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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.85752[Last 50 Posts]

What's on your mind?


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this is you


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I looks like my hernia is a little fat fuck piece of tissue rather than a bowel. I wonder if that means I'm on the right track by focusing on managing my diet and fasting after all.

>t. down to 150lbs from 160 in two weeks

Nuh uh heh


That's a relief. No perforation then. Are you going to get it operated on?


gl champ


Found some video I thought would be mildly interesting historical coverage of the town I live in. Turns out it's just some schizophrenic Canadian (probably jacks off to being 1/32 native or something like that) vaguely rambling about false historical narratives because there is apparently too much well made stonemasonry here. Bunch of other residents in the comments asking what he's insinuating. Seems like he's trying to say aliens and/or natives built all these structures before European settlers came. This guy has Looney Tunes running in his head 24/7 lol.


Apparently this particular brand of ancient civilization bullshit is referred to as Tartaria. It presumes that, because architecture is so ugly nowadays, ornate architecture in America and Europe from a century ago was actually created by an advanced Asian civilization and is much older than we're told. There aren't many more widely accepted beliefs in this conspiracy theory, just a bunch of delusional retards spitballing their historical fanfics at each other.


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My man Endeavor turned into a violent serial rapist. Yesterday he was chasing Fluttershy around for about 10 minutes. She hid under my car, then he bit her in the middle of the back, drug her out and raped her three times

Just finished turning him into food 😢

The next upcoming generation should be more peaceful in nature inshallah


Was that the one who was raping his own mother?


They all have had sex with their mom. There's only one hen and all her children are roosters.


No. I only keep the top three roosters and the mother-rapist proved unworthy


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Please spill the tea ...
How'd you cook the rape rooster? Was he delicious?


What is this guy on about lmfao, what a troll


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Third day of no coffee. A year ago I was drinking 6 teaspoons of instant coffee upon waking and at lunch


>6 teaspoons



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hey HIV great news, found u sum long-term relatonship material

no longer have to rely on the $50 working girls at figueroa street


It's almost like she sorted least to worst with how bad her blurb is.


obvious fake created by a rightoid male


ok sauce?


I've blocked almost every single picture of every woman ever posted on this website. They're all grotesque


seething jealous hamplanet


Pretty true.


Wasps are little bitches. There was a hive above my garage and they all tried to sting me simultaneously. At first I thought it started pouring and rain drops were hitting my back, because I didn't feel any pain what-so-ever. Anyway, I killed those fuckers for their transgression and crushed their nest.


Always feels great having a shower and relaxing after I get home from the workweek. I have to travel to remote places for work so I don't usually get the chance.

The amount of dead skin that peeled off my body was disgusting though ngl.


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This guy can't speak well... None of them can... My my my


It's a valid insult. Engaging in prostitution is "empowering" for white women.


They're basically the niggers of the bee world. Meanwhile, bees are cute and fuzzy and make tasty natural sweetener.




ask you're mum she's loads of experience


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in what?


This happened years ago. Basically everyone was saying I shouldn't be upset, that they're people too. So I said I was molested cause people thought I was unreasonable for not wanting to be manhandled by retards.


>that they're people too.


>And some of them do nothing but scream

>One of them had his pants/underwear off on the bus, with everyone having to see his cock


Yeah and that's just a typical day for JS. Leave that aspergers afflicted fella alone.


She's back!


Damn I'm shitting up the board, forgive me


How so?




Was trying to post the vid from this. Anyway. It's funny


Hmmmm. Hate IRL streamers generally but really hoping for that tranny to have an oopsie-daisy. If you haven't seen the arc against a squatter on one of Asian Andy's properties, you should check it out.


Is this the same guy as your threda link? Anyway he's being obnoxious on a property to help Asian Andy, and Asian Andy eventually starts annoying the squatter himself.


