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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.75838[Last 50 Posts]

retard nigger spic tranny faggot kike spammed first one well past bump limit



kill yourself!


Watched Edgerunners recently. Surprisingly good for Netflix.



NELsha, NELsha, NELsha, that's all you ever say


don't care if this thread gets deleted so long as the spamming faggot nigger shit in both threads does too. please let the one non-autistic topic be spared the total retardation of some dumb kike cunt.


cry more bitch nigger




bumping because other one is anchored for real this time


This is genuinely really really good, also shes a girl


Reminds me of late 60s stuff like this.



ZOMS (Oh My Science) i remember when i first heard this song at the BLACKEDcade. i was heavy into the folk punk scene already but i never heard this absolute gem from AJJ. just wow, they're really sticking it to the establishment with this one. alright i got a date with a jug of this new soylent flavor: bvll milk. toodles for now!
#FreePalestine #SlavaUkraini #DontMissTrumpNextTime





I'm gonna keep shilling for this band they're one of my favs, have been for a while, since I heard them really.

I think they're gonna get bigger. Would really like to see them. And there are quite a few women in the crowd too so it's not like a lot of extreme metal e.g. slamcore or something which is a sausagefest.

I want to talk to women about their experiences with dissociatives, it seems like some women actually like them - Ket is easy to get into but DXM prolly takes more time/knowledge/committment.

Anyway the music is like heavy psych. Ask away if you want specific recommendations of how to get the best parts


I heard an idea somewhere - you can probably google it easily - that a band only needs like 20 dedicated fans in the world, and then those fans will like the band so much they'll talk about it and play their music, etc etc, basically push the band through word of mouth. Interesting idea.



I don't understand hipsters who want to hoard artists for themselves. Exclusivity hurts the people they allegedly respect. I guess there is something to be said that many artists lose what made them special with mainstream recognition, but that doesn't really compromise what they made beforehand and good artists deserve to be rewarded with success eventually. I remember seeing a small argument about it on this video a long time ago.


I really like the 3rd song (Medicine) - particularly the opening guitar notes (or is it called something else?). Don't like it so much as it gets heavier actually. The soft part in the beginning is so nice and relaxing. Makes you think of a horizon opening up, or a sunrise after doing some kind of work or some kind of epic fight between men in nature. Thoughts of life going on, something new coming up, the sun coming up.



Almost every artist becomes trash as they go mainstream, it seems. I'm not sure I'm completely versed on how it happens (psychologically, socially etc...), but it can obviously be seen through the mainstreamification or the pop-ification of their sound.

Sepultura is one of the best examples. Pretty much everything after "Roots" is worthless https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sepultura even though "Roots" was very poppy and catchy. With the rest you can tell they lost their spark.




I don't disagree, I just don't mind if musicians sell out eventually. It's to be expected. If they produce a lot of great stuff before then, I think they deserve to cash out. It's sad when the gravy train reaches the end, but whatever. Too many people on the planet, so there will always be more great art that isn't compromised by fame.


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based taste



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These first 4-5 songs by Corp Avenger are unironic kino


colours - anthology
>math rock, emo, a la TTNG


Perfect hell yeah motherfucker nu metal headbanging core


There was an Andy Sixx log cover of this called Sliddula that I wish I had saved. The cover artist was called Clog Zombie lol.


get help shitboy


I Am On To See My Husband (I'm Happy) - Beyonce x Casa Di x Steve Terrell




Did (you) even listen to it?


Attack Attack! - Stick Stickly
>crabcore, post-hardcore


travis - sing
>britpop, indie


The White Stripes - Icky Thump


woman - music


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you are gay


woman - music


shitty tiktok music idk


PVRIS - St. Patrick
>alternative rock

I'm quite a fan of this track, the other tracks they've put out are also quite underrated



wrong album there pleb


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Is that avids face?


It's literally on that album, dumb fuck.


relationship of command is trash, acrobatic tenement owns it, plebby, get some taste mong
no its yours


Being tryhard over specific ATDI albums is a new level of retardation. Congratulations.


shut up retard, your the retard you plebeian


Pleb cope


These posts are illustrations of autism. Autism, also called autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or autism spectrum condition (ASC), is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by symptoms of deficient reciprocal social communication and the presence of restricted, repetitive, and inflexible patterns of behavior.


cry about it brainlet


>cries because ATDI song xhe doesnt like was posted
>"n-no ur cryign"
lol, lol


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cat piss andy



Weird, guy





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Pure H'White Chonniley


Utena is such a gorgeous anime. Don't give a shit if it's girly.



Amazing, I found an actually good metalcore/deathcore etc song released within the last few years. Kino breakdown at the start

>Alex Terrible has been accused multiple times of being part of the alt-right movement. Specifically, he has been accused of promoting Nazi ideology, transphobia, and animal cruelty.[30][31][1][32] He has used symbols and imagery that are associated with Nazism in the past, such as the Black Sun (which he had a prominent tattoo of on his arm) and the Othala rune.[33]


thats garbage, man i hate hardcore so much


listen to grind instead, its more based



jadakiss - why
>rap, goated shit



well did you listen to it


listen to what?


what do you think faggot




who are you calling faggot, you little cunt




I must say, if a Black woman's natural hair is a different colour from black, it makes her look prettier.


Soundtrack for when your country standardizes the bizarre, barbaric practices of a degenerate freak named Kellogg





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youre an ugly retarded nonce, fuck off and die


it aint me


shut up retard


but i aint dat and it aint me


You're no fortunate sonnnn, yeah.


yes it is retard


not rly yet heh


Kino heh


Excuse me thats a little bit RUDE!








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5am caffeine


Expected black or doom metal with that cover



Someone post electronic or dance or 2000s-2010s pop


Something like this, champ?





Anyone got rec's for in-ear bluetooth headphones with low sound leakage so I can dance without niggas knowing what I'm listening to? My budget is decent. I know I can google this stuff and know where to try on stuff, I'll probs do that anyway. If you have a rec then let me know. I've been using Bose CQII over-ear's, I can vouch for Bose I think, this pair is pretty good, maybe not manufactured anymore, had them a few years.

This tech is exciting honestly. I think I want in-ears so I can dance without them falling out (my over-ears fall out a bit). Not looking to replace just get somethin else. Honestly the CQII's have been a life-saver, that and white noise to sleep, helps so much living around noisy niggas.


Might've been the wrong thred but call the police idgaf


We can move the posts later anyway, we are all pretty into tech.


I hear ya, mon




Those 2 are bretty gud


Bruh they're good. Updooted


Someone call the police, there's a man who can't stop dancing


Moar electric plox, I'll give ratings


Here's one of my fav electronic thingies of all time, listening to it on repeat so many times.



Ngl some of these songs ITT are absolute shit lol, no offense. I guess tastes differ. A lot of songs here not going HARD ENOUGH!


You're welcome to hold your shitty, snobby opinion.


All good


Wtf bruh




Wish I knew more psychedelic music like this. LotU is the goat




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