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 No.83937[View All]

This video is shadow-banned on google and youtube. It's actually worth a watch. I never paid attention to this guy, but ever since the tranny incident he's finally getting some well-deserved flack.
133 posts and 39 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



They're characters from TF2 (game that avid is obsessed with because it's full of men, containing a nigger from Scotland in particular). Example: >>87920

>n-n-no...! i-it's different... the nonsense face matches the tone of the comment...! ur just posting [(not OP btw delirious retard)] the same on-topic files...!


ok ill tell you what, im going to stop posting here and you can incessantly spam your inane garbage posts because unlike you i touch grass and youre stuck inside seething like a retard all day, enjoy, my replies are probably the most interactions you have in your sad shitty little pathetic life



I'm not the one posting files and links you fucking retard. I don't care if your care workers take you on walks. You're clearly severely autistic and almost every single post you make is spergy as fuck. You have zero self-awareness.


Boogeyman post, you always have to cling onto some delusion thats not real. Remember. No time stamp. No proof. You're making shit up in your head. Enjoy your current scapegoat before you cling onto the next one, faggot.


File: 1726029125676.jpeg 73.74 KB, 500x859, pill cocktail.jpeg

I am talking to avid, not you trump-chan. Take your pill cocktail and go to bed.


I took my nighttime pill already. I just take one pill at bedtime. I took it at 7:30pm. My allergies are killing me.


Whats that? You need your dick sucked?


They kept calling him Weedle in that article lol


Well. It is his last name but they mad by this guy's association. This pic related statement that weedle made looks bad. I WOULDN'T HAVE DONE OR SAID ANYTHING AT ALL IF ______________ DIDN'T HAPPEN.

Bad optics. Baaaaaad optics. Doesn't look good.


I think it's Weddle. That's how they pronounce it on videos about him. They probably got an Indian to write the article.


Yes. Many such cases.


File: 1726095047369.mp4 6.53 MB, 600x1066, 1726027237546.mp4

Vid related is really cathartic. I'm tired of this man's face. Aside from all the non stop terrible shenanigans he's done, he's oversaturated and everywhere.



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>im tired of seeing his face
>i will now search up and repost multiple videos containing him



seething arent you because you cant afford anything

broke fuck


Money is all that matters to you. The only one seething is your self. Keep projecting your tard rage tho.


He needs his British welfare "quids" to handle his meth withdrawal symptoms.


yeah right, i have a large quantity of crypto, i dont need to, i also dont smoke meth, thats smileys job


Don't store your crypto under your mattress.


shut the fuck up poorfag


That's how you lost your crypto last time. Im just warning you.


warn this


Okay. Fine. Go ahead and store your crypto under your mattress. It's your life.


my crypto is in a safe somewhere along with my bank card and contact book, you inept little worm, you think im keeping that shit in my crib when theres degenerate circlejerkers roaming around?


Be careful. They'll jerk off on your mattress and it will become a cum water bed that you never wanted. Bulaki mattress of nightmares. Don't tell JD Vance about your whore of a mattress, unless you want that. I bet you want that tho. I bet you do.


get help


I did and it turns out that you are schizophrenic anonymous. You have been talking to myself-i mean yourself this whole time. I'm anonymous as well.


no, youre literally just some retard who thinks they are clever, a degenerate slab of shit with arms and legs


You eat a bag of dicks every day for breakfast lunch dinner and snacks.


stop telling 4chon what you fantasise about







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this is better than the sam hyde mass shooter memes






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File: 1736179437002.png 46.56 KB, 373x793, Untitled.png

The DOJ is paying Mr.Beast and other "influencers" to shill the military. They literally refer to it as a "psyop".




H'what mr beast future holds.



Vid related.

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