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 No.71034[Last 50 Posts]



Holidays make me do a bunch of stuff I don't really feel like doing.


The holidays. Yeah.


Merry Rabbi Yeshua bar Yosefmas! Nativity scenes and mindless consumerism will come to you unless you post "Thank you Krampus" in this thread.


Thank you Krampus


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r u le me?

Thank you Krampus


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Merry Yule to all the non-cucks.


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gimme a hug


You're so edgy. I bet you tell your mother that you aren't going to church every Sunday!


Nobody in my immediate family goes to church because we aren't cucks.


Sure. Whatever you say. Your mom's bringing your chicken tenders down asap.


Project harder cuck.


Gimme gimme!


Okay edgelord.


Okay cuck. Keep worshipping the kike on a stick nerd.


It's time for you to get ready for bedtime. Santa clause is dropping stuff off tonight.


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This is America and I respect people's rights. You can worship or believe whatever the heck you want! Free speech! Whoo hoo!

Oh say can you see by the dawns early light what so gladly we hail as the rockets yet gleaming and the rockets red glare the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that the flag was still there oh say can that star spangled something something for the land of the fffrreee and the home of the brave.

America fuck yeah


Lol butthurt fag.


Oh no. You don't believe in Santa clause? Whatever shall I do?


Angry Jews hate Jesus and CHRISTmas
Also water is wet and grass is green.


You'll probably cry a little more like a nerd fag.


Lol foolish goy cuck worships a jew but complains about jews.


Jesus was an alien.


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Jews don't like me and I don't like them right back. It's kinda like cosmic ping pong.


I hate niggers.


>cuckinsanity is an alien religion
No shit.


R.I.P Trevor moore. I hope your wife, son, friends, fans, coworkers and everyone who knew you or knew of you and enjoyed you as a person and your work have a lovely christmas and enjoy the holidays. Thank you for reproducing and leaving the world with a baby-trevor and I hope your sister has more kids. I love you buddy and you will always be missed. Thanks for leaving this world a better place. Amen.


Don't need to complain about that cowardly lovin'
bitch padding is a holiday right.


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Dime-bag is schizoaffective. (homosweaxsual)


I hope that he faked his death and because everyone loves him, news places like TMZ and whatnot went with it. I hope that he's secretly retired and has pulled a richard simmons-in dissapearence.


He's still alive. Thanks for the secret code.




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One thing I hate about christcucks is how they all have to put that inefficient high-CPU-usage-utilizing battery-draining scroll-stuttering JavaScript snowing animation on websites at this time of year. Halloween also sucks, they put on the gaudy purple background and unreadable orange text. Fuck off.


I'm sorry a priest raped you as a child.


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sometimes trevor moore is a little bit obsessed.


Obsessive compulsive disorder.





I didn't mean to make trevor moore an-hero.


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I'm in heavy denial that trevor is dead. I keep trying to find a conspiracy theory or some kind of proof that he's still alive. Aside from the fact he had an offspring-THANK GOD and his art will live on forever-people he touched ect! I can't find anything but I just keep looking lol.




File: 1703703382800.jpg 103.3 KB, 1024x1180, etc..jpg

How many times do I have to tell you it's etc. which is short for the Latin expression et cetera, NOT ect.?


He dieded to death




I don't know what your problem is but the abbreviation for etcetera is ect.




Pick your battles. Jesus Christ.


lol pwned etc.


That's your idea of pwning someone.


Literally unironically never heard of him. I mean I guess his name would've graced my consciousness somewhere but I've never registered it.


That's because he was a burgerland comedian and not an australian one.


Still holding out hope that trevor moore is still alive and not dead.


Self suck Saturdays are still going strong.










The jewiest kikes u'know






your last name means you would sell MadKatz?



my name is shaggy 2dope look it up


2dope is better than 1 but sometimes there are important matters to raise more attentively




the silver hot-dog in that food-eating contest goes to...


