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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.57994[Last 50 Posts]

meta thread


Not nice mod I'm Anglo btw


HDV be like
>don't make duplicate threads (on a dead site btw)
>let's keep redx here with his nonce posts


Reminder that avid killed himself months ago and the avid posting now is the fat grotesque monster dogisaga 👍


does anyone have the vid of avid hanging himself?


It was on liveleak but that website closed down.


yea but did anyone download it?

it was great fap material


Yes. It's available on pornhub.



File: 1688371548658.jpg 28.64 KB, 237x341, Faggot.jpg


File: 1688408356731.mp4 2.56 MB, 720x1280, 깜짝😲.mp4


Humans are so silly and funny.


i farted and it was stinky and runny


Let's raid 4chan



Is 4chan down for anyone else?





I just have that kind of love for my fellow human.



HDV what the actual fuck? Are you a female or some shit? What's wrong with you banning me, I'm fucking 75% of the posts on his site

You circlejerking fuckhole mods should kill yourselves, honestly fuck this fucking site, I'll see you beta cumrag FAGGOTS later

>"waaah gore is bad I will ban you"

What a fucking joke lmao, enjoy your gay little hugbox

See ya


Fucking niggers I swear to god you're cucking the site, you communist fucking cunts


female supremacy shall reign :^)


>9 minutes


File: 1690498538087.png 118 KB, 314x316, Yoshimitsu_(T7).png

Add yoshimitsu flag or beta


Add jack skellington flag neger


File: 1690931601777.jpg 125.6 KB, 925x1024, 1675293899147810.jpg

Y it stink when i fard lol


File: 1690950360091.jpg 84.73 KB, 500x750, avid meme.jpg

add NEL flag



>professional fulfillment
Do people actually feel this from waging?
I can't imagine working at a business and taking fulfillment from that somehow
She's looking at someone else to fulfill her needs



referring to the debt to be paid in working at KFC




His overweight wife is right. You know that?



Potentially next door.


He doesn't have a wife.


i make cum.
now eat.


Slime it up


You're going to eat your own cum.


Take a shower.


Spread that chicken shit like butter


you will.


ban foky
kill foky


File: 1691009135363.gif 1.82 MB, 321x339, 1669865979561.gif


About two thirds of Canadians support increasing defence spending to reach NATO target

Canadians are not good people. Bloodthirsty maniacs who want to enforce judeo-gynocracy around the globe.


3 course family dinner cum.
here you go. :)


Been spending the last few months gathering funds for a solicitor, in order to sue dogisaga and whoever else has been slandering and abusing me on this site


File: 1691040638471-0.jpg 95.08 KB, 888x499, avid's mom meme.jpg

File: 1691040638471-1.jpg 69.4 KB, 500x517, avid meme2.jpg

nice trips

show them these memes


File: 1691040922192-0.jpg 80.43 KB, 577x433, avid meme3.jpg

File: 1691040922192-1.jpg 72.92 KB, 640x480, avid meme4.jpg



File: 1691069505362.jpg 188.7 KB, 1280x720, snapshot.jpg

Ramzpaul LARPs over an "underground" revolution starting following Jewmp's J6 indictment



Never stop posting lol these posts are


File: 1691098037938-0.jpg Spoiler Image, 445.67 KB, 1079x1361, Screenshot_20230803_222651_….jpg

File: 1691098037938-1.jpg Spoiler Image, 579.06 KB, 1080x1607, Screenshot_20230803_222642_….jpg

Is my shit normal


who is that?



is that sexy



I can't read what does that say?


royal cum banquet.
hello honored guest.


did you check the front door
[Redacted] informed me of the


You need hospital 🏥 🚑


I can't fit one anywhere


>Do people actually feel this from waging? I can't imagine working at a business and taking fulfillment from that somehow


File: 1691140184494.jpg 95.24 KB, 500x500, avid meme5.jpg

I'm imagining avid walking into a fucking lawyer's office and showing the guy screen caps of big fat cock posts and getting kicked out


Why do literally all Americans, male or female, speak the exact same way?


It's how the english works.


