at once. There is a really bad soyjak survivor clone on Steam that runs like shit and is buggy as hell. I think it might be abandoned now, too. The dev said he would fix a bug that is keeping players from a pacifist ending to one of the levels months ago and hasn't said anything since.


The steam workshop is some gay shit that actively tries to prevent you from managing your own mods or tweaking your own files. I hate steam-niggers and valve enthusiasts. They shit on consoles, yet use a centralized platform for their gayms anyway like the cattle they are.


Nexus and all those other "mod organizers" are also gay, just less fat and gay than Gayben Shitfactory to different extents.


They're less gay, because at the very least you are able to download the files directly without using 3rd party software. Steam is cancer and just because other PC game platforms are worse doesn't change that.


no your the gay one


Fagvid, it is well-known you suck on Gaybe Jewell's micro-chode.


that post wasnt me skitzo


>Q: I installed the mod, but got error 0xc0000142 when I try to run the game.
>A: This error is known to occur when people install mods on pirated copies of XCOM. The mod only works with legitimate Steam versions of the mod. This includes the boxed DVD version, which requires Steam to install. While this occurs because of something the pirates did (and not us), we don't support pirated versions and will not troubleshoot these problems; the solution is to buy a legit copy of the game.

LMAO at modders spreading disinfo. The saddest part is I guarantee this affects a lot of poor saps who actually did buy the game. These mods won't even work on the steam deck without troubleshooting, but they'll blame the pirates for something they did intentionally. It is an error code for corrupt files, and while it is true that the DRM known as "steam" is responsible for this in a lot of cases, there are a lot of ways to circumvent this. I've seen a lot of little bitch modders attempting this, but they're not hurting me, they're hurting their fellow buy-cucks. They're lucky that I really don't want to muck around with UDK just to fix their shit out of spite.


>Behavior of cooked content in the Editor

>Once you have versioned and cooked assets you can drop them into your content folder and they will show up as expected.

Assets will be read-only, and it is not possible to open editors for these assets (e.g. view a material in the material editor, or open the static mesh editor for meshes).
>Special care must be taken when the content has references to other content. To preserve any references cooked content has to be put into the same folder structure as it was originally in and cooked assets cannot be moved/renamed once cooked. The editor may not handle the additional .uexp/.ubulk files properly in some cases (e.g. when deleting a cooked asset through the content browser, its .uexp/.ubulk files may not be deleted).

Unreal is retarded shit. This is how a lot of mods for Unreal games cause CTDs, because somebody dared to have files on a different directory. IT'S THE PIRATE'S FAULT FOR ALLOWING YOU THE FREEDOM TO NOT USE STEAM DRM THOUGH!


you are the most pathetic manchild on this board with this nerd shit, seriously touch some fucking grass, i am feeling second-hand embarrassment from you reading this


It's a hell of a lot better than reading your constant whining, fucking faggot.


Avid this routine is getting old. Also it's me who's competing for top prize in second-hand embarrassment in 4chon, not him. この勝負、いただきよ!✌️ (This match will be mine!)


your a major pedo faggot too and shut the fuck up already




i didnt make that post you retard


whats the status on palworld lawsuit


Fuck knows. Wonder if there's already a betting market for that over who will prevail.


couldn't nintendo just bankrupt palworld by dragging it out?


No they said they'd fight it otherwise they would've folded like Yuzu if it seemed clear they lacked the money


Skitzovid can't remember all the gay-seeking posts he's made




Where... are we...?




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My delight at Space Marine 2 had me remembering some old tangentially-related fiction I enjoyed throughout much of the early 2000s, so I thought I'd reacquaint myself with it for old time's sake.





yay for resellers raping the secondhand collectibles market!!!


This is why piracy exists.


Also the dude is still writing those books like 20 years later. There's absolutely tons of them now.

