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 No.85648[View All]

Gamescon 2024 Edition
Day 1 drinking game: take a shot every time you see a nigger.
206 posts and 33 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>PS1 Native vs 4K60 Upscaled Emulation | Gran Turismo 2 Duckstation Comparison

There's something about the wobbling pixels in the original that makes it feel more "alive" than the upscaled high resolution emulation which makes it feels static, stale and dead. It's similar to how scanlines add the illusion of shading to low resolution 2D pixel art. Goes to show that aesthetics and the art of motion is always more important than graphic realism or "graphic fidelity" (resolution, number of polygons, using raytracing, etc.); the latter should be treated as bonuses at best, not the focus.


One of the top comments reminds of a good point: older game visuals were designed for a different peripheral than what is now standard. I still have a few CRTs that I use almost daily and very old games look nicer on them than they do on whatever the current standard is called.


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AFAIK Ryujinx isn't actually baleeted. Apparently plenty of forks still exist, so I'm sure many private backups also do. Nintendo can't into fighting a hydra.


A fork by a dev who actually knows what he's doing? Nonexistent. Zilch. I don't think you understand how complex emulation programming is and the amount of reverse engineering that is required of proprietary blackboxed hardware and firmware that you'd need to do to be able to obtain the technical expertise for this esoteric specialized knowledge. Because it is cutting edge knowledge, you can't just ask ChatGPT to do for you. Emulation development of modern hardware is more complicated than any of the development that high-six-figure Big Tech yuppies do, and it's thankless work (Yuzu devs made lots of money off Patreon but they lost it in legal fees and AFAIK are in debt now). Yuzu spawned hundreds of forks since it got shut down and not a single one has gained any improvement whatsoever, they literally just changed readme files at best. An 8-year-old can make a GitHub account and spawn a "fork" of anything, it means nothing.


That's not the point at all. I wasn't talking on further development. I'm saying the software is still completely accessible even if the main repo is gone.


wish i had a copy of this when i was 7 or so years old

had the DOOM at least


yeah it relies on hiding the lack of environment detail behind visual artefacts, it needs to look like crap or it will look like crap, it has to obscure things to ensure that the viewer fills in the detail that isn't ackhually there or technically possible

in contrast doom with it's original textures seems to scale well to modern high resolution (as long as some shitty blurry gpu texture filtering isn't used which zdoom had as the default setting for opengl for very long time). gzdoom has a few effects like ambient occlusion that actually adds to the atmosphere adding fake soft shadows in the room corners, voxel models are very fitting to the style and surface gpu shaders e.g. reflections and depth-maps can look cool


Looks like the meta quest 2-3 are or have developed a good "log" (idk the right term soz) of games. But I'm not made of money so can't justify $800aud on the mq3. Still, e.g. asgards wrath 2 looks cool and potentially fun and addictive etc, as do a lot of fps.


Yes the zones and the enviro and its art style did have this particular charm to it didn't it. I vaguely remember something like, once getting my mount, ih wait nvm this was some flying mount ferry service - getting on the ride which took like 10-15 minutes or something, and I'd go make a[nother] cup of chai latte heh or jarrah french vanilla instant coffee t. - 2007/burning crusade fire mage gnome. I remember reading the alliance consistently lost to the horde in battle arena thingies or whatever (they were fun too even though I'm pretty sure there were no Aussie servers so the 200+ ping was so bad you'd literally get rekt by a troll assassin or whatever it was called without knowing how). And I thought it was because the horde attracted older and/or more mature players for some reason.


>alliance consistently lost to the horde
Maybe true in much of the PVP content, but Alterac was bullshit. Alliance got a bridge for defending the dwarf boss and Horde got a gay ramp.


>I remember reading the alliance consistently lost to the horde in battle arena thingies or whatever
The Horde have better racial abilities for combat

>And I thought it was because the horde attracted older and/or more mature players for some reason

Correct. Less foids too

I played WoW back in the era before they combined all servers together for instances/battlegrounds, and from what I recall it was near universally the larger faction that won all the time in BGs. My servers were always majority Horde and so the Alliance almost always lost, which was fine with me

It was preferable to get instance battlegrounds as an Ally player and lose, rather than take 30 minutes to an hour to get into a BG and win as a Horde player

Regardless, world PvP was the absolute goat WoW experience. Nothing else in the game was remotely comparable
>raiding capital cities
>camping in cities, camping in the battleground rooms and ganking max level pvpers when they exit BGs mostly dead
>deep blood fueds with other players, hunting them down across the jungle or desert and murdering each other repeatedly
>knocking people out of the sky so they fall to death
>controlling raid demons in the outlands, flying above enemy towns and having the demons destroy everything
>dropping internals in Horde starting zones and having them butcher dozens and dozens of noob players
>lowbies running away from the infernals slowly melt to death and die from the flame aura of the infernal

Peak gaming


STV was Vietnam. PVP while leveling was the best part in general. Loved killing Alliance in contested questing zones. Was fun shitfucking some kids back to the Stone Age and preventing them from turning in the Nesingwary Hunt quests.


