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 No.77266[View All]

I have a degree in electronics and I got fired from the only semi-related job I had since graduating 4 months ago. Now I mow grass at a gator farm for 12 dollars an hour LOL!
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>making company internal Electron apps and C# JAVA microservices


imagine knowing you are forced to go to school every day for more than a decade for education probably worse than some Udemy courses and YouTube videos and getting bullied even so you can sit in Teams calls with Jeets when you grow up


to be fair that still counts as privileged idk


What's privileged about it?


idk making more than most wagies and getting out of bed at like 10:00 (depending on tz) and no commute


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Welp. Still haven't managed to find a new job. For some reason the temp agencies in the area haven't provided jack shit. And now they're trying to find reasons to fire me at work. I think it's pretty much at that point now.


>For some reason the temp agencies in the area haven't provided jack shit
Really depends on your area. When I lived in New England in 2017 they always had work. In Florida they never have anything for some reason, and when they do they expect you to commit to a full 5-day work weak, which is not a reasonable ask when you're looking for a new job, because no one is going to interview you on a weekend.


Damn, I don't think I've felt that way in half a decade.


The light fades. The abyss opens up to swallow you whole. In your final moments your thoughts will be...

>if only avid was sucking my balls right now


What changed?


They haven't chugged any gallons of PCP recently. That's what changed.


Everything keeps getting worse and the things I put a lot of time and effort into never work out.


Like what? Maybe you’re putting your effort in the wrong places.


suck it up pussy


2nd post was from a fake retard. But anyway ~

I like being young (relatively) and fit and healthy and clean and having time to do what I want and having SOME space to do what I want... Life is GREAT!


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Thinkin about going on fish tank. It might actually be perfect for me


You are going to get bullied.


>>79599 after the last one sam noted he is leaning towards using a pro contracting agency instead of twitter. to get the more normalfag ppl who are not ig memelords fully aware of the mde & to filter out the more unpredictable tards (background checks i guess). may have to be insistive and show them your promise now to get in there....


Also unironically was thinking about becoming the pm of Australia and what it would be like. But I have no real contacts, don't want to work that hard, etc etc.. lol


Hmm, I think I'm pretty tough and I like criticism. I'm hard on myself (often?).

I still only watched the 1st episode of mde lol


fosh tenk


>using a pro contracting agency to get more normalfag people

so he's sold out? inb4 fishtank season whatever is a pile of shit

jet neptune is also a fag, hate that weird little yesman


the roadmap:
1. stay completely illegally in the usa for 3-6 months and get famous being made fun of by the zoomers on fishtank (the "worst" thing is that they can deport you which would make for a funny quip) i'm sure the crew will love being able to make fun of an australian illegal
2. apply to become the pm of australia (send them a letter with your fishtank credentials or something)


>so he's sold out?
no, who knows, but maybe the problem with the s2 was that all but like one person were chan memelords already in on the joke and what level of harassment to expect and not seeing the crew so much as an authority to abide as in s1 so any thematics (e.g. the creepy 70s cult) or planned progression became irrelevant for the crew having to cater to these lazy bums to get funnies out of them not the other way around


He is weird honestly, lel


I did see the fat girl made to look at the wall, which was dumb of her to submit


having an outside agency also could maybe help with risky and manic people like that chick who was suicide-baiting, then had a nervous breakdown and ended up in hospital, being more of their legal responsibility instead of the mde's


always thought of risk if some internet fag they bring in wrote le epick manifesto before picking a noif from the kictchen and trying to kill the crew or the other members of the show to btfo the fascist chuds live before a botched seaside attempt


I'm still not really sure what fish tank is, I mean I think the goal for the contestants is to stay in the house for as long as possible, is that right? And then they actually win money, like 10-20k or somethin? (I want more)


What's the point of watching it then? Do they not realize unpredictable tards are what their audience wants?


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Heh just saw this on their Insta, after I posted my thing about becoming pm


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Damn, this is genuis


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From the USyd Palestine protest camp. God look at how badly that building obstructs the view of the skyline. It looks SO BAD!


Trying to buy monero it's damn hard


sad times


So many big exchanges have desisted it, it's annoying. Localmonero is weird I don't wanna do that. Trying kucoin


Delisted. S23 autocorrect playing up


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American male wypipo are so obsessed with being "alpha" thanks to watching countless "How To Be An Alpha Male" youtube videos or whatever they end up killing their own sons lmao



someone needs to do this to goblinsaga


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Alright Which one of you is this


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I just ordered this.


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Finally got monero, went thru kucoin.com but the security steps are like walking into fort Knox

He's gl, maybe even 7 or higher




cool heh



Considering they some of these guys work 6 or 7 days a week, I can see why they do.

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