After the first few you really start to notice how samey they are ("If I had known what was waiting for me, I would have shot myself for desertion!") but the books are still pretty entertaining.


hey is there a dating sim but with black men and the main character is an anglo british man who doesn't have a job and lives off welfare? asking for a friend who happens to be gay and wants to play something he can relate to



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Yeah the gimmick is easy to recognize but I do remember enjoying them nonetheless. It's somehow handled well enough to where it didn't completely bore me by the time I finished what books I'd had at that point. I guess a new one came out just last year after a fairly long hiatus (well, last two books were five years apart, it seems) which is probably why the (newer) old ones cost a small fortune now heh

Luckily the first three are still reasonable, I believe I had at minimum the second omnibus though as well, so seeing it go for $100+ is brutal. Guess I'll have to put in extra hours at work l-lol!


I'm glad .pdf piracy is an extremely healthy market, but admittedly I just have a hard time reading anything of the scope of a book for enjoyment's sake on a computer screen. Assuming they were a meme I'd nonetheless heard surprisingly good things about e-readers though, maybe I could try one at some point-one of those would fit more easily in my budget than the books themselves would


Wonder how reading on a Deck would be.


I tried it. It sucked lol. Hard to describe but it's just not a good resolution or format for reading in that way.


PDFs are only usable on 10+ inch e-readers and they're not cheap, like $400 minimum. Same with manga or graphic novels if you're into that kind of thing. Note Air2 Plus and Meebook P10 Pro are the minimum standard.


Easy to find epubs, which work well on even cheapo e-readers.


Wonder if there is an easy way to use it in portrait mode? Y'know, for wanting to copy Switch, it's a shame they didn't make the control bits more compact, lightweight and detachable.


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Mulgore... home...


Comfiest place in WoW is Silvermoon City imho. I miss all zones though, this entire game was an experience like no other back in the 2000s

t. alliance


Was using my brothers VR headset a few weeks ago and walking around Elwynn Forest. WoW is dead but it's pretty cool that many of the zones are preserved nicely in the VR realm


The blood elf inns are the best. Nice dim lighting, cushions everywhere, think there were even hookahs. Always been a Horde player. Thought it was cool being able to pick between playing minotaur or zombie or green man from another planet.


>PS1 Native vs 4K60 Upscaled Emulation | Gran Turismo 2 Duckstation Comparison

There's something about the wobbling pixels in the original that makes it feel more "alive" than the upscaled high resolution emulation which makes it feels static, stale and dead. It's similar to how scanlines add the illusion of shading to low resolution 2D pixel art. Goes to show that aesthetics and the art of motion is always more important than graphic realism or "graphic fidelity" (resolution, number of polygons, using raytracing, etc.); the latter should be treated as bonuses at best, not the focus.


One of the top comments reminds of a good point: older game visuals were designed for a different peripheral than what is now standard. I still have a few CRTs that I use almost daily and very old games look nicer on them than they do on whatever the current standard is called.


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AFAIK Ryujinx isn't actually baleeted. Apparently plenty of forks still exist, so I'm sure many private backups also do. Nintendo can't into fighting a hydra.


A fork by a dev who actually knows what he's doing? Nonexistent. Zilch. I don't think you understand how complex emulation programming is and the amount of reverse engineering that is required of proprietary blackboxed hardware and firmware that you'd need to do to be able to obtain the technical expertise for this esoteric specialized knowledge. Because it is cutting edge knowledge, you can't just ask ChatGPT to do for you. Emulation development of modern hardware is more complicated than any of the development that high-six-figure Big Tech yuppies do, and it's thankless work (Yuzu devs made lots of money off Patreon but they lost it in legal fees and AFAIK are in debt now). Yuzu spawned hundreds of forks since it got shut down and not a single one has gained any improvement whatsoever, they literally just changed readme files at best. An 8-year-old can make a GitHub account and spawn a "fork" of anything, it means nothing.


That's not the point at all. I wasn't talking on further development. I'm saying the software is still completely accessible even if the main repo is gone.


wish i had a copy of this when i was 7 or so years old

had the DOOM at least


yeah it relies on hiding the lack of environment detail behind visual artefacts, it needs to look like crap or it will look like crap, it has to obscure things to ensure that the viewer fills in the detail that isn't ackhually there or technically possible

in contrast doom with it's original textures seems to scale well to modern high resolution (as long as some shitty blurry gpu texture filtering isn't used which zdoom had as the default setting for opengl for very long time). gzdoom has a few effects like ambient occlusion that actually adds to the atmosphere adding fake soft shadows in the room corners, voxel models are very fitting to the style and surface gpu shaders e.g. reflections and depth-maps can look cool


Looks like the meta quest 2-3 are or have developed a good "log" (idk the right term soz) of games. But I'm not made of money so can't justify $800aud on the mq3. Still, e.g. asgards wrath 2 looks cool and potentially fun and addictive etc, as do a lot of fps.


