Left wing governmental ooooouuuu
>>83319there's all kinds of groups that would want him dead, e.g. ukrainian nationalists, extreme tranny cultists on ssris, cia agents loyal to the dnc that murdered seth rich, etc. this was a fuck-up by his security team but he had any sense he'd wear a bullet-proof maga baseball cap in open areas from now on
This is just going to make MIGA niggots even more insufferable.
>>83319My guess is the younger "elites" are retards, who are high on their own supply. They're as dumb as the nigger-cattle they're supposed to be manipulating, so a milquetoast boomer with some common sense talking points is the ultimate threat in their mind.
>>83331Well, dead men don't talk. We'll never get proper details, just like the Vegas shooter.
Regardless of who ordered the hit, my question is: Will Trump actually back-up his supporters now, or will he continue to let them get fucked over every time they put their ass on the line for him like he has since 2016?
>>83336there is literally no incentive for him to change course; his idiot followers will now be more convinced than ever of his messiah status
>>83328>god made him turn his head at the exact right moment>>83327fitting image, MAGA has done a lot to make contards love niggers more and feel less shame in imitating them
>>83332thin hair chin man?
>>83336Wonder if Jewmp will at least cover the injured spectators' hospital bills or if I'll have to see them begging on GoFundMe (which will probably delist them anyway since it's a partisan site). Almost forgot you lards have no health insurance.
I wish he got killed.
>>83341Because the orange nigger is the worst thing that ever happened to imageboards. It was never the same ever since the influx of r/thedonald.
>>83337Trump needs to keep his followers out of jail and out of harm's way if he wants to keep himself safe, and the best defense is a good offense. He needs brownshirts. When they beat up leftycucks for causing trouble, they deserve support. When somebody shoots a rioting nigger, they deserve support. He needs to hold tech companies accountable for theirstranglehold on information. He needs to make his enemies afraid to act. Ironically, even as a billionaire New York businessman, he's too clean for politics.
spoiler your gay porn fagvid
>>83345>4chan population circa 2010>50k max >4chan population circa today >241,300i believe this is more the problem than there being trump memes, its moreso the fact that there are so many of them because of the number of people posting them is higher
>>833524chan was swamped with new users leading up to the 2016 election. It's no coincidence. I sometimes wonder just how organic the support for Trump was even back then. Maybe an intern thought it would be a good idea to shill him there.
>>83348I remember people disliking him for his media personality in the 90s-00s. I don't think his older supporters recall how much of an obnoxious prick he was back then (and still is).
>>83319it's #4
A crazy loser tried to kill Trump. Neglect and cut corners at the SS did the rest.
>>83375Hapsburg jaw ass nigga
>>833191. or 3. heavily suggest the shooter missed a headshot on purpose. It's hard to imagine a Trump supporter (and/or Trump himself) risking that.
But then also, it seems hard to imagine glowies setting up this 20yo guy like that.
The most likely possibility seems to be 4. by far. Looks to me like a guy wanted a public headshot on Trump - for people to see his head and brain shot off.
>>83380>>83382With the new information we have, it's possible Blackrock basically did the organised crime move of radicalising Underbite and just using him as a Patsy. May have even told him he will be fine if he surrenders. He seems like the type of person who is mentally ill and suggestible enough to believe that.
Whether he was supposed to miss or not, or there were other people nearby to finish the job... No.83387
>>83342>TRUMP HURT, BUTheh
>>83352It's much more than that. Back then it was just JIDF shilling shit. Now it's CIA niggers, FBI niggers, FSB niggers, pajeets, shitskins and just full-blown retards. Kikes don't even bother anymore, all these faggots listed do the job for them.
>>83347>He needs brownshirtsThe king of Israel doesn't want your help, Nazi.
>>83382>>83383You should set "accessibility.force_disabled" to "1" in about:config for Firefox (and then reopen it for it to take effect). Accessibility service is stuff for handicapped people that regular people will never use. Mozilla refuses to admit they have a serious memory leak with that shit that accumulates if you don't close Firefox for a long time contrary to what people on Reddit are saying and what I've experienced. opened a new bug report since they closed the old one claiming they can't reproduce the problem, but they'll probably delete it due to my David Duke email lol No.83405
>>83386Supposed to miss? Nigga don't tell me you buy into that bullshit too. You really have to shoot a gun yourself to understand how comical the idea that he shot his ear on purpose is.
