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File: 1686017757497.webp 45.97 KB, 1080x1304, Screenshot_20230605_221041….webp

 No.57994[View All]

meta thread
194 posts and 55 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I haven't stopped wondering whether bangs/a fringe are slutty or not. I think they are. They draw more attention to oneself. Regular same-length hair or however u say it is more modest, clean and humble


i believe you may have wrongfully permabanned another poster. he says there wasnt a ban reason so i was thinking maybe he was mistaken for one of the autistic spammers. it was the guy using the JS flag and then a pepe-variant flag recently. someone was referring to him as smiley, but i dont think he is. i know of him from wizchan as a shitposter on b and he is known as stevie there and elsewhere. i dont have as intimate details as you guys do so i fully admit that i could be wrong.


i *think* it was pepe tuxedo btw, again i am not very smart


When? Must've been at least 6 days ago.


idk, he posted about it today on another site than here or wizchan


this guy is a homosexual spammer don't believe what he says : >>78977


Tell him to email HDV. It's heroicskinhead@protonmail.


nope that's bullshit

>someone was referring to him as smiley

that's smiley's ex [redacted], she does the whole pretending-to-be-schizo thing like avid

this poster
is using separate VPN / data center IPs to post here when running down those IPs in https://whatismyipaddress.com/ip-lookup. VPN IP ranges will be banned here for obvious reasons. but none of those aforementioned IPs he's using there have been banned yet so i don't know what he's complaining about.

if he's talking about in the ban appeals, it will not be unbanned unless he provides the full IP address so we can run it down https://whatismyipaddress.com/ip-lookup and other checkers to determine whether it's a VPN/proxy or not.


ok well i told him to contact you


>smiley's ex [redacted]


smiley was never dating jenny


>pretending-to-be-schizo thing like avid

nah I'm actually skitzo lol


what's your stance on big willies?


HDV enable duplicate image block


i dont care about them why


File: 1716069078960.webp 41.43 KB, 1080x405, Screenshot_20240518_225051….webp

why anchor and not just delete?


File: 1716069538925.jpg 93.15 KB, 710x510, Screenshot_20240116_223156_….jpg

queen of 4chon?


That's not [redacted] and doesn't look like her.


how do you know?


I asked your cousins-uncles- mother's wife.


owned with a simple question much?


I want to fuck her so much guys


That woman in the pic that isn't [redacted].


yet it is goblintard


hiding this shit thread now


I'm ngl I don't think I even realized this thread exists until now. Did I make a post in this one? lmoa

Sorry lads


try closing the my little pony episode containing VLC window when browsing the chon next time


HDV what are you going to do about goblinsaga driving away all of the good posters?

dude seriously if you put your foot down when it was called for a couple years ago we'd have probably 5x the traffic we have now

lmao, get rekt, was the vehement communist censorship worth it? 4chon has never been slower

just pull the plug(goblinsaga)


Still too retarded to understand where the actual problems stemmed from, avid?


and that would be?


File: 1717050765548-0.jpg 59.78 KB, 500x500, avid meme483.jpg

File: 1717050765548-1.jpg 83.47 KB, 600x444, avid meme902.jpg

File: 1717050765548-2.jpg 82.96 KB, 625x482, avid meme229.jpg

File: 1717050765548-3.jpg 140.1 KB, 888x499, avid meme259.jpg


who the fuck is 'avid'?


You are.


i have no idea what you're talking about


You wish you could be tricky kike, but unfortunately you're too stupid to pull it off.


i have no idea what you're talking about


your english is bad, google this word you ugly goblin whore


Need new /food/ and /blog/ threads but I'm too shy to make them. Or idk what the OP pics should be


Avid's gaping butthole makes for a good op.


you are ugly


>I'm too shy to make them.


porst bellens


I prolly won't post so much because my dxm finally arrived and I was 2 stinking weeks without. My biggest problem has been my out of wack sleep schedule, it should be resetting fairly soon ad then I an finally get healthy/healthier/soberer


File: 1717561357697.webp 124.29 KB, 1439x1530, Screenshot_20240604-232214.webp

Please stop taking dxm. I care about (you).


File: 1717561536886.webp 124.01 KB, 1440x1711, Screenshot_20240604-232503.webp

Goodnight 4chon.


Thank you


File: 1717609257792.webp 201.61 KB, 1439x2155, Screenshot_20240605-123918.webp


Please take more dxm. I care about (you).


File: 1717623047652.webp 96.34 KB, 1440x1595, Screenshot_20240605-163022.webp



File: 1717626021164.webp 313.36 KB, 1440x2183, Screenshot_20240605-171935.webp

Have a (you).

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