[–] No.83095>>83096
>>83093They should have 100% lower life expectancy.
[–] No.83117>>83135>>83137
>>83096poor baby, i hate seeing stuff like this
[–] No.83135>>83137>>83163
>>83117i enjoy seeing vaxxies suffer
[–] No.83137>>83825
>>83117>>83135The baby was a pureblood that got a blood transfusion from a vaxxoid, which the parents specifically requested to not happen. They even had pureblood blood donated but the hospital staff specifically used vaxxoid blood out of vindictive self righteousness
Killed the baby within days
[–] No.83163>>83165>>83171
>>83135...except this was an infant with no capacity to decide for itself
[–] No.83165
>>83163They're just an evil rotten to the core person. Don't try to make sense of it.
[–] No.83167
the vaxxed are going to HELL!!!!
[–] No.83171
>>83163All vaxxoids must suffer. No exceptions. Total vaxxoid death. Remove vaxxoids from the gene pool. New world order NOW!
[–] No.83176>>83180>>83195
Do you remember the YouTube and TikTok influencers who shilled the experimental Covid-19 vaccines to their followers during the pandemic? Most of them received payments from the government and pharmaceutical companies to sway their followers into supporting the vaccine roll-out.
YouTube and other social media influencers were instrumental in spreading the mass formation psychosis that, as stated by Dr. John Malone, resulted in a significant portion of the population being essentially hypnotized into following the draconian Covid measures.
Fast forward a couple of years and karma is striking down those same YouTubers who took the jab and cashed in on Big Pharma money. Hundreds of these young and healthy YouTube influencers are now being diagnosed with cancer – and many of them have admitted they are suffering from rare and aggressive turbo cancers.
[–] No.83195>>83825
>>83176i member tiktok social media influencers and medical chemiscal bio engineers specialists like
- every other politican (politicans are morons who know nothing bout nothing but social media grifter tier public image projection for non-specialist normgroid, refer to that recent mde podcast where nick rochefort talks about it comparing them to aids fags wandering onto a construction site, corporations on their own are less subhuman and more accountable than politicians and government bureaucracies)
- linus torvalds(TM) the white collar celeb manchild bourgeois
- an obese 90 iq national guard general from <an irrelevant euro country>
shilling the "vacceen" being super duper 100% engineered distributed safe by corporations and necessary from FUCKING KILLING U BLUE COLLAR WAGIE BALDING SPORTSBALL TV VIEWER IN UR 30-40S CHUNKER PUSSYWHIPPED PROLE BIOMASS SUBHUMAN VWGOLF FAT
[–] No.83196>>83825
they also had "bill and melinda gates foundation" or the uk government or whatever i dont remember pay breadtube clown paint trannies & turkroaches to shill the "vaceeen" fow da keeds who watch dey streams
[–] No.83197>>83825
>hey keeds philantrophist bill gates sez u need dem corporations vaceeen ok to win automated socialst walkable twitch stream universal basic podlife revolution & thx 4 donation bigchungus4
[–] No.83205>>83825
up to 350 million people worldwide have died from vaccine-induced diseases since 2021
[–] No.83218>>83825
The vaccine is meant to separate the NPCs, soul-less humans, from the real humans with a soul, who are alive
[–] No.83247>>83825
>person dies anywhere for any reason
>that car crash was clearly caused by the vaccine...
[–] No.83248>>83825
“I don’t know if there is any other physician in the country that sees as many patients as I do by ultrasound, so I know what’s going on. I’ve seen death and destruction like I’ve never seen before.
There is a 1200x increase in menstrual abnormalities.
When we look at pregnancy, there is a substantial and significant increase in miscarriages, birth defects, fetal cardiac arrhythmia, fetal cardiac malformations, fetal growth slowing, reduction in amniotic fluid and fetal cardiac arrest.”
“Are you saying that babies are having heart attacks in the womb?”
“Yes. The vaccine is causing a significant inflammatory effect.”
https://x.com/bambkb/status/1811088901848846429[–] No.83250>>83825
>significant amounts of young and/or healthy people dying to clots and cancers now
[–] No.83253>>83257>>83263>>83825
Giraf was unambiguously killed by the vaccine. Just because you took the vaccine may not mean you're going to die but I would never-ever let them get you to do something like that again because I'm 100% given the impression it's essentially Russian Roulette.
