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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.71034[View All]

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I'm still holding out hope that Trevor faked his death for privacy and such.




Calling anonymous a name doesn't make any sense, retard. The name is anonymous. Get it?


Correction*: ANON short for anonymous.

















Move over losers. Trevor Moore has won [REDACTED]'s love and affection. Game over.


N   E     S H E E
S   E     N
H   H     A         E
E   S N A B A N S   E
E         A     H   H
          N     E   S
    E E H S     E   N
        E E H S N A B


[REDACTED]'s name is anonymous.


Everyone getting cucked by comedian Trevor Moore...in life and in death.

Many such cases.

Well. That settles, that.

[REDACTED] is off the market for the rest of their life.


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Uh why was that posted?




Timmy is a proud open racist.



I have a difficult time understanding how Trevor Moore the hottest man in all of existence and the universe could be dead...

And then it occurs to me that..

He's dead because of me.


I was being recorded without my consent and put on the Internet somewhere...


Let me explain that again.

I was being recorded without my consent and put on the Internet somewhere.


Whoever recorded me without my consent is responsible for his death.



he killed himself because you were recorded jerking off to him and he was so grossed out by your gay dick he an hero'd?


I told him to jump off his balcony and an hero. He jumped off his balcony and an heroed.





This app drains my phones battery. If you put it on airplane mode, you get no ads.


Tttrrrreeeeevvvvvoooorrrrrrrrr Trevor Trevor Trevor trev



Ethnicity: German, English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh

The surname 'Moore' originates from the British Isles.

Birthplace. Charlottesville, Virginia


Correction*:Early life. Moore was born in Montclair, New Jersey



…let me tell you about what I’ve got going on;
New sketch comedy writing classes start soon!

Come write with me, Sam!

Classes Starting This August

What makes Sam Brown feel qualified to teach sketch comedy writing? I assume you're all familiar with my work from Whitest Kids U' Know but aside from that I've been teaching a sketch writing course like this for over ten years. Also, I feel I should say, while I will reference Whitest Kids a lot, in my history of teaching there were a lot of students who were unaware or didn't even know the show, so don't worry if you aren't the most familiar with the show or even a fan of it.

How will it work? We will meet once a week on Zoom for 8 weeks (I aim to do 8 straight weeks but sometimes life comes up and we'll have to take a week off). Each week will consist of lecturing about technique and personal experiences, then reading work you've written outside of class and holding an open discussion on how you could improve the work itself and the direction you're taking it.

Sketch 101: Structure (if you haven’t taken my class, please start here)
Starting August 4th
Sunday 12pm-3pm PT

In this class we start from the ground up, talking about sketch structure and building a vocabulary of terms. At first a lot of these concepts will feel like restrictions to adhere to but as we go on, they will form into tools that help indicate a direction to your material. I like to think of this as a class that has something to offer someone who has never even written a joke before while also being worthwhile to someone who is a seasoned veteran looking to sharpen their craft.


SECOND TIER CLASSES: (Required to have taken the Sketch 101: Structure class (or whatever it may have been called at the time), I don’t think of these as advanced though, just more focused)

-Sketch 202: Writing and Producing Sketches

Starting August 8th

Thursdays 5pm-8pm PT

In this class we focus on writing a sketch with the challenge of actually producing the sketch in some form. My goal is to push you to write your sketches in a more practical style and show you how to value your jokes. Don't worry about not having production skills as I will try and assist with that and show you options of how to work around that, and hopefully put you in a position where you can start to acquire these skills out of your necessity to produce comedy.

-Sketch 201: Let’s Collaborate

TBD (I tend to alternate between this class and 202 every session unless I get enough interest to fill a second 200 class)

In this class we focus different aspects on group writing including how to give constructive notes, doing rewrites on other people’s work and direct collaboration. We will include assignments on developing your own ideas as well as taking another idea or concept someone else has then finishing it yourself. This class culminates in everyone collaborating on a script that is approximately a half hour of sketches, as if it were a self-contained show.


The entire 8-week course will be $350. Payments can be spread over multiple weeks but to reserve your spot you will need to pay half and you will be fully paid by week 5. If this is still a problem for you feel free to write to me so we can be clear about the arrangement. I'm just trying to protect myself (and you) from having someone sign up and flake in class two and now they've taken up a spot for someone else who is serious about this. In my ten years this didn't happen all the time, but you'd be surprised how often it did.

Sign up in the next week (by Wednesday July 22nd, 11:59pm PST) and I will give you a $50 discount.

Students who retake a class get $100 off enrollment (as long as the classes don’t fill up).

If you would like to sign up simply click the button below to email [REDACTED]@Gmail.com with the subject line indicating the class you're signing up for:
“(Structure, Collaborate or Make a Sketch) sign up “
☝️pick one of those, don’t just do that verbatim.

Then in the email let me know:

-your name, or the name of the person enrolling.
-which class you are enrolling in. -Venmo or PayPal? If neither of those work for you, we can try to figure something else out. It would also be helpful if you let me know the name you are sending the payment from and if you wish to pay in full or break up your payments.


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Isis, fuck you.


lol ded

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