Cast members: Trevor Moore, Zach Cregger, Sam Brown, Darren Trumeter and Timmy Williams.


winner is the angel in glasses frames up ahead dead center


new bladee sucks hard
dont think hes put anything good out in years


Oh my lord! Not one jew in that band!


retrospectively, pills only raise troubles about equalities and stuff.


"He is married to Rachel Lee Pearl since August 14, 2010. They have two daughters."



all jews




darrel? is that you?





Cast members: Trevor Moore (jew, dead) Zach Cregger (jew kike), Sam Brown (very jewish), Darren Trumeter (jew, vaxxed, soon dead) and Timmy Williams (most jewish, weak)


Pulls up some random old man who has nothing to do with twkuk. Okay.


Angry jew claims everyone is a Jew. Okay.


that's not true. that's kim-possible!


You're a jew trying to run damage control for other jews right now lol. Cute FUD, 2 shekels have been deposited into your bank account.




Hijacking this thread. Found this on google. This is not a good haircut. It has medieval monk vibes. Why would she advertise this?


The real question you need to ask is...

Why did he request it?


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Dunno. But it's supposed to fade higher imo.




Happy holidays! hope everyone had fun with their family and loved ones and be safe this new years! :)


I did, you too Vag00 :D


y-you too


Trevor and the group went through every single sketch. Discussed it all. Everything. He made extra content. There's stuff that has yet to be released, example: mars. Then he just died. It's like he wrapped up everything perfectly and either secretly retired I HOPE and will be releasing more content from beyond the grave, meaning that he'll still be doing work with them just quietly and out of sight-if alive and if not damn, he had more content he was planning to release. It just seems to perfect. He was starting to have a family with his wife and adores his son. He stated that he didn't go to fan gatherings because he didn't want to be murdered-more of a reason for him to retire.

I really hope that he's not actually dead.




Here she laments about being ugly


Then two years later she washes her hair and looks normal


Another year, another dollar.






i bored of him i want to divorce him now. know any other cute guys?



In all of human history the male elites in all societies always had harems of young girls (or boys, like Michael Jackson). This is nothing new and should be expected for any male in a high place in society.


Whats the tldr of it?


Stupid cuckold faggot. Kys


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I just gave someone a haircut for the second time in my life and did a significantly better job than this


how did you learn to do it


hi, redx


Who is this soyboy?


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U should be slapped u son of a bastard bitch!


You couldn't slap shit off a bricklayers pocket


U say day to my face n not online u don of bastard botch!


Time and place


Fife thity india
U kno wher


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You're not the least bit funny goblinsaga






it's such a shame Trevvy-kun died before I could suck and ride his willie... but I can still goon to old WKUK eps!!!!!!!!


Nobody asked


FoKisaga butthurt that I want other men's cocks more than his






Schizo stop talking to yourself. You're trashing this thread.


cry more, threads shit anyway


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No u!


I cant see the pic, its showing up as a 404


That's your problem.


I hope travis faked his death.


yes, (you)!!!!! (you) are FoKisaga!

I"m not talking to myself, love, my insane exbf is imitating me


Shut up goblin


I killed tevor moore. I told him to jump off his balcony and he did. I was being recorded without my consent




to nobody's surprise, soyteens prove themselves to be insufferable faggots who fellate black penis once again




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Would you recommend that we [–] your thread?




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I heard avid uses this stuff to loosen up his bussy for big willies


Whoa, CR friend!


Drunk texts to myself.


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File: 1707855542017-3.webp 190.77 KB, 1241x2688, effects-of-alcohol.webp

Islam is right about alcohol.



