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File: 1720912746800.png 1.54 MB, 2048x1365, 1720910229759423.png

 No.83317[View All]

160 posts and 54 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




lol you slurp jewish cock over the shittiest music ever, you probably think kiss is good too


you are gay


they should rename "The Times They Are A-Changin'" to "Avid Getting Sodomized by Pack of Feral Niggers Theme"


there you go again with your mudshark projection

eat lead jew


you are the faggot who loves nigger dicks and jewish musicians lol


no thats you, youre literally the only faggot here who brings that shit up, stay cope and project more KIKE


keep filterfeeding from bob dylan's shriveled jewish cock wishing it were a bbc instead, fagola


you just love typing gay shit dont you goblin


maybe stop being a massive buttfairy if you dont like having your gay life recounted to you




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Based and Chang pilled




nah, that's hank yu

halfwhite is a tranny with a black husband/pimp now


shut up retard


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holy shit




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I'd like to see this ugly Indian-nigger hybrid smash the gov't servers like that one Zoolander scene.



insultingly stupid for everyone reading it paywall article title in a (((swedish))) owned irrelevant EU news page
>Unprecedented luck has ended a.k.a. how Trump will be affected by the "The Harris factor"


you WILL spend 6 months hearing constant gaslighting about the profound leadership wisdom of a woman who should be sweeping floors, helping you find a good shoe or writing parking tickets


le word salad


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banned off substack for espousing the Light of this world, National Socialism. entire site is full of pretentious wank, pseudo-intellectual word salad, trite midwit B.S. that says in a thousand words what Awakened anons can say in 100 or less. Its the jews, stupid!








He's losing the polls badly, including in the important swing states. If Trump had any sense he'd stop hiding like a bitch on Truth Social and try to negotiate for RFK Jr.'s endorsement.


LOL butthurt


re-rolling new char later maybe. its full of normies and midwits tho


To try to get the files out of them.


youre both of those things faggot


fuck off dogi


take ypur meds retard


kill yourself pigwoman


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this is like 9/11 again


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wow hes so based amirite


You can thank JD Vance's wife for that one.


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jd vance? who is that?

i only know LANCE VANCE


meth-fueled raw bareback fuck-swing full blown AIDS poz-loads cowboy shots in negholes are american constitutional freedom and YOU LIBTARDS can only come and take em from my cold. dead. hands.


Don't you just love LEGAL immigration? It's so heckin wholesome having every corner of your country loaded to the brim with predatory chinks and incompetent pajeets! I made the mistake of trying to explain this to people IRL recently. I made it real simple and explained to them that legal immigration means White collar workers are going to get replaced, and that foreigners shouldn't be allowed to buy up our real-estate and local industry. All they could muster is:
>It's fine as long as they contribute to the economy. The people born here just need to work harder and stop complaining.
Republicans are completely and utterly hopeless nigger-cattle. Don't ever forget that Republicans are gatekeepers, not a "lesser evil".


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If this was tfw, some spic retard would be screeching for you to go back to leftypol. Trust the plan. What's the plan? Legal White genocide, libtard.


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Sonic says: You can't inherently contribute to a GDP driven, cult of growth obsessed economy because it is parasitic by nature.


>Phantasm has a correct opinion for once

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