The human desire to be worshipped is disgusting. This video serves no purpose other than thinly veiled bragging for a mindless animal with rich parents

If I knew everything I knew now at age 20 I would be living deep in the wilderness somewhere eating dandelions, totally renouncing this earth to the garbage bin


> I would be
What’s stopping you? Yesterday u said tomorrow, jus do it. U can actually eat dandelions anywhere, and can make a wine out of them. I copped a foraging bag myself recently, seems like a fun pastime


Are you that's cool


Also danylions are tainted too as they r also part of da erf


You can feed them to certain lizards


File: 1691203478862.jpg 104.76 KB, 500x756, avid meme6.jpg

if dubs say I'm cool then I must be cool


Avid joined ISIS 6 months ago



File: 1691205209711.jpg 78.65 KB, 577x433, avid meme7.jpg


Hahaha epic


Lmao super sick burn


Add pomf embed feature


File: 1691711878382.webm 2.91 MB, 576x1024, 1667991216033.webm



File: 1691720291743.mp4 2.43 MB, 576x1024, download.mp4





Que sam Hyde lost in the sauce clip.


If anyone has the lost in the sauce clip. Please share.


bang off returd


ban redx/intredasting flag faggot, hes the one posting the CP links


Dislodge foky's kneecaps with a hammer.




Good to shoot the hogs and make them die.


Dirty pig animal, eat pig shit, hog.


tf is your problem


I like bacon






File: 1691877307809.mp4 3.42 MB, 640x360, videoplayback.mp4



Can't stop staring at those outer lips heh

Would legit, literally and unironically be scared of accidentally killing her while fucking her



Clean up this website, ban everyone, shut it down, dox foky, so I can personally peel his face off Mexican cartel style though.


i know foky IRL but theres no way im doxxing him

just calm down its just fucking 4chon


Mercy kill him before some one gives him what he deserves. Make him take shots with valium in it until he croaks.


foky doesnt even post here anymore though, its all in your mind


God, I wish. Sadly, his obnoxious brand of posting even eclipses the spam left by other annoying retards. It's very unpleasant.


what posts? what is his post style?






ah i get ya, pretty sure thats HDV though


File: 1692238513139.jpg 92.14 KB, 850x1202, 1691882525317813.jpg

>dwarfspamskitzo whining and samefagging thread
( - )


lets be honest, theres only one reason this faggot is un-hotlinking his shit and its got something to do with CP on his hard drives 👍


Nah that's not me heh

>politest of sages, good sir *tip*


ban the genetical dead end troonsaga for fuck sake, it doesnt add to 4chon in any way and its just a nuisance now


does his overweight wife help him sell winter activity insurance? maybe... yoga teacher insurance??


File: 1692761289340.webp 454.87 KB, 1042x8043, 1691008624564.webp


File: 1692955174315.jpg 66.5 KB, 500x500, avid meme77.jpg

hi, avid!


thank you uncle leo


your memes are shit, im not even mad


File: 1693032812784.jpg 89.72 KB, 500x500, avid meme68.jpg

you're not mad because shit makes you horny (it reminds you of nigger erections)


>smiley posts her
>right around the same time the CP links are posted



I was gone for a few days, anything going on? heh


ban dogisaga


moving threads is fixed


i got banned for reporting spam posts

you cant make this shit up

the only thing 4chon about this site is the name 4chon in the URL


File: 1693272193698.jpg 40.6 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg

why are these posts being allowed though?


HDV is a loser


Should keep reports for more serious unambiguous rule violations. If you have a problem with other people's posts like in >>65106 it's better to complain about it publicly like here than to clog up the reports with all of foky's and [redacted]warf's posts. IMO your posts are often just as spammy as theirs especially when you're on meth so it's pot calling the kettle black so I'm not going to ban anyone but the other mods can decide otherwise.


HDV's dick might not work but it's definitely bigger than yours, faggot!



CP spam is out of fucking control lately, ive seen 3 or 4 threads just today

HDV get a european mod you useless fucking cunt


i dont take drugs retard
>muh list of reports waaah

do something about it then, ACTUALLY ban people, you fucking stupid cunt



File: 1693517632155.jpg 41.95 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg

eat shit and die goblin kike boy


why are they the wrong way round


File: 1693612909444.webm 1.65 MB, 296x436, kill la beat.webm

/new/ supremacy
/new/ pride, world wide


thats a sexualized japanese schoolgirl, why are you attracted to this?


Because he is not a homosexual.


yes i can see that he is straight, why then is he attracted to the form of an immature female


Because busted hags aren't very desirable.