You have the kind of autism that if someone tries to tell you a knock knock joke you think that they're trying to break into your house.


you are an alcoholic
maybe this will help convince you to stop harming yourself with the fermented jew:
>The forgotten history of Jews in the alcohol industry
>Some estimates say 30-40% of Jewish people — women and kids included — worked as makers or purveyors of hooch in Eastern Europe until the end of the 19th century

Protocols of the Elders of Zion, protocol #1, part 23:
>Behold the alcoholic animals, bemused with drink, the right to an immoderate use of which comes along with freedom. It is not for us and ours to walk that road. The peoples of the GOYIM are bemused with alcoholic liquors; their youth has grown stupid on classicism and from early immorality, into which it has been inducted by our special agents - by tutors, lackeys, governesses in the houses of the wealthy, by clerks and others, by our women in the places of dissipation frequented by the GOYIM. In the number of these last I count also the so-called "society ladies," voluntary followers of the others in corruption and luxury.


>You are an alcoholic
I'm not actually and go fuck yourself.


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no youre not, youre just some fuck ugly skitzo cunt who wont shut the fuck up and leave


>ugly skitzo cunt
You looked at your own reflection on the monitor and are talking to yourself.


impossible, i have an anti glare monitor, you however are a phoneposter because you cant afford a computer LOL


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Telephones are little computers now.


coping poorfag


That's not the case but whatever makes you feel good.




>impossible, i have an anti glare monitor
Impossible. I'm glaring at you through your monitor right now.


leave this site goblinsaga


You curse 4chon and it's coming back to you 10 fold.


prove it


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>foky hands are behind this post


File: 1710023469395.jpg 49.04 KB, 600x450, Dat5gO-WsAA_CCt.jpg

Yeah because he's such a foreigner, he doesn't even make sense.



It's goblinsaga. Foky's posts were of a higher quality.

We need him back bros.


it was actually me, avid

fun chon theory, redx was Trevor Moore, I saw his face in the /4ch0n tinychat and he looked like him, also the death of Trevor Moore coincides with the end of redx posting here


I need to see a picture of redx immediately.


FoKy bled to death after being castrated by a Chechen in Mariupol


I don't have one, there was one posted on 8ch.pl/4chon years ago but it got deleted by an admin for 'doxxing'


Well, what did he look like? Describe him.


NELvid already said that he looked like Trevor Moore, ya dunce.


I find it hard to believe. I can't imagine pedx looking... normal. Trevor is above average, even. He looks like the kind of low key chad who chicks would flock to.

Pedx on the other hand is a mentally disturbed pedophile would be rapist who spams child pornography on a dead neonazi imageboard. He's probably pretty fucking ugly or he'd have a boyfriend or something and not feel the need to.


>low key chad who chicks would flock to.
He literally was tbqh.


fuck off lol, not telling you shit goblin saga

and now he's 6 foot under LOL


dead pedo fag is dead and a pedofag

dogisaga seething as her fat MSRA folds burn

dogisaga you should get aids and die


Trevor Moore was not redx.


LOL heh


yes he was, I literally saw him in the tinychat you mong

stay cope and newfag


Sauce or gtfo

Provide screencap


File: 1710121326929.jpeg Spoiler Image, 10.53 KB, 194x259, images (3).jpeg

eat shit faggot

here's your screenshot


See now I know you're lyin goblinsaga.


not goblinsaga, I am telling the truth, you can scour the waybackmachine if you want but that shitty site doesn't cache images so whatever, fuck you, I'm not lying


Pics or it didn't happen.



>Posts gore.
Oh wow, you didn't provide a screenshot. well, well, well




File: 1717382359948.mp4 10.17 MB, 640x356, the_walls_fall_out.mp4

Thats a gore picture of a prolapsed anus. Don't click it.







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Yum Yum Screenshots So Good 🍦😛


I remember some dweeb commenting on a Cherry Crush ASMR video that she should divorce her ASMR content from her porn identity. There are a bunch of prudish retards in ASMR that want to keep everything sexual out of the interest. I personally don't like most of the parasocial girlfriend crap, but whining about it isn't going to make it disappear and I ultimately don't care if Cherry Crush makes suggestive content. Even if it's not sexual, there is something intimate about getting a haircut (which gives me very strong ASMR), so it just makes sense that many people associate it with sexuality.


ASMR is fetish stuff and everybody knows it. Yes, there are an ultra-minority of cases where it is not strictly so, but these whores are well aware of why people watch them.