Yes the zones and the enviro and its art style did have this particular charm to it didn't it. I vaguely remember something like, once getting my mount, ih wait nvm this was some flying mount ferry service - getting on the ride which took like 10-15 minutes or something, and I'd go make a[nother] cup of chai latte heh or jarrah french vanilla instant coffee t. - 2007/burning crusade fire mage gnome. I remember reading the alliance consistently lost to the horde in battle arena thingies or whatever (they were fun too even though I'm pretty sure there were no Aussie servers so the 200+ ping was so bad you'd literally get rekt by a troll assassin or whatever it was called without knowing how). And I thought it was because the horde attracted older and/or more mature players for some reason.


>alliance consistently lost to the horde
Maybe true in much of the PVP content, but Alterac was bullshit. Alliance got a bridge for defending the dwarf boss and Horde got a gay ramp.


>I remember reading the alliance consistently lost to the horde in battle arena thingies or whatever
The Horde have better racial abilities for combat

>And I thought it was because the horde attracted older and/or more mature players for some reason

Correct. Less foids too

I played WoW back in the era before they combined all servers together for instances/battlegrounds, and from what I recall it was near universally the larger faction that won all the time in BGs. My servers were always majority Horde and so the Alliance almost always lost, which was fine with me

It was preferable to get instance battlegrounds as an Ally player and lose, rather than take 30 minutes to an hour to get into a BG and win as a Horde player

Regardless, world PvP was the absolute goat WoW experience. Nothing else in the game was remotely comparable
>raiding capital cities
>camping in cities, camping in the battleground rooms and ganking max level pvpers when they exit BGs mostly dead
>deep blood fueds with other players, hunting them down across the jungle or desert and murdering each other repeatedly
>knocking people out of the sky so they fall to death
>controlling raid demons in the outlands, flying above enemy towns and having the demons destroy everything
>dropping internals in Horde starting zones and having them butcher dozens and dozens of noob players
>lowbies running away from the infernals slowly melt to death and die from the flame aura of the infernal

Peak gaming


STV was Vietnam. PVP while leveling was the best part in general. Loved killing Alliance in contested questing zones. Was fun shitfucking some kids back to the Stone Age and preventing them from turning in the Nesingwary Hunt quests.


Everyone on the alliance bitches that horde always wins, and everyone on horde bitches that alliance always wins. The truth is the side that has more guilds who queue together wins, while people who solo queue will lose a lot more often, because your team consists of a bunch of rando tards that don't want to cooperate.


world of warcraft is fucking garbage


The dominant server faction wins battlegrounds in single server BGs because they always have 1-5 extra people. This was the case historically until they combined all server BGs together, then you're probably correct about guilds determining the winner

Horde still have an advantage with their racials though


I can't really remember what the case was when I stopped playing, whether the BG servers were combined or not. It was right before cataclysm came out. Either way, before I left everyone was just queuing up for BGs and going AFK for the free loser points. I wonder how long it took them to implement a forced quit for being idle for too long.


Yeah, they definitely had battle groups (clusters of realms that would be matched with each other in instanced PVP content) at that point. End of Wrath was when they also created the cross-realm dungeon finder, which also pulled from the battle group at the time. At this point, I think the only thing separating servers anymore is region. Not sure when they did away with battle groups. Americas is its own region and I had a few realms memorized for being where the bulk of spics played. Not inviting players from the realms Azralon, Quel'thalas and Ragnaros anymore made PUGs go a lot smoother.


Horde had an advantage because horde players were older adults and alliance players were women and children. It wasn't even fair.


