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Comfy Vidya Spin-Off Thread: OSTs

In this ITT thread we post video game OST songs that stick in our head and are kino

I'll start

Katana Zero
>Sneaky Driver
85 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Composer: Kaori Tsutsui


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PlayStation 2 Music to Chill & Relax to | Calm PS2 6 hour Mega-Mix

This never gets old



Composer: Jeremy Soule


Composer: Jeremy Soule


Composer: Inon Zur



Jeremy Sovle did music for Icewind Dale too? Damb



Dude is incredibly prolific.


Composer is Derek Duke




starting at 2:20 is awesome




>Pause music


Mullet Madjack

Haven't had this much fun in a video game in 5 years.

Billionaires like me are the ONLY GODS NOW!
Be a good little boy AND DIE!



I'm going to buy this for a friend of mine. It seems too spastic and zoomery for me but I like the art style. Maybe I'll try it myself some day


Megaman Zero

>Fake - (vs Copy X, Seraph Battle theme)

"Even though I have no memories, my body seems to remember my friend X.

And now I know for certain: you are not even half the reploid he was"


Kingdom Hearts: re:Chain of Memories

>The Force in You (Replica Riku theme)

"Not a fake! I don't care if you're "real", you're not better! We share the same body and the same talents, but there is one easy way to tell us apart though. Unlike you, I fear nothing."


Remastered MegaMan Zero 3 Tracks ~Mythos~ Cannon Ball -Mythos ver.- Extended

"Your power is extraordinary...for a mere fake. You may be Zero, in a way, but you are still merely a copy. You're no legendary hero at all! You're just a reproduction."



All those games hit my spasticity just right and I get addicted to them.


noone asked


Um excuze u sweaty erryone askteh!


I enjoyed this game.

Zane, you will be missed buddy ;-;7


>he didnt save the coolest dude who's got game
what the flip?!?!


you are fat and ugly


File: 1718825064732.png 73.39 KB, 259x309, retard.png

look at this tramp


not sure what about my post made you think i am your e-gf (male)


oh wow savage


Bought it for my friend as I'd said and have been watching him stream it. It's based



You bought it for him? Are you going to fuck his ass for compensation?


File: 1719620721401.png Spoiler Image, 73.39 KB, 259x309, retard.png


Right, Avid, he's going to fuck your ass instead. I see.


like tears in the rain, bubs



pokemon is shit and you need to grow up


The only cure for your sodomy-induced incontinence and butthurt is suicide.


whats your cure for obsessively spouting fag shit?


You're the professional on spouting fag shit. Once again, I prescribe you suicide.


one dead avid will cure the entire board


try me faggot


Nobody wants to try your gaped, AIDS-ridden holes lmfao.


Leave him alone!

Leave that cock addicted girlyboy alone...


kill yourselves 👍






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