he lost the last $3 to his name because his retarded "friend" got him towed
he already has a thread
>>76340 No.82297
I'm here, what's up dude
>>82244Yeah it was pretty bad for a while, literally $7 to my name not too long ago, I've been putting more hours in at work though so I'm alright. Working nearly every day has been rough but it could be worse.
I wrote his name in the book
HDV please seriously consider banning goblinsaga, im fucking sick of them trying to shit up 4chon with comments about gay sex with blacks, they are trying to make 4chon shit by doing this, they find it funny and le epic troll, everyone else finds it just plain weird and disgusting, if you have any concern for the content on this ban her/it/him please, otherwise im leaving the site for good and youll be stuck with them, the pedo moody, phagtasms le sjws are bad and whatever trash skitsofrenic retarded shit smiley drops by to post
if you ban goblinsaga i will make a conscious effort to post more (without just posting for the sake of posting)
theyre currently posting with the kanna kamui flag and sannae furukawa flag, they also post without a flag, their posts are easy to spot though as theyre always posting about having sex with blacks, cmon do the right thing or like i said youll be stuck with you, a pedo a cringe alt right caveman and a ugly fat useless skitzo retard and methhead sociopath, i dont think you want that
posts in questions right now
>>84933>>84937>>84946>>84948>>84951>>84959 No.84972
>>84968posts like this are what killed HDV
>>84968>if you ban goblinsaga i will make a conscious effort to post morelol that's like saying "i'll be an even bigger faggot"
>posts in questions right nowfor all these examples you've shown you're the one who starts them and continues them endlessly for at least an entire day. you could just... not respond?
>>84972>>84975ok then faggot, see you later
HDV im off, fuck this site, ill be over on endchan, where there isnt any faggotry
>>84976A 5/10 non-honeypot is superior to any honeypot
>>84976>i-i'll just be over on endchan... alone... wallowing in a puddle of bbc slut
>>84988 (checked and heiled)
he really is alone over there; he thinks anyone that refuses to imitate his posting style and suck him off is dogi and he bans them immediately
>>85008I think all or most of the posts he linked were me, and I don't even live in Australia. I just posted that crap because he's an annoying sperg who throws tantrums over nothing i.e. even when I do interact with him like he deserves respect. He's just a retard and he will never figure out why he gets trolled.
>>85013chained to delusions copefaggot
HDV is a faggot
>>85244imagine wasting dubs to slander the dead
>>85258I won't be silent! I will troll you forever to honor the memory of HDV- who you killed!
HDV the waybackmachine of this site is showing all of the CP that has been posted, best ask them to exclude the site URL before you get a knock at the door
>>88136holy fuck HDV youre done for
>>88148shut the fuck up you retarded little inbred
>>88136why would avid do this?
>>88160I'm sorry for doubting you
>>88152He probably thinks falseflagging then reporting to authorities to get this place shut down will bring traffic to his dead bunker on endchan.
>>88176he literally bans anyone that doesn't ride his meat
we'd all retreat to discord
>>88136Chat, is this real?
>>88181Well, it's a bit of a weird thing to ask a search engine about, y'know? I would assume it's on's shoulders more than anyone's since it isn't being hosted here, but I have no clue (and that's also assuming you aren't being trolled into wasting time to confirm).
>>88181It loads too slow for me to want to check LOL
>>88176youd rather stay here?
>brony admin>skitzo methhead spam derailing/cluttering up threads left and right>negativity everywhere>mods delete posts/threads they dont like>CP posted every couple days>homosexual ramblings everywhere imagine staying here despite all of that, you secretly enjoy it dont you, probably because 'no normies' or some other deranged smoothbrained reasoning
>>88636>brony adminNot my cup of tea, but not seeing why I should care.
>skitzo methhead spam>mods delete postsSo you want them to moderate more or moderate less? Make up your mind.
>negativityThere's not much negativity when you aren't around. Funny how that works.
>CP posted every couple daysFirst day on the internet, champ? This isn't a problem unique to this website. The most recent spam I've even seen on other boards. It probably makes rounds on endchan too.
>homosexual ramblings everywhereThe only homosexual is you.
>>88636You are the worst part of this website by far, and the funny thing is you already know that. You continue to come here because nobody, not a single person, would follow you to another website. We are a captive audience for your shitty posts. Meanwhile, HDV is one of the few people 4chon users could trust enough to run a board. Had it been practically anyone else, especially you, it wouldn't have even lasted as long as it did on 8chan.
>>88644>First day on the internet, champ? This isn't a problem unique to this website. The most recent spam I've even seen on other boards. It probably makes rounds on endchan too.>"heh i tolerate CP, i am a oldfag!"
