I believe our continued existence hinges on this fight, we can no longer allow ourselves to be buried under this bizarre and unfunny bot-like blather. Were it even the slightest bit amusing this overreach on my part would give me pause, but with each passing day the tiresome non-content grows unabated, preventing real discussion from taking root and blossoming as it did in 4chon's zenith.
For 4chon to survive:
Crashing this board... with no survivors!
>>68714Women select for violent, angry, retards out of a misguided sense angry, violent retards will protect them and angry, violent retards don't build cohesive societies.
>>68715Meek geniuses are self-destructive as well. Almost like it's dialectical. Selecting for meek "geniuses" who think women should have equal rights as men (well, except for child custody, CHUD!) and be able to do w/e they want including pornography, prostitution, drugs, covering themselves in tattoos and piercings, etc. because of an abstract philosophy like "classical liberalism" or w/e devised by geniuses that many cuckservatives, not just libtards and cultural marxists, still worship from 18th century Europe plummets your nation's birth rate to extinction levels.
>>68715Chuds and foids are truly a burden on society.
>>68732He's saying that violent orc retards don't allow women to vote. Society is a balancing act between animalism and idealism
>>68715>>68738My brother is violent, impulsive, emotional, low iq, but at the same time is a shy meek beta with less than no game who also seems to have no ability to understand game. The worst of both worlds. I told him I would take him approaching but he doesn't want to. Pretty sure he's still a virgin at 28 or something. He wants to be firends with a woman before they date and has other excuses for not approaching.
>>68742He doesn't understand that most men need to create opportunities, they don't just fall into your lap. He fell into a trap, and needs some reality smacked into him. I understand if he's broke or out-of-shape and wants to work on himself, but in modernity it takes effort to find an environment to socialize with women and that's what needs to be done, unfortunately. I assume it would hurt his pride to accept your help too. If I were you I'd just invite him to hang out somewhere with no mention of finding a date, and just have him loosen up a bit first.
>>68744He's a tradie, has six figs+ saved up... I told him he's likely gonna lose it all to a woman through alimony if he ever finds one who's into him, because his betaness is going to push her away eventually. I think he's hopeless. If he had more redeeming qualities I might not think so. He has a decent job, a car, goes camping or to national parks, so he has some value and can provide that to women, but its hard to make up for his repellent lack of game.
>>68759I don't really like trannies but I'd watch horror movies with linetrap.
>>68759I hate trannies with tits. I don't want to fuck baphomet. I like girls and I like cute boys, so people assume this is what I want, but it's like body-horror to me. I find it a little unsettling.
>>68744>He doesn't understand that most men need to create opportunities, they don't just fall into your lapI think my life would have been much more smooth sailing if I had never forced my path through life, but rather had only taken what was freely offered
Anything forced will come undone again at some point. Men who devote themselves in the pursuit of a woman may attain her, but they'll also lose her
Nothing in life should be forced. Anything of true value happens without effort
>>68765>I think my life would have been much more smooth sailing if I had never forced my path through life, but rather had only taken what was freely offeredMost of us are offered nothing substantial.
>Anything forced will come undone again at some point. Men who devote themselves in the pursuit of a woman may attain her, but they'll also lose herProbably. You'll die without ever having anything if you fear loss though, you won't even have memories to look back on.
>Nothing in life should be forced. Anything of true value happens without effortProbably not. Sloth is the worst sin in my opinion.
>>68767>Most of us are offered nothing substantialThe current line of discussion is on women, so I'll continue that: out of all human history, we live in the time period with the lowest quality women. Why force the universe to provide you with a broken feminist whore?
The same with a job, housing or almost anything else in modern day Weimerica. It's all garbage. To extend any effort towards anything in this society reminds me of an image I saw many years ago: a feral dog fighting a hyena to the death over roadkill
>You'll die without ever having anything if you fear loss though, you won't even have memories to look back onFreedom from causational struggle sounds blissful. Most humans are obsessed with breaking their bodies and souls over what amounts to nothing more than sandcastles
A 40+ hour workweek for 4 walls and a roof. A smartphone. Why subject oneself to torture for garbage?
>Sloth is the worst sin in my opinionWork in and of itself is meaningless. The fruit of one's work is where value is derived. Most humans only work in pursuit of the sins of greed and lust, which is why this world is a shithole
Why live as a struggling rat in this world rather than detached and free? Your desires form the steps you will tread on your path to hell
>>68765I don't agree with that, I've done several approaches now where I was quite scared and/or the woman had a bitch face, and sometimes she lit up instantly. I don't think I've regretted an approach so far, though some of them have brought embarrassment
>>68771A tree is judged by it's fruit
>>68770>Why force the universe to provide you with a broken feminist whore?I require coitus. I want my descendants to inherent the earth. Additionally, what you describe is obviously not what I'm looking for. At least not for any long-term arrangement.
>A 40+ hour workweek for 4 walls and a roof. A smartphone. Why subject oneself to torture for garbage?I don't intend to be a wagecuck for very long. I have plans and I require money to have any real control over my life. Regardless, "sloth" applies to a lot more than "working a job", which is not what I meant. It means "not doing what you should" more or less. Most people don't want to just be a lazy fuck, there's all kinds of things they want to do, but they shirk doing what they really want for petty reasons, they deprive themselves of growth and experience and Mr. God rewards them with a life full of nothing if they continue that trend. Well I guess their body, soul, and environment will decay in the most extreme case. That's why I think it's the worst. While working toward something isn't always pleasant, it isn't always miserable either. I would say that overall it is usually fun to see things progress as a matter of fact.
