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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.65260[View All]

Alright, I've been gone for a few and have only been checking in intermittently for quite some time, so I figure we ought to have a chat.

I personally feel this place has just gone completely bonkers. There's flashes of brilliance and a sense of community still to be found here and there, but I feel like we've gone way off course. None of the silly stuff happening is "unique" to this era of 4chon: we've always had tripfag drama and have spammed ourselves to death in protest for no real reason in particular-or because we just didn't like some other guy-but I feel like it's gotten to the point where the site has become barely recognizable and ought to be reigned in before it's too late.

tl;dr: how do we Make 4chon Great Again (unironically)?

I'm asking for genuine rules and enforcement suggestions and even outreach strategies. As weary as we all must be by now, I think there's something worth salvaging here still-and if there isn't-maybe there could be made to be with a little work lmoa
212 posts and 102 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Clean up this thread too. It devolved into an unreadable, aimless mess, just I said it would. Who is this absolute depraved loser, getting his jollies by shitting up a dead site? Their face should be skinned off.





Watch this riveting video to calm down chud

>Building a SALON in BLOXBURG by PandaLemonTart


Why do you hate us so much?





Replaying to my own post until HDV replies, given that there's no other way he'll ever see what gets posted in what is supposed to be this serious suggestion thread.


lol butthurt


HDV's high out of his mind on coke right now with a hooker but he forgot to take his dick pill so she's trying to give him a handjob and it looks like a bird pulling an earthworm out of the ground


As if the hookers care. That's easy money.


Yeah but he's not enjoying losing a lot of money for nothing


Well maybe he enjoys it well enough.


I don't know if you know but the only way a guy can have sexual pleasure is if his dick is erect. An erection never lies. Our sexuality is nowhere near as complex as women's where women can still technically feel pleasure in other ways without necessarily having your clitoris stimulated and/or engorged at the moment but are also way more picky about "being in the mood" and having much lower libido on average than men. That's why you never hear about men "faking an orgasm." Except for trannies. Those tards can't get hard due to HRT (or worse) even with dick pills and I bet this is one of the main reasons for their high suicide rate.



File: 1695953441806.webp 32.84 KB, 1210x908, y50C8n.webp

You should try this, seems to be popular with women, and was made by a woman. I think Dogisaga likes these kinds of games.



Blake K is a piece of shit.


I think you should try letting avid suck your cock. You might actually like it.


He's busy with your dad rn.


My dads dead so hows he going to give him head?


That's not fair btw, how was I supposed to know?



You think people would do that? Just go on the Internet and tell lies?





Reiterating my serious suggestion to clean up this serious suggestion thread if you want serious suggestions and not inane spam.


I know the thread's been up for a while but I still can't believe there's almost 250 posts in this sh*t and 3/4 of them are [redacted] and random schizo stuff again.

I'm going to have to cut our losses and delete this thread entirely and make a new one if anything.



Shouldn't you have made this thread in >>>/new/ instead? I thought that was the srs bsns board and this more the candy up our nose board.


I think what we really need here is a /meta/ board.


/new/ is already nearly dead, gets 1 post a day on average with half of it being the CP spammer. Having this meta thread there can artificially boost it a bit with cringelord srs bsns suggestshuns (ew! nerd!)


What makes newsposting hard to do anymore is how pointless it seems to be. We're in a dystopian nightmare, there is no future, why care about news anymore? Most of its fake. None of it matters. Nobody's doing anything to stop the horror. Fuck it, amirite?


Pretty much this. All we can really do is theory craft, which is just mental masturbation.


Well put


Additionally, as much as I love making tl;dr posts, no one cares lol.


I think we had an Overbort at one point, maybe we could do that again? Perhaps it will help even out activity between /lounge/ and /new/ even as demoralized we've already become aha


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Not even trying to doompost. Team Hitler 4 lyfe, yo. But good god damn.

I'd support this, mein Fuhrer.


I was using fr*nschan for a while until it became painfully obvious that it was a honeypot ruled by hostile administration. One of my ideas for that website was /arena/ as a debate board. I think it would have gained the website a ton of activity as a fun battleground for the warring pagan and jew-worshipper factions

Perhaps we could do-
[lounge / new / arena] [overboard]

With an option to hide entire boards while surfing the overboard. I'm personally going to hide /new/ because this world is already fucked and there's nothing I can do about it


Who's the schizo that keeps posting seemingly random text strings with sort of dubious, often subtly threatening subject matter? Is he friends with the spammer or something?


Made me think of a /g/tard telling about hooking up an emacs "psychologist" oldschool chatbot plugin to a web browser to bait schizos responding to it's incoherent shit for hours. But I also know that some tranime enjoyers get their brain fried and start writing like that thinking they're James Bond villains or some shit. Sad that at least one of those people here is legit. dumb and probably underage, and it will get worse from here.


A real human bean
& a real hero


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Unironically a glownigger psy-op to attack the only source of unpozzed popular media in production


Ban the gibberish spammer.


Delete the fake schizo gibberish posts.


Still boggles the mind that people willingly get tattoos. Every single one of them are objectively ugly and I'm not sure what kind of mental state you have to be in to enjoy having needles stuck in you.


Celebrate your new job with a new condom.


To each their own.


Their hand and penis will enjoy that very much.

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