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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Remove that one faggot cuck nepotistic shitskin mod with his personal vendetta against me already, HDV.

He's abusing the mod panel's tools again in order to act out his impotent little power fantasies on this dead shithole site (and to prevent others from improving it).

This really is #notokay


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Fuck it, i want this discussion to be out in the open now too. See where things stand, and what HDV says about it.

One turkic retard and his sockpuppet is not ""people" lol

I already pointed this out earlier of course, but like 90% of the threads on /lounge/ could be construed as "belonging on /new/" in some manner (not to mention all the actual garbage, low quality/zero content schizo word salad spam that ought to be deleted on sight).

That's not what this is about though, the faggot is still butthurt from being BTFO by me earlier and has been enacting this personal vendetta against me since December. Plain and simple.

As you yourself have pointed out, for him this is not about keeping bort content separate either because otherwise he coulda just moved those threads over to /new/ and be done with it, rather than directly censoring them in a butthurt fashion out of the blue. He probably deleted some other posts too again.

This faggot has kept it down and was acting more careful as of recently (presumably to not lose his mod position and to make me think the bort was actually useable again) but apparently thought that now would be a good time to start up with the nepotistic, nonsensical censorship again.

But let's wait and see what HDfella sez. It's his site after all, and if he openly approves of these nepotistic censorship actions then that's the way it's going to be.

That's not the vibe i was getting from him at all though previously, hence this thread.


Either unlock or move those threads over to /new/


>otherwise he coulda just moved those threads over to /new/ and be done with it
no it's disabled out of caution, only i can enable it temporarily to use it, because there's a somewhat serious bug that can be produced if there are any spoilered files in the thread attempted to move (they must all be deleted prior to moving) that i don't have time to fix since it's a complex bug
>One turkic retard and his sockpuppet is not ""people" lol
ur rong, i can c ip's
i can only do the latter if thats wat u want


Go back to soyjack.party, subhuman.


Is it even possible to get banned on this board? I always thought this is just a remnant littered by downsyndrome Australia


yes, just spam gore


No, I enjoy this board and like the fact it still can be browsed on old hardware. Just asking


Pig hardware needs a ramp-out. Run this ham-fisted demotion into the effect of this modern head shop.


Foky doesn't belong here. There are numerous other websites where he can post shitty memes and copypasta with other retards, the kind of sites I go out of my way to avoid, full of the kind of cancer that makes the entire internet so unbearable. So why does he post here? Just to piss people off, like a kike who's obsessed with destroying everything on instinct no matter how irrelevant. Stop bringing /tv/, /v/, /pol/, reddit, twitter, soyjack.party, or whatever other gay shit you lurk here, you worthless faggot. Anyone who wants to see that kind of content can go there. We don't need you to copy-paste all of their trash here, thanks.


as per xyrs request >>64527 i moved the threads to /new/


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Oh Yeah BABY!!!!!! Feel the funk!!

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