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Comfy Vidya Spin-Off Thread: OSTs

In this ITT thread we post video game OST songs that stick in our head and are kino

I'll start

Katana Zero
>Sneaky Driver


We're all boomers here, did anyone else play this game back in the day?

Jazz Jackrabbit


The violin solo in this slaps tbh

Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection
>Snow Castle


Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep
Terranort's theme
"My name is Master Aqua. Now return my friend's heart back, or pay the price!"
"Your body submits, your heart succumbs, so why does your mind resist?!


There's a fangame remake of this, AM2R but this version of the song is better imo.
Metroid uses music for its storytelling so well, this is exactly what I would expect to play while you've touched down/are exploring a planet and you don't know everyone's been fucking murdered yet

Metroid: Samus Returns
>Surface of SR388


I can play this, and I will hold off on Pokemon for a while because they have such earworms. It's one of the only good things left about the franchise.

Pokemon Sun and Moon
>Officer Nanu's Theme


I highly recommend this game. Picture Grand Theft Auto, top down, 2D sprites, tritagonists, 80s satire and humour, everything is destructible and business sim/crafting aspects.

It's so fun I got 100% completion on it.

Shakedown: Hawaii
>Freeway Escape


Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWsB5SB_6Tk
>10 Hours of Wii Shop Channel (Remix) - Nicky Flowers


>All Nintendo eShop Soundtracks
Wii Shop
DSi Shop
June 2011 eShop
November 2012 eShop
September 2013 eShop
December 2013 eShop
January 2014 eShop
April 2014 eShop
July 2014 eShop
3DS Theme Shop
January 2015 eShop
June 2015 eShop
September 2015 eShop
December 2015 eShop
January 2016 eShop
May 2016 eShop


>Nintendo 3DS - Internet Settings


>3DS First Time Setup - Language Selection Music


>Nintendo 3DS Settings Music (1 Hour)


>Mii Maker - Edit (GamePad) - Wii U System Music Extended


>Mario Kart Wii - Wi-Fi Menu Music (slowed+reverb)









>"I suppose it would have been more politically correct to kill the women and the minorities first."





















































Based Bread





Megaman ZX Advent: Destiny

This one's my favourite Megaman ZX Advent track and the opening stage it comes from is excellent storytelling.

I really with Megaman ZX Advent had a rebootmake like Fire Emblem Awakening did in the hands of a competent Dev team maybe with third person action too.















Composer: Abo Takeshi


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PYON-MO / Kasahara Tomoo (笠原智緒)


Composer: Abo Takeshi


Composer: Kaori Tsutsui


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PlayStation 2 Music to Chill & Relax to | Calm PS2 6 hour Mega-Mix

This never gets old



Composer: Jeremy Soule


Composer: Jeremy Soule


Composer: Inon Zur



Jeremy Sovle did music for Icewind Dale too? Damb



Dude is incredibly prolific.


Composer is Derek Duke




starting at 2:20 is awesome




>Pause music


Mullet Madjack

Haven't had this much fun in a video game in 5 years.

Billionaires like me are the ONLY GODS NOW!
Be a good little boy AND DIE!



I'm going to buy this for a friend of mine. It seems too spastic and zoomery for me but I like the art style. Maybe I'll try it myself some day


Megaman Zero

>Fake - (vs Copy X, Seraph Battle theme)

"Even though I have no memories, my body seems to remember my friend X.

And now I know for certain: you are not even half the reploid he was"


Kingdom Hearts: re:Chain of Memories

>The Force in You (Replica Riku theme)

"Not a fake! I don't care if you're "real", you're not better! We share the same body and the same talents, but there is one easy way to tell us apart though. Unlike you, I fear nothing."


Remastered MegaMan Zero 3 Tracks ~Mythos~ Cannon Ball -Mythos ver.- Extended

"Your power is extraordinary...for a mere fake. You may be Zero, in a way, but you are still merely a copy. You're no legendary hero at all! You're just a reproduction."



All those games hit my spasticity just right and I get addicted to them.


noone asked


Um excuze u sweaty erryone askteh!


I enjoyed this game.

Zane, you will be missed buddy ;-;7


>he didnt save the coolest dude who's got game
what the flip?!?!


you are fat and ugly


File: 1718825064732.png 73.39 KB, 259x309, retard.png

look at this tramp


not sure what about my post made you think i am your e-gf (male)


oh wow savage


Bought it for my friend as I'd said and have been watching him stream it. It's based



You bought it for him? Are you going to fuck his ass for compensation?


File: 1719620721401.png Spoiler Image, 73.39 KB, 259x309, retard.png


Right, Avid, he's going to fuck your ass instead. I see.


like tears in the rain, bubs



pokemon is shit and you need to grow up


The only cure for your sodomy-induced incontinence and butthurt is suicide.


whats your cure for obsessively spouting fag shit?