Also not even "broken feminist whores" come around wanting to suck my dick, pal. What, you think we're just living in some garden of eden here, where if I just "chill out" bitches are gonna come around feeding me fruit or something? Sorry I'm not a 6'2'' Chad, but the rest of us suffer and are basically serfs for soyciety if we don't take initiative. You know what gets freely offered to me? ZERO! NOTHING! NADA! What are you even getting at here? What the hell else would I be doing, jacking-off and shooting heroin in the back of an alleyway? I'm not sure I understand your contention No.68796
>>68777Ponder the arcane realms. Do not seek wet holes. Women are flesh portals to the depths of hell
I miss schizvid... he was funny
>>68832He'll be back... after he gobbles some big willies.
>>68834I eagerly await his triumphant return.
>>68796Mr. God demands breeders.
You bore me. At the end of the day, I'm tired of people venting their insecurities and sexual frustration by berating women, coming up with strawmanish stereotypes just to cope, but unfortunately building this way a wall between themselves and ever getting better and getting pussy.
I'm tired of people who have similar problems and cope the same way, by developing stereptypes about niggers and immigrants. I've seen them, in real life, acting somewhat vacant, like they're not quite there... This one guy asked me for directions on the metro, but I couldn't help him. So, then, he asked if I was from a different country. I told him I was not. He asked again, like, am I really from this country? So I told him I'm from a different city, which shouldn't be surprising, since we were in a major center where people come to study and work from the whole region. Imagine being so obsessed with immigrants that you start questioning the nationality of some stranger (and I look stereotypically local) when he can't tell you directions, in a big city.
Another day, at the supermarket, I see another one. Again, you could tell that there was something wrong with him. He was loudly complaining on his way out how he's been coming here for a long time and thinks he's earned some trust, and how he's one of the last locals left in this city... That's a common line, isn't it? These people are misfits, and they cope by trying to legitimize themselves based on where they were born as opposed to what they do. If you wasted any opportunities that you had and now your life sucks, hey, at least you're not a dirty nigger, right?
Another one. Never saw him, just his tapestry of newspaper pages glued to a public wall, with skizo ramblings in big black letters all over them about how somebody's a liar or something like that. I'm impressed how long its been there, somehow the rain's not washing it away.
That's what you people remind me of. But thing is, I don't choose to deal with skizos in real life. But coming here is a choice. And you don't have anything to say, or to do... You're boring, bitter normalfags, with no hobbies or interests, NPC minds programmed with thoughts aquired by conforming to the "hivemind". You bore me silly.
>>69242>You're boring, bitter Probably true.
>normalfagsMost people would not say so.
>with no hobbies or interestsFalse. Whatever I'm currently doing is usually just too specific to talk about at length here.
>>69242get raped, slut
>>69375get double-raped, samefag
>>69243epic oldfag response
You're telling me this retard is literally manually posting every time, same with the spammer?
Would it be possible to implement a harsher captcha for *air quotes* "New Users" without a post history or something?
My idea would be a clusterfuck apeshit 20+ character giga nigga captcha for ips with no current posts, cut it in half for an ip with a pre-existing post on the board, quarter it for one with three, and eliminate it entirely for one with four or more. It's not enough to stamp out retardation where we find it, but to make sure it takes no root here to begin with.
>>69490occam's razor would be to give the 99.121 guy a mod account
>>69490all this butthurt makes me like the schizo more
Ok, its gotta be a bot, right? How the hell do we get rid of it? If it's not a bot than may God have mercy on this website. I'm still very much in favor of a more robust captcha for low/no post ips in either case.
>>69799I didn't want it to keep looping like that :x it kinda ruins it
>>69798>Ok, its gotta be a bot, right?No it's a troll with a VPN
>I'm still very much in favor of a more robust captcha for low/no post ips in either case.That would only make sense if it was a bot
>How the hell do we get rid of it?By having more mods. Give retard flag guy (120.152...) a mod account for, tell him to email you his full IP, just tell him to never ban & delete anyone without checking their post history first, to never click D+, never ban more than 7 days for non-CP, etc. Maybe 99.121 guy too.
>>69798schizvid is a very real person and I would upvote all his posts if this was a subreddit
>>69798It might as well be a bot. Does it really matter if it's a bot or sperg though? They are for all intents the same thing.
Whatever you're going to do you'd better do it quick though.
>>69851>That would only make sense if it was a botI personally think if this guy had to solve a genuinely taxing captcha every time he posted he might just piss off to an easier target eventually. Ideally sincere users would be unaffected. That said...
There was another thing I was thinking as an alternative: f*cebook groups have a sort of "questionnaire" system where someone isn't allowed to post in the group without prior approval. I feel like an apparatus like that could be effective for a small imageboard too. I wouldn't mind personally vetting actual new users (if any ever show up), and I would assume something like that would be pretty simple to integrate. Just a couple of text fields on the user's end and a checkbox on mine (along with an inbox thing similar to the "reports" page.
"What's your favorite video game?"
"What's your favorite movie?"
"What's your favorite book?"
"Do you touch yourself at night? (y/n)"
You know, nothing too serious, just
>if retard_detected == true{ print("lol butthurt")}type shit idk heh
>>69891Dude I would fail that test, /tv/ and even you all have teased me for my taste in movies.
>>69892 It's not like it would go on your permanent record or something heh, just an approval appended to your IP from a page only I and other mods perhaps would have access to. This is a screen you and many of the other people here now ideally would never see anyway. Anyone here with a pulse and a brain of some sort would be grandfathered in.
>"detects no existing posts on /lounge/ or /new/">"Answer these questions please:">"Write a short free-form statement on your history with imageboards" Responses would go into a ledger based off of the report system and I would just check a box setting the retard variable to false and allowing the ip to post freely as a result.
>>69891I like the image based captchas personally. There's some neat ones out there that are hard for bots to solve.
The text captcha was solved a decade ago with the invention of OCR. It's so obsolete you might as well not even have it.
>>69893Isn't this basically just an account system? At that point why not make user accounts where you verify your email or something?
I realize that's very much not in the "spirit" of imageboards though.
