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 No.77180[View All]

Post about upcoming films, videos and any other related media ITT, post about what you are hyped for, reviews, and so on

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga trailer 1 (releasing mid-May 24)
112 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


why do you keep spamming generic female faces



you mean ugly


Lol little faggot.


I would smash. I am not a homosexual.


gay men can't tell which women are mid, they think all sub-7s are hideously ugly


says the goblin who is a 0


straight men don't make posts like this


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gay because i dont find THIS attractive?



maybe the outfit isn't to your tastes but get it off and you'll be in funbag city which is a most desirous destination for any straight man


kill yourself
see above, you samefagging grotesque


Rebel Moon electric boogaloo Snyder cut trailer. Thoughts?


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DC out now


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the feels


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This movie fucked me up. I like it and a lot of other Ghibli films, but holy shit Miyazaki is such a conceited curmudgeonly pedophile shithead.


Berserk is doomed to never get a proper adaptation of any kind. Even the first anime is watered down quite a bit.


>conceited curmudgeonly pedophile shithead

I never really got that impression of him at all. What makes you say that?

He makes movies with child characters commonly but I don't think I've ever seen him sexualize a child, unlike most of the otaku-pandering anime.


It's been alleged that he drunkenly stated something along the lines of "So what if a man loves a 12-year-old girl?" before.


Maybe "falls in love with" is more accurate than "loves".


I don't really believe these rumors without very strong evidence. The easiest way to assassinate a person's character nowdays is to accuse them of being a pedophile, and miyazaki is a public figure. That's not to say pedophiles don't exist, I mean there's several on this very board, but the accusation gets thrown around a lot.

I remember when they did it to cody wilson to ruin his life.


It very well could be a lie, though he's still an asshole for a variety of other reasons.


>The easiest way to assassinate a person's character nowdays is to accuse them of being a pedophile, and miyazaki is a public figure.
Not in Japan (or rest of Asia frankly), they have a whole "lolicon" anime/manga industry and "junior gravure idol" industry which would be illegal everywhere else in the "West" and culturally the Japanese are not obsessed like white people about being scared of pedophiles hiding under every rock ready to snatch their children or being like "SHE'S 17 YOU SICK FUCK." If Miyazaki declared that he's starting a lolicon manga I bet you it would sell well in Japan (and be illegal to import into elsewhere).


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It's weird how polarized "age of consent" has become. I could see how someone could consider dating a teenager to be immoral, but claiming it's literal pedophilia or that it should be forbidden to fantasize about is retarded. It must be zoomers, because millennials were never such puritans. I've never read Oshinoko, but apparently a mass number of Westerners dropped it because they made a plot point around incest. Can you imagine people getting upset about Oreimo in 2010? How do people reconcile living in a world where moral standards keep radically shifting in the span of less than a few years? How do they believe their own bullshit or have any internal consistency at all?


It's like whichever faggot made this wanted to lose all credibility by sneaking Anya Forger in. Kids on SPY x FAMILY are not drawn with post-pubescent bodies. They look like toddlers. Fitting that the dancing retard is dressed up like a homosexual with a gaped asshole.


>How do people reconcile living in a world where moral standards keep radically shifting in the span of less than a few years? How do they believe their own bullshit or have any internal consistency at all?
Rat utopia is hitting it's crescendo soon


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Doom (2005) is unironic kino heh. Love the edgy 2000s nu metal hell yeah motherfucker vibe. Another patrician film panned by critics


You have no clue what kino is. This is kino.


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Excuse (you). I am the kino kang.


wakaliwood is hell-yea-motherfucker incarnate


>STUNNING! The World of BERSERK, in a Darker Anime Style

What if Miura decided to take Berserk, post-Eclipse, to a darker absurdist post-apocalyptic setting, more in line with the aesthetic of '97 Berserk anime's first episode or Black Swordsman manga arc on steroids, instead of the whimsical isekai-esque JRPG party?


It's a shame Miura took the suddenly



>Died: May 6, 2021 (age 54 years)

>May 6, 2021 Japan COVID Vaccination Rate: 3.32 Doses Per 100 People


>Japan implemented a nationwide vaccination program against COVID-19 in 2021 using mRNA vaccines and prioritizing health care professionals from February 2021, then older adults aged ≥ 65 years and those with underlying comorbidities, followed by younger individuals.


>Percentage of people aged 65 years and older among total population in Japan in 2021: 29.79%



If anyone dies now it's because of the vax.

Heart attack? Clot shot. Car crash? Obviously he was vaxxed and had a blood clot while driving. Plane crash? Plane was carrying covid vaccines and the prions were being dispersed into the air from the cooler, killing everyone aboard.

There's no arguing with this sort of insanity because they'll just say that your brain is being controlled by the 5g microchips in the vaccine if you call them out on their bullshit.


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>t. vaxxoid


he's right though, stay coping


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>vaxxoid rna sequence is multiplying like a virus


what are you talking about?

btw im unvaxxed if thats what you were implying


In Miura's case, it's probably true. He literally "died suddenly" of a rare heart condition at the peak of covid, with no prior signs of failing health.


I've always seen Japan cited at >90% vaxxoid levels


I know they at least tested ivermectin for treating COVID in Japan


The vax was pretty new in may of 2021. I'm sure they're at 90% plus now though.


literally obsessed


Looks good...


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I watched this it was good heh pretty freaky. Recommended. I still haven't seen Alien: Romulus.


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M Night Indianmnan twisty horror thriller thing piratable now, I will watch it at some point


A full series of this would be much better than the (imo pretty shitty) existing Berserk anime. Haters will hate


Watched this heh. A lot of it is set inside a stadium and I wasn't sure how much of the crowd was CGI, I'm guessing basically all of it. Just had an odd cgi look.

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