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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.75838[View All]

retard nigger spic tranny faggot kike spammed first one well past bump limit
226 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


you literally proved my point lol


The only point you ever prove is that retards should be euthanized. Stay butthurt.


File: 1735577609794.jpg 304.89 KB, 1080x1646, oie_qNnKWMSKezDZ.jpg

and again, why are you such a coward, is your skitzo mind so shredded that you still feel the need to keep up appearances on an anonymous imageboard, just simply LOL


You're the moron coming to spaces you don't like daily to do nothing but complain and get butthurt.


have you read your post history?


It's mostly pointing out your extreme faggotry as of late because you're a tedious retard.


crey aboot et


Sure thing, HIVmanager


you are gay


You're the one called HIVmanager










If i had to show aliens a song that perfectly summed up the human race this would be the one


oh look, hitler blessed my post with his initials






>2009-esque upbeat indie(TM) genre stock music for corporate events


personally, i am ready to simply Revolutionize the world
with HTML5 Web Standards and Responsive Mobile First Web Design of Smashing Magazine and Social Media Integration Strategy


just imagine, being in a 600 people Teams call


>just Imagine being in a 600 people Teams call
>all the People
>in a 3h corporate presentation Teams call





alright john?
















i realized that it's a small but recurring gag in 'poppy' lyrics and videos is that her character is repulsed by gay guys






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