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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.58228[Last 50 Posts]

I'm living at a recovery house atm.




Based and recovery-pilled


Hope the best for you in your recovery ❤️


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Breaking: Lauren Southern was dumped by her husband


I wonder what the real reason was. Unless she married a complete lunatic I don't buy the "career" or "ADHD" reasons stated in her post. I can't imagine any heterosexual man caring about that.


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Definitely something wrong with her mentally if she's not trying to get child support first thing from her deadbeat ex-husband instead of making this long rambling post. By putting it off she's encouraging pump-and-dump wigger behavior (as if the h'white race can get any lower than it already is). Maybe she enjoys being a masochist to wiggers, who knows.


She's not pursuing alimony because she committed adultery and her lawyer told her she'd lose in court.

t. Knower of thots


there's no (enforced) law against adultery in australia, canada or USA, why do you make up stuff



how a typical day might look like for dwarf:

6:30 am: Wake up
7:00 am: Medication review and morning exercise and/or meditation
7:30 am: Breakfast in the dining room
8:00 am – 11:00 am: Group counseling sessions
11:00 am – 12:00 pm: Guest speakers
12:00 pm – 12:30 pm: Lunch in the dining room
12:30 pm – 1:00pm: Afternoon recreation
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm: Behavioral therapy and life skills training
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm: Educational opportunities and relapse prevention
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm: Dinner in the dining room
6:30 pm – 8:00 pm: Support groups and/or meetings or family sessions
8:00 pm – 9:30 pm: Evening program
9:30 pm – 11:00 pm: Free time
11:00 pm: Lights out

7 a.m.: Wake-up; time for personal hygiene, nurse checks, and medicine administration
8 a.m.: Breakfast
9-10:30 a.m.: Individual therapy session
10:45 a.m.-12 p.m.: Group therapy session
12:30 p.m.: Lunch
1:30-3 p.m.: Exercise (e.g., yoga classes, free time to work out in the facility gym, swimming, etc.)
3-4:30 p.m.: Free time (e.g., journaling, meditation, etc.)
4:45-6 p.m.: Complementary therapy session (e.g., art therapy, dance therapy, music therapy, equine-assisted therapy, etc.)
6:30 p.m.: Dinner
8-9:30 p.m.: 12-Step meeting
9:45-10:45 p.m.: Quiet time in rooms
11 p.m.: Lights out



Did you recover yet?


DXM is a harsh mistress


Stop taking it then nonce



File: 1686758550290.png 279.72 KB, 413x696, 168675631965247327.png

Get on my level!

I just got done chugging a gallon of DXM!


Nah I was just kidding. Unironically one of the worst "side effects" (as those bluepilled on drug effects would call them) is that I've started noticing some grey hairs. Which I'm sure I wouldn't have had if I hadn't been such a junkie. Otherwise I'm remarkably fine for using the drug 500+ times, aside from almost dying those couple times


Are you the dude that moved to Romania and to whom our lady Aisha told to stop drinking Robitussin?



File: 1686787943833.jpg 1.15 MB, 3408x2258, 20220814_154803~01.jpg

Why are you guys chugging syrup when you can just get powder?


Is that it?



Probs can't get that in my country.


Uhhh... Why not? It's just chemicals. It's not a controlled substance.


Amy Winehouse was sexy as fuck RIP


[REDACTED] didn't go to the loony bin. [REDACTED] went to rehab. They help find housing there and transfered her into a care home.


Looks like a tranny


Nope. Here's what a typical day looks like in an irts facility.



Same difference.


No. It's actually not.


You are being treated in a facility for being mentally unwell all the same.


No. It's not all the same. It's not a mental hospital.


Probably not a good idea to be posting photos of the exterior.


I've already done a reverse search and nothing comes up. I checked before posting anything. Do you see how grainy these images are?


Check the date on when the thread was made.



I don't think people are relying on just reverse searches when they're trying to locate others from outdoor photos, but I don't know much about that.

Anyway, you're in abnormal treatment due to having serious mental health issues. What you want to call it doesn't really matter.


You're still not out in the general population.


I'm not in treatment. Treatment was 3 months in the year 2023.


I'm here because if I was not, I'd be homeless. My state insurance is covering my stay here.


You're also taking pill cocktails provided for by the state. That's not something inherent of government housing.


>Pill cocktails
No. I'm not.