>Either way, before I left everyone was just queuing up for BGs and going AFK for the free loser points. I wonder how long it took them to implement a forced quit for being idle for too long
I hit 80 on my priest main in Wrath autorunning into a wall in Alterac Valley heh


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cringe as fuck


we know that you prefer nigger erections already


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Steam's new disclaimer reminds everyone that you don't actually own your games, GOG moves in for the killshot: Its offline installers 'cannot be taken away from you'


Steam fanboys BTFO

I've warned for years that a middleman monopoly like Steam is a bad thing but nobody listened


I don't know why anyone ever considered Valve to be the favorite uncle of game distribution. Licensing digital goods has always been anti-consumer.


if anything happens I'll just buy the games again, sucks to be you poorfag


Retards on /v/ fell for viral marketing. To be fair a centralized platform was probably inevitable, and it could have been worse.


licking nigger erections is really lucrative, eh?


good one


Think I posted about this in a previous thread here, but only the demo was out at the time if I had. I'm gonna wait for a discount to play, but I had a ton of fun with the demo back before release like half a year ago. High octane, high verticality, smooth gunplay, 2-4 player co-op (there is also opt-in PVP if you ask everyone to use the friendly fire modchip on their loadouts).

I didn't even realize it got a full release until just now. If the demo is still up, give it a shot first, but I played through the demo twice with various people and had a blast both times (about two hours of gameplay each time).


Reminds me of Tribes. Neva played Titanfall. Cool thx. I think I don't actually have time for it tho but thx.


Well, yeah, it's like Tribes probably more than anything, but I guess I don't expect a lot of niggers here to know shit about Tribes in the first place (or to be remotely decent at it). It's basically Tribes co-op, really.


arg like early 3d shit circa 1996

that spastic electric thing looks and sounds more spooky and traumatizing than anything in doom series


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Tribes 2 was probably my favourite FPS. Heroes of Newerth was/still is my favourite MOBA/Dota-style game... Another guy mentioned UT to me recently. I actually can't remember which UT games I played, maybe I played most of them but I can't remember my fav, but that being I don't think I was heavily into it. I remember I disliked one of the later ones (might have been UT3) quite heavily. Maybe I wasn't old enough (would've been 24 in 2014) to be able to articulate my criticism, I just knew I didn't like it as much and wasn't even vaguely as addicted. I did also like Tribes: Ascend though I know it got a lot of hate for the microtransactions and grind and whatever.

I remember this map in the pic I'm posting. Heh


I liked HoN a lot, I think about going back to it sometimes because DotA is so different now, though maybe HoN changed a lot by now, too. Ultimately MOBAs are way too cancerous and time-consuming for me anymore, so I probably won't play any ever again (might revisit Heroes of the Storm heh, then ragequit again fast).

Tribes was always the manly shooter. UT and Quake felt close KIND OF, but not really. I probably played both more UT and Quake to be honest, though.


I feel all you're saying. Good choice not playing MOBAs again lol. I feel like Dota helps me think sometimes but who knows.

What I really liked about HoN was how dark and gritty it was. Maybe there's a similar vibe and art style to the Warhammer: Vermintide 2. Really liked the dark, grisly, brutish art style there but couldn't get into the gameplay enough... I think there were issues with difficulty, not knowing how to fight the bosses well enough... Though it was fun.


Minecraft RTS mod. Apparently vanilla players can also play on worlds using this mod. Would be pretty cool trying to fight off a player-controlled army of NPCs.


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That Fern flag heh


Choose Your Own Adventurebros...we are SO back


I've never done a Gamebook before admittedly. Closest thing would be those Goosebumps books by R.L. KIKE back in middle school heh

How about (You)?


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It's real to me, damn it!


Nooo hahaha


>Choose Your Own Adventurebros

Takes me back


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>chad phenotype
>health nut
>afflicted by chronic cluster headaches for years alongside other medical problems
>considered a pariah among fighting game communities
Bit of a character.


i'd deepthroat him day one


Everyone who plays RedM should be euthanized.


Bruh I haven't even played a "fighting game" in like 15 years or something. Wonder where I should start, any reccs? Though maybe I should revisit tekken 3 if there's a pc version.


Though I was checking out dbz sparking zero and it seemed pretty cool. Interesting "what if" game mode

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