Everyone on the alliance bitches that horde always wins, and everyone on horde bitches that alliance always wins. The truth is the side that has more guilds who queue together wins, while people who solo queue will lose a lot more often, because your team consists of a bunch of rando tards that don't want to cooperate.


world of warcraft is fucking garbage


The dominant server faction wins battlegrounds in single server BGs because they always have 1-5 extra people. This was the case historically until they combined all server BGs together, then you're probably correct about guilds determining the winner

Horde still have an advantage with their racials though


I can't really remember what the case was when I stopped playing, whether the BG servers were combined or not. It was right before cataclysm came out. Either way, before I left everyone was just queuing up for BGs and going AFK for the free loser points. I wonder how long it took them to implement a forced quit for being idle for too long.


Yeah, they definitely had battle groups (clusters of realms that would be matched with each other in instanced PVP content) at that point. End of Wrath was when they also created the cross-realm dungeon finder, which also pulled from the battle group at the time. At this point, I think the only thing separating servers anymore is region. Not sure when they did away with battle groups. Americas is its own region and I had a few realms memorized for being where the bulk of spics played. Not inviting players from the realms Azralon, Quel'thalas and Ragnaros anymore made PUGs go a lot smoother.


Horde had an advantage because horde players were older adults and alliance players were women and children. It wasn't even fair.


>Either way, before I left everyone was just queuing up for BGs and going AFK for the free loser points. I wonder how long it took them to implement a forced quit for being idle for too long
I hit 80 on my priest main in Wrath autorunning into a wall in Alterac Valley heh


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cringe as fuck


we know that you prefer nigger erections already


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Steam's new disclaimer reminds everyone that you don't actually own your games, GOG moves in for the killshot: Its offline installers 'cannot be taken away from you'


Steam fanboys BTFO

I've warned for years that a middleman monopoly like Steam is a bad thing but nobody listened


I don't know why anyone ever considered Valve to be the favorite uncle of game distribution. Licensing digital goods has always been anti-consumer.


if anything happens I'll just buy the games again, sucks to be you poorfag


Retards on /v/ fell for viral marketing. To be fair a centralized platform was probably inevitable, and it could have been worse.


licking nigger erections is really lucrative, eh?


good one


Think I posted about this in a previous thread here, but only the demo was out at the time if I had. I'm gonna wait for a discount to play, but I had a ton of fun with the demo back before release like half a year ago. High octane, high verticality, smooth gunplay, 2-4 player co-op (there is also opt-in PVP if you ask everyone to use the friendly fire modchip on their loadouts).

I didn't even realize it got a full release until just now. If the demo is still up, give it a shot first, but I played through the demo twice with various people and had a blast both times (about two hours of gameplay each time).


Reminds me of Tribes. Neva played Titanfall. Cool thx. I think I don't actually have time for it tho but thx.


Well, yeah, it's like Tribes probably more than anything, but I guess I don't expect a lot of niggers here to know shit about Tribes in the first place (or to be remotely decent at it). It's basically Tribes co-op, really.


arg like early 3d shit circa 1996

that spastic electric thing looks and sounds more spooky and traumatizing than anything in doom series


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Tribes 2 was probably my favourite FPS. Heroes of Newerth was/still is my favourite MOBA/Dota-style game... Another guy mentioned UT to me recently. I actually can't remember which UT games I played, maybe I played most of them but I can't remember my fav, but that being I don't think I was heavily into it. I remember I disliked one of the later ones (might have been UT3) quite heavily. Maybe I wasn't old enough (would've been 24 in 2014) to be able to articulate my criticism, I just knew I didn't like it as much and wasn't even vaguely as addicted. I did also like Tribes: Ascend though I know it got a lot of hate for the microtransactions and grind and whatever.

I remember this map in the pic I'm posting. Heh


I liked HoN a lot, I think about going back to it sometimes because DotA is so different now, though maybe HoN changed a lot by now, too. Ultimately MOBAs are way too cancerous and time-consuming for me anymore, so I probably won't play any ever again (might revisit Heroes of the Storm heh, then ragequit again fast).

Tribes was always the manly shooter. UT and Quake felt close KIND OF, but not really. I probably played both more UT and Quake to be honest, though.


I feel all you're saying. Good choice not playing MOBAs again lol. I feel like Dota helps me think sometimes but who knows.

What I really liked about HoN was how dark and gritty it was. Maybe there's a similar vibe and art style to the Warhammer: Vermintide 2. Really liked the dark, grisly, brutish art style there but couldn't get into the gameplay enough... I think there were issues with difficulty, not knowing how to fight the bosses well enough... Though it was fun.


Minecraft RTS mod. Apparently vanilla players can also play on worlds using this mod. Would be pretty cool trying to fight off a player-controlled army of NPCs.


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That Fern flag heh


Choose Your Own Adventurebros...we are SO back


I've never done a Gamebook before admittedly. Closest thing would be those Goosebumps books by R.L. KIKE back in middle school heh

How about (You)?


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It's real to me, damn it!


Nooo hahaha


>Choose Your Own Adventurebros

Takes me back


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>chad phenotype
>health nut
>afflicted by chronic cluster headaches for years alongside other medical problems
>considered a pariah among fighting game communities
Bit of a character.


i'd deepthroat him day one


Everyone who plays RedM should be euthanized.


Bruh I haven't even played a "fighting game" in like 15 years or something. Wonder where I should start, any reccs? Though maybe I should revisit tekken 3 if there's a pc version.


Though I was checking out dbz sparking zero and it seemed pretty cool. Interesting "what if" game mode

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