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 No.84440[View All]

cringe thread
174 posts and 72 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


you're not allowed to like anime if you have that opinion

change your flag

I'm sorry you got censored, faggot










"reddit spacing" was stolen from /b/

few know this


File: 1738487281501.png 286.74 KB, 871x3701, 4chan old screencap.png

People were "reddit spacing" in fucking 2004. It's the dumbest shit.


Anime characters are white cats.


most anime portray a hapa-dominated, post-TND society

vid related was mfw called out for reddit spacing


not what you did previously, no, but nice try little guy
pnw faggot libtard hurt itself in confusion
>nigger trash


also really like how your example has multiple sentences without line breaks in most responses, or none at all, but muh 04ggotry. what a lame fucking appeal lol.



good thing you're posting all these half-baked or outright retarded opinions in the cringe thread, makes sense


every thread on 4chon.me is a cringe thread full of unsolicited opinions


Damn Avid, you're pms'ing like a real woman.


not your boogeyman + no argument. maybe cherrypick a better screenshot to make your stupid case next time, sport.


File: 1738530397531.mp4 10.24 MB, 720x1280, CHILL🤔🔥.mp4

y u mad tho


Wow. That's sam hydes cousin.


I (and my super awesome reddit spacing) am perfectly calm

bbc got him bleedin and crampin real bad

his more handsome cousin that doesn't need to rape kids


File: 1738738366691.png 213.18 KB, 432x426, bbc mentioned.png


sewing pockets on sweatpants is an intredasting idea


come to think of it... I've never seen tendies and fagvid in the same place





Inb4 cringewiz forks up the money-that he can wipe his ass with because he's a rich kike and money is no object.


is this meant to be cringe? its sexy


Where's the sexy Asian thread?


It's cringe because it's not real but it creates boners and that's how he makes money.


It looks like something a streetshitter would get off to.


Bob an vagene





>i can summon the power of chi
>now let me use it to make softcore porn


File: 1738910676806.webm 2.94 MB, 576x1024, 1738906234014.webm


Greta is never going to grow out of the ugly duckling look.


Downs syndrome looking bitch.


Her mom's not bad looking. Only time will tell, if she stays suck like this forever missing chromosomes looking thing.


Kiwifarms users are retards. I'm reading about the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 drama where they made 2 established characters gay, but that's not what they're upset about. They're pearl clutching over one of the characters being historically 15, even though his age isn't even stated in-game. We just know he's younger than 24. It's like fox News and Jack Thompson during the 2000s over there. They had something real to complain about, but they decided to make up a controversy instead.


These are people who engage in stalking and harrassment as a hobby. They aren't in a position to pearl clutch over the finer points of morality.

Massive losers.


The game is pozzed to shit either way, with shitskins and faggots as important characters.


File: 1739075904556.webm 1.98 MB, 460x806, sick and tired.webm


she's hot and y'all's gay


homosexual hands typed this post


if loving quirky autistic pussy is gay- make me the grand marshal of the pride parade


how do i marry this woman somebody pls halp

Brother, she has fas. Let's not kid ourselves.


The vast majority of women are a curse on a man's life. Do not be too eager to bind yourself to a demon


File: 1739135196700.jpg 1.42 MB, 2176x2952, GEQdi0fb0AA2CrX.jpg

Demons need love, too.


Thanks, fren.




Maybe his reaction is soy, but that is a really cool action figure.


He's hamming it up heh. It's a cool robot.


If that was around in the 80s, I would've shit my pants begging my parents for it.


>>98922 (checked)

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