A lot of posts about people dying and local emergency vehicle activity conspicuously coincide with vaccine drives, I stg I'm not bullshitting lmoa
[–] No.83257>>83825
>>83253> I would never-ever let themOkay, daddy.
[–] No.83263>>83825
>>83253A third of all shots were placebo (or resemble placebo for the time being) precisely so that there's a group of retards running around out there talking about how they feel normal after getting injected
Each and every batch may be entirely different from one another. They had full access to target each and every demographic with a unique poison and/or experiment
>>83253I hope Giraf has a positive rebirth somewhere nicer than this hellworld
>>83237Be nice
[–] No.83290>>83825
the vaxxed are NPCs and spiritually dead
[–] No.83291>>83825
I spoke to my neighbor for the first time in months yesterday. They're not doing good. His wife is 29 years old and has open heart surgery scheduled for some reason. She also has a staph infection of the blood. I didn't ask because it would have been unhelpful but I strongly suspect she injected the goy-b-gone
[–] No.83292>>83825
just google "died suddenly", this shit is massive
[–] No.83294>>83306>>83825
when i think about it, every single person i know who is vaxxed, is not a good person, and is pretty much an NPC. So why should i be upset about the elite trying to kill off the useless eaters, normies, NPCs?
[–] No.83297>>83298>>83825
>>83296wow that word wrap really sucks, you can tell a total moron developed the software for this board. even if you didn't already know what an idiot steesatsu is it would still be obvious
[–] No.83302>>83825
the elite are correct. 95% of humans need to be removed from this earth
[–] No.83306>>83825
>>83294Be nice to the 4chon vaxxoids. AFAIK none of them were demons trying to push the poison on others. They just fall into the main category of vaxxoids- poor, innocent and abused
[–] No.83309>>83825
The elite is right- there are WAY too many people. 8 billion humans and majority of them are useless eaters, who are merely consuming resources. The elite are correct to want to depopulate them.
[–] No.83313>>83825
A leading consultant pathologist has confirmed during an explosive testimony that Covid mRNA injections are unsafe, ineffective, and have caused excess deaths to skyrocket around the world.
Dr. Clare Craig provided her testimony to the UK People’s Vaccine Inquiry.
Craig, who has been investigating the Covid pandemic and the deaths and illnesses that followed, has conducted an in-depth study using a variety of official data.
The top British doctor analyzed data from Pfizer’s “vaccine” trial, the UK government’s Office for National Statistics (ONS), ambulance callouts, and long-term sickness.
During her testimony, Craig declared that all of the evidence she has gathered proves that using the word “safe” to describe Covid mRNA “vaccines” is a lie.
Hearings for the People’s Vaccine Inquiry have been underway for months in Scotland.
Several prominent doctors, scientists, academics, and experts have been called to provide testimony during the hearings.
Dr. Craig joins Dr. Jonathan Engler, Dr. Ros Jones, Dr. Dean Patterson, Dr. Liz Evans, Patrick Fagan, and Nick Hunt in submitting evidence for the inquiry.
Craig was called to provide expert witness testimony in her capacity as the co-chair of the Health Advisory and Recovery Team (HART).
[–] No.83321>>83825
An alarming new study has exposed a major surge in deaths caused by neurological diseases among those who have been “vaccinated” with Covid mRNA shots.
The study details excess mortality rates from neurological disorders over the last few years between 2010 and 2023.
For the study, the researchers utilized population data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The data shows a huge spike in deaths since the Covid injections were rolled out for public use.
Specifically, the study uncovered major increases in neurological deaths among young people who had received the mRNA injections.
In the “Abstract” section of the study’s paper, the researchers note:
“For individuals aged 15 to 44, we show a rise in excess mortality from neurological diseases reported as the underlying cause of death, with a 4.4% increase in 2020, 10.0% in 2021, 9.9% in 2022 and 8.1% in 2023, with Z-Scores of 4.9, 11.1, 11.0 and 9.0 in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023, respectively, indicating highly statistically significant changes, particularly in 2021, 2022 and 2023.”
Mortality from neurological disorders accompanied by other illnesses increased at an even greater rate over the same period, the study found.
The researchers explain that this indicates that whatever is causing the brain damage is also wreaking havoc on other bodily systems as well.
[–] No.83346>>83825
i read the other day, from a doctor, that the number of cancer cases he has seen has tripled in the past two months. So the vaccine clearly causes long term damage.