So close. It was a good shot but not good enough.
Hopefully someone else kills the orange nigger.
>>83380I refuse to believe you are actually liberal feline. Liberal feline is dead.
>>83405As I do not have access to the sweet air of American freedom, you're right, I wouldn't know. I know this sounds like a 'my dad works at Nintendo' moment, but my brother in law is ex-Army, who was a contracted mercenary worker in Africa. We were coincidentally together when the news dropped, and the rooftop birds-eye was released. He seems to think, because it was side on, and it grazed an ear that Hapsburg is either a really, really bad shot, or you couldn't make that shot without being purposefully retarded.
>>83405 No.83419
Donald Trump rally shooter was rejected by rifle team at school, was a 'bad shot', as per his school friend Jameson Myers, was a poor marksman at school. Speaking with ABC News, Myers stated that Crooks tried to join the high schoolās rifle team but was rejected and asked not to come back after a āpre-seasonā session.
āHe didn't just not make the team; he was asked not to come back because of how bad of a shot he was; it was considered dangerous,ā Myers said.
While seeking anonymity, a member of the team told ABC News that there was a view that Crooks "wasn't really fit for the rifle team."
However, the school district said that there was no record of Crooks being on the rifle team. The school district said Crooks "never appeared on a roster", reported ABC news. Notably, Crooks was part of a local shooting club called Clairton Sportsmen's Club.
"He also shot terrible," the team member was quoted as saying by ABC News in its report.
>>83419What kind of school has a fucking rifle team?
>>83420My parents had to learn how to disassemble, reassemble and shoot Zastava M59/66 rifles (variant of Soviet SKS) in high school.
>>83420The kind from the 'flyover states' where
Blackrock and Vanguard and f*ds can take advantage of the mentally ill to use as patsies.
>>83415Pham he's just being a meathead retard, this is no different then when guys say shit like "I just see red and bodies hit the floor, bro". He's literally been trained to be overconfident in this way so I wouldn't hold it against him I guess.
>what is a moving target>what is windage>what is bullet drop>what is the fact a bullet actually takes time to reach its destination >what is the only reason the back of his skull wasn't blown off is because he turned his head when he didIt's actual lunacy to believe this was "staged" or something, people other than Trump were gunned down in broad daylight, including the shooter, with thousands of witnesses lol
It's no exaggeration to say that most untrained people couldn't hit paper at 10 yards let alone a chicken necking boomer at 130, no one's hitting anyone's ear "on purpose". He had a clear shot and took it-and against all odds it didn't find its mark.
>>83425If that's the case, did they even bank on him missing?
The amount of time wasted (apparently it was 115 seconds) before the Secret Service got him is...odd.
Do they not realise that deposing the President like that would not give them what they want and would instead cause a civil war?
>>83386>>83415It's possible there's more going on in the background, grooming by glowies to blow up a bridge etc. I don't think the bad shot is related to that, he'd just climbed onto a burning hot roof and the adrenaline and pressure of the real deal makes things harder. Even then he only missed by like an inch.
>>83412There's just not much left to talk about here. I'm safe and busy, don't worry. Visiting Texas next month.
>>83431>There's just not much left to talk about here.Isn't that the truth.
Remember that being retarded on accident is against the rules now so report it when you see it. Only deliberate silliness is allowed
I expect tinfoil stuff from based right wingers and centrists because anyone who hasn't been psyopped to death by the powers that be already is rightfully skeptical of anything and everything they see, but the tinfoil from the LIBTARDS comes purely from their insecurity.
1. They know that people saw that and thought it was awesome, especially blacks who they view as their rightful property both as voters and otherwise
2. They saw a guy they hate (for the wrong reasons lol) come centimeters from death and react to it with more composure than they do when their roommate asks them to do their share of the dishes and they're coping hard about it.
