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 No.84440[View All]

cringe thread
137 posts and 62 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1737080335648.png 174.45 KB, 466x473, 1584391629455.png

Everyone involved in this? Euthanized.


poop lol


H'what a waste of quads.




@HDV mod this mad lad



That woman's voice makes my ears bleed. God damn, just let the man play his video game.


What even is this.


He's just like me fr






you will see the punishment


elliot handled that one like a chad


congrats Mr President o7


What a good dad.


america is cancer and abomination


Literal subhuman. Poor kid, he never had a chance with a retarded father like that.


Many such cases. Hopefully he dies suddenly.


So is there a story attached to this where the guy had his kid taken away from him, or.. ?


Not sure if it's true, but the mom apparently kicked him out after being shown the clip.


I don't usually side with women but in this case I hope so.



I guess that's a start. You'd think that if he got kicked, she would've gone the extra mile to keep her grandchild. I have no idea who the guy is otherwise I'd look it up myself.

>omg you men are dogs don't talk to me
<omg i'm still single where are all the men



none of their tiny asian wieners work

phanny loves big, hard WHITE cocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!








File: 1737867482501.jpg 114.21 KB, 1800x1200, chimp human hybrid.jpg


shopped hard by tiny yellow pp


Even niggers hate niggers. I mean even civil black common folk hate, niggers.


File: 1737929575688.jpg 56.57 KB, 500x625, mirror.jpg

>cringe thread


Asian bitches ugly as hell got dam. Even the black woman is 1000x more attractive and human looking.



>WKUK John Williams sketch uploaded 1 day ago
>faggot is censored




you're not allowed to like anime if you have that opinion

change your flag

I'm sorry you got censored, faggot










"reddit spacing" was stolen from /b/

few know this


File: 1738487281501.png 286.74 KB, 871x3701, 4chan old screencap.png

People were "reddit spacing" in fucking 2004. It's the dumbest shit.


Anime characters are white cats.


most anime portray a hapa-dominated, post-TND society

vid related was mfw called out for reddit spacing


not what you did previously, no, but nice try little guy
pnw faggot libtard hurt itself in confusion
>nigger trash


also really like how your example has multiple sentences without line breaks in most responses, or none at all, but muh 04ggotry. what a lame fucking appeal lol.



good thing you're posting all these half-baked or outright retarded opinions in the cringe thread, makes sense


every thread on 4chon.me is a cringe thread full of unsolicited opinions


Damn Avid, you're pms'ing like a real woman.


not your boogeyman + no argument. maybe cherrypick a better screenshot to make your stupid case next time, sport.


File: 1738530397531.mp4 10.24 MB, 720x1280, CHILL🤔🔥.mp4

y u mad tho

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