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Brother N once again pulls the curtains back on the jew's disgusting evil habits and practices


nice try glowie


This guy is such a tard.


so are you


So are you.


so are you



File: 1725037312070.mp4 5.66 MB, 640x360, kZ1EQzwqi_M415k3.mp4

Backup vid.


>heckin' based trad ORTHODOX christkike talks about shit everyone knows about already
Dropped. Once he calls out putin for being a jewish faggot, maybe I will start listening to him. He has an agenda. It's always muh west. Everyone knows about pedophiles in hollywood and washington, but nobody cares about pedophiles in moscow.


Goyim and eternally falling for false dichotomies, name a more iconic duo.


peanut butter and jelly


who is this?


Oy vey Goy Nathaniel has posted again



Physiognomy is direct and honest as usual, though midwits won't see it

He looks like a clown. Intentionally so. He's controlled opposition specifically made to look like a retard so his followers also look like retards. Glowboys have had several documents leaked this last year talking about using "traditional catholicism" as a deradicalization psy-op

Any retard that follows this agent will be corraled into worshipping Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef and thinking that *another* group of people is God's chosen people

As always, the greatest lies are coated in and mixed with truth. Just because a man speaks some truth doesn't make him a genuine individual


File: 1726342496340.jpeg 178.62 KB, 596x1280, catholics.jpeg

>"""traditional catholicism"""


>Rachel Naggar


she's the only gentile on there and she's arab heh


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N has tweeted again
he says the holocaust is fake


Whoa. Gonna worship a dead j*w on a stick now


You should worship living Jews like me! Drop to your knees and give me da succ!


lmao, funny guy


I got my schmekel out... c'mon!


Why did you delete your rant on Trump and company wanting to bring Indians in legally?


Damn, what's the time limit for deleting posts? Just tried barely an hour later, meant for a different thread.


cuz tldr, it doesnt matter what anyone thinks (not my problem what frogs in a boiling pot or lambs to the slaughter do), and who cares


>and who cares
The guy who asked why it was deleted, and you, the guy who felt strongly enough about it that you had to go and delete it.


deleted my post cuz it's nothing new and wastes everyone's time

i will refer to 4chon philosopher [REDACTED]'s quote >>88085

this is one of those things not to dwell on as you have no control over it. politics is another spectator sport. just figure out how best to look after your own wellbeing in the present and the future. resources are zero-sum. time is zero-sum. attention is zero-sum. life is zero-sum.

if i left that long post then i'd have wasted more people's time, which would be malicious on my part, and i am conscious about what i post

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