[–] No.83361>>83385>>83825
13 year old girl died during soccer match
https://www.thesun.ie/news/13389818/young-teenager-dies-falling-ill-soccer-match-louth/I remember previous to 2021, when the covid vaccine was released, that this kind of shit almost never happened. Healthy young people don't just drop dead suddenly.
[–] No.83374>>83825
the world will be a better place once 80% of humans are removed
[–] No.83385>>83399>>83825
>>83361RIP potential cunnywife
[–] No.83397>>83398>>83825
Chefs from across the country are paying tribute to former Minneapolis chef Remy Pettus, who passed away suddenly from cardiac arrest, according to a family Facebook post.
Died: Age 41 (July 2, 2024 - USA)
[–] No.83424>>83825
A leading consultant pathologist has confirmed during an explosive testimony that Covid mRNA injections are unsafe, ineffective, and have caused excess deaths to skyrocket around the world.
Dr. Clare Craig provided her testimony to the UK People’s Vaccine Inquiry.
Craig, who has been investigating the Covid pandemic and the deaths and illnesses that followed, has conducted an in-depth study using a variety of official data.
The top British doctor analyzed data from Pfizer’s “vaccine” trial, the UK government’s Office for National Statistics (ONS), ambulance callouts, and long-term sickness.
During her testimony, Craig declared that all of the evidence she has gathered proves that using the word “safe” to describe Covid mRNA “vaccines” is a lie.
Hearings for the People’s Vaccine Inquiry have been underway for months in Scotland.
Several prominent doctors, scientists, academics, and experts have been called to provide testimony during the hearings.
Dr. Craig joins Dr. Jonathan Engler, Dr. Ros Jones, Dr. Dean Patterson, Dr. Liz Evans, Patrick Fagan, and Nick Hunt in submitting evidence for the inquiry.
Craig was called to provide expert witness testimony in her capacity as the co-chair of the Health Advisory and Recovery Team (HART).
[–] No.83487>>83488>>83489>>83825
quite frankly, there are too many people on the earth. There are too many people and not enough jobs, houses, resources. If the world population was lowered to like 1 or 2 billion people, then the human race could be sustainable. But 8 billion people and rising? Absolutely insane. The earth cannot sustain even 2 billion people.
[–] No.83488>>83825
>>834872 billion is probably the upper long term limit.
[–] No.83489>>83825
>>83487The memestones are correct. Maximum 500 million humans in perpetual balance with nature
[–] No.83547
>>83530rest in peace sweet cat
[–] No.83548>>83825
I wonder how transmissible vaxaids is. When a vaxxoid poops, are they irrevocably polluting the environment with poison?
[–] No.83552>>83825
Italian football (soccer) player died suddenly during the game, and died on the soccer field:
https://sg.news.yahoo.com/italy-football-player-dies-collapsing-pitch-154026896--spt.html[–] No.83572>>83825
>>83569>In a comment under the post, he clarified: "We both got vibrio vulnificus from raw oysters."Sounds like some Harry Potter sh*t heh
p sad tho
[–] No.83579>>83584>>83586>>83825
FYI, this exact thread template was posted on 8kun's /b/ on the same day and within 3 minutes of it being posted here.
https://8kun.top/random/res/110181.html#1101812 weeks and yall niggas still postin in a bot thread.
[–] No.83584>>83825
>>83579I knew. I saw it on zzzchan and ordinarychan.
[–] No.83586>>83825
>>83579I see no problem, its basically effortposting, tho I do feel ambivalent about THAT word, as it basically refers to posting effort that would've been much more commonplace 5+ yrs ago
[–] No.83658>>83716>>83825
31 year old coach driver lost consciousness and died while driving:
https://enimerosi.com/en/article/89450/coach-driver-31-died-suddenly-at-the-wheelThis is not a joke. The covid vaxxed are dying suddenly while driving and causing accidents and killing people. Nobody forced you assholes to take that bullshit vaccine. Now you vaxxies are a literal threat to other people's lives. You betrayed the human race by taking the covid vaccine.
Hurry up and fucking drop dead so the world can move on from your stupidity. If you took the vaccine, you are a fucking NPC and the world would be a better place without you.
[–] No.83712>>83717>>83718>>83825
anyway, how many vaxxies do you know who are sick, or even died after the vax?
[–] No.83717>>83825
>>83712You're going to die.
You're not immortal.