>probably makes the rounds on endchan tooit doesnt, because endchan's admin isnt a retard
>the only homosexual is youlmao, projection
>>88650>pointing out an obvious fact regarding cheese pizza spam is now being tolerant of cheese pizzaWhy complain about meth delusions when you're always posting them?
>n-no uPic related.
>>88648>You are the worst part of this website by fardont care, i hate all of you
>HDV is one of the few people 4chon users could trust enough to run a boardnot really, HDV obsessively stole 8chan's 4chon domain, stole the 8chan.nets 4chon domain and in general is just obsessed with being the admin of 4chon, despite being a trash circlejerking retard in the first place, ive said this before, nobody gave a shit about HDV on, nobody replied to him, hes desperate for any kind of control of the 4chon userbase, hes pathetic
>>88651>first day on the internet champyou didnt express any hint of contempt toward CP being posted, thats sus as fuck
>>88653It appears that you are the one projecting to believe I was endorsing CP in any way. CP has been posted all over the internet since forever. It still gets posted on 4chan to this day. I am positive it also gets posted on endchan, you're just a methed-out butthurt retard. Play in traffic, nonce.
>>88655you could have said
>"yeah CP is fucked, i hate that shit"instead though you said
>"first time on the internet kid">you're just a methed-out butthurt retard. Play in traffic, nonce.actual projection
>>88657You are trying to make the point that CP being spammed is an issue unique to 4chon, which is why I mocked you for being naive. Obviously you only mentioned it because you're a prolapsed faggot crying all the time and you just throw whatever your tiny little brain conjures up at the wall hoping for something to stick. You're a very sad clown.
>>88661>You are trying to make the point that CP being spammed is an issue unique to 4chonexcept im not, do you always project and strawman when you argue with someone?
>Obviously you only mentioned it because you're a prolapsed faggot crying all the time and you just throw whatever your tiny little brain conjures up at the wall hoping for something to stick. You're a very sad clown.except in this argument, youre obviously the one sperging out more, which highlights directly your current state of mind, also you mentioned something gay again, did you feel as though you couldnt not do that?
>>88664I think your mother heavily drank when she was pregnant with you, probably unsuccessfully attempted a baseball bat abortion too. You should thank her for fishing that homeless gypsy's half-digested sperm out of her mouth and shoving it up her infested cunt in time to conceive you, at least.
>>88652>dont care, i hate all of youYou care deeply. You can't hate something you don't care about. You contradict yourself in six words.
>>88669you have mental problems if you randomly think of stuff like that
>I think your mother heavily drank when she was pregnant with youshe didnt, more strawman
>>88673this makes zero sense
>>88684You're literally autistic (and certainly not one of those "high-functioning" ones). Fingers crossed you'll be included in the first trials of a new state euthanasia program.
>>88686>You're literally autistic (and certainly not one of those "high-functioning" how so?
>Fingers crossed you'll be included in the first trials of a new state euthanasia program.edgy, that will never happen btw
>>88688>Autism, also called autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by symptoms of deficient reciprocal social communication and the presence of restricted, repetitive, and inflexible patterns of behavior.Describes your attitude to a T.
>>88690yes it does, your point being?
>>88693That you're retarded and therefore not worth taking seriously.
>>88695you should now google the characteristics of a mentally retarded individual and take note that youre getting autism and retardation mixed up
>>88696They aren't mutually exclusive.
posting racist memes online doesnt make you better than me in any way shape or form
>>88700And sucking nigger dicks all the time makes you more pathetic than the general population.
>>88702Ask your social worker to put Sesame Street on or something.
>>88704more homosexual projections from you
>>88705thats rather a silly way of telling me you cant explain
>>88710i dont mind that i am autistic though so this isnt the insult you believe it to be
>>88711>erm ackshually i LIKE wallowing in a puddle of my own diarrhea checkmate atheistLol
>>88712i dont do that, more projection
>>88713you're doing it right now
>>88725wallowing in a puddle of diarrhea? im not though
>>88726Metaphor is squandered on an autistic retard.
>>88739heh I *almost* added the word metaphorically to my post but thought nah, no one needs that kind of shit spelled out for them
>>88740The perpetually-angry autistic retard who sucks BBCs all day will never understand.
>>88739explain how
>>88742im not perpetually angry and i dont 'suck BBC's' all day
>>88742you however, do indeed seem to be perpetually angry, you also type homoerotic comments very frequently
BBC gayboy is officially more pathetic than HDV
>>89494Yes, Avid is more pathetic than HDV. it was never a contest
>>89499your opinion means nothing to me
>>89564narcissistic moron cant grasp someone not giving a fuck about what they think
nasty gross
Just less gay than before