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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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A 34 year old 'h99.7%White man lusts after a pure White vaxxinated possibly unvirgin woman who looks like prime Dakota Fanning. Posts about her for over a year on an internet board for pedo manchildren. Gets paralysed by her beauty and needs to take Ketamine before he can mumble out a word to her, but once he flirted with her and she blushed very hard. Now he's just been told he's been making excuses by his ex thru Facebook Messenger, so he must ask her out tomorrow night.



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attention chonners

OP (moody) is a legit psycho stalker, he told a girl who used to join the 4chon tinychat that he wanted to kidnap her and torture in his basement

hes a legit unhinged fucking retard, if you can, seek out this female 'oneitis' hes obsessively blabbering on about and WARN HER

this man is not right in the head, to the extent that he doesnt see that what hes doing is creepy

this has been a 4chon public service announcement


Clearly from her interactions with him, she's been warned. People observing moody understand that he's a psychopath porn coomer who's beyond disturbed and why whoever that woman was went tf away.


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>In Pfizer’s COVID mRNA vaccine protocol, the company instructs investigators to report “environmental exposures” if trial participants expose people around them to the vaccine through inhalation or skin contact.

>Examples of such environmental exposures are noted as follows:

>“A male participant who is receiving or has discontinued [vaccine] intervention exposes a female partner prior to or around the time of conception.”

>“A female family member or healthcare provider reports that she is pregnant after having been exposed to the [vaccine] intervention through inhalation or skin contact.”
>The protocol also goes into what Dr. Kory and his clinic co-founder, Scott Marsland, call “secondary shedding.” This occurs when a person who has had environmental exposure to the vaccine then exposes another person.

>“An example of environmental exposure during breastfeeding,” Pfizer writes, “is a female family member or healthcare provider who reports that she is breastfeeding after having been exposed to the study intervention (the vaccine) by inhalation or skin contact.”


Just chug a gallon of pcp before (you)r next meeting with her and I'm sure (you) both will live happily ever after.


moody's kiwi not aussie


Moody is from new zealand. One of the most beautiful places in the world. We all know. 4chon knows. Thanks for rubbing everyones noses in it.



shouldn't u get rid of ur dxm >>53158 and ketamine addiction first?
died of cringe watching that


That must have been a very wholesome death. :^)


Did you play WoW? Was one of your characters named Tankred? I knew a guy from NZ that snorted ketamine all the time.


Ops is from australia.


shut the fuck up you ugly braindead retard


>mfw that's actually me

What the fuck, I'm flabbergasted right now heh, the fuck are the odds of this, like statistically?? do you still play?


inb4 we see OP on the news


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Eat shit


umad lol


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You're pulling my leg, right


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This thread. I'm so confused.


doesn't take much


Also last time I had a subscription was for Legion. Leveled through bfa on a free weekend. I've been around on private servers since then, though. Got a 60 warrior and 45 rogue on turtle wow.


Damn, I would love to heal for my turtlewow bros


I'll have to reinstall sometime, but I'm also not confident to tank even though I leveled as a protshitter instead of fury.


Yes he is pulling your leg I don't play wow but I did when I was about 16 for 6 months as a next.

That guy actually looks like me I have a decent face but fairly twinkish. Maybe not so much now that I'm older.

Did that guy play wow while snorting Ket? Sounds interesting. This year I've been playing Dota 12v12 while coming up on dxm, I literally never played video games while high before that because dxm forces me to lie down at some point. It's an interesting experience. I also play Against the Storm on it but at some point I get too inebriated and cognitively slowed to keep with what is basically an rts or "city builder".


I don't do dxm every day. A recent pattern has been binging it for a whole day once every 3 days, but even that is pretty extreme honestly. It has been close to getting out of hand.


My cashier girl will inspire me to give up drugs and we will have 12 almost pure White babies. Would post big White families but I'm on my phone


What do you mean by "almost pure"?


Im 99.7% White so they will be 99.85%


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I changed my mind. My cashier girl of my dreams actually looks like pic related. I chugged to much dxm to think and communicate.