>>69895Nah it wouldn't be an account at all, I'd never go that far (besides, I don't want to have to check the site email often apart from the occasional back and forth with codefella if I can help it heh). The ip information and whether it was vetted would be preserved along with post history and that's that. Being vetted isn't some golden ticket to never get banned of course, but ultimately it shifts the mental labor of dealing with bots and random weirdos onto staff where it belongs rather than sharing the burden with the rest of the users.
None of those ideas (questionnaires, more captchas, IP approval) will work and will do the opposite of what you intend. I can elaborate why if it's not obvious. Make retard flag guy
>>69892 a mod, everyone likes him
>>69893What if the 0.0000001% chance of getting a legitimate new poster happens though?
I was informed by a friend why the questionnaire thing was a bad idea; he'd reminded me about the fact that dynamic IPs are commonly employed by the real people here. If someone had to write out a questionnaire every time they had to make a post they'd leave-which is of course desirable for the kind of people this policy is meant to target-but wouldn't be worth it for those it isn't.
I scoffed at it at first, but the idea of a third party-free anonymous "account" system integrating a questionnaire was brought up, this way as long as you knew your username and password (which could be stored in-browser), you would be able to participate pretty seamlessly even if your IP changed every time, and the questionnaire would only be a recurrent issue if you forgot your username or password (again, no email or other third party would be involved which means no account recovery-but no related content would be "stored" apart from approval status anyway). Admittedly, this would be a slight imposition on imageboard norms, the only other imageboard I'm aware of that employs any kind of apparatus like this is 8chan and that's mostly just for board owners specifically.
Maybe I'm just grasping at straws, but I'm really getting tired of dealing with CIA/FBI agents and retards, I do think if there was some way to prevent them maintaining any kind of presence here for any extent of time it would be better for all of us in the long run. However, I also understand that this involves work. Work I'm not personally capable of, and work that others may not either agree with fundamentally or be willing to do regardless. All this brings us back to the simplest solution which is to hire more mods, and I do agree as far as that goes that the based Retard Flag Poster is an affable fellow who'd be on the short list of those I would entrust that task with.
>>69929I'd be willing to tolerate it if it meant getting rid of the cp spam.
>>69929What would be an example of the questionnaire?
Do you hate niggers?
Q: around ______ never relax
A: around blacks never relax
Just benign job interview-type stuff as I mentioned, like "Favorite X", "Favorite Y", followed by a short free-form statement question such as "Where do you see yourself in 4(chon) years", "What do you bring to 4chon". The questions being funny/imageboard related (and for liability purposes, clean) would be a plus but I can't think of anything specific off the top of my head right now.
There wouldn't be a right answer for any of these questions necessarily nor would the answers be taken too seriously (I wouldn't intend for them to be stored anywhere once addressed by me either)-as long as they at minimum related to the question asked. Bots and insincere human spammers aren't patient enough for this, at least for long. Shamefully, I moderate a f*cebook group so I've seen this first hand, they'll answer multi-paragraph questions with like "b" and "yes" in the hopes some lazy boomer mod will overlook it accidentally, and allow them an inroad to spam their pajeet "viral videos" and suspicious url-shortened hyperlinks.
Adding this defensive layer against the retardation at hand would in theory cut this horseshit down considerably. I think the odds of them getting through with such a thing in place are pretty low but even if they do they're just getting banned on sight again.
>>69944New users (lmao) might get turned off if the questions are too personal.
Deterring the retard bot doesn't have to be too complicated. A simple "are you a retard bot" would probably be enough. It isn't well made and can barely string two words together.
There's also the danger that the bots creator might be lurking amoung us and can do the test for his bot now and then to "unban" it, so you'll probably still have to occasionally ban the bot's accounts if he's paying attention.
>>69944Sorry, I didn't fully read this before replying. Disregard my post.
>>69944On any other website I wouldn't tolerate something like what you were proposing, and would consider it very strange and sketchy is all I can say.
>>69980Then step up and volunteer for a mod account or he will continue to suggest cocaine-induced ideas and eventually shut down the site.
>>69980>sketchy Not sure how having access to a user's entire post history by IP can be considered a legacy imageboard privacy staple, but the idea of there being a true || false boolean variable statement associated with that post history based on their response to a benign series of questions (discarded after approval with no third parties involved) is weird somehow. It's true you can change IPs easily, but you'd be able to change "accounts"
nearly as easily-it just wouldn't be necessary to do so if your IP itself changes. This is hardly different from a captcha apparatus other than that I'm asking for a few complete sentences in the English language in exchange for the necessity of any further captcha-like filters. Bots or retards that get through will get banned as usual, but the amount of them the users themselves will encounter would be drastically reduced.
To further muse about the subject, instead of a username which is hard to think of maybe it could just be a number from a dropdown box, so you'd be "[IP] [1-100] [password]". I just think it's important there's some manual process involved.
>>69981Come on, man. I did it once like a year and a half ago and it sucked heh. You know what else sucks though? Knowing that every time I'm away from the board for 15 minutes there could be a barely intelligible bot/lunatic blabbering across every thread, or licentious pictures being posted by FBI/M*ssad/CIA agents trying impotently to entrap one of the five people with a brain here.
I'm not near aggrieved enough to shut down the site over it, like I said though ultimately I'm just grasping at straws and proposing hypotheticals because I'd like to move on from these people's sh*t.
>>69984Usernames are a lot easier to remember than a number, especially with no account recovery.
>>69980What he's proposing is pretty benign compared to shit I've seen other imageboards do.
>kohlcash>the 4chan pass No.69994
>>69993I agree somewhat, actually my first idea was a little silly but I'll just say it anyway: rather than a user name you could select a flag (this wouldn't reflect any way on your individual posts or your ability to post with or without a flag on the board, just a text string stored internally) along with submitting a password, so you'd be known server side as:
[IP][Meme - Wojak - Chud][Password] or
[IP][Movie - Shrek][Password] or whatever
That way you have a memorable stand-in for a username without having to think too hard about it if you're having to log in from a new ip or device. There's a small chance that two users would have the same flag and password combo-but it wouldn't be the end of the world anyway. Even if an FBI agent hijacks your account by happenstance, bans and post history would still be handled by IP rather than user info combination.