[–] No.83722>>83724>>83825
We are literally in the beginning minutes of a zombie horror movie in real life
There there is an alarming number of growing evidence that show this could be a contingency plan (((they))) have created, possibly in a payload through the vaccine waiting to be activated.
We all know the weird growths inside of the vaxxies and their gene therapy injections.
The first adverse reaction listed in the pfizer documents released by FOIA for their vaccine is 1p36 deletion syndrome. If you look up the symptoms of that you will find it is the elimination of the frontal cortex and the propensity to bite. What's very odd about this is this was the symptom post vaccination. 1p36 gene disease is a congenital disease which means you're born with it. So how is it then possible that this is the number one serious adverse event from the Pfizer shots? They wanted to lock this information up for 75 years.
Major media has been released with predictive programming of corporations and government bioweapons getting out of control creating the zombie apocalypse.
[–] No.83723>>83725>>83825
The US Military has wargamed a specific plan against a zombie invasion. FEMA has already put out zombie commercials and CONOPS. CONPLAN-8888 was created by Stratcom in 2011. On page 2 it says the plan uses examples just for demonstration, don't worry about it so we don't offend other countries. The problem is that when you look through, it's all about five different types of zombies. There isn't anything in the plan about opposition forces. There isn't anything in the plan about winning political battles or counter insurgencies. It is only about a zombie apocalypse and defending it.
Every NIMS (National Incident Management System) compliant agency federal, state and local has already had their zombie apocalypse training. They've already done their practice. The CDC has had a zombie apocalypse preparedness website up for the last five years. Now they've reduced it to a PDF cartoon.
Even in the Amazon services contract, section 42.10, states that they are not liable for damages in case there is a zombie apocalypse.
It's here frens...the happening.
[–] No.83762>>83763>>83764>>83765>>83769>>83825
>>83733>>83734The certainty of death is irrelevant. What matters is the
quality of one's life and death. A good life is rebellion against tyranny. A good death is a peaceful one in old age, or a violent one fighting against evil at any age
A bad life is meekly submitting to tyranny. A bad death is a sudden heart attack in one's youth
[–] No.83772>>83777>>83778>>83780>>83825
>>83769>>83764The certainty of death is irrelevant. Why focus on the unknown and inevitable? You should be focusing on the quality of your life here and now
[–] No.83783>>83788>>83789>>83825
>>83780I said that the "certainty of death" is irrelevant, not that death itself is irrelevant. I feel pity for the young lives lost from this terrible poison
>>83777>Oh and by the way vaxx or no vaxx, you're dead-ALSO!I recommend that you become comfortable with the idea of death. Particularly so with your zombie blood. Death awaits us all, and as it would seem those who cling to life (and take vaccines to prevent illness) are the first to lose it
It's all in God's hands. I wish you a pleasant death and a more pleasant life next time
[–] No.83793>>83825
>>83088 (OP)dont care
you can post articles all day, the powers that be dont give a fuck and answer to noone
[–] No.83878>>83886
>>83864>clinging onto le vaxx deaths because its your only thing you are gay as all fuck lmao
[–] No.83896
>>83886im sure the government are deeply intimidated by your sudden death tally chart
[–] No.83925
I'm quintuple vaxxed and I swear it made my penis bigger!
[–] No.83927
RIP Adam Clements, aged 34
Firefighter who died of a "medical emergency" while off-duty.
RIP Ceaden Laffan, aged 25
Firefighter dies unexpectedly while off-duty.
Drowning may be a possible cause There is an "investigation"
RIP Endrick Caron, 18 years old
Firefighter / Heart Attack
RIP William Jones, age 16
Passed away of flu.
RIP Gabriel Nathaniel Giraud, 20 years old
Passed away suddenly
R.I.P. Alex Coney, aged 28
Passed away unexpectedly
R.I.P. Justin Conner, 35
Passed away suddenly and unexpectedly
RIP Matt Manson
Passed away unexpectedly
(it posted a FB photo "vaccinated" and "disinformation kills")
RIP Mark Van Rijswijk
Canadian businessman vaccinated in 2021 and died suddenly in 2024
RIP Chief Micah Foote, 42
Passed away suddenly .
RIP Chandler Wilkinson, 27 years old
Died suddenly at his home.
RIP Felix-Antoine Kakos, 20 years old
Young Quebec man died of a cardiac arrest in hospital. Doctors were going to operate on for an abscess in the neck gallon.