You're the professional on spouting fag shit. Once again, I prescribe you suicide.


one dead avid will cure the entire board


try me faggot


Nobody wants to try your gaped, AIDS-ridden holes lmfao.


Leave him alone!

Leave that cock addicted girlyboy alone...


kill yourselves 👍







downloaded and installed gran turismo 4 spec II, pretty good, anyone else played this?


new keyboard, guess how much i paid for it


five BBCsuccs


>"ergonomic layout"
>will lean and put all his upper body weight on the right wrist holding the mouse for years and decades, while still having main part of the kb off-center

the non-detachable numpad ibm pc boomerism needs to die already


I saw and used to use this layout at some esoteric-religious FOSS nerd's home like 20 fucking years ago. Nigger may as well learn Esperanto too LOL.


File: 1727489821832-0.jpg 103.16 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg

File: 1727489821832-1.jpg 110.57 KB, 1000x599, kbd75.jpg

File: 1727489821832-2.jpg 1.02 MB, 5325x3365, ibm model m style.jpg

i just mean that the (((full sized model m style ibm keyboard))), designed before the mouse was common, and popularized by (((pc vendors))), is too long rightwards with the fairly useless numpad there, which results in spinal deformation and maybe some maybe permanent wrist strain due to leaning on the mouse and not really having main typing area of the kb centered, but leftwards. baiscally, it would be better if the numpad was on the left side or removed entirely.

that's why i'm all about those 70% kbs directly from china.
<=60% (no f-keys etc) are reddit ewaste though.


thats why you put the keyboard slightly to the left
>leaning on your right wrist
i dont do that, thats a you problem


Those first two are cancer, my brother has a couple. I just buy cheapo full-length keyboards with numpads still, though I could go for a left pad ""maybe"". I don't know, guess I'm personally quite used to the third pic keyboard layout. When I think about it, numpad is way better than the numbar. They could just have something like 1234567 and call it there. Numpad is more efficient.


no your cancer


update, i stopped using it, sticking to my generic microsoft membrane, this was too finicky and i have too much muscle memory using the standard layout keyboards to justify changing it, i could sell this for a couple quid but i might keep it for a few years and then sell it, these are discontinued now and it could fetch a good ask


at least it's not ass cancer like the goblinsaga-rejected gayboy


Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
>Jail of Jewels

This is a really underrated Castlevania in my opinion. I like the story, that all the Belmonts are extinct, and Jonathan is only a distant relative. Adds urgency.


Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
>The Price of Freedom

Is anyone else beginning to get sick of anti-heroes and 'subverted' heroes? Bring back heroes in stories who choose to do right and remain hopeful and positive, even when their world turns to shit. Moral, good people.


Waah! Teleportation! Yeah! Waah! Za-ba-doo-bap-bap!

Waah! Teleportation! Yeah! Waah! Shibby-doo-boo! Yeah!


Doot do-doot do doot-do doot-do do dooooooo


Daytona, let's go away


Caelum hume sitien taire
Vertus sahrel shamasantia
Ecce valde generous ale posselna volucritus
Sona areru ec paldeel
Sona mi areru ec sancitu
Ale posselna volucritus

Tenna prena posteri dire
Vertus narrel mea chorus
Aude valde generous sana fiare actertis
Sona areru ec paldeel
Sona mi areru ec sancitu
Sana fiare actertisia


I liked that one a lot too. The character switching mechanic was fun heh
I felt like the series lost a bit of its sovl when the art stopped being done by Ayami Kijima tho

>tfw no Charlotte gf


Send me far away in a flaaaaash~





I wish this game got an English translation, it's a good game. Interesting mechanics and a fun platformer.



Oh wow, I didn't know they translated the whole thing. Last I checked they had only done the menu but admittedly this was more than a decade ago.







Red Dead Redemption
Jose González - Far Away

Haunting. I can't believe it's been 14 years. Even games from 2010 are starting to feel nostalgic


Cheap cheap cheap is what avid sells his ass fo'!


Seinfeld the Hedgehog




Stardust Speedway (Re-Imagined) [YM2151 + SegaPCM] - Sonic CD (JP)


>Is anyone else beginning to get sick of anti-heroes and 'subverted' heroes? Bring back heroes in stories who choose to do right and remain hopeful and positive, even when their world turns to shit. Moral, good people.


Seems like every youtuber has this particular "california soyboy" voice.



>Establishment tool Israeli asset woke dei neurodivergent gender-special musician [x] releases a barely hour long unlistenable album after a six year hiatus to mainstream acclaim

>Some Korean virgin releases an 8 hour multi-genre cinematic musical experience to accompany a soul-sucking mmorpg game nobody played and nobody gives a fuck about during his two week summer break and is promptly forgotten


Is this the same guy who made the (excellent) ragnarok ost?


(It's actually a team of a few people but yeah, same guys)

Probably the best ost to a game I never played lol heh


Thought it seemed familiar. A shame that mmos are garbage skinner boxes disguised as games.


I would have given this game a try if I knew it existed lol.


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