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Stop enabling her delusions


Dogisaga is a man LARPing as a woman. The only one falling for that fat basement dwellers trolling is YOU!


I habeeb it


Dogisaga-hopefully will choke on a donut and die.


she should choke on muh dik


That's a morbidly obese man in drag that looks like Andy milonakis and LARPs as a woman.


That shouldn't happen if a person is deepthroating and they shouldn't barf on your dick either, freak.


don't care just want head









Dogisaga is a based weeaboo who sings well and makes cool comics, I really don't get all the hate toward her.

Hey Dogi if you read this hope you had a great day today x


it's just smiley's ex, she's like the female counterpart to foky



He's really abusive wtf.


Damn. How many tranny's has smiley been with?


Smiley and dogisaga. H'what a couple.


There's always two sides to the story


Nope. Dogisaga is an abusive asshole. That is all.


forced drugging nazi supporter!
forced drugging is a war crime


all of them

dogi and smiley should both be gassed


what did you do to dwarf to make her so butthurt at you? btw she's now in the crazy house too >>58228 say hello to her for me


how do u know its dwarf?



What is dogi's channel? I can't click through to find it, if you could post the username that would be cool 😎




What even is this thing lmao, probably one of the ugliest 'women' I've ever seen


Dogisaga isn't a woman.


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The tranny psychonaut wiki founder. Guess my detector is off because I only figured it out after years. Wasn't used to it as an occurance


Of course they're into drugs, faggots are into literally ANYTHING that's degenerate, because they are Satan's children


Satan is made up, he doesn't exist


There probably exists a man (or woman) on earth who is

>absolutely evil as all fuck

>untouchable in terms of police intervention

That is a satan imo


Morality is made up too. What's it even mean to be evil? People just use that word for people they don't like


Satan is real and I've licked his erection


OK so you get kidnapped today and tortured

Is the pain you feel subjective? If you say it's evil and I say it's not am I right because I'm not experiencing what you are?


>Is the pain you feel subjective?
To a degree, yes actually, but more importantly inflicting pain on someone being an inherently bad thing is subjective. People have different psychologies, and for most their concept of "good" and "bad" isn't really well thought out to begin with. There's not much objective about it, it's metaphysical/instinctual.


You are genuinely a retarded sperg mong 👍

That is NOT subjective


>inflicting pain on someone
>being an inherently bad thing
>is subjective
What in the actual fuck?


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He's correct actually. I would say that only unnecessary suffering is truly evil. Suffering that in no way has a silver lining, and leads to nothing better

An example of this would be House of 1000 Corpses style hillbillies kidnapping and torturing random people

Unnecessary suffering is evil. So, which suffering is unnecessary? I know in my own personal life nearly all suffering I have undergone lead to me becoming a greater person that I was before. Tougher, wiser. Pain almost always brings something good along with it

So how can we simply say pleasure good, pain bad? I am what I am because of the suffering God has blessed me with


Inflicting pain has a lot of utility and to claim it's inherently evil is a bold statement. There are a lot of people who I consider sick, but from their perspective what they're doing is worth it for one reason or another. It's just in their nature. I am not a promoter of tolerance, but I am a promoter of understanding.



I think if morality exists its subjective to the individual or group, or in other words relative. As for pain there are some similarities, its subjective to the individual but also to an extent the group feels it.

Whether or not inflicting pain on me is evil to you depends on our relationship and other stuff like what the purpose of the pain is and if it brings you dominance.

But morality is too complicated and everyone disagrees about it, so just forget it imo


>But morality is too complicated and everyone disagrees about it, so just forget it imo
It not something you can forget really, but there's just not much to discuss with someone who conflicts with you on fundamental values.


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Almost everyone is functioning on a different wavelength from everyone else. I suggest you read the book Prometheus Rising

I am a man of morality that expresses himself intellectually

My wife on the other hand is a woman of morality that understands and views the world through the lens of emotion, aka mammalian territorial politics

Other people may not even be on the level of mammalian emotion, but they exist as entities of pure hunger and survival instinct. I think most fat people and boomers fall into primitive reptilian brain mode


Disagrees about the existence of morality or what morality is?

I'll read that book eventually it has a cool title



I got peas on my head
but don't call me a pea head
I got bees on my head
but don't call me a bee head
I got bruce lee on my head
but don't call me a bruce lee head
Now excuse me, cuz I gots to get my tree fed.


his rhymes were so sick he had all kinds of bitches tryna get on his non-functioning penis

maybe HDV should release an EP


You're mean.


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dogisaga is a disgusting skitzo freak who deserves to die


HDV wont ban goblinsaga because it send its tits to him on discord


>fagvid seething because he never gets dick pics from any of us

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