>>83447>Something happened, I better jump to the most improbable, impractical, inhumanely difficult nonsense to achieve possible as my conclusion.Every time. Fuck you, buddy. Enough is a enough.
>>83428>Do they not realise that deposing the President like that would not give them what they want and would instead cause a civil war?It won't cause a civil war. Who's going to lead the charge, Trump's entourage of opportunistic grifters? On the contrary, Trump surviving this incident is actually putting us on the verge of a civil war for once. The conditions are being met, but it won't happen unless Trump himself decides he's not going to play ball with the system anymore, which is extremely unlikely. Maybe he'll change his tune if they keep coming for him.
>>83462I feel like if he tries to push through project 2025, a lot of left leaning states will refuse to cooperate. America is already so divided along ideological grounds, that it could turn into a war. Really at this point, both sides are just looking for an excuse to start shooting.
>>83458These conspiracy type people believe the government is god. Totally omnipotent. So anything that makes the government look weak or ineffectual, like the failure to prevent an assassination attempt, is just evidence of a wide spanning conspiracy involving thousands of different actors, and that the government always has the upper hand.
They need to believe that to justify their victim complex. If they thought the government was fragile and pathetic, cowering in fear of it would seem rather silly and they don't want to face that.
>>83459This. Tell us which hamsters are still alive. Does phantasm the hamster still draw breath?
>>83471>If they thought the government was fragile and pathetic, cowering in fear of it would seem rather silly and they don't want to face that.To be fair, on the whole it isn't. I'd argue the system is extremely robust, and they can get away with shitting the bed for a long time, but yes, it does seem to be like creepypasta to them. Like it's some SCP thing that they know is bullshit, but they want to believe for fun. For me, It's too cartoonishly over-engineered and stupid to believe. You would think that people who are skeptical of the holocaust due to the extraordinary nature of the claims being made, wouldn't fall for schizotales without some real smoking gun evidence.
>>83469>both sides are just looking for an excuse to start shootinghow many american democrat voters white collar urbanites who "hate guns", spics, women, california gays etc. are that enthusiastic about being combatants dragging their rifles and ammo around crawling covered in grime and their own shit in a wet cold ditch hungry thirsty and sleepdepraved dodging drones determined to fight to death over their uh disability-enabling or welfare state uh ideology?
look smith the youutube grifter had a point about merely asking them 'do you really believe that?' to throw them when they go on another virtue signaling thing
who's gon do the fighting
>>83476maybe on governmental level, but on individual level i doubt that anyone is especially on the left is committed to participate in a war for their sporstball-like political affiliation
>>83475>I'd argue the system is extremely robustThe green zone around the congress building says otherwise. I'd say American federal power is quite fragile and American politicians are operating from a position of fear and weakness. The political system has broken down in fundamental ways, which is why demagogues like Trump are popular.
>You would think that people who are skeptical of the holocaust due to the extraordinary nature of the claims being made, wouldn't fall for schizotales without some real smoking gun evidence.I think with these guys, they don't really have a filter. They believe anything they hear, no matter how absurd or realistic it is, so long as it fits into an anti-establishment narrative. Generally they've gotten some kind of "redpill" at some point in their life that has smashed their faith in the standard narrative promoted by the government, but they don't really have the ability to reason through the mires of bullshit.
That's why you get shit like flat earthism, space lasers starting forest fires, reptillian shapeshifters, and other absurd shit standing shoulder to shoulder with more plausible stuff like the holocaust being fake, the las vegas shooter being a plant, etc. Intelligence groups take advantage of that to discredit conspiracy theorists entirely by spreading the aforementioned absurdities on social media.
>>83477I think they're more committed than rightoids. See: antifa.
Right wingers talk the talk but they're terrified of their toys being taken away if they do anything illegal. Even if they protest, they do not wear masks, because they cannot conceive of being arrested. They're extremists for the establishment. Left wingers are more willing to engage in illegal behavior for political gain, and always have been.
>>83485that feel when you are a useless nigger who cant aim
Lend me a hand Joe
>>83507>>83508Pretty sure every one of them has sucked dick at some point in their life.