File: 1693622190732.png 478.38 KB, 1386x735, 1689565505005271.png

H*g detected


you equate someone who is not a schoolchild to a 'hag'?


triggered fujoshi


script runs deep


File: 1707834950728.png 742.8 KB, 683x1005, 1707834440054736.png


I really would like to go spelunking tbh.


fart posturing lizard musty diahorrea


Spelunking sounds fucking awful, urban exploration is the superior alt hobby


That's only something you can get away with as a child. These days the cops just get called if you hang around abandoned buildings. I don't exactly blame them, since I've seen multiple houses that had mountains of trash and literal shit covering every inch of the carpets due to squatters.


thats why you dont hang around outside like a retard, im also going to put forth the point that getting cited for trespassing is alot less shit than getting trapped and slowly dying or having to be pulled out by a team of firefighters


I'm not talking about hanging around outside. They might see you go in or they will notice if you have a flashlight on or something. People are nosy.


rate my singing


Rate my cock in your ass.



Please delete this.








What is it? I don't want to click it


its just some guy singing very badly a justin bieber song, like very really bad


install robot on lounge and call it /r9k/ again


my dubs btw


fucking hell this site is dead as shit


I am 33 and have other things to do.



do it HDV or I'll piss in your mouth



just use the nelson flag


NEL gang


initiate this flag now HDV


there is no NEL gang


here u go


NEL gang is avid and all the niggers whomst's erections he lickens



European mod when


Doth art Negroid? Thine melaninated complexion? Pray thee sir, might I licketh upon thy erection?


the fuck is this shit?



i wish there was a search feature here


use the catalog and your eyes


that doesnt help searching for individual posts, retard. not even index would work for that. use your brain next time.


Just use yandex.com and search: site:4chon.me "word or phrase in quotations"
They index pages better here than google, at least for everything posted since 2023 and before.


ok that did work, wouldn't have expected this place to be indexed by search engines. i already found the thing i was looking for because i remembered it was posted on another site that does have search functionality, but i guess i stand corrected.


File: 1712182462200.webp 562.03 KB, 1280x1897, Robotnik's Badniks.webp

/r/equesting massa HDV make a 10-thread-max /trash/ board so the schizos can make threads there instead (while range-banned from other boards)



we should be harnessing their power in our laboratory like nazi mad scientist dr josef mengele to create our own uberschizomensch jurassic army instead of banning them


cry more


He should change /lounge/ to /trash/


ban the retard (goblinsaga) who keeps making brainless shitty weeb threads


rather than ban her we should be encouraging her to post more pics of those juicy funbags


she deserves to have her face flayed


she deserves to sit on all our faces



she deserves to be kidnapped and tortured to death


Your cert is expired again LOL!


god i wish that were me

why so butthurt, avid?


ban dogisaga


Would oldschool e-thots with hime cuts that look cringe on whiteys be lowed in a gynoid estrogenist soyciety?


I hate 2deep4u le-weird-and-depressed people like this


Heh... I can save her bros


I haven't stopped wondering whether bangs/a fringe are slutty or not. I think they are. They draw more attention to oneself. Regular same-length hair or however u say it is more modest, clean and humble


i believe you may have wrongfully permabanned another poster. he says there wasnt a ban reason so i was thinking maybe he was mistaken for one of the autistic spammers. it was the guy using the JS flag and then a pepe-variant flag recently. someone was referring to him as smiley, but i dont think he is. i know of him from wizchan as a shitposter on b and he is known as stevie there and elsewhere. i dont have as intimate details as you guys do so i fully admit that i could be wrong.


i *think* it was pepe tuxedo btw, again i am not very smart


When? Must've been at least 6 days ago.


idk, he posted about it today on another site than here or wizchan


this guy is a homosexual spammer don't believe what he says : >>78977


Tell him to email HDV. It's heroicskinhead@protonmail.


nope that's bullshit

>someone was referring to him as smiley

that's smiley's ex [redacted], she does the whole pretending-to-be-schizo thing like avid

this poster
is using separate VPN / data center IPs to post here when running down those IPs in https://whatismyipaddress.com/ip-lookup. VPN IP ranges will be banned here for obvious reasons. but none of those aforementioned IPs he's using there have been banned yet so i don't know what he's complaining about.

if he's talking about in the ban appeals, it will not be unbanned unless he provides the full IP address so we can run it down https://whatismyipaddress.com/ip-lookup and other checkers to determine whether it's a VPN/proxy or not.


ok well i told him to contact you


>smiley's ex [redacted]


smiley was never dating jenny


>pretending-to-be-schizo thing like avid

nah I'm actually skitzo lol


what's your stance on big willies?