There's plenty of completely asexual ASMR out there. One video I used to enjoy was a key scraping video with zero humans appearing to any of the senses


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Not on topic about twkuk/Trevor.


It's about their animated movie "MARS". The final project worked on by Trevor. That's what those screenshots are about. The movie is being released.






If I die from a heart attack it's because I have a broken heart.


What are you talking about, chud? There's nothing sexual about Cherry Crush ASMR. It's on Instagram which makes it family friendly. You're just projecting misogynistic tropes.



I don't hate her, she's pretty attractive, but I wish she chose to become a mother instead doing porn and all this other miscellaneous e-whore stuff.

I like the sound of water in mostly-full containers glugging when they're turned upside-down.



This e-whore has nothing to do with Trevor Moore and twkuk.


Driving asmr, for me.


for me it's trevor moore drunkenly falling off the balcony to his death asmr


He jumped. He suicided himself.


>made YouTube content
>said YouTubers are the worst
H'what meant by dis?


did he do a flip?


I guess we'll never know.



Admittedly, when I was recorded without my consent. I did tell him to "do a flip faggot".









File: 1719529507728.jpg 79.73 KB, 869x768, EyVg59uWgAIjRc5.jpg

I've been looking stuff up. I'm convinced he's faked his death.


noone cares


Whatever omran.




nobody cares



if i didnt reply to you you'd be stuck samefagging


This website is haram and so is all the other shit you do in your third world shit hole. Are you looking to have them stone you to death and or toss you off a building?


throw me off a building like they did you dead comedian lover?


Trevor jumped.


cope, you disgusting fat fucking ugly cunt






I miss Trevor so much.


File: 1720125486757.webm 3.52 MB, 576x1024, 1720038227243.webm


i didnt post this




Why'd you post this Patrick Bateman type dude?


Mackenzie is a girls name.


I keep looking around for Trevor. I keep hoping he's going to be like IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO!!!!




I previously told him that if he jumped off his balcony that I wouldn't be able to live with myself and here we are.


File: 1720493267924.jpg 114.2 KB, 1200x1200, newFile-1.jpg

Suicide pact gone wrong?


I killed Trevor moore.



Those trips.


Death looking more friendly every day.


Yandere Sachi-chan took care of him >:^)

Legend has it this is the last thing he saw


Having to resort to talking to Trevor moore on the ghost spirit oracle app. He tells me stuff like that I should create art, kill myself to be with him and to take off my clothes so he can have ghost sex with me. Whew Trevor. Are you dead or just happy to see me? Is that a ghost flashlight in your pants?


It is settled. [redacted] is no more. Your new nickname is Banshee.


File: 1720535869427.webp 454.87 KB, 1042x8043, 1709863826800.webp

This is an anonymous image board. I have no clue who you're referring to


I'm still holding out hope that Trevor faked his death for privacy and such.




Calling anonymous a name doesn't make any sense, retard. The name is anonymous. Get it?


Correction*: ANON short for anonymous.

















Move over losers. Trevor Moore has won [REDACTED]'s love and affection. Game over.


N   E     S H E E
S   E     N
H   H     A         E
E   S N A B A N S   E
E         A     H   H
          N     E   S
    E E H S     E   N
        E E H S N A B


[REDACTED]'s name is anonymous.


Everyone getting cucked by comedian Trevor Moore...in life and in death.

Many such cases.

Well. That settles, that.

[REDACTED] is off the market for the rest of their life.


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Uh why was that posted?




Timmy is a proud open racist.



I have a difficult time understanding how Trevor Moore the hottest man in all of existence and the universe could be dead...

And then it occurs to me that..

He's dead because of me.


I was being recorded without my consent and put on the Internet somewhere...


Let me explain that again.

I was being recorded without my consent and put on the Internet somewhere.


Whoever recorded me without my consent is responsible for his death.



he killed himself because you were recorded jerking off to him and he was so grossed out by your gay dick he an hero'd?


