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 No.64679[View All]

what is happening is the vaxxed are finally dying off and the governments will simply claim their deaths are because of a "new covid variant". It is the vaccine that is killing people. And they will enforce new lockdowns, and more vaccines, which will kill even more people.

The vaccine is what is killing people. This new "covid variant" is simply to cover up the vax deaths and instead blame them on this fake new covid wave.

The next lockdowns won't end, since the vax deaths will continue increasing. The end of the modern world is coming. The new world order awaits.

If you took the vaccine already, then get right with God, now.
68 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


this is the best windows screensaver i've seen


There is 2 months left in 2023 and I expect an apology from the people in this thread who lied to me when it turns out billions have not died.


This is 4chon. Expect an apology, never.


Avid died. But the coroner hasn't revealed yet whether it's due to the jab or AIDS.


Avid rose on the third day to get gangbanged like the sissy cum slut that he is.


Vaxxoid apocalypse is ongoing as we speak. Have you not noticed all of the suddenlys? I suggest taking a break from watching hentai and going outside


The numbers are substantially off the mark. No more moving goal posts. Unless billions die, apologize in 2 months, please.


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Speaking anecdotally, I truly think several millions have died. I have hundreds of facebook friends and have dozens of personal anecdotes (screenshotted) of young or at least not terribly old people dying under mysterious circumstances-we even lost at least one known and beloved 4chonner recently. Such anecdotes have slowed down substantially on my end I'll admit so perhaps the worst of it is over, but one thing you can be assured of in either case is that the worse things are the harder they would be working to keep us in the dark about it.

Would you really expect a headline like: "Pharmaceutical Company Slaughters Millions With Blundered Covid Cure" or something like that? heh. We would be deprived of anything other than circumstantial evidence from our personal lives like "nobody wants to work anymore", and a conspicuous amount of facebook eulogies featuring people well under the average life expectancy. PSAs talking about how everything you can imagine can cause a heart attack (apart from the thing we made you take) etc.


Steve Kirsch said 22 million are dead and that was like 9 months ago or something, I'd check his substance to see what he's saying now if I can but obviously it's happening


If I cbb checking I mean


His sub stack lol


>I truly think several millions have died.
Yes they have. That doesn't make every boomer internet fairy tale true though. Billions are not going to die by the end of the year, trust me. I was doing coke with John Titor after he just got back from a trip to the future and he even told me so.


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A fast genocide would be obvious and therefore completely retarded. We're facing long term heart problems, cancers, HIV and sterilization. Remember that Gates is a big player in all of this and his GMO mosquitos that are designed to destroy mosquito populations (and gave children zika) effect the 'next' generation

The GMO mosquitos are completely indistinguishable from normal mosquitoes, but all of their children will be completely sterile

The man behind this is one of the major players in the poison you injected

Remember, not all batches are identical. I would estimate that a good chunk are saline, many cause cancer and/or sterilize, some cause HIV like symptoms that destroy the immune system and the final batch causes rapid death from heart problems. When billions of people took these injections based entirely on their demographics information, it's still largely unknown who took what

What we do know is that the majority of reported deaths and damage in VAERS come primarily from white republican states. Montana, Virginia, Kentucky. It looks like they're targeting white people, but of course it's mostly leftists that take injections

This is far from over


>A fast genocide would be obvious and therefore completely retarded.
I was promised 5 billion dead by the end of 2023. Secondly, there are any number of ways to incentivize depopulation that are less convoluted. All you would need to do is slow down food production and it would be physically impossible to maintain our present numbers. Why do we still subsidize farms for example, if they're trying to decrease aggregate population? Thirdly, births are still outpacing deaths by 2.5 to 1. A few million more "excess deaths" a year doesn't make a dent on the global population. When is the tipping point exactly? Why are there still so many measures in place that keep the population artificially high if they want depopulation so badly?

>We're facing long term heart problems, cancers, HIV and sterilization.

You mean things that have been the leading cause of death for decades?

>and his GMO mosquitos that are designed to destroy mosquito populations (and gave children zika) effect the 'next' generation

They are modified to be sterile, and their population is reduced as a result of the mosquitos in nature trying to breed with them even though they can't have offspring. This has nothing to do with anything. It's like saying that trying to pet a mule is going to make you sterile. "Vax mosquitoes" or an "air vax" sounds like infeasible pop-soyence bullshit.

>The man behind this is one of the major players in the poison you injected

I have not, we've been over this already.

>What we do know is that the majority of reported deaths and damage in VAERS come primarily from white republican states. Montana, Virginia, Kentucky. It looks like they're targeting white people, but of course it's mostly leftists that take injections

Concerns over "white genocide" is a different issue from "depopulation", and we've already been over this too.

In 2 months APOLOGIZE!


>Jews are suing restaurants over vaccine deaths misattributed to caffeinated beverages






>this is the first and only time this Jewy QT has had this drink
I doubt it


The OP of this thread should also be embarrassed/apologize for shilling niggers and billionaire scammers.


It is February of 2024. Your apology is past-due.



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We've been over this. Now where are the infinite lockdowns and mass depopulation?


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Irrelevant. Read the OP and >>64733 again, and then compare and contrast the predictions made with the reality of the present please.


Zombie cope


Your strawman is incorrect as I said months ago.


You got injected with mystery juice and you mock others because you haven't died yet


lol the vaxxoid is screeching again


Being intimidated by an anime flagfag troll on a ded neo natzi image bort. H'who tho?


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I have never taken the vax or advocated for it. Now that I have once again reminded you that your strawman is incorrect, you have no more excuses to drag this out. Take responsibility for your poor predictions.


Tired of people spreading retarded shit and memory-holing it later. That is all.


wakey wakey vaxxie, time for your 8th booster of the day!


Why are internet politics enthusiasts so dishonest?



lol nigger is dying of vaids



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get the pdf zoom 200% clik links read learn
great resource for vaxxxie researchers
>in case somebody hasnt seen this yet kek


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Antivaxxers btfo


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you called?


Is that a woman or a troon?



Remember when internet politics enthusiasts were shilling this nigger, claiming Texas was going to secede under his leadership? Here we are 4 years later, and that didn't happen. Are they not ashamed of being so gullible?


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