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Snape was born in 1960, in Cokeworth, a poor English suburb implied to be in the Midlands of England, near Surrey. Unless this reboot is stupid enough to have the series set in 2024.

The chances he would be black would be slim to none.

Additionally, the character's backstory is that his father was abusive and his mother neglectful. They don't have the balls to make him black because of this, because one way or another they'd have to change the story too much.


Thought I heard this was a hoax, though aren't they making Hermione a nigger? I swear Rowling said something like that years ago, along with saying Dumbledore is zesty.


He's the bad guy, so he's gotta be white. Slytherin are a representation of nazis/chuds in general. Remember that rowling is a man hating feminist.

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Christianity and Democracy have been among the worst disasters to ever befall the human race.


Where do you people find this stuff?


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what do you mean 'you people?'


I'm sorry, I meant to say YOU NIGGERS


Chat, is this real?
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>fucking nerd cares more about the flag than i do


you're the one swearing first though


>swearing scares the pussy faggot


yeah fuck that guy rei is awesome


alien niggers tounge my anus

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Selective abortion seen among Indian diaspora: Indo-Canadian professor


>Toronto: Indo-Canadian professor Prabhat Jha has found that the practice of selective abortion of females in second and third pregnancies is more pronounced among the families in which the mother was born in India but living in Australia, Canada, the UK, or the US.

>Missing girls from selective abortions are contributing to a large deficit of girls within China and India. Jha suggested that understanding the cultural preferences for boys and the fact that such preferences accompany migration could prompt more societal debate and discussion, particularly within India to address the marked demographic deficit of girls.


We're racing to ruin the racial stock of those countries already, so might as well just demographically fuck them all six ways to Sunday. Screw it. West has fallen, billions must die, etc.


this is known, shitistan is fucked, in a lot of cases they abort once they find out the child is a female, I saw one vid on I think liveleak where some streetshitters caught another streetshitter after they just buried their newborn alive, they're disgusting over there

what are your thoughts on the absolute tsnumai of shitters pouring in to Canada?


billions must shit


Pakistan and India are not the same, Pakis don't abort daughters anywhere near as much as Indians, their natal femicide rate (sex selective abortion) is comparable to European countries.

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The southport stabbings suspect is potentially a muslim and this has been hidden until they can bury the story with the release of their tax increases. Quite possibly one of the darkest events I've seen. I won't even mention the people locked up for posting about the (now somewhat confirmed) fact that he was a muslim.

Tax increases across the board. Inhertiance tax increases will kill of most family businesses. I can't tell if it's malicous or they're just thick but this is punishing the sucessful and people who want to make this country more.

It's just L after L for the British people and there's no actual dissident movement that's worth mentioning. Conservatives a full pozzed and now have kemi as leader... It's hard not to be too blackpilled but I can't see any route for improvement.
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british people suck lol


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allahu ackbar


Morgoth's Review made a good video on this. One of the possible scenarios he sees is the starmer regime not changing its course, instead isolating itself from the world to keep their political agenda going. He provocatively called it "the North Korea of Woke".


depends which..
>southerners: absolute cringe nancy boy retards
>northerners: based pasty making farm owning legends


did the devil had one with 17 year old girls? was there sex? is there 17? was there number? italian bankers? what else?

also i havent read of this personat all. that looks like a jail rapist face. tell me abt it. or those that regulars toilet shifts around pennsylvania and seven eleven,

oh wait. it's eve. IF. If. dang. those things goes everywhere. or takes anything. hahahah. hmmmm.... wait it's actually sex?


has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


Isn't Mary supposed to be 14 or something when the kike death cult god impregnated her?


le wordsalad retard

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Shooter of Criminal CEO Caught, Gamer Nation in Mourning
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and so begins the smear campaign


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Did they get him mixed up with avid?


literally obsessed aren't you, to each their own i guess


shitretard libcuck tried to gunpowderdly max out nick 'the spic' fuentes, thoughts?


Based ethnonationalist jewfu spits some serious truth.


Pilpul nonsense also she is a mutt.




Holy crap it's the meme.


every person with brown eyes is a mutt


lack of, jewish interruption? psychological inept, imagination? end of a franchise???


Why does Tim Allen sound like Snape?


