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 No.782[View All]

Discuss Exercise and Diet Ideas below!
>t. still running 20 miles a week but haven't been lifting as much
50 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


don't want to become bulky and have to buy new clothes
just started a week ago after not exercising/lifting for a few years (other than carrying heavy things and the occasional cycling) because i had this toxic mindset that any energy spent exercising is energy not spent working and that it would make me have to sleep longer (thus screwing up my daily schedule involving 4 hours of sleep). even if it does expend more energy i'll just press on and find out in the long term if it's really as bad as i thought

>Trump ascribes to what has been described as the “battery” theory of, um, life force. Evan Osnos, in a profile of Trump in the New Yorker a few years back, described it thusly: “Other than golf, he considers exercise misguided, arguing that a person, like a battery, is born with a finite amount of energy.”
>Exercise, other than golf, of course, is viewed by Trump as an unnecessary drawing down of your battery life.
>“After college, after Trump mostly gave up his personal athletic interests, he came to view time spent playing sports as time wasted. Trump believed the human body was like a battery, with a finite amount of energy, which exercise only depleted. So he didn’t work out. When he learned that John O’Donnell, one of his top casino executives, was training for an Ironman triathlon, he admonished him, ‘You are going to die young because of this.’”


What a retarded take. Why is exercise a waste of energy but golf isn't?


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My routine is not very intense or long because I'm limited by equipment and the setting (poor climate control etc).

Daily or every other day or less, depending:
Stretching 20 mins (trying to touch my toes, working towards splits)
10-40 mins exercise bike low intensity.

Every 5-7 days:
A simple full body routine e.g.
Push ups, front squat, dumbell row, shrugs, ab roller
^ All one set until exhaustion or less depending on energy level and other reasons.

My body is beautiful but I'd never post it on the internet (again) lmao. I look like this guy minus whatever amount of test etc he took.

Once I get my own studio I'll do a body part split to focus on specific muscle groups.

t. lifting since 2010. Wish I'd got a part time job and put the money into crypto instead.


you mean youre toning up


Are there benefits to exercising on an empty stomach first thing in the morning?


what is the rationale of those who allege such a thing?


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Yo momma fitness dicc in her mouff lol


So its good for weight loss only? Any benefits for strength training?


Big HGH spike from lifting while fasting. One just needs to enter a ketogenic state from not eating for 12 or so hours, then one can make HGH gains

Eat dinner at 8
Lift in the morning

Easy to do with intermittent fasting


Whats hgh


I will up dis since i need to set up a regimen but am too lazy to do so



I swear this thread disapeared and just came back


Mah dicc dissappear in ur mum pucci LOL


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I deleted it then reposted it and all replies



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Is a bad diet much worse for you than roids?

That's sylvester stallone, known heavy roidhead for decades and counting, and he's still alive and kicking and if he has any heart issues from all of his shit, he keeps it hidden pretty well. He also takes fitness and his diet super seriously, and eats really cleanly.

That's his son next to him. He wasn't into the bodybuilding, but he looked like an average guy who takes care of himself. He died at 36 years old due to a heart attack brought on by atherosclerosis.

We can only speculate how he got that condition, but universally, eating like shit is the #1 contributor to it. So is the average chonner who eats a lot of ramen, cheese, frozen food, red meat, and fried munchie box type stuff really much worse off health-wise compared to a roiding juicehead?


B-but sperglin told me roids turn you into a tranny
Or was that testo idk


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Wat she meen by dis


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Imagine if you got your head crushed between her glutes while desperately holding in her fart like what wud happen haha


why are you shooping stallone next to phantasm?

is this a gay thing?


>Southern Europeans look similar to each other
More at 11


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What’s a cheap but heathy thing to eat to make sure I get enough calories


gas station hot dogs


That doesn’t fit the criterion of being healthy


add relish, it's a vegetable


I drink Fairlife milk. It's very expensive compared to regular milk but it's got roughly the same calorie/protein composition as protein powder along with the other nutritional benefits of milk


Also purely for caloric density peanuts are pretty good. One of those jars you get in the store for $3 are like 2400 calories heh


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>2400 calories


7ft tall with a 9in dick that gets hard very easily


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You can consume peanuts without dying because you don't have a peanut allergy that will kill you!



u 2 should go on a date. r u still fat?


No I'm just saying it could be done hypothetically heh


>hdvchad will never be your wingman


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No. U 2 should go on a date.


cmon sweatie u'll hav a gud time. hes said to be a bit of a bad boi tho, not sure if u can handle some adventure


Tell me, 4chon: why do you lift?


So I can throw bricks and kill people


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Biked alot this past few weeks, feels good


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This is some serious weapons-grade lifefuel /v/ros



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Which TRT agents should i cop nibbas

Thinkgen bout dem SARMs


But they're bad for you


Ive never been fatter than yet found a lovely girl a couple weeks ago, bulk belly for love


Couple years older and mental in a cute way, all I did was feel drawn to being around and sweet to her, despite having severe retardatiobs it worked bros r8

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