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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.58340[View All]

Two predators in the last 12 hours
A cat, last night, in the heart of my land hunting
A fox, this morning, chasing a mother hen and her babies
Hen attacked the fox as the babies ran away
All alive and well
257 posts and 63 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Let the poor lad keep his hapa GF in peace.


Its embarrassing. She's decent looking but he's so beyond her.


My mom is a big-time christcuck and she keeps talking about the rapture now because of the current news cycle.


Actually idk if I'll even go. I feel like I'll just be lowering my status by going. better to remain exclusive. and there is little promise of women there


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My approach itch is gigantic.There are so many shopping centres I can go to to find young virgin teens, they hang there after school so at about 3-4pm.

I need youth, beauty, chastity, intelligence, health, of course pure nw euro descent is a given

Ive improved my social skills dramatically through exposure and feel I have excellent command of myself and "feel" for social situations and dynamics, though that is always something to improve on. Words are coming more easily.

I've been thinking about how many of the things I want are things women can't really qualify for - i.e. they either are virgins or aren't, they are smart or not.

So I'm trying to figure out ways to make them qualify themselves to me based on the things they do have control over...... But what do women really have control over anyway?

They can at least try to come off as more intelligent, and I do think there is some substance in the notion that people can become more intelligent.

They can also be socially, historically and culturally aware, which are things that are pretty much paramount for me as they're the topic of my current book. So they can tell me they see or notice things. Should be easy for them. Thats should also be fun to talk about.


I feel blessed.

To live as a White man is to be gifted with gigantic potential and yet gigantically vicious, manipulative, untruthful enemies.

Everything is harder yet made more bountiful


I've felt really good exposing myself to rejection. Walking up to women and telling them I'm interested in them. The words come out one way or another - "I thought you were cute" "I thought you were decent looking" "I wanted to come and talk to you" "you drew me to you". The words come from within, nothing is scripted. Even the same words have a different elocution and so ~are~ different every time.

The women get the point, they see that I'm sexually evaluating them as they do the same to me. It's a real rush getting that feeling and basking in it.


Dogisaga and not-Dwarf get moist thinking about getting approached and complimented by you


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Gain as much muscle as possible. Lots of studies showing that a female's perception of male attractiveness is irrelevant. However there's very strong correlation between muscle mass and sexual activity


I have failed to fix the power supply of my mother's TV. No matter what I do it will not output enough power to turn the TV on. I ended up taking shots in the dark and replacing a bunch of components. It wasn't even worth the time, because a replacement board is 40 dollars.


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Watching Immortals 2011 and can't get over this ROBUSTness

Have wondered for a while why the HELL there is no wiki article for Price's Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, its a diet/nutrition/dentistry classic


Are you bisexual like Phagtasm?




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I am not. I browsed puahate/sluthate/lookism back in the day when they were up. I've tried joining incels.is but keep getting rejected, though I'm not sure I really want to post there anyway. I do browse, the site seems like its userbase is way bigger than the aforementioned. Some interesting/funny threads, actually its more content than I really have time for.

I think there was a website called femininebeauty, it would be a shame if its not up anymore - I can't find it. It was a real goldmine of info on sexual dimorphism and how the modelling industry-ies/Hollywood etc push androgynous-looking women in high fashion.

I've browsed some of theapricity and thephora but never really got into either.

So I know a lot about human aesthetics, beauty etc

Otherwise learned about diet and nutrition (and drugs) from 2017 on. Have been ~mostly~ carnivore since 2018.

I regret not MEWING when I learned about it a decade ago.

It's actually rather astonishing... or maybes its not... (?) how the lookism and blackpill stuff has grown in a decade. In 2012 and on it was confined to puahate/sluthate/lookism.net (websites) but now there are normies on YT every which way promoting the stuff. You have to sort through the clickbait and the garbage as usual, but the info is getting out there.

I Mew as much as I can and pray for a better developed face. My face is quite decent but I think it didn't develop as well as it could have.

What people don't know about (and I'm still learning about) is recieving energy from trees, plants and other natural stuff on this Earth and using it to detox yourself (your organism) and potentially make you stronger, more muscular, leaner, or whatever it is that you want (more attractive to women?).


To fix an overbite or underbite you'd need to go to India, Thailand or the Phillippines for affordable double jaw surgery followed by aligners. And you could do PRK (better than LASIK) there too to fix your myopia.


i need this


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Andrew Anglin doesn't believe in STDs


>Hepatitis, HIV, HPV, and herpes are all theoretical.

>I’ve researched it a lot, and I think these conditions are not transmissible, and some of them aren’t even conditions at all.

>Frankly, I don’t know that I believe viruses are real. I guess it’s a valid theory, but it is a theory, and it shouldn’t be presented as fact, because there is no factual proof.