I dont know but I hit my elbow today and it hurt like a motherfucker and now still does hours later

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Your response, goy?


This person is a retard and should be shot.


This person is a retard and should be shooted.


>dude like dude being a guinea pig and taking government mystery juice in your veins is just like my food analogy, dont u feel dumb now?
What's funny is you could make a good food analogy against the COVID vaccines since food regulation is just as abysmal as medicine is in USA.


You're all niggers to me.


I dont respond at all, as I am not required to

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Syria has fallen to US-backed Al-Qaeda rebels, Russia has given up with Putin making the calculation that protecting Syria is not in his oligarch buddies' best interests, says he's "not interested in maintaining an empire" and is pushing for "diplomatic solution between the warring parties"

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Israel can't project force. They need their army close to home to put down domestic insurgencies and rebellions. At any given time they can only deploy a small number of their soldiers abroad.

But yeah, serves the kurds right. There's a reason America is known as the great satan in that region of the world. Satan is the great deceiver and you'd be a fool to trust him.

>phantasm's ancestors



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After having bombed ammo depots, Israel is just gobbling up southern Syrian clay and nobody's doing a fucking thing to stop them. Meanwhile, Turkey is prepping to assault the Kurds from the north and nobody's doing anything to stop them either.


*does le "not my problem" dance*


>turkey refuses to have diplomatic talks with the kurds
>they've outright called the new syria their puppet state
>murrica has completely abandoned them
>several towns have been taken and the city of raqqah is next
>kurds are still holding the line along the euphrates and the turks have been unable to push past manbij

And then a turkey explodes down from your ceiling, and as it's pecking your eyes out you'll be screaming "why didn't I care more about Syria?!" but it'll be too late.


What's the difference between a shitlib who complains about the Whiteness, Israel, U.S. Imperialism and the European Colonialism and a reactionary who complains about The West, Israel, NATO and the Globohomo?
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The point is they're complaining about very similar things under different labels.


These shitlibs are the result of KGB in the universities fucking with their brains, same with the reactionaries but through epic edgy memes and shilling on fringe websites. Both groups are NPCs with no pattern recognition.


Nothing; both of those people have identified that pedophiles with personality disorders run the world and are being used.


divide and conquer controlled opposition psyop



We live in a distopian hell scape and yes whores(umm...sex workers? ) have always existed since money but since when did they start broadcasting this porn shit to the general populace?

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If you take a step back from moral indignation this entire event is pretty funny. Women are nature's clowns. Hard to believe anyone takes their opinions seriously.


You can't respect the men in this situation, either.


No, coomers are pretty pathetic. The fact she managed to line up a thousand of them speaks for a lot.


>why do you always fall for fake shit
>believes in hiv


You'd best start believing in HIV avid.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ho_Yeow_Sun#Personal_life what this means "earning come from these love gifts" so she dont sell a single damn albums? that's kinda hilarious. i might actually be elton john then.
also in mistook yeow being a kong's real name. maybe ill mistook her for that other singaporean lennon next time i get real dementia. also it's probably real. it's like, not even a kilo.


esotericisim + psychonautics
server and discussion thread


There's multiple things we humans were given by the aeons to free our minds and save our souls,
it's no news. Diphenhydramine, diethylamide, Dextromethorphan, divinorum, datura, whatever. Those can be used to open "portals" as I like to call them,
gates to enter new versions of reality. It's like breaking through the barrier of your mind, there is so much you are missing on if you haven't broken
the barrier yet...Dreams you can manipulate yourself, witness shadow humanoids that scream through your head and the infamous hatman haunting you, and more beyond that point.

(other discussions are welcome)
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You're attempting to siphon discussion away from here to your gay little hugbox of sheer faggotry on some glownigger honeypot for zoomer trannies.


There's more trannies on here than in the server, such as yourself.

Having people to speak to actively and maintain discussion is better than faggotized, niggerbrained retards like you polluting the replies.


>n-no u
Impotent and witless comeback LMFAO. If you really think this place is full of trannies, then you're an even bigger retard for trying to recruit new orbiters from here. Goes to show discussing schizo shit in your hugbox would have been a waste of time anyway since you possess an astoundingly low IQ. Stay in your glownigger playpen, kid.


THIEF. now i gotta resuffle. good job creep.


if your dickscord is so good why don't you marry it

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