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'e got MANhandled like a pussy


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full testosterone mOObsMAN exhibitionist has been activated


Said it before and I'll say it again: fatmericans deserve what's coming their way. Tried warning others frequently only to be ostracized by the community. Bear in mind I'm in fucking rural or semi-rural America. It's insane how cucked White folks are. It's driving me insane, T-B-hon.


I'm embarrassed for him


That's called second hand embarrassment. You're welcome.


wow you are very smart and clever, well done


Thanks for the compliments. Y-you too!


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not everyone needs to google what things mean though, its rather petulant of you to assume i dont already know what that means tbh


You could be ESL and think I coined the term.


i dont think that and what does ESL mean?


English second language.


what about my post made you think that?


You never know.


I wish I never learned the Costco Guys existed. DOUBLE CHUNK CHOCO-- shut the fuck up, annoying kike.


better graphics than cyberpunk 2077


I have that depressed kind of feeling when you're bored of all your video games. I finally finished March of the Titans though, maybe I'll start a Nietzsche book. I'll see if I can find one in a bookstore so I can underline stuff in it with a pen.


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I have broken the bonds of the final demon. Satan and all his archons have no power over my immortal soul


Fucking bird startled me. Flew into my walkway and kept running into the window trying to escape. Shattered a jar by knocking it over before I got it out of there.


I learned today that li batteries die rapidly if kept charged to 100%. I got a script for my laptop to limit the charge to 80%.

The more you learn about these batteries the shittier they look. What a terrrible technology.


Costco shoppers act like cult members and it's weird because it's a fucking grocery store.


Costco is amazing. I highly recommend shopping at Costco.


noone asked retard


God women with authority are so HOT!



Not sure how you'd fare if you had that hambeast rhino chargin' full speed at you, even after you just sprayed him her it they madam maam with whatever that shit was that got sprayed. From what I remember "pepper spray" or w/e is illegal in every state here except WA.


I went back on caffeine like 2 months ago. Can't really remember the reason other than to have some fun mixing it with dxm. You get a super nice buzz doing a 2nd plat dxm (3-6-7mg/kg) with a little bit of caffeine. But it's easy to go overboard on the caffeine and get over stimmed, you have to balance it out. But sipping an energy drink or some caffeine source is noice during the dxm peak. Anyway I've tapered off a bit since I started, for whatever reason the withdrawl isn't really hitting me, I still think it's best to stay off caffeine so well done!


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Caffeine is a plant defense chemical that spikes stress hormones in mammals. It's garbage goy-juice fit only for beasts of burden


On a positive note regarding the Costco Guys: they are kikes (and should be incinerated for that reason), but the dad could probably do an amusing Fred Flintstone yelling about Fruity Pebbles impression.


I thought they were Italian


Costco is amazing. I love Italians.


No, I saw posts of them talking about celebrating a jewish holiday. I understand the confusion, though. Jews and italians have been close in America and probably quite mixed by now.


To add to the previous post: the dad looks like he is from New Jersey.


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This is so Australian, must be exceptionally peaceful there. In any other Anglo country besides maybe NZ it would be against protocol to send unarmed women to haul out a man from his residence due to the risk to their physical safety. All it takes is one punch to knock out cold a woman to the ground.


I believe AJ is Italian but he converted to marry a jewess.


Oh, could be. His son definitely looks like a little kike goblin, though. Very stereotypically jewish face.


