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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.77266[View All]

I have a degree in electronics and I got fired from the only semi-related job I had since graduating 4 months ago. Now I mow grass at a gator farm for 12 dollars an hour LOL!
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Finally got monero, went thru kucoin.com but the security steps are like walking into fort Knox

He's gl, maybe even 7 or higher




cool heh



Considering they some of these guys work 6 or 7 days a week, I can see why they do.


every other mid-day when i go for a run on the beach i see roughly the same group of healthy happy-go-lucky & good-for-them tanned adolescents who don't really seem to be there as professional athletes playing beach volleyball, makes me wonder if it's the real life where for each of them their major logistics and freight network company owning mommy & daddy have already paid off a man for their high-school and/or university automatic pass and they are "not required" to attend any of the classes for "reasons", like good for them if so.


The beach is free. Volleyball is free. I can't imagine how buckbroken your soul is to think teenagers must be rich to enjoy the beach


you are gay and a nigger


more like 16 to 24 year olds, like the bit older end. on workdays, erry time, 1 to 5 pm. when majority of ppl like that are basically forced to be in school or wageslaving already to later tell journos on twitter surveying their day to day schedule that they "basically have no free time ever". had that thought after being surrounded by nouveau riche john-stupid big rooof ("make it bigger") villas from situations i'm aware of in real life pandering in general on blatant corruption, pocketing tax money, buying loicenses, imitating work, accrediting useless 4 year university degrees that are scam thought by unskilled old nobodies and not giving a shit in other economic areas and by all stratas, so how blatant can it get, heh.

you get your loicense certification education whatever by the rules through focus and time investment, planning and gradual expenditure, going places when necessary like a proper goodie two-shoes always on time "yes sir", and maybe they just buy it from some per-retirement boomer and go play vollyball, ride motorcycles or are there with their families or something, like good 4 them.


I've done this Bondi to Coogee walk like 50 times after surfing. Basically every time I'd walk past boomers and yuppie youngin's talking about housing prices while doing their morning or 10am walk by


Thinking about getting some quail, but I'm too much of a pussy to murder cute title birds on a regular basis.


I would raise quail if I couldn't have chickens


Funny you say that, because that's exactly why I'm considering it.


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Was about to post that


I think I shouldn't have bit down on this canker sore. It felt pretty good, a bit masochistic, and I spat out blood after crunching down on it, but I think it made it bigger and hard to close my mouth and Mew properly. It's smaller now so I guess it's going away finally.






I'm chaste


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Still testing the waters before I post under my real name and face. I feel destined to do it at this point. I don't want fame or attention but I know it gives my words validity and power. And it will also inspire others to speak openly.


I think the Twitter/X payment plan things are not bad. So it's like $150/year for longer posts, a checkmark, DM feature and some other features...

I THINK this kind of payment plan thing X has going on would help to reduce spam or bots or trolls but idk. This kind of thing is not really my area of interest.


Might still get suspended of course, and the rules and regulations etc etc are obviously anti-White.


Honestly if I were in control I'd allow full free speech ~ and then allow the authorities to investigate legitimate threats of violence and stuff like that, or doxxing. But then in a FREE, HAPPY, HEALTHY, WHITE ETHNOSTATE we would not have concerns about doxxing or free speech because we would live together in relative harmony. In fact it would be heckin' paradise imo


the white nationalist / race realist / "groyper" industry on twitter is oversaturated at this point. your types of posts on twitter are a dime a dozen.
go on gab then, that's where milo and andrew anglin post, no censorship


I'm not necessarily looking to build an audience, or become a politician, or a political leader... I want most of that, maybe or probably, it depends what we're talking about, but it seems to be coming with time.

I'm mostly interested in speaking my mind and communicating and receiving information from others.

And I want TRUTH, I THINK (?!). Really I think of myself mostly as a philosopher, but then also a psychonaut, though I was kinda dragged into that by or through my own addictions. I am a psychonaut really, but I still haven't taken huge amounts of psychedelics because I'm too scared and don't have the time/space/place or safety to do it, and also otherwise it can be extremely scary. I've been to hospital multiple times due to overdoses in which I either had psychological or physiological problems. I do want truth I think and the drugs bring it, or help to bring it.

Also my writing is coming along nicely, it's becoming QUALITY. I want to write a work of GOLD which will be deeply provocative, insightful, piercing, damning, explosive, electrifying... It will be QUOTABLE and allusive, referencing many works and becoming something of an instruction manual in and of itself. I am incredibly excited for about it!

Anyway otherwise I was just saying I don't intend to be original with the Twitter acc. But I do have some original thoughts it seems.


You won't find much truth among internet politics enthusiasts.


i farted and i found much smell


the only audience overlap between gaypers and WN are actual retards. biggest gayper is a literal beaner who talks shit about WN. plus, twniggers arent a good slice for most movements considered to be "far-right", among many other topics.




I'm sure I've heard that term for a while but that was the first time I checked the Wiki entry and really got a feel for what it referred to. I wrote Nick Fuentes off when I kept seeing his stupid facial expressions screencapped on /pol/.


I really don't know what you mean to be saying here...


This guy is a self-admitted ugly African or Turk or some combination therof, he has some good blackpill takes.


This one drags a bit but listen from e.g. 5:00


He hates White people and is a smug christcuck beaner. He's worthless. For all the shit he talks about jews, apparently he surrounds himself with a lot of them. Haven't cared to investigate him further since he refers to White nationalists as wiggers.


He is a fed stooge, who let's his brown handler, Ali (Akbar) "Alexander" solicit sex from the young guys in his organization in exchange for political favors.


I mean wypipo do kind of suck. They are Israel's staunchest defenders and the originators and enforcers of feminism, LGBTQI ideology and DEI/ESG policies (in immigration, employment, academia and advertising). And when you compare all the "white" countries combined (USA, British Commonwealth and all of Europe) they have a much lower average home ownership rate than all the "non-white" countries combined, which means wypipo are the biggest defenders (wittingly or unwittingly) of parasitic rentierism (aka feudalism with window-dressing), usury and rootless cosmopolitanism.


And the vast majority of technological advancements came from White people. Log off and go smack rocks together.


Industrial society and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


And look what all this technology has done to your people. I used to be naive like you.



What you meant is that you used to not be a retard. Technology is bad in the hands of nonwhites. The internet being far superior when mostly only White and Japanese autists used it is a great example.


And I've already read babby's first manifesto. The kind of people I think are least deserving of genocide are groups like the Mennonites.


Sehr gut. You Vill enjoy ze wunderbare Technologie und you Vill own Nothing und Be Happy.


Overpopulation is the real issue.


my insane arse expulsions


Of non-whites, u mean. But if we controlled them it wouldn't be so big of an issue. The environmental issues they cause or bring are bad.


Most whites are dysgenic also. I live in the deep south where blacks and spics abound. Yet the only ones that have ever given me problems are h'white karens and z*gbots

The future god-king needs to practice strong eugenics


Of course. Whites are the global minority.


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Would be sweet if there were an uber eats for drugs. The way you go through the dnm it's like you're leaking military docs. Excuse me but NO, I just want to get high!


This guy is genuinely entertaining


So posting after 300 posts doesn't bump the thread? Testing

Honestly I've never been completely sure what "bump limit" meant or referred to.

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