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 No.83937[Last 50 Posts]

This video is shadow-banned on google and youtube. It's actually worth a watch. I never paid attention to this guy, but ever since the tranny incident he's finally getting some well-deserved flack.



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so who wins out in the oppression hierarchy in modern white soyciety? does the sister who spoke out lose for being transphobic or does her brother lose for being misogynist?




so fucking nasty


no shit retard




you have a chromosome deficiency


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CAPCOM the multigaziollion dorrar videogame company is associated with all this ???


methkike leave this site, its for non kike whites only


whatever outrage there is is relegated to maga twitter, most of the replies on his latest twitter post are overwhelmingly supportive



noone cares troon


He is probably too big to fail, sadly.


cry about it kike, hes this generations christ, go jack your dead dick in a cave like your shitty ancestors


Mr. (((Beast))) is the literal anti-christ.


explain how hes the antichrist then KIKE


The author of this video has made the critical error of over-estimating the intelligence his viewers. A lot of the comments come from mentally deficient zoomers, who are unable to comprehend the content of the video.


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>playing mobile games

lol poorfag


I am not playing that game. If I play, I'm getting payed for it. Materialistic elitist douche-nozzel, go fugg urself.


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EXAMPLE screenshot related.


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Have a (you).


does he at least have a big willie???

I always imagine him and kris with big willies when I want to their vidzz... I would be devastated to learn that they were shrimpies





dubs confirm it! I, avid, am a pathetic faggot! spank me, daddy!!!!!


oh yes! I'll stroke and suck it like a good cumslut!!!!


yesss! yesssss! stretch my anus in the back seat!!!!


oooo! masks are sooo smexay!!!



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I've seen this a lot where autistic retards think people are upset about something when they are just being neutral or bored posture. Also the sex joke is only gonna be funny to gays or women anyway. If he would have said heres a big pussy ah yeah i need a big ol pussy to fuck or some shit im sure he would have laughed.


youre a fucking retard


ESL(English second language) not understanding how English works and how joking works.














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having nobody to comment with here is turning you insane lmao


It's all on topic and it's all of her videos on mr. beast. This is a mr beast thread.




youre not the only person here you has the ability to use youtube, judas blood flows through your veins too, youre of the ilk that crucified christ


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Keep sucking off mr. Beast. Nobody is stopping you. Just a reminder that he's never going to fuck you. White knight.


projection and strawman


Are you saying that Mr beast is a Christ like character and is being crucified?


yes, retard, glad you managed to smash those two fucked up little braincells together floating around in your ugly inbred head enough to realise


>thinks scamming thousands of kids for years is christ-like (moral)
>calls others retarded


how did he scam kids


Stages videos where he "helps" people to endear him to retarded kids, milks said kids with overpriced merchandise and attaches rigged giveaways to said merchandise (buying the product buys you into the giveaway).



he literally helps people though lmao, grasping at straws andy

>milks said kids with overpriced merchandise and attaches rigged giveaways to said merchandise

nobody forcing them to buy anything though lmao, grasping at straws again



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broke ass phoneposter


Okay, you definitely are fucking retarded if you think he actually helps people. Do you also drink choccy milk while watching Markiplier?


saying he doesnt help people is fuckibg retarded as fuck lmao


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He stages those videos, dipshit. The people he's "helping" are people he pretends not to know.

Furthermore, you are ludicrously stupid not to see the clear illegality in running phony lotteries especially when they target children. Anyone with whatever kind of autism you have needs to keep their braindead opinions to themselves.


judaii, you are a putrid insect

>I built 100 houses and gave them away!


>I built 100 wells in Africa!


>1000 blind people see for the first time!


you think these people are all actors eh judaii?

>Furthermore, you are ludicrously stupid not to see the clear illegality in running phony lotteries especially when they target children. Anyone with whatever kind of autism you have needs to keep their braindead opinions to themselves.

dont care about scamming kids, the pro's with mr beast vastly outweigh the cons, although a judaii/satanist like you wouldnt and couldnt grasp such a concept


>he stages those videos

holy fuck take your meds LMAO


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Your moral compass is out of whack. You're an evil, worthless piece of shit lol.


the fucking unadulterated IRONY



seething judaii




did you? thats disgusting


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real avid describing his actual onlyfans content

malding FoKvid


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That the guy they wanted to lock up in a house for a month?


no its the piss inside your mothers dirty ass


Yeah, the whiny faggot that made me want to side with Mr.Beast(AKA, the anti-christ) tbh.


Awww, little spiritually semitic faggot didn't get her dose of BBC this evening and now she's cranky, I see.


yeah your mother is still wanting some even after a double fisted reaming, shes a little insatiable whore


>homo kike invents deranged fantasy involving sodomy, trying to compensate for being insanely gay all the time
>ends up overcorrecting and continues to be gay


im being serious, your dirty whore of a mother cant get enough, so far today shes made me 650$


>n-no rly im a pimp and i do lots of sex, with women btw!!!!1
fagvid is having another schizophrenic episode and thought a woman made him $650 when in reality that's what his nigger pimp received from him today, and avid goes for cheap considering how loose and used up his sissy kike ass is. A dollar a blowjob.