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Looks like Megan Fox. I'm not into that phenotype


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guys im a retard druggie simp faggot


I'm not a simp. How dare you slander me


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I am nervous. And my plumber brother dug up a bit of the backyard to fix an overflowing back toilet and so there's mud in the back building thing and its really messy with stuff strewn about. That is no place to take a cute girl.

And wait a second, I am not gay either!


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I'm scared idk if I can do this even with Ketamine


i beg to differ


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I think I'm too impaired to go we need to retreat and consider another plan of attack.


Should've just taken Ket and not DXM, I'm too impaired now, I'm disinhibited but disabled. Ket alone makes me feel strong and like a boss


Whoever made this is clueless.


Looks like a woman made that. Crystal-cafe-tier, it's referencing RooshV forum kind of pua guys.


These posters
Are pulling your leg for the lols.

The situation is that there is a hot girl who works at a supermarket a 3 min walk away from where I live and we've flirted a bit since she started working there and I need to ask her out but she paralyses me with her womanly charm, she walks fast, etc etc etc...... I think she likes me. And I want to marry her and have 12 childrens with her, maybe more. Maybe SHE is nervous about ME too!!!

Anyway I think I will take Ket (alone) when I know she's working next, as that will give me the balls to do something. Because I need to counteract her incredible womanly power. She makes my heart race and stops me from thinking properly, and I cant move...!


>Whoever made this.
A troll made it.


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Me not being able to move had nothing to do with any drugs. I've never taken drugs in my life. I don't even know what drugs are. It's simply her womanly charm that disables me.


My heart drops and I can't think properly. I said I would walk up there and ask her out like 30 times. But every time I get up there and see her I get nervous, and especially when she looks at me. MAYBE SHE LIKES ME TOO?!!! WHAT IF SHE HAS A CRUSH ON ME TOO?!!!


Zombie foid will give your descendants early onset ovarian cancer


what is your basis for this wild accusation?


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Bill Gates GMO mosquitos were given a single copy of a gene that causes early onset ovarian cancer. The GMO mosquitos spread this poisoned gene into the wild population. When one copy mixes with another copy the gene is activated, causing ovarian cancer and sterility

These same mosquitoes caused the supposed "Zika virus", causing their human victims to have malformed, brainless, vegetable offspring

And dysgenic humans trusted this monster to inject them with mystery juice over a fake pandemic

True goyim


maybe use a tripcode?


maybe trip and usecode


What a freaking 10/10! She mogs Elle so hard


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We are all in this together. This is a team effort! Men need wives. If you are a good man you need to find a good woman.


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By good wife I mean PRIME 16yr old Dakota fanning lookalike VIRGIN who's father will give her away to wed me. Her father has a farm and is ultra rich and we will have over 9000 number of children.


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You're not going to find a unicorn. Whites have been poisoned by feminism and only allow their daughters to marry after they've been sexually mature for close to a decade

Jews have ensured that all whites will experience prima nocta by random scumbags


There are lots of cute 16-18yo virgins in Syd. FIND? They are around.

Would be nice if the Jobseeker payment gets bumped up as it'd help me move closer to the city. It's hard to approach when I live so far away.

Conflicting news reports:



We should see next week I think.


>That would see JobSeeker jump from the current $762.70 per fortnight for single people up to $1004.67 – a rise of $121 per week or about $17 per day.

That'd be nice.


I know what I'm doing. Don't tell me how to live my life. Don't be mad jelly because I'm going to find that unicorn and live my best life. YOLO


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I've met two virgins over the age of 18 in my life (both black females), however as one who is already married I did not defile them. Also this was before the majority of the white population was poisoned with the genophage

Finding a pureblood virgin female would necessitate travelling to a rebellious third world country such as Afghanistan or Eritrea, or potentially meeting domestic schizo breeders that avoided the obvious trap

You're looking for a unicorn but will settle for a poisoned zombie that proved herself mortally dysgenic


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I can think of 4 virgin first year girls I met at uni. Of course those are just the ones for which I inquired about who told me they were virgin's. This was about 2012-2014


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Still a better story than twilight.


nice meme, upvoted


In 2 years I'm gonna open board for harem in doublechan. It start with /a

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