RIP Andrew Mcenaney, 22 years old
Quebec hockey player
Having a heart attack
RIP Dr. Michael George, 45.
Ophthalmologist, died unexpectedly
[–] No.83928
Kris Hembree
Passed away unexpectedly.
RIP Jacoby Jones, age 40
Football player
Passed away in his sleep
RIP Korey Cunningham, 28 years old
Former football star - NFL
RIP Adrian Lehman, 34 years old
Having a heart attack
RIP Ahmed Refat, 31
Soccer player
Heart attack on March 11th mid-game. He passed away in July 2024
RIP Mike Harper, age 26
Great Bristol Run heart attack
RIP Ross McGhie , 25 years old
Rugby player
Having a heart attack
RIP Juan Stenner, age 32
Heart attack at the end of the half marathon
RIP 43 years old Tony Voice
Hockey player ( Flyers )
Passed away suddenly . No cause revealed. No illnesses were reported until his death.
RIP Josh Baker, age 20
Cricket athlete
Found dead in his home.
RIP Connor Garden-Bachop, aged 25
Rugby player
Passed away suddenly
RIP Gabe Holt, 25 years old
Rugby player
Passed away suddenly
[–] No.83929
RIP Matija Sarkic, 26 years
Soccer player
Having a heart attack
RIP Keith Marco, 21 years old
Football player
Died on June 5 from a pulmonary embolism
RIP Afonso Rossa, 19 years old
Soccer player
Heart attack after his match
RIP Obi Ezeh, 36 years
Football player
Passed away suddenly and unexpectedly
RIP Franck Csorba, 23 years old
Passed away unexpectedly on April 23, 2024
Jean-Francois Alain, 49
Racer / Ironman QUEBEC
Heart attack during his triathlon
RIP 17 years old Cam Ward
Basketball athlete has passed away after collapsing at his game.
RIP Alba Cebrian, 23 years old
Heart attack during workout
[–] No.83930
RIP Zachary Doran, 18 years old
Football player
Having a heart attack
RIP Guillermo Denis Beltran, 24 years old
Soccer player
Heart attack during workout
RIP Raphaël Pryor, 17 years old
Soccer player
Passed away suddenly after his match
RIP Erick Lonnie Lonvick 18 years old
Collegiate athlete
Having a heart attack
RIP Ruxandra Dumitrescu, 46 years
Volleyball player
Having a heart attack
Kelly Malveaux, 47 years old
Former football player for the Montreal Alouettes.
Undisclosed cause
RIP Matt Gianni, age 26
Soccer player
Heart attack during the match
Leandro Lino de Freitas, 39 years old
Former soccer player
Having a heart attack
[–] No.83987
RIP Kaitlin Kirkup, age 29
In 2021 she was showing her vaccination record.
Passed away suddenly on May 2024
Rip Megan Bryant 36 years old
Rip 29 years old DJ Bianca Oliveira
Death due to infection
RIP 38 years old Kim Novak
RIP Maria Paulina, 23 years old
Having a heart attack
RIP Emily Lockley, age 26
Pulmonary aneurysm
Passed away 4 days after childbirth
RIP Kate Kaufling, age 20
Turbo cancer
RIP Jane McAdams, 20 years
Blood clots
RIP Emma Rose Hollywood, aged 40
"Died away suddenly after falling ill in the afternoon"
RIP Tait Humble
Champion bodybuilder, and former US Army Navy.
Passed away unexpectedly
RIP Connor DiNapoli
21 years old
American student dies unexpectedly in Italy.
[–] No.84177
A top data analyst has obtained data that reveals a shocking correlation to the mRNA shots and the rise in serious damage to health.
"Every cancer registry in the world right now is skyrocketing with new and recurring cases of cancer"
Data Analyst Wouter Akema has taken the VAERS data and arranged it with startling results that shows as pointed out by Dr McCullough that "what you have demonstrated is that data are consistent across the entire globe"
"we've basically achieved the Bradford Hills tenets of causality...there's no doubt here that the vaccines are the cause of these reflections in the data that we see here today"
https://x.com/JimFergusonUK/status/1817860754512466401[–] No.84178>>84185>>84186
Watch: Olympic Opening Ceremony dancers performed the “Myocarditis Dance” simulating athletes who’ve died suddenly on national television:
https://nitter.poast.org/DiedSuddenly_/status/1817562337441710529[–] No.84188
>>84187I wish the French would die
[–] No.84352>>84363>>84367>>84368
>>84349stop spamming fucking pictures, youre shitting up every thread
@HDV could you ban this cunt or something?
