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 No.83088[View All]

Latest sudden deaths from healthy young people, all fully vaxxed with the covid vaccine. Not looking too good for the vaxxed...

30 year old Mike Heslin dies ‘unexpectedly’ MSM baffled:

2 star Marine general found dead:

Sheriff policeman died from medical emergency:

16 year old boy in New Zealand:

17 year old chinese sports player:

ABC News chief, 56 year old woman, died:

33 year old female race car driver, dead:

Healthy 18 year old girl, dead:

healthy 16 year old girl dead:

39 year old celebrity pop star in Germany:

43 year old wrestler:
107 posts and 49 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Ur berry nice! i love u mucho! :^)


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dont care

you can post articles all day, the powers that be dont give a fuck and answer to noone


[ - ]


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28 year old woman died suddenly, and the media refuses to talk about what her cause of death was, so it is most likely a heart attack caused by the covid vaccine:



>clinging onto le vaxx deaths because its your only thing you are

gay as all fuck lmao


lol huttburt


im sure the government are deeply intimidated by your sudden death tally chart



I'm quintuple vaxxed and I swear it made my penis bigger!



RIP Adam Clements, aged 34
Firefighter who died of a "medical emergency" while off-duty.

RIP Ceaden Laffan, aged 25
Firefighter dies unexpectedly while off-duty.
Drowning may be a possible cause There is an "investigation"

RIP Endrick Caron, 18 years old
Firefighter / Heart Attack

RIP William Jones, age 16
Passed away of flu.

RIP Gabriel Nathaniel Giraud, 20 years old
Passed away suddenly

R.I.P. Alex Coney, aged 28
Passed away unexpectedly

R.I.P. Justin Conner, 35
Passed away suddenly and unexpectedly

RIP Matt Manson
Passed away unexpectedly
(it posted a FB photo "vaccinated" and "disinformation kills")

RIP Mark Van Rijswijk
Canadian businessman vaccinated in 2021 and died suddenly in 2024

RIP Chief Micah Foote, 42
Passed away suddenly .

RIP Chandler Wilkinson, 27 years old
Died suddenly at his home.

RIP Felix-Antoine Kakos, 20 years old
Young Quebec man died of a cardiac arrest in hospital. Doctors were going to operate on for an abscess in the neck gallon.

RIP Andrew Mcenaney, 22 years old
Quebec hockey player
Having a heart attack

RIP Dr. Michael George, 45.
Ophthalmologist, died unexpectedly


Kris Hembree
Passed away unexpectedly.

RIP Jacoby Jones, age 40
Football player
Passed away in his sleep

RIP Korey Cunningham, 28 years old
Former football star - NFL

RIP Adrian Lehman, 34 years old
Having a heart attack

RIP Ahmed Refat, 31
Soccer player
Heart attack on March 11th mid-game. He passed away in July 2024

RIP Mike Harper, age 26
Great Bristol Run heart attack

RIP Ross McGhie , 25 years old
Rugby player
Having a heart attack

RIP Juan Stenner, age 32
Heart attack at the end of the half marathon

RIP 43 years old Tony Voice
Hockey player ( Flyers )
Passed away suddenly . No cause revealed. No illnesses were reported until his death.

RIP Josh Baker, age 20
Cricket athlete
Found dead in his home.

RIP Connor Garden-Bachop, aged 25
Rugby player
Passed away suddenly

RIP Gabe Holt, 25 years old
Rugby player
Passed away suddenly


RIP Matija Sarkic, 26 years
Soccer player
Having a heart attack

RIP Keith Marco, 21 years old
Football player
Died on June 5 from a pulmonary embolism

RIP Afonso Rossa, 19 years old
Soccer player
Heart attack after his match

RIP Obi Ezeh, 36 years
Football player
Passed away suddenly and unexpectedly

RIP Franck Csorba, 23 years old
Passed away unexpectedly on April 23, 2024

Jean-Francois Alain, 49
Racer / Ironman QUEBEC
Heart attack during his triathlon

RIP 17 years old Cam Ward
Basketball athlete has passed away after collapsing at his game.