>>83512what, as, like, a warning?
to expose trump's shoddy security?
>>83479I think how it goes is that Lefties are more quick to physical action and violence despite being largely unarmed whereas the Right are ironically better at peaceful protesting in the form of "voting with their wallet", rewarding or punishing companies for doing things they like or don't like, despite having a combined arsenal greater than any standing military.
How did this happen?
How many comically ineffectual boycotts have the left mobilized? Quite a few by my count and they ALL backfire. Here's a recent one where they are gearing up to stop drinking a beer they never started to drink in the first place. "Hogwarts Legacy" ended up a huge success despite legions of Twitter troon crybabies upset about JK Rowling, Chil-fil-A etc. (for the record Rightist boycotts can be similarly retarded, I believe there was a call to boycott Ben and Jerry's which you'd already have to be a rich gay libtard jew to eat regularly anyway). The problem is this kind of protesting doesn't accomplish much. Bud Light isn't going to be marketed to trannies for a while? Great success.
My thoughts on why this is are just the obvious stuff:
The left is far younger so even if they're physically pathetic fags they still have that over conservatives who're probably 50+ on average and even more fucked up in their own way. Type 2 diabetic, obese, walkers and wheelchairs.
If the politically active left work-and let's be real they often don't-they have less physically demanding jobs whereas MIGA are welders and warehouse workers-no energy or time outside of waging and a lot to lose if they end up getting in trouble, how does a construction worker plan and execute a mass action? In the antifa trust fund kids' case, they literally have nothing to lose. The police can incarcerate antifa for breaking windows etc. and they'll just return to their wealthy parents' basement after their three day jail sentence-and the streets thereafter if Soros calls on them. They don't have any real stake in what they're doing, but that's also why them boycotting anything doesn't tend to leave a dent in a company's market share.
Boomers' endocrine systems are all fucked up, expecting them to do much more than mill about in a given area and wave flags around is too much. I think a lot of us were greatly amused when the bottom 10% age percentile chud chads finally took to the streets and started fucking up the soys over BLUMPF, but ultimately you're looking at like a 1 on 5 fight-especially when the left has access to its largely apolitical negroid auxiliaries and can provoke them to action easily by signal boosting inflammatory content.
So the left has the numbers and opportunity for violence and they know it. MIGA has guns and money but is lacking in political will or vitality.
>>83480Kind of awesome but I hate that it shows the bullets going in the same place over and over again. All we know is (presumably) the first bullet hit his ear and the rest would have been thrown off by recoil
>>83471>the failure to prevent an assassination attemptthe failure to pull off an assassination attempt
>>83538Different face structure. That's not him.
Anyway, I really wish he succeeded, even if it was staged, it would be awesome to see all the retarded MIGApedes getting riled up and would make the chances of nationwide chimpouts higher. Instead they will votecuck for him so hard, they will get their pressure release valve and elect the orange kike once more, pacifying the nigger cattle further.
>>83476>>83477Hardcore leftycucks are genuinely hateful people. They wouldn't dare put themselves in harm's way, but would happily kill you if they thought they could get away with it. To be a leftycuck new purity tests are constantly introduced, so anyone with even a semblance of sanity gets filtered out. Any actual moderates just have yet to get the memo, that by modern standards even Obama in 2008 would be considered "far-right". They are dense individuals, too high in agreeableness, or they're old and out-of-touch.
>>83580Yeah. They edit it down after.
It's a historical event. They're going to use their best.
>>83582The democrats are doomed if he doesn't. Biden is a bad joke. He doesn't have a chance.
They could run literally anyone and it would be better than Biden.
>>83582>this guyFrom the thumbnail this nigga looks like he's on the set of some wacky children's science show
do you think he has even lubed up his shiny bald head and inserted it into the gaping rectum of a super size bbw?
>>83602idk but he would probably be better off inserting that shiny head into an oversized light socket.
>>83589He's smug on some topics, or even just now and then, and has some fairly obvious contradictions (though I guess we all have some). He said he sold everything nailed down, also has ranted a bit about what he calls "e-trash". But you look around his room and he has all this... stuff...