>>69994Kind of a cute idea. If you're going to have any account system then bans should absolutely be account based though.
Glad you all like me <3 I think I'm happy to take up mod powers if its just to ban the spammers and word salad poster.
I probably won't be terminally online like usual from now up until early Jan because it's BEACH SEASON and there are hot GIRLS going out in public I can hit on easily now.
>>70058>ban the spammers and word salad poster.not this guy tho >>69821 or the others like wint, avid, dogisaga and d-word, just the one with the VPN who will have a post history of less than a day
idc so long as moderation doesnt go full retard like it has on so many other forums and even on other imageboards.
>>70062>Don't ban the 5 people that use this siteWell yes I wouldn't.
>>70062ThaNxXx 4 da UpD00t, kiND, Sir33!!
>the spammer's urls and shit are so fucked up by Codefella that they're practically hieroglyphs at this point
Well done, King. I had a good laugh at the extent this retard has to go to even make a legible post now. What a pathetic loser, lmfao
>>70058Email him then, and include IP, to make your account called 'retard' to sign into, you can change password later in mod thing
>Step away for like one day
>Have to spend 45 minutes mopping up some drooling retard/bot's drivel
G-d I hope they're vaxxed
retard posting again or just another retard?
>>70579 Just "the" retard (not based Retard Flag-guy), of course. Still not entirely sure if it's off-meds [redacted], just some random schizo from ****chan we've yet again been unfairly tasked with babysitting or a shit-tier bot that's being turned off and on to give the initial impression it's a real nigga. I'd greatly prefer to add the same numeric captcha to replies that we have for thread creation and see what happens. The fact the "retard"
never makes threads with such a minimal impediment in place is suspicious.
>>70580forgive me but i didn't understand some of that. isn't the retard some weirdo who asks about how to get rich with drawing? or am i conflating retards?
>>70581No, that guy is ok. I mean, he's pretty fucking silly and frustrating but not to the point I'd ban him for any extended period of time. The capital R Retard/Robotard makes dozens of incomprehensible posts a day. I've been deleting them on sight for the past two months-but naturally it never ends because he's either deranged beyond human comprehension or he doesn't real and is simply a bot on a schedule.
kys faggot retard lmfao
>>70582I didn't see what happened next, but just don't grow paranoid about it. Obviously you can see where I am posting from and I can't see the posting-pattern of the retard-in-question, but be delicate with moderation. It's even in the name. Other boards are ruined due to cross-board paranoia and in-fighting. Anyway, yeah, that retard is annoying in a weird way. Merry Christmas or whatever, bud.
>>70586I only responded for fun so you could see that it's happening. I guess if this is an actual person they think leaving some incomprehensible word salad post no one gives a shit about on a board with five people on it for a very short time is a major accomplishment(?). Not really much you can do about a persistent deranged loser like that except hope his heart explodes in his chest from a hastily produced medicament before too long. I remember real trolls like Imageboard Terrorist, this is just some obese ESL retard who's become fixated on us for whatever reason.
>Merry ChristmasYou too-and yeah don't worry about it there's pretty much zero chance someone gets banned by accident, but because of the sheer volume of bans I'm definitely exercising all due caution
>>70596I wonder if some people start posting that way just to irk you and inevitably make you paranoid, though. Anyway, I was earnest with the holiday wishes. I realize it may have sounded a bit flippant with the way I worded it in retrospect, but that wasn't my intention.
Are you real? I respond, but you don't feel like a real person with your responses.
>>70605Alphabet niggers found that the best way to fight /pol/ is by drowning it in a sea of shitposting bots. It looks like we're important enough to get one bot devoted to 4chon
>>70601No same to you, I'm doing great actually and I hope much the same for you lmoa. Posting stupid shit is a time-honored tradition here, however this "person" or bot couldn't masquerade as a sincere shitposter if they tried. Unless someone copy-pasted one of their posts verbatim I doubt I'd make the mistake of banning them on sight-and I may stop bothering to ban entirely anyway and just delete the posts instead. Ever since I started banning him (which I didn't do for a long time-like seriously this stupid shit has been going on for nearly an entire year by now I think) the board has had more actual activity than any time in recent memory so it's worth it. Whether bot or retard, no one's seeing these posts for very long if at all.
>>70611The nature of the posts themselves suggest as much, though I've encountered actual people in real life who are also barely sentient/prone to repetitious behavior whom are probably given internet access so that they're less of a nuisance to their handlers. I don't know, though. For this guy to be a real human being he'd have to have english as his third language at best, be an autistic compulsive retard with countless time on his hands, while being simultaneously savvy enough to change his IP every single post he makes as well and it's a hard sell. He also conspicuously doesn't make any threads.
I actually recall a certain former user here openly threatening to send a bot at us to get revenge on [redacted] (a person he himself was responsible for bringing here funnily enough), so that would be my best guess as to the nature of where these posts may ultimately be coming from; perhaps a primitive bot hosted on a local machine that gets turned off and on when mommy sends its owner to bed. If I was 100% sure whether or not the retard posts predated that threat or not I would be even more confident in this hypothesis but admittedly I'm not 100% sure.
ur overreacting to a troll. thats y hes spamming. just let RFG and others delete it for u if ur tired of it.
>>70612I am fairly confident it's a markov-chain bot that's being trained from posts here. Every time I see it's posts I am reminded of this board on endchan: Every post by "mark" is a bot. Same type of word-salad nonsense replies.
>>70627neither of u have a sense of detecting botting (automation). the fact he spammed only this thread and nowhere else replying to hiv to provoke him the past 12 or so hours is further evidence it's not a bot. and i see in the ban logs he spammed more on the weekend than on weekdays. both of u make the mistake of ignoring occam's razor. it takes very little effort to spam an imageboard, just buy a vpn for 5 bucks and that's it. you don't need to write a bot lol
>>70629Writing a bot isn't hard and would save effort in the long-run though, it's actually even more autistic and insane if it's not a bot.