RIP Alba Cebrian, 23 years old
Heart attack during workout


RIP Zachary Doran, 18 years old
Football player
Having a heart attack

RIP Guillermo Denis Beltran, 24 years old
Soccer player
Heart attack during workout

RIP Raphaël Pryor, 17 years old
Soccer player
Passed away suddenly after his match

RIP Erick Lonnie Lonvick 18 years old
Collegiate athlete
Having a heart attack

RIP Ruxandra Dumitrescu, 46 years
Volleyball player
Having a heart attack

Kelly Malveaux, 47 years old
Former football player for the Montreal Alouettes.
Undisclosed cause

RIP Matt Gianni, age 26
Soccer player
Heart attack during the match

Leandro Lino de Freitas, 39 years old
Former soccer player
Having a heart attack


RIP Kaitlin Kirkup, age 29
In 2021 she was showing her vaccination record.
Passed away suddenly on May 2024

Rip Megan Bryant 36 years old

Rip 29 years old DJ Bianca Oliveira
Death due to infection

RIP 38 years old Kim Novak

RIP Maria Paulina, 23 years old
Having a heart attack

RIP Emily Lockley, age 26
Pulmonary aneurysm
Passed away 4 days after childbirth

RIP Kate Kaufling, age 20
Turbo cancer

RIP Jane McAdams, 20 years
Blood clots

RIP Emma Rose Hollywood, aged 40
"Died away suddenly after falling ill in the afternoon"

RIP Tait Humble
Champion bodybuilder, and former US Army Navy.
Passed away unexpectedly

RIP Connor DiNapoli
21 years old
American student dies unexpectedly in Italy.


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A top data analyst has obtained data that reveals a shocking correlation to the mRNA shots and the rise in serious damage to health.

"Every cancer registry in the world right now is skyrocketing with new and recurring cases of cancer"

Data Analyst Wouter Akema has taken the VAERS data and arranged it with startling results that shows as pointed out by Dr McCullough that "what you have demonstrated is that data are consistent across the entire globe"

"we've basically achieved the Bradford Hills tenets of causality...there's no doubt here that the vaccines are the cause of these reflections in the data that we see here today"



Watch: Olympic Opening Ceremony dancers performed the “Myocarditis Dance” simulating athletes who’ve died suddenly on national television:


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I wish the French would die


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>this thread


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stop spamming fucking pictures, youre shitting up every thread

@HDV could you ban this cunt or something?


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one image a day in a thread is spam?


HDV doesn't even post here anymore. Other than codefella this board has no administration or moderation.

4chon is adrift in the ocean of piss.


? he just posted here >>84307


Our glorious leader would never engage in such babytalk spam.


>one image a day

you fucking liar


You are wrong.


It's a post about Scatman John. That's how Scatman John sings.


A group of prominent Italian scientists is raising the alarm after discovering a new “neurological emergency” that is emerging among those who have been “vaccinated” with Covid mRNA shots.
The warning was issued by scientists at the University of Chieti-Pescara in Chieti, Italy.
They report that two cases of deadly Status Epilepticus (SE) have now been confirmed to have been caused by Covid mRNA injections.



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Someone on /pol/ is spamming a ton of recent studies linking the injection to prions. This could be a global extinction event

Even billionaires in their bunkers would be at risk. I wonder if this was an error, or if there's a potential for immunity or cure out there


>This could be a global extinction event


Any day now.


This particular guy who wrote this is some fag with ties to globohomo NGOs, so it is again ironic that "redpilled" internet politics enthusiasts put stock into what he has to say. Also, how the hell does having a degree in law or political science make him an expert on biological weapons? I wouldn't attack someone's credentials normally, but this loser, who's spent his entire life swapping between different bullshit academic majors for babies, is acting like it gives him credibility. He probably lived with his mom until he finally got a job as a professor in his 30s. He has no notable career prior to that.


Shhh don't question it. Global extinction soon (tm) for all vaxcels! That'll teach them.


Remember when it was originally vaxxoids telling the unvaxxed that they would all die from covid? Why did you let the government inject you with mystery juice over what quite clearly was nothing?


shut the fuck up sociopath



cry about it

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