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 No.75838[View All]

retard nigger spic tranny faggot kike spammed first one well past bump limit
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Is that avids face?


It's literally on that album, dumb fuck.


relationship of command is trash, acrobatic tenement owns it, plebby, get some taste mong
no its yours


Being tryhard over specific ATDI albums is a new level of retardation. Congratulations.


shut up retard, your the retard you plebeian


Pleb cope


These posts are illustrations of autism. Autism, also called autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or autism spectrum condition (ASC), is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by symptoms of deficient reciprocal social communication and the presence of restricted, repetitive, and inflexible patterns of behavior.


cry about it brainlet


>cries because ATDI song xhe doesnt like was posted
>"n-no ur cryign"
lol, lol


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cat piss andy



Weird, guy





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Pure H'White Chonniley


Utena is such a gorgeous anime. Don't give a shit if it's girly.



Amazing, I found an actually good metalcore/deathcore etc song released within the last few years. Kino breakdown at the start

>Alex Terrible has been accused multiple times of being part of the alt-right movement. Specifically, he has been accused of promoting Nazi ideology, transphobia, and animal cruelty.[30][31][1][32] He has used symbols and imagery that are associated with Nazism in the past, such as the Black Sun (which he had a prominent tattoo of on his arm) and the Othala rune.[33]


thats garbage, man i hate hardcore so much


listen to grind instead, its more based



jadakiss - why
>rap, goated shit



well did you listen to it


listen to what?


what do you think faggot




who are you calling faggot, you little cunt




I must say, if a Black woman's natural hair is a different colour from black, it makes her look prettier.


Soundtrack for when your country standardizes the bizarre, barbaric practices of a degenerate freak named Kellogg





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youre an ugly retarded nonce, fuck off and die


it aint me


shut up retard


but i aint dat and it aint me


You're no fortunate sonnnn, yeah.


yes it is retard


not rly yet heh


Kino heh


Excuse me thats a little bit RUDE!





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