>>70624>overreactingI and pretty much everyone else basically just ignored them for months on end though. If my reaction was what dictated whether they were going to do this or not they would have left quite a while ago I'd think heh
>>70629>you don't need to write a botI doubt the bot would be written from scratch but I know where you're coming from; I caught that oddly personal post earlier. Maybe it is just some weird foreigner after all.
>more active on weekendsI was going to ask if you were basing that on the post date or the ban date but I caught myself; I've been active enough to where they're getting dealt with on a mostly daily basis so this would be another anecdote in favor of your theory.
>>70630>actually even more autistic and insane if it's not a botThat's kind of my point, if it's not a bot it's some drooling foreign retard that got latched onto our site completely randomly. His posts are totally meaningless, incomprehensible ESL drivel that no one is remotely offended by, but they feel like a great victory to him for some reason lol
>>70629The bot is obviously a word-mixing chatbot. Your "evidence" is extremely dubious and based on nothing but your hunch.
>and i see in the ban logs he spammed more on the weekend than on weekdaysHave you considered that the mod is more active on weekends because he has shit to do over the week?
>>70627This. This sort of bot has been around for decades. if you want to test that it's a simple chatbot just implement the captcha sitewide for a week and watch in amazement as the bot vanishes.
>>70649>Have you considered that the mod is more active on weekends because he has shit to do over the week?I thought the same at first-but I think I've been active enough regularly that the bans are probably pretty representative of the spammer's activity. I've never sat and thought about when I'm most active either though so who knows. Not a perfect metric but there isn't much else to work with either. I think he's made a pretty good case for it being an honest to goodness redart even if we only have circumstantial evidence to go by-but at the same time I am open to testing whatever the most inoffensive impediment might be under the presumption that it might not be.
>>70654you've had an incompetent rapist presume judgement, like your bans (which I consider trivial)
>>70654moving forward now, before raising a defensive claim for good meatwad, you please feel free to call me out on any missteps on my part so I can improve.
>>70649>if you want to test that it's a simple chatbot just implement the captcha sitewide for a week and watch in amazement as the bot vanishes.he just posted this
>>70656 with the captcha enabled site-wide. you need more mods, give RFG his account already.
>>70656Ok, but dealing with your posts is trivial too so idk, it seems we're at a stalemate. How about a truce lol
>>70658get your bisexual ass in gear, rev-it-up kike.
>>70658Alright, alright. You've proven your point, sorry for doubting you-I appreciate you humoring me with the captcha heh
>>70661>admin hidden 16 minutes - Created a new user: RFG (#6)id change it to "retard", typing capitals is a pain in the ass on mobile phones or tablets, don't make it more annoying for him to log in
>>70663nvm i will just change the username through the mysql database via putty it's trivial to do so
update mods set username = "retard" where id = 6;
This nigger is bananas
>>70658>he just posted this >>70656 with the captcha enabled site-wide. you need more mods, give RFG his account already.Is that the same retard though? This one seems slightly more uh, understandable. There's so many retards I've all but lost track of them.
Also the captcha isn't enabled site wide. I'm posting this message without encountering it for example. Something I've noticed is that the retardo-bot never starts threads. Only replies to them.
>>70669He did have it active back when that post was made, I think he removed it after it was proven ineffective.
>doesn't make threadsI have to apologize because I was the one droning on about this like I'd stumbled on some key data point, but he made the JavaScript flag thread, and has in hindsight done so before on /new/ at one point I think, a rarity but clearly a possibility for him after all.
(or maybe that's a different retard posting copypasta idfk anymore heh)
>>70672The JS guy is a tfw/wizchan shitposter
>>70672Leave JS flag / retard flag impostor ALONE!
>>70672>He did have it active back when that post was made, I think he removed it after it was proven ineffective.I see. I guess it really is just a no-life retard then. Goddamn, imagine what a fat lifeless virgin he must be LOL
>>70673Can we just ban ALL the retards instead of cherrypicking?
>>70676That would be a slippery slope to banning the entire userbase.
>>70676What's he doing that's invasive? The autistically verbose insults and unhinged character studies are funny.
>>70673Is right, I come from those sites. I just enjoy crafting elaborate text walls about unhinged shit
>>70689Have you considered suicide? It's legal in Canada.
>>70677Pour oil down that slippery slope.
>>70712Assisted suicide is legal in the land of maple syrup. Take smiley with you.
>>70724ass-soysted soycide by maple soyrup with soymiley
>>70724>smileywhatever happened to that lil nignog? I'm behind on my deranged jewish schizo lore
>>70755He lurks sometimes, his vocab and writing style is easy to spot
>>70349 No.70797
>>70757I used to lurk and occasionally post on /fringe/
Good times
>>70826Isn't he like 30 years old now? Lemoa
>>70840I think he's past thirty now.
>>70856He's mentally stunted to the same extent as chris-chan, if not more.
>>70797>>70826Do you have a tradewife and childrens yet?
>>70879No, he thinks he's in recess for the pigsty's breed. Howe about you?
>>70879I think I'm the only 4chonner with kids. In fact I'm the only millennial I know with kids. None of my peers have them, only dogs
>>70879I wouldn't want to get married or have kids unless I moved to Yemen or some shit. In the West your wife can just decide to file a divorce all of a sudden because she's "bored", get child custody and require you to pay for "child support" (most of which is spent on unnecessary bullshit for her that I normally wouldn't mind if we were still married, which the family court won't do anything about, instead of a carefully thought-out long-term financial plan made specifically for the general welfare of the children). Oh and she can cheat on you and there's nothing you can do about it. What's the point in marriage if she can do whatever she wants as if she were unmarried, except for further financial cuckoldry for you?
