Grow up nibba heh
>>62035I know, I enjoyed the original a lot and didn't watch this for the longest time because it felt like a degenerate abomination and a disrespectful effigy of the original. Which it is. It's still fun though, I can't say I hate it as much as I'd like to.
Regular Show >>>>>> Teen Titans Go >>> Adventure Time >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gravity Falls
>>62037What brought you to watch it at all?
>>62038In what universe is Gravity Falls dead last? You're insane. Go take your meds.
I really like spongebob and megas xlr.
>>62035I prefer shadmans interpretation of the show tbh.
>>62040Bored at work and youtube's gotten to the point where they'll show you a 5 minute ad for every two minute piece of music you listen to. I could hook my computer up to the tv and use a browser to block ads but that'd take too much effort to do every day heh
>Gravity FallsIt is good, if it is last I wouldn't put some huge berth between them like that. I'm kind of torn on what'd belong in that spot, I don't feel comfortable ranking them in that manner even though they're all kind of in the same genre. If Adventure Time wasn't essentially the progenitor of all the others I'd say it's probably the one that fell off the cliff the fastest and probably belongs there. To Gravity Falls' credit it just ended outright before it'd otherwise obviously run out of steam.
>>62041Spongebob is of those generational phenomena, I don't think it's even fair to compare it to the others. Great show up until when it wasn't
It's a shame Megas didn't take off like it deserved to. If Comedy Central had picked it up as it was initially pitched to it could have included just a smidge edgier humor (nothing too ridiculous but like, Simpsons/Futurama level maybe) which probably would have helped it in the long run.
When I was a kid I was big into fairly oddparents and ben 10 as well. I haven't watched them as an adult so I wonder how they hold up nowdays.
Currently watching samurai jack which is amazing.
>>62045Samurai Jack is a great. I still need to watch the most recent season.
I never watched Ben 10 (I think it came out after Teen Titans and by the time that ended I was a little burnt out on "serious" action cartoons) but Fairly Oddparents is pretty good. Not Spongebob good but it definitely held its own at the time.
>>62044>fell off the cliff the fastest and probably belongs thereNot like it needs to be said for the millionth time, but they really raped that show into the ground. Really and truly the Fire Princess arc was the bullet fired from the grassy knoll. If you ignore everything from FP on down, the show is a classic. As you said, counting it all as one, it slides right on down to the end of the tier list. Gravity Falls is too fun to be lower than Adventure Time.
>>62042>shadmanHow dare you. I'm totally not going to look that up. Totally not.
>>62041megas xlr
Top quality.
>>62045>>62046Easily one of the best shows CN ever aired. Even when they brought the show back it was still good.
>>62040Nah, that show sucks microwaved dogshit.
My favorite cartoons are probably Ed boys and Courage.
I couldn't get much into Ed, Edd, and Eddy although I can't remember much why. Those trailer girls, tho. Courage was solid.
I stopped watching TV entirely way before any if that aired. I've only seen bits and pieces because my brother would watch that stuff. Here's what I recall:
>Adventure Time
Didn't like the proto-globohomo art too much, pretty sure the dog is voiced by Bender from Futurama.
>Regular Show
All I know is the bird's voice acting is god awful, and there's a dirty green guy who makes your mom jokes, so basically foky is in that show.
Actually, for the longest time the only show I watched on TV was Venture Bros which was generally really good but could be kind of hit-or-miss. In fact, there was at least one season I remember that was almost all bad.
>>62044>Bored at work and youtube's gotten to the point where they'll show you a 5 minute ad for every two minute piece of music you listen to.Just use newpipe, or use a browser on your phone with an adblocker.
>>62056Eds reminds me of classic slapstick like Looney Tunes. It has a lot of uniquely funny characters too. Johnny is an autistic schizo kid, Sara is a perpetually angry bitch, Rolf is a slav or something, Jimmy will probably grow up to be gay, etc. I like the handcrafted feel to the art like how Home Movies has.
>>62034heh but like, h'why dontchya grow up a lil heh
cartoons are fer gheys heh
Why are western cartoons so lame now bros? I feel like there was a major resurgence that started with ren and stimpy and for a long time western animation was even holding ground with anime. Now it's just, corporate flat art trash.
>>62070Because the real based cunts among us realised that CGI was way better and thus stopped watching scribbled shithouse entertainment pieces (anime is trash too)
>>62077So what do you watch dreamworks films and sfm vids or something?
>>62080yes I lub shrek heh
also I sumtyms watch other, less m-mainstream CGI films heh ;)
>>62070Because millennial coastal elites have even worse sensibilities than old kikes probably.
>>62046>Samurai Jack is a great. I still need to watch the most recent seasonMy brother got me to watch the final season. It's excellent. Very dark and mature. 9/10
My 3 year old son has been obsessed with "killing bad guys" ever since he watched seasons 1-4 with my wife. He seems to think all of the world beyond our land is like the video game Diablo
>>62070There's a palpable change in animation that occured around the year 2000 where suddenly every show was made of CGI and the heart noticably vanished. Dexter's Lab and SpongeBob, Simpsons, everything big and small became CGI and had someone important die at the exact same time
>Dexter's Lab seasons 1&2, excellent, soulful>Season 3 begins with new CGI, about Dexter's cool new redditor roommate in college that collects funkopops and is so cool and totally not a self-insert No.62602
>>62601Based and Flamingosis-pilled
>>62600>My 3 year old son has been obsessed with "killing bad guys" ever since he watched seasons 1-4 with my wife. Hope he gets to.
>>62613Killing bad guys is good and wholesome.
North American cartoons these days aren't special as they used to be.
Baby ones will be worshipped by Millenials and Zoomers.
Kid ones will also be worshipped as long as it has fruity stuff.
Adult ones will be ignored if it doesn't fit their ideas of adult cartoon.
>>62600SpongeBob has a Great animation these days
a 35 year old self-fellating adolescent explains why episodic content which by it's design constantly resets signifying eternal stagnation fries ur brain and turns you into a loser by the time u grow up
consooming such content with such cynical conditioning + being told ur a special snowflake prodigy smart specialboy results in learned helplessness that leads to this
>>26083 No.62723
>>62721Eternal reset seems to be the universal default. Being too goal-oriented is also dangerous. I would say equally dangerous as the nihilism of nothing mattering
Here's a 4chan story I remember
>work at small company>boss is the owner and business creator>he's busted his ass 50-70 hours almost every single day for over 40 years to create a profitable business>owner dies>company is sold>within a few months of the owner's death every single sign he's ever existed has been scrubbed from existence>there's nothing anywhere around the store that indicates he ever existed at allI'm sure some jew enjoyed getting 40 years of labor dropped into his hands. Thanks, goy
>>62721Every time I see Soyjaks in these thumbnails, I feel like Luke Smith is becoming gay.
Watching a show called "OK KO" now
It really sucks lol heh
I watched Punch Punch Forever (new animation from a former p*rn artist, from what my friend has told me heh) last night before bed and it's pretty good. Nice to see Newgrounds n*ggas coming up, gnomesaiyan? No.63484
>>63459Nice indie animation. I haven't been to newgrounds in so long, even though I used it practically every day in the mid-2000s.