You posted about taking Zoloft and other pills.


My state insurance covers my medication and housing.


yes you are junkie


Zoloft and gabapentin for anxiety and major depression doesn't make a person a junkie nor is it a cocktail.




junkie cope
junkie cope pt 2


Projection cope part 2


Trying to commit suicide multiple times doesn't make a person a junkie.



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screenshot mong


Levakama and his brother. The gruesome twosome.


Anthony Bourdain was an anti-White faggot (like most kikes) and pretending to be a rockstar when you're just a snobby chef is sad. Not your boogeyman by the way, but you don't get to judge others for mocking or casually encouraging suicide when you're guilty of doing so yourself.


File: 1725585073380.png 314.58 KB, 1080x1080, 21-2.png

>Guilty of doing so yourself
I've not done that but keep your reactive abuse up.


Selective memory. >>86565


You are sick. Get help.









Yes, that's what you're doing right now.


Eat shit.


And you are?



And you are?


Dancing on some pretentious overprivileged kike's corpse (I recall reading an excerpt of something he wrote where he sounded like a psychotic weeb talking about wanting to kill other patrons at a sushi place for not using ginger "correctly" as a palate cleanser) and calling out your hypocrisy aren't abuse.


Your anonymous on an anonymous image board talking to anonymous.


I don't know who you are and nobody does. Get over yourself.


Psychotic bastard with Boogeymen is all you are. I don't know who you are.




I'm sure some other phone poster who always posts phone screenshots just so happened to get butthurt on your behalf and post a noose after I implied you were some busted bitch in a video avid posted here: >>86514. That's completely believable.


Hi avid.


>quadruple-post to be butthurt and gaslight
Yeah, you definitely belong in the loony bin.


Hi avid.


>Be avid
>Out yourself as being avid
Top kek


The difference is I'm not calling out a boogeyman because I am accurately attributing your posts to you, whereas you're accusing me of being avid when I type nothing like he does.


lol avid. How are you enjoying the nigger dick up your ass as you post?


>be nutcase in loony bin
>get told you are nutcase in loony bin
lol, lmao even




Avid entering this thread has lightened everything up.


Things could be worse. I could be avid.


>be me
>Avid hates me
At least I'm doing something right in my life.


Things could be worse. I could be some schizophrenic hag who is just as retarded as BBC sissy avid.


>Be you
>Be avid
I'm so sorry for you.


I see your meds aren't working. Why am I not suprised?


You need more nigger seamen.


I wouldn't doubt you fuck niggers just like avid does. I wonder if it's your ashkenazi DNA which compelled you to get butthurt on shithead Bourdain's behalf and start deflecting to your boogeymen when your hypocrisy was called out. Your kind are predisposed to some severe mental illnesses, after all.


File: 1725589313519.gif 875.51 KB, 220x245, the-office-office.gif

Aaaaavvvvvviiiiidddddd I have no nigger dna.


Even worse than avid having nigger DNA up his ass, you have kike DNA in your brain which causes you to act unhinged.


File: 1725589594063.gif 2.8 MB, 480x360, giphy.gif

You are trying to get in my head or something but you are retarded and getting nowhere.


Not really. Not expecting a mentally ill kike to be ashamed of being a mentally ill kike. Most shameless tribe of "people" in history.


You have nigger dna up your ass avid.


File: 1725589748615.jpg 907.65 KB, 1920x1920, 7digd3.jpg


Both you and avid do, and both of you suck nigger dicks because they remind you retards of shit logs.


>Not really
Cuz you can't. You don't know me.



You admitted to having kike DNA yourself. Keep up the pilpul. Still gonna laugh about that dead kike Bourdain turning himself into a ceiling fixture.


I don't care about Anthony B.


No, you dreamily batted your eyes when the jewish porn studio reps brought the nigger dicks on set.


Tell me why I should care about Anthony B?


That's why you called me Levakama about it lol.


Kanye West go away.


Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here.


Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here.Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here.Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here.Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here.Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here.


I can't name a single song by that retarded nigger because I don't listen to nigger music. Your kike DNA compelled you to bring him up because he publicly named the jew awhile back, would be my guess.


Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here.Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here.Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here.Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here.Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here.


Don't post so predictably if you want to maintain anonymity, you dumb slag.


Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here.Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here.Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here.Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here.Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here. Anonymous image board. Anonymous posting. You have no power here.


