trying to force a meme eh, pretty sad ngl
-Zognald Drumphenstein
There was one of a shitskin, probably a muslim, that I think starts off with "WHART?!" and also had a line like, "THAT SOUNDS LIKE A GUY I KNOW NAMED ADOLF SHITLER"
>>84695no i dont and frankly that would be impossible
>>84798steesatsu you gotta do something about the word wrap issue on replies with images
the footer that counts up replies and image and says page number is wrong too, instead of counting images it counts up replies with images.
get off your lazy ass and fix this steesatsu
>>84916>>84957Not really. smuggies mock an opponent in two senses: appearance and opinion. You could say that meme fits both, but it's not considered to be mocking Hitler or people who like Hitler. It's making fun of the kike teacher in the story. I explained the joke and now it's no longer funny. Kill yourselves.
>>84961Didn't ask about your favorite hobby
This thread is proof that the right can't meme.
A retarded child could draw better.
>>85027funny you mention retarded children, as that is the mental level you'd have to be at to believe in leftist horseshit past your teenage rebellion years. drink bleach
>>85027theyre not supposed to be works of art you autistic cunt
whats this gay retard shit
>>84957imaging how minty and refreshing that injun's breath must've been. nick's face is that of a slightly confused, but very happy person enjoying a pleasant sensation they've never previously realized was possible
>>85836That's H'what it's like to chew 5mint gum.
>>85835>¡Castizo futurism! ¡La raza!It's funny how mystery meat mongrels imagine having some concrete racial identity.
>>86117i read this and farted?
>>86185in soviet russia farts read you
>>92964Let's not forget that one of those European countries is like the 5th largest oil producer in the world with such a small population, too. Northern Europeans would never have to be tax raped to enjoy their current standard of living they just choose to anyway.
>>93401Norway puts its own gas production into public stocks, and then invests them back into the population.
Australia sells gas and Uranium to China for fiat currency.
>>93418>back into the populationThey can say they're doing this or that with it, but at the end of the day they still have among the highest taxes in the world. If they're one of the largest oil producers in the world with a population lower than Wisconsin and a stock endowment worth over $200,000 USD equivalent for every man, woman and child-why should they have a near 40% income (a "record low" established in 2019, apparently) and 25% sales tax ("VAT") on top of all that?
There's no shortage of Amerigoblins who laud the Nordkike system while never considering the idea that actually they're getting ripped off as bad or worse than anyone else, especially given their geographically and demographically fortuitous circumstances.
Our incarcerated population is nearly half the size of their entire fr*ckin' country for h*ckin' heavens' sake heh.
>>97106Smuggies were great, a million times better than soyjaks. There is one I used to have and can't find. It was a muslim ranting about anti-immigration. One of the things he said was "THAT SOUNDS A LITTLE LIKE A GUY I KNOW CALLED ADOLF SHITLER".
>>97141Heh that's a great and useful one on /pol/. It gets tiring just quoting the actual Bible
>>84695several classics right here
Anyone have one going
>Yeah well, Europeans are immigrants and colonisers therefore that makes filling your country with a radically different culture and people okay!
>No I don't view that as a punishment, diversity is our strength
Because low IQ people with no critical thinking are bandying that one around a lot lately