>>83580What if we KISSED behind the F*I agent who doesn't blink and stays quite still when the former POTUS is shot?
Just kidding...unless? š„ŗš„ŗš„ŗšš
>>83613im curious, how would someone fake this?
>>83610If they're a bunch of fags, then shouldn't their opinion carry more weight when it comes to issues surrounding "gay culture"?
>>83615you can set gps location by hand in jeetdroid, probably in appleshit as well via some dev. debug menu
>>83612these traitors need to be beheaded
trump needs to have them killed
>>83612>lemme sit in a potential trajectory of a bulletreal conspiracy there migapedes
he said a little piece about the father who died protecting his kids. that's nice.
>>83635Is he gonna pay their funeral expenses or what?
>>83639Dump's gonna get them a discount to go and scatter the ashes over his own personal plot on the gaza strip.
>>83639They already have along with everyone else's crowdfunding. They're also going to put his firefighting uniform in the White House, I think on display. Of course it's sharp realpolitik, but it was touching nonetheless.
>>83641didn't know that, pretty cool. guy making the ultimate sacrifice for his family deserves such a high honor.
>>83639i mean, i don't see why he wouldn't have helped. also don't think it is becoming to brag about charity. was just listening to his rally today while playing vidya.
>>83646My gaydar is going off... on YOU! Vid is way too wordy, but actually pretty incoherent too
>>83651My RAM problem went away months ago for like a week and a half, then reappeared. I did what you asked, I don't notice any change.
>>83646Do you really need a half hour long video to explain the obvious?
>>83646>incompetent The Secret Service are under the purview of the sitting president iirc. Make of that what you will
>>83656The head of secret service is a woman chosen by Bidet. Trump has been extremely retarded about his choice of cabinet/staff, but I don't think it's his fault this time. Honestly, this all being a result of incompetent women being in a profession they don't belong in is highly possible.
>>83699The schizo in me is like
he was probably told to do it or he would be killed.
But also
tying them up in the government forces them to play nice may be his thinking.
But also
it doesn't matter who's in charge, Blackrock are actually in charge No.83745
>>83699Wait, is that the ((((((ā”ļøLUCKYā”ļø)))))) ((((((ā”ļøLarryā”ļø)))))) from the band Neutral Milk ((((((ā”ļø9/11ā”ļø))))))s?
(No, wait, that's the ((((((ā”ļøLUCKYā”ļø)))))) (((((((ā”ļøLarry Silversteinā”ļø)))))). Google it. Google the TRUTH. WFDSFDSF.)
I had weird dream where Trump made a speech about how his mom used to think he was gay, because he used to sleep over his friend's house all the time after playing video games all night.
>>83833Top kek. That dream was probably about ol' Donnie's son who loves bideo games and looks just like his old man. :^)
>>83854I'm such a retard for spending the past 20 minutes scrolling through his shitty website to confirm this fabricated quote. Frick you heh
>>83857I got that from here but Elon and Rogan are still good goyim.
>>83857>>83860Wait, it's not fake. told you not to put blind faith in Zion Don. You have to let him go. You're in an abusive relationship without realizing it.
>>83860BLUMPF for what good qualities he has is an Israel First boomer retard himself and it's a really good imitation of his cadence. If I thought there wasn't the remotest possibility he'd actually said that I wouldn't have bothered looking heh; honest mistake-unless I somehow missed it myself just now too (t. dyslexic or something)
If it is a fabrication then what is this guy's motive for posting it.
donald trump sucks jew cock and licks jew anus
he is an orange faggot
The more time passes, the more I wish he got fucking shot for real.
>>83876I'm not sure how people like my stepfather can know jews are running the West into the ground while also being die-hard MAGA fans. That's some serious cognitive dissonance.
>>83876you wish he did fag boy
>>83892sue your stepfather for making you butthurt
>>83894It would be funny to see you have your face held underwater until your body goes limp. It could be a PPV event. We can call it "faggot retard gets aborted on 120th trimester".
