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is HDV dead?


he lost the last $3 to his name because his retarded "friend" got him towed


he already has a thread >>76340


File: 1719094304660.jpg 61.5 KB, 500x414, unnamed.jpg

>muh r00lz

fuck off dweeb


I'm here, what's up dude

Yeah it was pretty bad for a while, literally $7 to my name not too long ago, I've been putting more hours in at work though so I'm alright. Working nearly every day has been rough but it could be worse.


I wrote his name in the book


HDV please seriously consider banning goblinsaga, im fucking sick of them trying to shit up 4chon with comments about gay sex with blacks, they are trying to make 4chon shit by doing this, they find it funny and le epic troll, everyone else finds it just plain weird and disgusting, if you have any concern for the content on this ban her/it/him please, otherwise im leaving the site for good and youll be stuck with them, the pedo moody, phagtasms le sjws are bad and whatever trash skitsofrenic retarded shit smiley drops by to post

if you ban goblinsaga i will make a conscious effort to post more (without just posting for the sake of posting)

theyre currently posting with the kanna kamui flag and sannae furukawa flag, they also post without a flag, their posts are easy to spot though as theyre always posting about having sex with blacks, cmon do the right thing or like i said youll be stuck with you, a pedo a cringe alt right caveman and a ugly fat useless skitzo retard and methhead sociopath, i dont think you want that

posts in questions right now



posts like this are what killed HDV


>if you ban goblinsaga i will make a conscious effort to post more
lol that's like saying "i'll be an even bigger faggot"

>posts in questions right now

for all these examples you've shown you're the one who starts them and continues them endlessly for at least an entire day. you could just... not respond?


ok then faggot, see you later

HDV im off, fuck this site, ill be over on endchan, where there isnt any faggotry



A 5/10 non-honeypot is superior to any honeypot


>i-i'll just be over on endchan... alone... wallowing in a puddle of piss...
lol bbc slut


>>84988 (checked and heiled)
he really is alone over there; he thinks anyone that refuses to imitate his posting style and suck him off is dogi and he bans them immediately


I think all or most of the posts he linked were me, and I don't even live in Australia. I just posted that crap because he's an annoying sperg who throws tantrums over nothing i.e. even when I do interact with him like he deserves respect. He's just a retard and he will never figure out why he gets trolled.


Mindbroken by schizos.


chained to delusions copefaggot


HDV is a faggot


imagine wasting dubs to slander the dead


shut up retard


I won't be silent! I will troll you forever to honor the memory of HDV- who you killed!


whatever retard

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