>>70907>or some shitRetard.
>>70912Look up colloquialism.
>>70905I know a few but its pretty rare these days.
>>70916I fucked your mom or some shit.
>>70907>What's the point in marriage if she can do whatever she wants as if she were unmarried, except for further financial cuckoldry for you?It may have been petty but I wanted to brand my wife with my name, like she's just a stupid fucking animal, a brainless hole for me to dump cum into
>>70921But your belly's probably so huge now even though we've been telling you to lay off the sugar and start doing squats and deadlifts (find something heavy to pick up) at least once a week that it totally covers your clitoris (aka female vestigial microdick) making it impossible for you to scissor with any woman.
>>70926I think it's time for you to fly to yemen or some shit and settle down.
>>70926>we've beenHow's your jack off circle coming along? Everyone coated in sweaty man ass and ejaculation or some shit?
>>70928>>70931That time of month for you or some shit? 🩸🌸
>>70926I think you have a very disturbed view of women and relationships, and I say this as a woman hater.
Kill yourself or some shit.
>>70941Reverend Jordan Peterson wants you to wash your dick and balls.
>>70937The, or some shit poster should khs.
>>70936Chop off your penis and tell us if you're enjoying your period.
>>70946Whatever works for you.
>>70936Are you canadian or some shit?
>>70948I am Sultan Muhammad Hijab currently building my empire in Lebanon and collecting troops for my naval invasion of North America. When I establish the Islamic States of America, my first act will be to force (You) to cut down on eating sugar, start exercising, and learn to cook in order to become a suitable concubine of HDV, who I am assigning to govern the Khanate of Texas. Soy will be banned and vegans will be forced to eat halal meat. Phantasm and Red Mage will be forced to renounce homosexuality and convert to Islam. Smiley, the leader of the Muslim Royal Canadian Mountain Division of the neo-SS in Ontario will gather his army and collaborate with me for an invasion of Britain in order to force Avid to give up meth and switch to hookah and hashish, and in return for Smiley's assistance I will allow him to govern the British isles as he sees fit.
>>70950Based. Allah ackbar or some shit!
It's EAL, now, bigot. You are marginalising PoC groups when you imply English should be the first language one has. Check your privilege..
>>70950I'm not sure who you think I am but whatever or some shit.
We need to elevate BIPOC voices by making them screech in pain from dry anal sodomy and we need to crush h'wyte bois by drowning their voices out with good dick.
>>71015>EALWhat does that even stand for?
>>71044Search engines are mad homo though.
>>71051Did a search engine unconsentually finger your asshole or some shit?
>>71055Figuratively, yes.
>>71092deep in UR ANUS
Thought: don't allow IPs with no post history to upload images in order to prevent a certain type of illicit content from being posted on the site itself.
>>71136Might be an ok idea, could even make it a cooldown of a few hours from that first post to include an image or url too heh.
>>71136>>71137Expanding on this thought, maybe that cooldown period could integrate the r9k robot. Every time the new ip tries to upload an image, post a url or even a partial url (i.e. "http" "dot" "slash" and any such phonetic means of subverting the image/url cooldown period) before they're "cleared" their mute gets exponentially longer heh. Combined with the policy of deleting gibberish posts on sight that should help alleviate the problem.
>>71139No the robot is retarded.
>>71144fwiw I don't mean integrating it literally, just its incremental muting function heh
>>71136Won't work because of people with dynamic IPs and it's not like everyone always only posts from their apartment. Send an email with your IP so he can make you a mod account called nein, 999plan or hermancain (named after your IP address).
>>71139>Every time the new ip tries to upload an image, post a url or even a partial url (i.e. "http" "dot" "slash" and any such phonetic means of subverting the image/url cooldown period) before they're "cleared" their mute gets exponentially longer heh.This is a bad idea because it takes 2 seconds to change your VPN IP and the CP spammer (who is a human, not a bot, I've seen him double-post once when he noticed one of his URLs was redacted) would be alerted that his post failed. The reason why the current anti-cp method works is because the spammer is unaware when he does his imageboard spamming rotation that even though his thread goes through, his thread eventually gets locked and image replaced. More mods are the only realistic answer to deal with human spammers.
I will increase the anti-cp checker frequency though to run every 4 minutes instead of 10 minutes.
>>71146If it mutes the cp spammer, go for it!
How do you not get bored of doing this? I like to troll stormweenies too but this requires too much dedication. On Christmas Eve! Have you no shame?!
>>71152>Send an email with your IP so he can make you a mod account called nein, 999plan or hermancain (named after your IP address).I will consider it, but is it really a good idea to make half the site mods?
>>71411You don't need to give them powers.
>>71411I already recommended you earlier
>>69851 No.71433
Site owner guy the login you sent me didn't work, check yo emails
You should [B&D] them, [B] just leaves noise. And make sure to always check post history before banning so you don't accidentally ban avid if he ever comes back, or the two women whose posts can sometimes be schizoey, which is why it's better to input 7d for ban length instead of permaban in case you accidentally ban them.
>>71454Ok, but it looks pretty clear that he/it/they can just make new IPs via the VPN or whatever
>>71455That's his point in that, it doesn't matter whether the ban is for 7 days or 7 years, he'll be back under a new ip regardless heh. I've been permabanning because I'm too lazy to write "7 days" manually every time tbh, but it is a much safer play in the long run considering we have our own retards to consider other than just this Vietnamese or whatever schizo
>>71455That's why I need 99.121 guy to help play whack-a-mole too instead of making excuses like
>>71411 No.71460
>>71457It doesn't have to be "7 days" it can be "7d"
>>71460Surely "In a few days" would be more appropriate :^)
>>71459Alright. I'll do it later.
Make sure to use the ban appeal form if you've been falsely banned btw. Also, see my *mail on the frtongpage of course, heh
retards are one thing... but when will you ban the nigggots?