>>83899stay mad microdick
>>83900Damn. If I have a microdick, you must have the tightest throat of all time to be choking on it.
From the Friday evening (((Turning Point Action))) conference in Florida:
>You have to get out and vote. You wonāt have to do it anymore. Four years, it will be fixed, it will be fine. You wonāt have to vote anymore.. In four years, you wonāt have to vote again.>I love you Christians. [...] I'm not a Christian.'d thonk that the shabbos goyim at least pretending to be a Christfag or not disclosing that they aren't was a universal status quo to align with their most hardcore fat stupid TV-viewing 70 year old lead-poisoned diabetic goyim voter base.
>>83945Also the Orange Man talks nonsense like he's coked-out or something.
Or, huh, maybe he's alluding to what them Jew black magick wizards like vid related been saying.
>>83947I never liked that rat kike. His music is terrible.
>>84090lol you slurp jewish cock over the shittiest music ever, you probably think kiss is good too
>>84094they should rename "The Times They Are A-Changin'" to "Avid Getting Sodomized by Pack of Feral Niggers Theme"
>>84096there you go again with your mudshark projection
eat lead jew
>>84098you are the faggot who loves nigger dicks and jewish musicians lol
>>84100no thats you, youre literally the only faggot here who brings that shit up, stay cope and project more KIKE
>>84105keep filterfeeding from bob dylan's shriveled jewish cock wishing it were a bbc instead, fagola
>>84109you just love typing gay shit dont you goblin
>>84111maybe stop being a massive buttfairy if you dont like having your gay life recounted to you
>>84171Based and Chang pilled
>>84318nah, that's hank yu
halfwhite is a tranny with a black husband/pimp now
>>84536I'd like to see this ugly Indian-nigger hybrid smash the gov't servers like that one Zoolander scene.
insultingly stupid for everyone reading it paywall article title in a (((swedish))) owned irrelevant EU news page
>Unprecedented luck has ended a.k.a. how Trump will be affected by the "The Harris factor"
>>84742you WILL spend 6 months hearing constant gaslighting about the profound leadership wisdom of a woman who should be sweeping floors, helping you find a good shoe or writing parking tickets
He's losing the polls badly, including in the important swing states. If Trump had any sense he'd stop hiding like a bitch on Truth Social and try to negotiate for RFK Jr.'s endorsement.
>>85005re-rolling new char later maybe. its full of normies and midwits tho
>>84562To try to get the files out of them.
>>85031youre both of those things faggot
>>85282take ypur meds retard
>>85300kill yourself pigwoman
>>86136You can thank JD Vance's wife for that one.
>>86137jd vance? who is that?
i only know LANCE VANCE
meth-fueled raw bareback fuck-swing full blown AIDS poz-loads cowboy shots in negholes are american constitutional freedom and YOU LIBTARDS can only come and take em from my cold. dead. hands.
>>86136Don't you just love LEGAL immigration? It's so heckin wholesome having every corner of your country loaded to the brim with predatory chinks and incompetent pajeets! I made the mistake of trying to explain this to people IRL recently. I made it real simple and explained to them that legal immigration means White collar workers are going to get replaced, and that foreigners shouldn't be allowed to buy up our real-estate and local industry. All they could muster is:
>It's fine as long as they contribute to the economy. The people born here just need to work harder and stop complaining.Republicans are completely and utterly hopeless nigger-cattle. Don't ever forget that Republicans are gatekeepers, not a "lesser evil".
>>87362phantasm never has the correct opinion, hes as thick as pig shit
>>87372fake avid
phantasm is proper fit and has a big willie
Honestly, maybe Trump getting elected this year is the best call. Maybe it would expedite the death of his annoying tard cult. He will be less politically relevant in four years' time if he's elected since he can't serve again.
>>87635America is and always has been a Republic, seething left retards are trying desperately to change this
>>87650Non-sequitur and there are no conservatives left in America, certainly not in the MIGAtard cult anyway.
anyone watching the massdebate?
i havent finished yet but it seems as though trump is getting bodied
>>87925na i'm not feelin it
>>87925All politics is a lie. It's insulting to our intelligence.
