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 No.58228[View All]

I'm living at a recovery house atm.
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Dear avid,

I apologize. Avid isn't a gay homosexual that lusts after penis. That's just not true. He's extremely straight. He's never licked a niggers erection or any man's erection ever in his life. He's never had his hair pulled and boi pucci busted wide open. He has never.

Best regards



fake news troonster


You are extremely straight.


My new battery saving wallpaper.


Wow! Looks very schizophrenic!


Sorry it's not an anime wallpaper but I have to save battery.






you're on here all day lmao



another thing you have in common


4chon. I just can't quit you.



you are gay


>Your objective
>Find a man
Avid. You still have time to become a house wife. Your balls are full of life and your boipucci is ready to give birth to beautiful ass babies. You can have life on easy mode just like all women on planet earth because you are a real woman. Go out into the world and find the man of your dreams. 4chon believes in you.


If I were avid, I'd be advising you to get gangbanged by Tyrone, Darius, TJ Sotomayor, Romeo, Mr. Popo and Upgrayedd into single motherhood with an autistic niglet future criminal.


>If I were avid
That seems like something avid would type out.


File: 1725907243040.jpg 79.3 KB, 500x641, 7u50np.jpg

Butt motherhood. Avids dreams become reality.


Getting gangbanged is avids favorite pass time. He would recommend that to everyone. It's what he enjoys.



Here's one for you, bitch.



>pass time


im a legend around these parts, for bad or good reasons, people here cant not talk about me


You are ESL and that isn't my problem.


It's because you're aggressively gay.


wrong, the people here obsessed with me are

you and those are most likely gay and just deflecting/projecting

i personally hate any mention of gay shit, you and the rest of the losers here though love bringing it up/thinking about it

objectively you and those posters are gay


>ummm no there is some conspiracy making me post gay shit all the time
Oh, you're schizo on top of being super gay. My condolences.


The good old IM NOT GAY YOU ARE card.


literally you sissy hypno'd yourself to the point of not being able to register a problem with how you now post
youre literally probably a homosexual though, or a deranged roastie


I'm superstraight. You're so specifically gay they should probably invent a new term for you. Negrosexual seems apt.


yeah right, youre delusional as fuck


Avid you are right. Your are not gay but I want to pound your bussy and that way you can prove that you are straight. This is the only way.


i told you you were a homosexual, or a deranged obsessed roastie

get help


Excuse you. You may not like it but avid is what peak performance looks like.


>"DAAAAAAD THE 5G MI5 waves are making me type gay stuff again!!!11"
>"n-no ur delusional"


You need to have me face fuck you. You have porn star skills. Don't lie.


cope and seethe




>NPC response


Avid is straight. Avid is the straightest man on planet earth to ever exist.


He's so straight he looped back around to being unimaginably gay.


Damn. That's magical.


youre both gay


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