LIED. People
>>71958I forgot. I will do it right now.
>>71958>>71981Tell that nigger to check his email if he still wants more mods.
Please don't be autistic faggots as it seems every other board's moderation gets more cancerous and paranoid as time goes on. I assume it's zoomer retards leaking their discord dramas onto imageboards.
>>72074He needs to first determine if you're a culture fit. You haven't stated which pony you swear allegiance to, that you will not promote Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca or Johnson & Johnson products, that you do weight-lifting or at least calisthenics weekly and if you don't then you will start to do so, and that you've watched at least the first episode of Season 0 of
Yu-Gi-Oh! (1998) in Japanese with English subs ( ).
>>72074>>72074he's got lots of offers from true oldfag patricians
it's almost like he doesn't want to ban the nigggots at all... like he gets off on reading their incomprehensible gibberish
>>72077>He needs to first determine if you're a culture fit.An HR roastie told me exactly this the other day before making me take a personality assessment test. Aside from the ponies, I pretty much fit the bill.
>>72078The site has been pretty clean every time I've lurked lately, so I don't know how much I'm even needed tbh.
>>72097>quirk chungus keanu reeves reddit shit at the end...
How to deal with SEE PEE? I've been deleting the posts, but I remember someone said it was better to delete the image and lock the thread because it makes them less likely to come back for some reason.
>>72544just [B&D] and don't bother putting a length or reason
Do rangebans for the cp poster, it'll slightly reduce the frequency per week, his vpn often shares ip ranges
1. [B&D]
2. change to 77.234.*
3. New Ban
It'll show up at in ban list
Don't go as far as 77.* since there will false positives
>>73323I tried temp range banning the retardposter but I'm already having second thoughts about it. I don't know if I checked thoroughly enough whether or not anyone shared that IP range with him
>>74841If it's home/business internet it's extremely unlikely there'd be a false positive. If it's mobile internet (or VPN / data center ranges) then it's a different story because of the significantly smaller share of users in the same pool.
Here you can see it's a T-Mobile internet plan. banning this non-VPN spammer's range and you can see that it's mobile internet by checking the IP with that site, just put a small clarification in the reason and tell them to use real internet. See the reason I put in ban list.
>>74850the zogbot sex pest witches need to check smileys other pocket sometime, when he's not torturing people he's posting CP
Attention mods use the new 16-bit range button when banning the cp spammer, it streamlines these steps
>>73323 No.75153
>>75151Why did I see the cp spam locked on the front page the other day? Instead of ban/delete?
>>75153The site does that automatically for suspicious posts.
( this post has been sponsored by microsoft linkedin google )
Proposing another anti-retard counter measure:
If an unusually large amount of activity is detected (let's say, 20 posts over the course of an hour. LOL), ips with no previous post history should be temporarily barred from making additional posts until that cooldown period is up. This will limit someone's ability to flood threads with proxies. Might be hard to implement something like that though so uh, if that's the case I guess we're just at this colorful character's mercy (again).
>>76170hope that faggot gets murdered.
>>76170>waaaah waaaaaah edit the site around me!!!! I can't take the s-s-s-spaaaaaaam you little petulant child, how about fuck off LOL, control freak manbaby
>>76170k added something like that per thread. Don't have any more time, someone else needs to [D] all the spam in
>>62881>>75838or just do what
>>76172 said and clean up just the first one and delete the newer one
Nvm I'll just delete them in winscp and sql (putty)
>>76186based and putty pilled
>>76191piss off you whiny faggot, imagine whining to the admin to ban and block shit you don't like
this wouldn't ever happen on endchan/4chon btw No.76193
>>76181fuck off faggot, go cry somewhere else you beta little bitch boy
>>76192For one I thought you hated smiley, not sure why you're advocating for him to be allowed to bot flood an unrelated thread past the bump limit. If he were to just make a new thread about his discord no one would care, but of course he has to make a big time-wasting production out of it.
>>76192How many years have you been trying to make a 4chon alternative? At least since 8chan. Yet nobody has ever followed you to a different board. One would think you'd understand what that means after a decade of failure.
>>76208Shut up, smiley. Pepe clown tattoo haver.
>>76208I don't hate smiley, he's alright
also spam is funny, shitposting is funny, censorship is some faggot tumblr twitter cringe SJW bullshit, this is 4chon, let's be honest, unless HIV is trying to reform the image of it then I see nothing wrong with spam, the only fucking 2 things that should ever be banned from an imageboard are CP and doxx, HIV is a fucking trash admin and you are a little newfag faggot who wants everyone to bend to their gay shitty circlejerk whims
fuck you, this is the fucking Internet NIGGER
also phaggotasm put your trip back on, you whine more than those nigger cunts on twitter
>>76209eat my shit niggerfaggot, endchan pisses all over this shitty little CP botnet honeypot, you shrimp dicked FAGGOT
>>76225You are a homosexual.
>>76225>also spam is funnyIsn't and has never been.
>shitposting is funnyOnce upon a time when people on the internet were actually creative it was funny. Retards like you, who just try to be as annoying as possible are not funny, have never been funny, and never will be funny. They should make a mental institution for people like you with an internet segregated away from the rest of the population, then you can all have the time of your life, rolling around in your own shit, laughing your ass off all day about how silly you all are.
>>76225So stay on endchan, you supreme faggot
>>76229no that's your dad you're talking about
>>76230tldr kike
>>76231make me NIGGER
>>76232Where's this bitches top lip?
>>76232I see you were Foky's lover. It all makes sense now.
Foky's boyfriend needs to get a life.
>>76232who is this beautiful woman?
>>76386Then I have to remind myself that Jenny was never real.
>>76400yes because I interrupted the deep discussions being had here didn't I
Yo NEL-DV, do you think there should be a 5-page /trash/ board where schizos can shitpost, necrobump etc. as much as they want without getting banned and where shit/smut threads like >>76501 can be moved to? You would have to make sure that when you ban these schizos to select /new/ and /lounge/ instead of all boards so they can be relegated to their /trash/ jail cell.