>>87985When I am at my family's place and a couple people start arguing politics, I stay out of it and quietly smirk to myself when I hear their opinions and rebuttals to each other. When any of them ask me what I think, I tell them it's all kike bread and circus and someone says something like "Muh Dems/Republicans/Nazis/Fascists are destroying democracy" or "But muh lesser of two evils..." not understanding they're playing right into it. Democracy doesn't exist and it's retarded anyway, since the average American is a fucking retard. I fucking hate presidential election season so much.
>>87987I don't get it. Explain the joke.
>>87992They imported 15,000 Haitians and settled them in Springfield, Ohio. Haitians started eating local cats and waterfowl.
>>87993Holy guacamole. Ohio is fucked.
>>87993Um, excuse me, chud. The mayor of Springfield and the governor of Ohio have confirmed there have been no sightings of pets getting eaten, so it must not have happened, sweaty.
>>88001He screwed up in the second half. Should've stayed calm and explained why Murica doesn't get to decide who the terrorists are given their own track record of slaughtering civilians and plunder and their own funding and training of terrorist proxies (IDF, Mossad, Saudis, ISIS, Al-qaeda, Al-Nusra, Jordanian monarchy, Qatari monoarchy, Ukrainians, Chechen separatists and countless others).
>i'm all for immigrants
These complete idiots are part of the problem themselves.
>>88256wanna hear a joke heh larry
YHWH protects Trump!
A dead dog and a cat just flew over my house
>>88319Sounds like you have niggers nearby! We don't cotton to those types here at the kibbutz; throw a dead dog at us and it's curtains for you!
>exploding pagers?? did they eat cats too? gas attack assaserinos? HOLOCAUST MUCH!?
Indian internet access and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
shabbos substack goys (tpool, looralooomer etc) accepted 10 million from the kremlin to repeat their narrative word for word
russia is now denouncing and ayran is straight up sabotaging the trump campaign
russians killed and burned the corpse of some republicuck boomer who wanted to be a combatant on their side
republicucks are a toilet paper i guess nothing new
>>88453I support Trump over Harris but don't feel that inspired to wear the MAGA hat. Maybe soon... Heh...
>>88462why would you own one if you cant vote in US elections?
>>88462Trump literally said "Make Israel Great Again" on TV yesterday. Today he's unveiling his countermeasures for fighting antisemitism
>>88464I wore a knockoff one while surfing around the 2016 election when I was surfing. Because I supported Trump for his seeming ethnocentrism.
>>88469Israeli women are sexy! Though I guess all women are sexy.
>>88464What a silly question heh.It's like asking an Aussie (e.g. me) why I would take inspiriation from Hitler or any other European thing. I take inspiration because it relates to me.
>>88473It's really not, no. Hitler wasn't in bed with kikes. Trump is not a modern-day Hitler or anything remotely close to one.
>>88515Fuentes is more unpleasant than Jews.
>>88520>spergy gay civnat christcuck beaner manlet retard who regurgitates post-2016 pol memes vs a highly organized group with unparalleled power over all major institutions actively working to erase White people from existenceSure, he's a massive fag and his followers are clueless, but I disagree otherwise.
>>88520He's just an obvious puppet, in turn puppeteering his retard followers
>>88515Jewish American heh
>>88521Who would you rather spend time sitting next to on an airplane?
>>88529The spic would unironically complain less than the average kike, I would wager. He might be a retard and bother me about his based reddit frog collection, but that's still less annoying than hearing kikes nitpick about everything to fish for discounts or special treatment all the time. I remember having to attend things like team suppers with jews and they're often very whiny about service.
>>88522Imagine taking Fuentes seriously heh
>>88560I seriously believe he's a homosexual and government informant. I seriously believe he's pimping out the teenage boys in his movement to his brown handler, Ali Alexander.
trump should shoot me in the face with cum from his big fat cock
>>88574prove youre avid, post a timestamped pic
>>88642Sounds like Avid to me.