HDV enable duplicate image block


i dont care about them why


why anchor and not just delete?


queen of 4chon?


That's not [redacted] and doesn't look like her.


how do you know?


I asked your cousins-uncles- mother's wife.


owned with a simple question much?


I want to fuck her so much guys


That woman in the pic that isn't [redacted].


yet it is goblintard


hiding this shit thread now


I'm ngl I don't think I even realized this thread exists until now. Did I make a post in this one? lmoa

Sorry lads


try closing the my little pony episode containing VLC window when browsing the chon next time


HDV what are you going to do about goblinsaga driving away all of the good posters?

dude seriously if you put your foot down when it was called for a couple years ago we'd have probably 5x the traffic we have now

lmao, get rekt, was the vehement communist censorship worth it? 4chon has never been slower

just pull the plug(goblinsaga)


Still too retarded to understand where the actual problems stemmed from, avid?


and that would be?


File: 1717050765548-0.jpg 59.78 KB, 500x500, avid meme483.jpg

File: 1717050765548-1.jpg 83.47 KB, 600x444, avid meme902.jpg

File: 1717050765548-2.jpg 82.96 KB, 625x482, avid meme229.jpg

File: 1717050765548-3.jpg 140.1 KB, 888x499, avid meme259.jpg


who the fuck is 'avid'?


You are.


i have no idea what you're talking about


You wish you could be tricky kike, but unfortunately you're too stupid to pull it off.


i have no idea what you're talking about


your english is bad, google this word you ugly goblin whore


Need new /food/ and /blog/ threads but I'm too shy to make them. Or idk what the OP pics should be


Avid's gaping butthole makes for a good op.


you are ugly


>I'm too shy to make them.


porst bellens


I prolly won't post so much because my dxm finally arrived and I was 2 stinking weeks without. My biggest problem has been my out of wack sleep schedule, it should be resetting fairly soon ad then I an finally get healthy/healthier/soberer


Please stop taking dxm. I care about (you).


Goodnight 4chon.


Thank you



Please take more dxm. I care about (you).




Have a (you).


threads on the /new/ front page arent being updated to the top when they have new posts despite said posts being visible


try reading the faq on the home page


if you are talking about the serial news thread, it's because 300 replies is bump limit here. i thought about making a new one but said fuck it. don't really care about posting in an anchored thread.


ah got you ill shmake a shnew shthread


rename lounge to /r9k/ and reinstate the robot, ban smiley and dogisaga


mods are actively deleting my posts, fucking commies


because everyone really wants to see your replies to the vpn gibberish spammer


just delete the VPN gibberish spammers posts then, you also deleted my first post in this thread calling you out


rename new to nel


File: 1723147249718.gif 179.22 KB, 740x859, chudthinking.gif

>rename new to nel


Can we get some Dungeon Meshi flags?


anime is aids, grow up




Need Kagura from Gintama and Deedlit from Record of Lodoss War and Ginko (smoking specifically) from Mushi-shi flags.


I tried Mushishi around 13 years ago as a young man, and found it insufferable. It was just random made up nonsense always magically solved with a deus ex machina pulled out of the ass of a 2cool4u mary sue

Does that sound accurate?

Maybe there's some aspects of it I would appreciate now, but as a young person that was the impression my mind gathered from the show


Doesn't sound accurate to me at all. Guy tries going around to help people afflicted by the weird spirit things and usually he can't or their outcome is bittersweet at best. There are a couple times where he nearly fucks himself over, too. The main theme of the show feels like coming to terms with loss. Obviously, he's written to be much more knowledgeable about the spirits, but it's because they have affected his life and he has to travel constantly to avoid bringing calamity because he's basically a walking spirit magnet and more start to appear the longer he remains in one place.

As far as anime goes, I find it hard to describe him as a mary sue. You may not like it anyway, though, as it's mostly melancholy and slow-paced. There's not really an overarching plot, either.


I thought it was great tbh. Comfypilled anime.


This is a good idea.