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Two different people.


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to OP, what have you done with your sad shit life that even comes close to the impact that mr beast has made?


I doubt OP has scammed thousands of children so I'd say he/she already has a leg up on MrBeast.


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retard judaii cope


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>incomprehensible low IQ schizo tard babble


you mean youre too stupid to comprehend
le retard spam



absolutely seething


At what exactly?


mr beasts success and influence


File: 1726026283962.mp4 9.59 MB, 600x1066, ezgif-7-a7c04a33d5.mp4

You must be joking.


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literally how?


rent free

also HDV this is clearly fucking spam


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File: 1726026709973.mp4 733.05 KB, 640x360, 1726022422512.mp4

Watch this clip.


>y-you're just too stupid to comprehend my low IQ schizo tard babble...!
Lol, nigger watches staged videos with 10-year-olds as the target audience and defends them with the same level of rationale as an autistic screeching child. What a chump.


ive reported all of these posts for spam


building 100 houses is staged?
drilling 100 wells is staged?

literally fucking how lmao


File: 1726027237546.mp4 6.53 MB, 600x1066, ezgif-6-07be66903c.mp4

U wut m8?


By the same virtue, all your pictures of scout and spy with deformed faces should be reported.


>scout and spy
Word salad.


nope, my posts are in context as the tone of the comment matches the tone of the picture

youre literally just spamming the same fucking webm with no comment


>mr beast
>are you skitsofrenic

im not mr beast, you deranged little retard




They're characters from TF2 (game that avid is obsessed with because it's full of men, containing a nigger from Scotland in particular). Example: >>87920

>n-n-no...! i-it's different... the nonsense face matches the tone of the comment...! ur just posting [(not OP btw delirious retard)] the same on-topic files...!


ok ill tell you what, im going to stop posting here and you can incessantly spam your inane garbage posts because unlike you i touch grass and youre stuck inside seething like a retard all day, enjoy, my replies are probably the most interactions you have in your sad shitty little pathetic life



I'm not the one posting files and links you fucking retard. I don't care if your care workers take you on walks. You're clearly severely autistic and almost every single post you make is spergy as fuck. You have zero self-awareness.


Boogeyman post, you always have to cling onto some delusion thats not real. Remember. No time stamp. No proof. You're making shit up in your head. Enjoy your current scapegoat before you cling onto the next one, faggot.


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I am talking to avid, not you trump-chan. Take your pill cocktail and go to bed.


I took my nighttime pill already. I just take one pill at bedtime. I took it at 7:30pm. My allergies are killing me.


Whats that? You need your dick sucked?


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They kept calling him Weedle in that article lol


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Well. It is his last name but they mad by this guy's association. This pic related statement that weedle made looks bad. I WOULDN'T HAVE DONE OR SAID ANYTHING AT ALL IF ______________ DIDN'T HAPPEN.

Bad optics. Baaaaaad optics. Doesn't look good.


I think it's Weddle. That's how they pronounce it on videos about him. They probably got an Indian to write the article.


Yes. Many such cases.


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Vid related is really cathartic. I'm tired of this man's face. Aside from all the non stop terrible shenanigans he's done, he's oversaturated and everywhere.



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>im tired of seeing his face
>i will now search up and repost multiple videos containing him


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seething arent you because you cant afford anything

broke fuck


Money is all that matters to you. The only one seething is your self. Keep projecting your tard rage tho.


He needs his British welfare "quids" to handle his meth withdrawal symptoms.


yeah right, i have a large quantity of crypto, i dont need to, i also dont smoke meth, thats smileys job


Don't store your crypto under your mattress.


shut the fuck up poorfag


That's how you lost your crypto last time. Im just warning you.


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warn this


Okay. Fine. Go ahead and store your crypto under your mattress. It's your life.


my crypto is in a safe somewhere along with my bank card and contact book, you inept little worm, you think im keeping that shit in my crib when theres degenerate circlejerkers roaming around?


Be careful. They'll jerk off on your mattress and it will become a cum water bed that you never wanted. Bulaki mattress of nightmares. Don't tell JD Vance about your whore of a mattress, unless you want that. I bet you want that tho. I bet you do.


get help


I did and it turns out that you are schizophrenic anonymous. You have been talking to myself-i mean yourself this whole time. I'm anonymous as well.


no, youre literally just some retard who thinks they are clever, a degenerate slab of shit with arms and legs


You eat a bag of dicks every day for breakfast lunch dinner and snacks.


stop telling 4chon what you fantasise about




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this is better than the sam hyde mass shooter memes


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