Rules for that board would be no illegal stuff, doxxing or linking to sketchy sites (obviously), or images and videos containing real-life hardcore pornography, gay pornography or gross/shock imagery (e.g. scat, gore, mutilations) just to prevent it from being too much of a cesspit since that's all Avid would spam in every thread. I can block outside hot-linking/access directly to thread pages from outside the site on that board to prevent DMCA / concern-trolling, as is already the case for all files hosted on your site.
Or would such a board be too much of a moderation hassle? I'd probably be too lazy/busy to moderate it myself much so don't take this as me happily volunteering. Besides the existing global moderators you could add jannies specifically just for that board alone like [redacted], 207 guy and maybe even Avid if he's not going to do a deleting war. It could be an amusing shitshow.
Or would such a board be totally pointless considering there already exist countless other boards schizos can shitpost and spam in like,, and so on and I don't even know why they would spam/schizopost on this site to begin with?
>>76554This whole site is trash.
>>76554>since that's all Avid would spam in every threadI haven't spammed gore in ages, you're overreacting
>Besides the existing global moderators you could add jannies specifically just for that board alone like [redacted], 207 guy and maybe even Avid if he's not going to do a deleting war. no thanks, I would for sure delete shit, fuck this site
>>76557Real, there's way too much moderation here, outside of deleting CP and doxx the site should be hands off
>>76554sounds pointless. if someone wants to spam or shitpost they can always go to another site that has no rules. i don't think even had a board like that where avid could spam whatever he wants. well except for that duck board. or that /h/ board (no relation to 4chan), not sure what that was for
>>76562If you're implying it was me spamming that loli shit you're wrong, I don't post grotesque shit like that, I post gore yes but loli or anything anime related is not my thing, take your meds too you skitzo cunt, you're literally just assuming it's me and running with it, eat shit for that.
>>76558fake avid
the real avid only posts about nigger erections
>>76566no that's literally just you who does that
>>76612>>76615allow me to explain this interaction to the many newfags we definitely have
NEL means "nigger erection licker"
red NEL is an accusation "you are a nigger erection licker"
spoilered NEL is an admission "I am a nigger erection licker"
>>76622Oh. This explains why avid types NEL so much. He's a NEL.
>>76635LOL sorry to hear that, champ. We all have our vices, though.
I thought about a /trash/ idea
>>76554 where it's a scrap board where things are highly temporary featuring 1 page only, 10 threads max, 50 reply bump limit, board not linked on front page just the top nav bar, but I can't imagine it wouldn't eventually just degenerate to people spamming bestiality and gore to take advantage of a no-rules policy, and as soon as you add rules it then just becomes another /lounge/ (if you allow banning for anything other than cp or doxx) or you're piling on more work for mods to do (if you discourage banning and allow only allow deletions, bumplocks and spoilers). I guess you could make avid a janny (not mod) just for that board but knowing him he'd just allow shit to fester.
>>76662>knowing him he'd just allow shit to fester.better than banning and deleting shit you dont like because you're a pussy faggot though
I'm pretty sure I deleted a thread I didn't intend to. The one with some devil pentagon image in the OP. Sorry for being a tard.
>>77131No one cares about some shit thread from a year ago necrobumped by avid.
I still think a 5-thread rule-less (except cp/doxx) /trash/ board for the schizos and trolls should be tried out as a tard rage outlet for them. Won't be linked on front page, just nav bar. It can be self-moderated by schizos just by bumping off the other threads. Avid can be king of the hill in this board.
>>77132proof if was me necrobumping?
>it was real in my mind No.77141
>>77133why so new and r9k can become even slower than they already are? Good idea dipahit
>>74841>>74850the 172.59.* guy is back... let's make a /trash/ for him, and for the other new schizo guy who posts his screenshots and anime pictures
If I've banned the wordsaladposter should I just delete all the rest of their posts or should I do the B&D on all of them as well?
>>78872do w/e u want. [D] takes one less step than [B&D]. be very careful with [D+] tho, should only be used for exceptional cases where A) it's not just someone shitposting, and B) it's not realistic to delete all the spam posts manually
and remember to always range-ban the cp poster
I'm waiting for a check card replacement because my wallet was stolen last tuesday, so the site might go down if I'm not able to pay the bill on time. LOL!
>I think I have quite a bit longer than a week but I just thought I'd put it out there in case I don't; who reads the fine print on sh*t like this anyway? heh
>>81645Did a nigger mug you?
>>81647Yes and he fucked my ass. I GOT BLACKED BY HIS BBC!
>>81645Wow. 4chonners will finally be set free.
>>81657nice try, avid! we all know HDV would never say that!
>>81659If he's called avid, what is he so avid about?
>>81660licking nigger erections mostly
>>81647It fell out of my pocket at some point (likely when I was getting home from the gym when it was dark out) and I didn't notice until I was getting texts about some retard going "ape" with my card heh
>>81665You'll be fine. Just report the card. They'll turn off the card and send you a replacement one with all your stolen money replaced and put back on there.
>>816451. There should be a 7-day grace period (meaning the VPS is shut down but not deleted) if your cloud credit drops to $0 if I understand your host's ToS correctly.
2. Your host accepts Bitcoin payments too. If you don't get your credit card by the last day then just paste your wallet address here and I can wire you $3 in Bitcoin.
3. Check cards (more commonly known as debit cards) are cancerous and you should never leave those in your wallet, I always leave them hidden deep in a drawer. Carrying a debit card is like carrying a huge stack of cash compressed into the size of a card. While you're probably only liable for a small amount if reported ASAP (less than $100 IIRC) it's still a much bigger PITA than losing a credit card.
>>81666That sounds very optimistic. I doubt it will go that smoothly.
Got my credit card in the mail first so I'm just going to pay for everything with this thing now I guess lol heh