I love comfy anime though


Your tastes might have changed in 13 years. I know mine certainly have.


Congrats on having a mental disorder just like everyone else on this board. You're not special. Sit down.


Unsure what the point of your post is.


It's a bot.



anime is literally trash, if youre above the age of 16 and youre watching it youre immature, you can cope all you want about that i dont care


Nobody cares about your dumb fuck opinions, but whining about everything every day isn't exactly a bold display of maturity either. Ironically you sound like some 16-year-old fedoralord who thinks being an adult means being an insufferably cynical cunt.


ok animetard, go back to watching your googoogaga le desudesu gook scribbles


I would tell you to go back to being a kicking, screeching crybaby faggot. Too bad that's how you always act.


I think it's just a troll acting retarded intentionally



nobidy cares what cloppers have to say






why does the quick reply not have a vid embed field? it also does not auto-embed, it just posts the plain text


I'd like to file a complaint/query about how only mp4 files are allowed to exceed the 4mb cap. Why does the file type (within reason) matter if the max cap is 16mb anyway? Is there a reason the admins/developers designated this weird, specific filesize shite?


mainly interoperability with 4chan. there are people that post on 4chan frequently such as phagtasm, australian retard flag guy and schizo retard flag guy. since 4chan doesn't support mp4 it doesn't follow the 4 mb limit

single-file images (png or jpg) larger than 4 mb up to a certain amount are automatically compressed to webp in case you haven't noticed, so technically you can post an image larger than 4 mb (up to 4.5 mb for jpg and 6.5 mb for png). too busy to rewrite the code to also support that in multi-file. might be able to increase the png filesize limit even higher than 6.5 mb if i can get the graphicsmagick library working to use its much more efficient webp compression algorithm instead of php's built-in inefficiently memory-intensive "gd" library, but i have no time for this anytime soon. android screenshots greater than 100kb are also auto-compressed to webp.


Didn't know about the image size. Also asked mostly regarding webm, but I was too drunk and retarded to convey that in the moment.


I want to file a complaint in that it's very difficult to save webms posted here, or crosslink them on other sites. If you try to save a webm you just get a 0kb file most of the time.

Why did you do this hdv?


>I want to file a complaint in that it's very difficult to save webms posted here
>If you try to save a webm you just get a 0kb file most of the time.
which browser? works fine for me on both firefox and brave when clicking the video then right-clicking the video and clicking "save video/link as"
i can copy the 4chan way of expanding webm's so you can still right-click save link as without clicking it first to expand but i don't have time this month to do this
>crosslink them on other sites
crosslinking files on other sites is blocked, it's to prevent automated DMCA copyright trolling and hidden CP concern trolling and keep parasitic bandwidth usage to a minimum


Brave, in my case.

>it's to prevent automated DMCA copyright trolling and hidden CP concern trolling

Makes sense I guess.


cheers for fixing this


way to cuck the YLYL thread


context, mp4's no longer work


depends on the mp4, go on ur laptop instead of ur grindr sexting gizmo and check if the mp4 is encoded with h264/avc video codec and aac audio codec otherwise it wont work


shut up retard


or just revert it back, you fucking dipshit


Learn how to use ffmpeg or handbrake, you ESL retard.


should work now




Thanks for adding new flags, didn't see until now. If it's not bothersome, could you add Ifurita (silver hair) sometime?


Maybe you didn't, I don't know. Don't remember seeing this and the other one at least.


You'll Cowards Don't Even Have a Flag of Aika

No sappy lines allowed.


give us a shitposting board

it would be a board where people could
>tell each other to fuck off
>tell each other to kill themselves
>post porn
>post gore
>spam stupid shit
>be edgy
>troll people


already told him to make a 1 page /trash/ but he doesn't want to

no gore tho thats just stupid


shut up retard pussy bitch


literally no one wants to see gore except for you. he's not making a board just for u


imagine being a pussy retard like you lol


you already do most of this shit anyway, you stupid little queer




You are retarded. Hopefully your autism really does cause you to get butthurt enough to commit suicide one day. I'll be sure to celebrate. One less pathetic low IQ faggot to shit everything up.


The power of BWC compels avid to commit suicide! The power of BWC compels avid to commit suicide! The power of BWC compels avid to commit suicide!


Do Frieren and Fern flags NAO!!!


also test

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