[–] No.84367>>84373
>>84352one image a day in a thread is spam?
[–] No.84368>>84369>>84374
>>84352HDV doesn't even post here anymore. Other than codefella this board has no administration or moderation.
4chon is adrift in the ocean of piss.
[–] No.84369>>84370
>>84368? he just posted here >>84307
[–] No.84370>>84375
>>84369Our glorious leader would never engage in such babytalk spam.
[–] No.84373
>>84367>one image a dayyou fucking liar
[–] No.84375
>>84370It's a post about Scatman John. That's how Scatman John sings.
[–] No.84451
A group of prominent Italian scientists is raising the alarm after discovering a new “neurological emergency” that is emerging among those who have been “vaccinated” with Covid mRNA shots.
The warning was issued by scientists at the University of Chieti-Pescara in Chieti, Italy.
They report that two cases of deadly Status Epilepticus (SE) have now been confirmed to have been caused by Covid mRNA injections.
https://slaynews.com/news/scientists-warn-new-neurological-emergency-spreading-among-covid-vaxxed/[–] No.84460>>84465
>>84459>This could be a global extinction eventTWO MORE WEEKS
[–] No.84480>>84483
>>84459This particular guy who wrote this is some fag with ties to globohomo NGOs, so it is again ironic that "redpilled" internet politics enthusiasts put stock into what he has to say. Also, how the hell does having a degree in law or political science make him an expert on biological weapons? I wouldn't attack someone's credentials normally, but this loser, who's spent his entire life swapping between different bullshit academic majors for babies, is acting like it gives him credibility. He probably lived with his mom until he finally got a job as a professor in his 30s. He has no notable career prior to that.
[–] No.84483>>84488>>84492
>>84480Shhh don't question it. Global extinction soon (tm) for all vaxcels! That'll teach them.
[–] No.84488
>>84483Remember when it was originally vaxxoids telling the unvaxxed that they would all die from covid? Why did you let the government inject you with mystery juice over what quite clearly was nothing?
[–] No.84492
>>84483shut the fuck up sociopath
[–] No.87748>>87749
>>87736No wonder you're so retarded. You keep taking your ZOG experimental mRNA booster clotshots.
[–] No.87749>>87752
>>87748unvaxxed actually, im just not an insipid smug dickhead about it
[–] No.87752>>87760
>>87749Right, you were just born retarded.
[–] No.87813
>>87736The guy smashing up the car says something about the vaxx. Anti vaxx guy is smashing up the car.
[–] No.88066
>>88064Damn I forgot to call him conservative. Would have been funnier. Peter Steele is a conservative gay traditionalist Christian guys, remember THAT! I mean Peter Thiele heh
[–] No.88106>>88182
>>88091I think that ad is from last year, though I recently got an automated text from the state medicare program saying that I accepted to hear updates about the flu and similar things. It said to text a certain word to stop receiving messages, so I was about to do that, but then my phone warned me I might be charged for the message. I just blocked the number instead. They already texted me twice about that shit. Not letting some faggot government organ directly spam me with vaxx hysteria.
[–] No.88327>>88344
My former coworker's wife passed away today I was just informed smh
[–] No.88366>>88369>>88376>>88379
I never used to know what to say when I got told that somebody kicked the bucket, but now I say exactly that. Did you also have this problem?
[–] No.88369
>>88366My condolences. It works every single time.
[–] No.88376>>88378
>>88366I ask about thier vaccination status, a smug look on my face.
[–] No.88378
>>88376I have no doubts about that.
[–] No.88379>>88385
>>88366What else is there to say? Anything more sounds effeminate. That's all I said yesterday to someone messaging me they will be back in town for a funeral and want to get lunch or supper. Not looking forward to showering and brushing my gnarled hair.
[–] No.88413
>>88411She looks like she's returning to a distant tribal ancestor heh
Terrible fate, must be extremely painful
[–] No.88519
Think that guy had to deal with family more than he expected to. Haven't heard anything more. Fine with me since that means I don't have to shower or spend money. Started brining a steak early this morning in case I didn't hear anything back. Can just have that with some spicy noodles or soup and toasted bread.
[–] No.93067
[–] No.94171
vaxxoids are fucked
188 replies | 69 images | Page ?