I told him to jump off his balcony and an hero. He jumped off his balcony and an heroed.





This app drains my phones battery. If you put it on airplane mode, you get no ads.


Tttrrrreeeeevvvvvoooorrrrrrrrr Trevor Trevor Trevor trev



Ethnicity: German, English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh

The surname 'Moore' originates from the British Isles.

Birthplace. Charlottesville, Virginia


Correction*:Early life. Moore was born in Montclair, New Jersey



…let me tell you about what I’ve got going on;
New sketch comedy writing classes start soon!

Come write with me, Sam!

Classes Starting This August

What makes Sam Brown feel qualified to teach sketch comedy writing? I assume you're all familiar with my work from Whitest Kids U' Know but aside from that I've been teaching a sketch writing course like this for over ten years. Also, I feel I should say, while I will reference Whitest Kids a lot, in my history of teaching there were a lot of students who were unaware or didn't even know the show, so don't worry if you aren't the most familiar with the show or even a fan of it.

How will it work? We will meet once a week on Zoom for 8 weeks (I aim to do 8 straight weeks but sometimes life comes up and we'll have to take a week off). Each week will consist of lecturing about technique and personal experiences, then reading work you've written outside of class and holding an open discussion on how you could improve the work itself and the direction you're taking it.

Sketch 101: Structure (if you haven’t taken my class, please start here)
Starting August 4th
Sunday 12pm-3pm PT

In this class we start from the ground up, talking about sketch structure and building a vocabulary of terms. At first a lot of these concepts will feel like restrictions to adhere to but as we go on, they will form into tools that help indicate a direction to your material. I like to think of this as a class that has something to offer someone who has never even written a joke before while also being worthwhile to someone who is a seasoned veteran looking to sharpen their craft.


SECOND TIER CLASSES: (Required to have taken the Sketch 101: Structure class (or whatever it may have been called at the time), I don’t think of these as advanced though, just more focused)

-Sketch 202: Writing and Producing Sketches

Starting August 8th

Thursdays 5pm-8pm PT

In this class we focus on writing a sketch with the challenge of actually producing the sketch in some form. My goal is to push you to write your sketches in a more practical style and show you how to value your jokes. Don't worry about not having production skills as I will try and assist with that and show you options of how to work around that, and hopefully put you in a position where you can start to acquire these skills out of your necessity to produce comedy.

-Sketch 201: Let’s Collaborate

TBD (I tend to alternate between this class and 202 every session unless I get enough interest to fill a second 200 class)

In this class we focus different aspects on group writing including how to give constructive notes, doing rewrites on other people’s work and direct collaboration. We will include assignments on developing your own ideas as well as taking another idea or concept someone else has then finishing it yourself. This class culminates in everyone collaborating on a script that is approximately a half hour of sketches, as if it were a self-contained show.


The entire 8-week course will be $350. Payments can be spread over multiple weeks but to reserve your spot you will need to pay half and you will be fully paid by week 5. If this is still a problem for you feel free to write to me so we can be clear about the arrangement. I'm just trying to protect myself (and you) from having someone sign up and flake in class two and now they've taken up a spot for someone else who is serious about this. In my ten years this didn't happen all the time, but you'd be surprised how often it did.

Sign up in the next week (by Wednesday July 22nd, 11:59pm PST) and I will give you a $50 discount.

Students who retake a class get $100 off enrollment (as long as the classes don’t fill up).

If you would like to sign up simply click the button below to email [REDACTED]@Gmail.com with the subject line indicating the class you're signing up for:
“(Structure, Collaborate or Make a Sketch) sign up “
☝️pick one of those, don’t just do that verbatim.

Then in the email let me know:

-your name, or the name of the person enrolling.
-which class you are enrolling in. -Venmo or PayPal? If neither of those work for you, we can try to figure something else out. It would also be helpful if you let me know the name you are sending the payment from and if you wish to pay in full or break up your payments.


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Isis, fuck you.


lol ded

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