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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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So i lost 27kg last time i checked, that was a few months ago, my underwear is very loose now but my diabetes sugar level is very high so I must figure out a new diet to go onto.
I don't want to give up sugar completely so im just going to avoid highly processed food and make all my food from fresh ingredients. Thank God for youtube tutorials.


tortillas are just carbohydrates. consuming starches are equally bad for blood sugar levels as consuming sugar. don't eat too much of it per day. you don't have to cut out carbs/sugar entirely, but i'd introduce more meat (unbreaded/unfloured) and dairy in your diet.


piss off carbs are not bad if fully processed from scratch at home, i can make my sugar go really low while eating shitloads of potatoes and butternut pumpkins


me saying piss off was too rude tho, sorry i shouldn't let chan-culture get to me



i don't mind you can be as feisty as you like w/ me ;)


i can just eat potatoes with no meat and have low sugar levels, but that may be cuz i cook the vegetables with lard


ok weirdo XXXDDD


watch out for avid tho, he'll PMS instantly and spam "goblinsaga" at you


theres already a blog thread





File: 1722229737241-2.webp 236.76 KB, 1200x1800, Lettuce-Wraps.webp

File: 1722229737241-3.webp 128.75 KB, 1200x1800, Lettuce_Wraps.webp

Countless steamed lettuce roll recipes you can try. Low or no carb.


Can't wait for the day someone opens a keto restaurant or takeaway place.


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>keto takeaway place
That will defeat the whole purpose cuz it will be industrialised slop disguising itself as natural, stop relying on everything to be served to you


i don't fucking care about carb diet shit, im just trying to eat natural and create my own flour for bread. i can eat loads of potatoes without it effecting my sugar as long as my diet is natural


Yeah I was a bit caffeinated when I made that comment. It's true the processing, adding of preservatives etc wrecks food, and in fact also makes it taste like garbage. Might be repeating myself honestly but I still get surprised at the difference between store-bought sauces, dips, condiments etc, vs home-made or restaurant stuff (but I don't go to sit-down restaurants often). But some store bought stuff is okay, like pesto is nice. Had baked salmon with pesto it was excellent.


are chickpea flour safe?

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