Okay avid


>schizo kike bitch literally starts spamming in a fit of rat kike rage
lol, lmao


You feel powerful when in reality you have none.


You're a ward of the state lol. You have less than no power. You're a slave to your own mental illness.


longest "shit test" between a couple i've seen yet


I think you may be confused. There's no use for a woman which can't bear healthy children.


There is no couple.


“Ward of the State” shall mean a minor (under 18 years of age)


I don't know who you are and I will not bear you nor your children. Sit on it and spin.


It's any dependent without someone to depend upon. It inlcudes kids in the foster care system, but it also covers zombie retards like you.
>A ward of the state is a person under the care of the state through an appointed guardian due to disability or disease.


You couldn't bear kids even if you wanted to lmao.


It doesn't cover people over 18.


Not by you because I wouldn't let you touch me.


Yes, the legal definiton does. Kike thinks a loaded two-second jewgle search gives it a semantic edge lol. What a retard.


Oh god. You're so retarded.


I'm not a ward of the state. If I wished to go off and be homeless, I'm more than welcome to.


Gotta put it in screenshot format because that's the only language this instagram kike can understand.


I'm not incapacitated, under legal guardian, or government entity such as a court.


Hey go fuck yourself.


>using state resources for housing and pharma addiction
>"i-i'm not a ward it's different... i could go get raped and murdered by niggers in the streets if i wanted to..."


You are not worth the effort of responding to.



And yet, you responded. You're what, 35 now? You should've been trying to find a man who would've let you be a stay-at-home mom 10-17 years ago. Now your carton is empty and pharmaceuticals have caused irreversible damage to your brain.

Oh wait, you're a mischling. Good thing you're a genetic dead-end, then. Maybe the world can start healing once all the kike DNA is out of the pool.




Why would I serve in kike wars lol??? Delirious.


>n-no u
Impotent, as to be expected.


Hey, at least it's not off-topic this time.


There is no couple.


Any sane woman is when it comes to you.


You don't get to have me. I'm not yours and never was. Eat shit.


Oh no, now I'm so sad!


Trips of truth. You are sad.


>tfw no 35 year old retarded psychobitch kike gf with barren womb to falsely accuse me of spousal abuse and take half of all my stuff
It's not fair, bros...


Whatever helps you sleep at night. Psychopath.


screenshot mong
literally seek mental help, if you already are, seek more
to corpro projection
literal meth delusions


As far as the haters go. I just consider the sources. And you are?





Dwarf needs to post tits already.

like and retweet if you agree


File: 1725640454539.webp 252.47 KB, 1042x8043, 1709863826800.webp




liked and tweeted




Thank God. This thread needs more [ - ] posters.


"Excuse you. Is this you trying to be mean?"


>barren womb
"My womb isn't barren but it certainly isn't for you, so it might as well be on your end"



File: 1725723038674.jpg 161.9 KB, 1125x1500, 71lOQOMavXL.jpg

"My womb isn't barren"
Beautiful breathy Devine feminine voice.



Would (you) get a BBL (lipo-ing and transferring away fat from the belly, love handles and arms into the ass) so all men would stare at your ass everywhere (you) walk?


I'd get plastic surgery. Does that answer your question?


Sure it's not lol, see I struck a nerve.


You didn't strike any nerve but I'm sure you are enjoying yourself.


"Excuse you. Is this you trying to be mean?"


Which ones?

It better not be retarded trashy white girl or negress shit like fake tits, lip fillers and botox.


I thought you said BBC and my heart skipped a beat



Don't worry. I don't have any money lol. I said I would, not that I could lol.


You said you might be on autismbux eventually. Then you might eventually save up for surgeries in Mexico which is what a lot of Amerilards do. I'm trying to convince you those specific procedures would make you (and any other woman) less attractive, unless of course you don't mind being seen as a fuck-and-chuck street hoe by any dudes you meet IRL. There's a reason why even in the plastic surgery capitals South Korea, Taiwan, Shanghai and Japan pretty much no woman gets fake tits or even lip injections despite their A cup average. They have higher IQ than Hollywood-brainwashed white women, they know what type of looks get you "ahead in life" and make you "treated better" and what type of looks make you be seen as a casting-couch Hollywood whore or street whore. The problem with western women is they don't know the difference between the two, they're stuck in a cultural bubble of retarded bimbos and just blindly believe Hollywood magazines and lipstickalley.com, deluding themselves they'll become a billionaire one day like Kim Kardashian.