>Regardless, you’re not going to get some deadly mutant STD from your high school girlfriend. There is zero chance of that happening. You’re not even going to get any kind of disease like that from the town slut. Unless she happens to be Mexican or black, in which case you might get syphilis, which is serious, but curable.

>There shouldn’t be any “sex education.”

Which of course conflicts with many of his previous articles:



Get andrew a box of crayons to eat and a helmet.


I'm surprised he kept his old articles up. I should go through them and make infographs with all the contradictory stuff he's said.





Do you know who needs to worry about STDs? Faggots, Jews, and sexhavers. Not proud Aryans.


Anglin is a jew


I don't have either, I just have a face that is longer than it should be.


Quit my job. Found a new job. Prepped to move to a cheaper apartment, ditch my money sink of a car. That was the plan. Today, went to the bank. Went from $1600 to $200. Went inside bank. Asked for balance history. Landlord had waited to cash out three months of rent at once. So now I'm back to waiting another fucking year unless I can figure something out. Also, I'm going to have to put off making a car payment just so that I can make rent. But all that aside, I don't know how this happened. I watch my finances. I kept records. I went back over and everything looked good. I don't understand how I could have missed $1500 even though I accounted for it. I don't understand. I don't get it. I can't keep doing this shit if the universe is going to keep going out of its way to fuck me. There's no winning move. It's all game over.


Do you not look at your bank statements?


I'm with Redmond, at least in that I'm broke af from unanticipated expenses. My checking account was at 2800 last week, and is now at 700. smdh


What the heck are you guys doing? This is why I never set up automatic payments for anything.


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I've only had two landlords before

>first was elderly j*wish couple from literal New York

>rented one of their extra boomer houses for a while
>they were actually really nice and I just paid them with cash directly

>second landlord I never met

>interacted with property manager from eastern Europe somewhere (Estonia?)
>he specifically had me mail my rent to a PO Box
>I was sussed out and always used cashier's checks and tracked mail
>eventually he tried lying and saying that my rent wasn't paid
>I have two kids and my landlord trying to steal an extra $1200 dollars is actually a big deal
>thankfully I have full evidence that the rental payment was in fact received
>tell him that I have evidence and will be contacting an attorney
>he finds my rental payment 5 minutes later
>move away asap

Use cashier's checks. Money is instantly removed from your bank account and a record is made with the bank


waiting another year for what?


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If they wanted me to hate Arabs they shouldnt have picked such a CUTIE for the thumbail


PHENIBUT is the drug similar to kratom I was trying to think of. Theyre both kind of like z-drugs, also kind of like Pregabalin. I don't think I'd take any of them though, just not worth it.


I'm using some NAC but its impacting sleep so I might skip it until my sleep is better.


Kicking out all of the males would solve 90% of the problems with immigration tbh.


Deleted Tinder and Hinge because I was lying about my age and that was the only way I could change it. Many women unmatched when I told them I'm 33. Also I may end up becoming a public figure on the far right if I choose non-anonymity. Never met a single woman from online dating from like 500 matches, though came close, some were low on the looks scale and I didn't want to bother. Its freeing deleting that stuff. If I want a woman I'll have to approach one, which I can


Im not sure women would remember me if they saw me on tv (YouTube/social media) if they just matched me and had a chat, I assume women are talking to like 10+ guys at the same time easily.


>I may end up becoming a public figure on the far right if I choose non-anonymity


Since you often try to talk to them in public, some may have had an experience that stood-out enough to remember you if they were to see you again.


Holes are not worthy of focus
The great mother feeds whom she wills


Oh I think the women I approach irl will always remember my face, how could they not? I don't think women getting real irl cold approaches happens often.


My mum has a rental property, would it be unethical to give the tenants notice so that we could move in there, as opposed to finding a new rental on the market? She didn't seem to think so but I do. We have a housing crisis. Im going to argue for us to move somewhere different, more coastal anyway.


It's sort of immoral I guess, but more importantly, why would you want to be a rentcuck?


Good tenants are rare. If she has good rentcows I would milk them forever, while using their rentbux to fund a proper homestead on raw land


>Good tenants are rare.


I want/need to move around a bit. Mainly I want to move somewhere it's easy to go out and approach to find a wife and/or get better at speaking to women so that I can find a wife.


move to the philippines


I only really see Whites as human. I don't really mean to discriminate so harshly, I can't help it. Some skinny Asian girls can be attractive but it feels like mostly just a fetish to me because its such a power move to flex my Whiteness on them. But I haven't been mean enough or motivated enough to try, I don't think I've approached a single nonWhite yet.


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This guy gets it


It's surprising you see whites as human after so many lined up for sterilization and death. Majority of whites are vaxxmaxx nigger-cattle

At this point I would breed any female, regardless of race, if she could prove to me that she has a soul

Flesh is cheap. Souls are rare


>It's surprising you see whites as human after so many lined up for sterilization and death. Majority of whites are vaxxmaxx nigger-cattle

Yes good point/s

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