>>88677it actually sounds like something you would post
>>83317As far as I know... Why are American politicians Trump and Kamala Harris associated with Jews? Trump is just a Jew, and Kamala Harris is married to a Jew. Why there aren't non-Jews in the United States as candidates?
>>88758Because jews hijacked American politics a very long time ago. Consider that many early settlers came to build America due to religious persecution. I have Evangelicals as extended family and they act supremely jewish. We never hear from them, but they crawl out of the woodwork to beg for money when my elders are on their deathbeds.
>>88758>>88762American culture effectively is Jewish culture. The nigger-cattle perception goes entirely through a Jewish lens. Mass media killed any remnants of grassroots America. At the end of the day being an American means to be a rootless loser, that worships vague concepts some kikes made up without putting any thought into the principles of their worldview at all. If not for economic reasons, nobody would have a single nice thing to say about the US. "My shithole is shittier" is the best anybody can come up with as it stands already.
>>90603That's a modern art masterpiece
>>90691>photo is AI-generated
>Deborah>Carrie>Melinda>Pam>Cindi>Dedeall those twitter accounts as likely as well
that creates a meta narrative who even owns these bots and what is their goal (some form of destabilization obv.)
the democratic party? cia? some thirdie country with heckerino tradbased yiddish social norms?
>>90700keep coping MIGApede
>>90701the boomer bots are real (i'm not saying that the real boomers are that much different)
but you could theoretically use bots to issue an automatic updoot on status quo of a particular mainstream political group to diffuse it's more "problematic" narratives e.g. endless posts where republican boomers vow to how not racist they are and how good the diversity and mass immigration is and how based the CONSERVATIVE gays are, hwite nationalists telling how based israel and the jews vs the MUDSLIMES are or obsession with religion and how based the tradcath latinos are, libertarians getting more marginalized being gaslighted into having to "like" autocratic shitholes like russia etc i dunno
>>90700>>90703They're just as stupid and worthless IRL. Are the bots skinwalking too now?
>>90693what are the odds she'd go off on a nigger like that?
>>90703In other words, get ppl to support Douglas Murray the BASED homosex neocon Zionist beacon of true White Euro trad values
Really there are a bunch of these shabbos guys
Nothing new under the sun
>>91690Ivanka Astra Ayn "Marie" Rozman Lisinski Spectre Bezubov Abramovich Shekelberg JEWISH?????????????
MAGAPEDES, how do we cope???
>>91690Dysgenic, goblinoid features. Unfortunate
>>91690>Oy veyThat phenotype reminds me of the most vile, gruesome, obsessed, gangstalking, darkish brown mundane straight from the demiurge who used to post on and lead me astray temporarily just to try to bring me down many years ago. There's no greater feel in the world than tfw dominating a miserable, gremlin-faced succubus who could crush you between their negative forces and make you spiritually circumcised but won't because you've ascended in life and now command their respect and loyalty through manifesting masculine energies, while they're a depreciating asset as they age and are forced to watch you appreciate in value and relish life no matter what chaos is beset upon you.
>>91703Get over it lol. You're no model yourself.
>>91803It is sickening how so many "conservatives" like this billionaire tech scammer.
>>91818They prepared the path for him with the Ironman archetype
Personally I think if he wins people (and even blue state govs) will simply refuse to acknowledge him as president. They'll say he's ineligible because he's a traitor or that he stole the election.
Same thing if harris wins, but from the other side.
I could easily see this farce being the last US election. People don't seem to have faith in the system anymore.
>>92457People already have lost faith in the system and it changes nothing. The 2020 election was stolen and people didn't do anything. They're a disorganised majority and they'll lose everytime against an organised minority (the system).
I think there will always be elections but whether they won't cheat again and respect the system is a different story. Russia has elections but of course Putin will win it may become similar in America too, their system isn't well.
>>92463And of course the vast majority of people are hardwired to comply with society and whats popular, they are literally sheep, finding comfort in the majority. It's simply a fact of life and any action needs to take that into account.
>>92463I had the misfortune of stumbling upon Twitter politics recently and the thing that's garnering more outrage than ever in US politics is a dead squirrel.