I'm not going to save up and go to mexico to have a random group of cartel slice&dice me up for the lulz. I am not looking for death, necrosis, gangrene and other terrible things.


I don't have autism therefore I won't get those kinda bux.





>i dont have autism

then you dont matter



I wish that one banner would display so I could show how much of a dweeb you sound like.


You're definitely still butthurt over half a day later, tho! You had life on easy mode and your only objective was to find a not-shit man before your eggs went rotten. I'd feel sorry for you if you were a kinder person, but you aren't so I don't. My gam-gam didn't have sex until she was 38 and my mom turned out to be even more successful than I did. It's funny because I admitted this to some pedo incels and they were in total disbelief. They think it's literally impossible for a woman to bear good offspring at such an old age.

I disagree and just think it's likely women your age will produce severely autistic duds at best. You're definitely rife with mental issues so I wouldn't want to produce kids with you even if you were 25 instead of 35. Also, you have jewish genes so I hope you die.


File: 1725764183111.png 615.04 KB, 726x744, (You)''.png

>fight me


File: 1725764769691.mp4 1.28 MB, 576x1024, 变身库洛米啦.mp4

Weave her awone!


Who are you?


>kinder person, but you aren't so I don't
Ever consider that you don't deserve kindness because you are an awful person?


>had life on easy mode
What the fuck are you on about?


"Excuse you. Is this you trying to be mean?"


Is all this hate coming from avid?


>My gam-gam


>didn't have sex until she was 38
That's because shes batshit just like you.


>my mom turned out to be even more successful than I did
What does this mean?



>I admitted this to some pedo incels
You are who you hang out with. Pedo incel.


No? Zoomers and/or pedos tell me to go back to places I never had accounts on to begin with, like Twatter and Redshit. Those types are trying way too hard to fit into anonymous message boards nowadays, which is both funny and obnoxious.




Also, just wow at how many replies you offered me this time. I'll address some conscious points from another one of your delirious tantrums.

•Women tend to have life on easy mode I'd they don't grow fat and deranged like you. Even if they get a li'l chubby, they can make a lot from doing porn.


why is this weird to you? Did you grow up in a completely atomized and destroyed household?

>That's because she is batshit like you

I am completely unsurprised that some vile jewish bitch with a barren womb would insult a woman who was a saint compared to her. Kill yourself lol.

>>my mom turned out to be even more successful than I did

>What does this mean?
Figure it out, you useless whore of the state. Goddamn you're a stupid cunt.


Reveal yourself coward.


Wouldn't you like to know? Even if mods tell you my location, you wouldn't figure it out LMFAO


Dumb bitch can't handle anonymity


Even smiley doesn't mind revealing himself when talking shit.


I don't want your location, retard.


I don't give a shit about what one of your boogeymen does or doesn't do. I'm not bound to some code. You're a worthless piece of shit not worth any respect for any delirious personal code you might hold..




Wait, did you respond to me NINE times?! Holy shit, new butthurt record!!!


Doxx yourself first, Trump-chan little fat dumb bitch.


Cool story bro.


Barren womb tranny is whiny all the time LMFAO


I'm not looking for anyone to dox themselves.




You can't follow a conversation after 1 or 2 responses.


There isn't a conversation.


The pills make you act wild, to be honest. You'd have a better time browsing Instajew or Snapjew than crying at me here.




File: 1725779633250.webp 23.76 KB, 315x466, arguing online.webp


Except there's no argument happening. It's just an anon explaining how op is trash and should kill themselves. Trying to metaphorically spit and kick them while down. Typing about how they are better than op in every way. Shit like I'd feel sorry for you but you are not a nice person, which is projection because have you read the shit they are typing?


no, believe it or not there are other people here you find you retarded and annoying


Okay avid.


what? imagine being this delusional
>someone said a negative comment to me
>it must be one person and noone else

that narc cope lmao



File: 1725806535710.jpeg 6.69 KB, 225x225, images.jpeg




Break free from 4chon and leave. You can break these cuffs.


I'm glad my mom isn't a typical fuckhead American woman and didn't have me circumcised.



noone asked


File: 1725808006774.jpeg 5.91 KB, 264x190, download.jpeg

lispy goober voice




I'm not gonna sit here and listen to long audios of a lunatic rant.


No one had to, you barely sentient animal.


"This fight is sick and everybody goes, fucking retard." Is that what that audio says?


shut up


I can't hear the audio very well. It's poorly recorded and mumbling.


cry about it



File: 1725811199458.jpg 91.31 KB, 500x756, 2diyn7.jpg

Amy winehouse got a lot of hate.



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>spit and kick them while down
I wouldn't mind if y-... err, nothing nvm.



File: 1725814237549.webp 119.63 KB, 2048x2038, 1725655073850.webp


Retard mumbling into burner phone from 2008


File: 1725815435926.webp 245.3 KB, 2150x1611, Harrison AK.webp


File: 1725815635986.webp 274.36 KB, 4096x2048, 1725041175358.webp

Dis u u lil queer



Insecure toad croaks


"Omg that was queer-kee"


my cover has been blown, i am a toad man please dont tell anyone


Okay pepe. Your secret is safe with 4chon.





Nice autismbux microphone


your gay



cringe retard


'Tis true my form is something odd, But blaming me is blaming God; Could I create myself anew I would not fail in pleasing you.

If I could reach from pole to pole Or grasp the ocean with a span, I would be measured by the soul;

The mind's the standard of the man.

—poem used by Joseph Merrick, adapted from "False Greatness" by Isaac Watts[17]


cry about it


Do you feel strong making fun of avid for being a mentally disabled gay retard faggot? Not very nice of you.


fuck off to russia and freeze in the shitty smog laden air zogbot





Dear avid,

I apologize. Avid isn't a gay homosexual that lusts after penis. That's just not true. He's extremely straight. He's never licked a niggers erection or any man's erection ever in his life. He's never had his hair pulled and boi pucci busted wide open. He has never.

Best regards



fake news troonster


You are extremely straight.


My new battery saving wallpaper.


Wow! Looks very schizophrenic!


Sorry it's not an anime wallpaper but I have to save battery.






you're on here all day lmao



another thing you have in common


4chon. I just can't quit you.



you are gay


>Your objective
>Find a man
Avid. You still have time to become a house wife. Your balls are full of life and your boipucci is ready to give birth to beautiful ass babies. You can have life on easy mode just like all women on planet earth because you are a real woman. Go out into the world and find the man of your dreams. 4chon believes in you.


If I were avid, I'd be advising you to get gangbanged by Tyrone, Darius, TJ Sotomayor, Romeo, Mr. Popo and Upgrayedd into single motherhood with an autistic niglet future criminal.


>If I were avid
That seems like something avid would type out.


File: 1725907243040.jpg 79.3 KB, 500x641, 7u50np.jpg

Butt motherhood. Avids dreams become reality.


Getting gangbanged is avids favorite pass time. He would recommend that to everyone. It's what he enjoys.



Here's one for you, bitch.



>pass time


im a legend around these parts, for bad or good reasons, people here cant not talk about me


You are ESL and that isn't my problem.


It's because you're aggressively gay.


wrong, the people here obsessed with me are

you and those are most likely gay and just deflecting/projecting

i personally hate any mention of gay shit, you and the rest of the losers here though love bringing it up/thinking about it

objectively you and those posters are gay


>ummm no there is some conspiracy making me post gay shit all the time
Oh, you're schizo on top of being super gay. My condolences.


The good old IM NOT GAY YOU ARE card.


literally you sissy hypno'd yourself to the point of not being able to register a problem with how you now post
youre literally probably a homosexual though, or a deranged roastie


I'm superstraight. You're so specifically gay they should probably invent a new term for you. Negrosexual seems apt.


yeah right, youre delusional as fuck


Avid you are right. Your are not gay but I want to pound your bussy and that way you can prove that you are straight. This is the only way.


i told you you were a homosexual, or a deranged obsessed roastie

get help


Excuse you. You may not like it but avid is what peak performance looks like.


>"DAAAAAAD THE 5G MI5 waves are making me type gay stuff again!!!11"
>"n-no ur delusional"


You need to have me face fuck you. You have porn star skills. Don't lie.


cope and seethe




>NPC response


Avid is straight. Avid is the straightest man on planet earth to ever exist.


He's so straight he looped back around to being unimaginably gay.


Damn. That's magical.


youre both gay


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