cry about it


Clean shave + Gym + SS + GOMAD + ashwaganda + Vitamin B complex + Fish oil + Mewing + jelq + Nofap + Cold Bath + MGTOW + eat raw meat + eat facing the wall + biohack + sleep on the floor to fix the posture + Jordan Peterson + mewing + HBD + RSD + jelq + sleep 5 hours a day + iced coffee without sugar + equestrian + compilation mitadas gibeiranaro and Enéas + raw garlic + rivotrill + Brain Force + Fasting + iasd meditation + songs for concentration, focus and intelligence + internet IQ test + Viking cancer lineage groups + stay away from the 4G internet pole and 5G + youtube from Alexandre Tasca + 5 seconds of calisthenics in the atacama desert + darkcel + glasses from the turn down for what in the profile picture + read nietzsche quotes in brainy quote + raise chicken in the room without the parents knowing + a spoonful of oil when you wake up and another before bedtime + 24hr fast every 72hrs + watch VT at the premiere as soon as you arrive from the stadium + Ultras World channel + LibreFighting + Operation Werewolf + buy Paul Waggener items + Centhurion METHOD + humilliation exposure with the purpose of creating a crust in your mind capable of developing a resilience that resists humiliation as if it were nothing + taking a bare bath in a gym shower with a pissed floor + home weight training + hacking sleep + Entrepreneur + 10 books of self help per month + PUA + walking with open back to show domination and confidence + Biokinesis + 432hz music + Moving the stick without blinking the butt + transcendental meditation + minoxidil to grow a beard and hairy chest + filmography Jason Stataham + going to the cinema alone + saitama training + quantum coach + coffee enema + lair brook diet + alkaline water + The Wim Hof Method + hyperborean wisdom + articles from O Sentinela + Dídimo Matos Library + sleeping facing the wall whistling in the dark to scare the curupira + giving 3 skips every time you get out of bed + create a course on how to make money on the internet + free diet ebook + count macros and micros + download study materials and never be udar + 600 score at the Bar mitzvah + create large cockroach to kill cockroaches + Low gradual doses of poisons to create resistance and prevent death from poisoning + gibeiranaro shirt 2022 + handjob for female transvestites + fake profile paid for encounters in the rocket + progressive hair and cream skin whitening


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not leaving the house rotting watching anime eating slop inhaling ammonia from cat shit


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>"ew, whats that smell" - woman with the unfortunate luck of being invited into jakes shitty pissy trashy crib


Sitting on a park bench waiting to proposition the first black man I see bitching like an autistic retard on the chon from my phone. Yeah, I guess you could say I'm adulting.



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youre a retard


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Be nice to avid, you supreme dumbshit moron.


I jizz on my carpet.



post my cum wall or newfag


Nobody would save a pic of that, not even your negro lovers.


Are you flexing about a wall you repeatedly jizzed on?


A jizz wall is a huge accomplishment. I understand.


why it was funny, normoid, maybe if i posted a new car or house i bought youd then care


Your autismbux can cover those things now?


i made bank on BTC and LTC a few years back


>t. posted from sewer hideaway




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Applejack is hatching babies right now. I gave her nine green eggs 20 days ago


noone cares


Everyone cares.

cry about it


you are gay cry about it


Instructions unclear. I am superstraight and laughing about it.


don't lie you are gay as fuck


Ew, stop trying to ERP with me fag. I want no part of your gay fantasies.


homosexual projection and deflection


You can wish as hard as you want, but you will never be allowed to suck my cock. I'm not into men like you are. Sorry NOT!


shut up you potato famine retard


I agree generally...




I might move to around Cronulla with my mum. That'd be pretty amazing for meeting womens. I currently live in Western Syd which sucks for meeting White womens, though there are a lot of sexy hijabi women around which I'm mostly or entirely too scared to talk to because we all know their Arab brothas would beat me up for banging them. Though Arab women are incredibly sexy and seductive and they seem to like me a lot whenever I talk with them. Arab women seem smarter than Arab men somehow. They seem like they are good at plotting and using men to their advantage, they seem to know how dumb Arab men are (with all due respect, Arabs are pretty dumb, I don't mean to be disrespectful but they are pretty low IQ and prone to violence at the drop of a hat).


I like Eric Weinstein lol I would like to meet him and shake his hand.


If locknar can do it, so can you.



Don't be rude! Be polite.


Go for the Arab women. They're just less domesticated Caucasoids


Live. Laugh. Love.


time to buy a new chinkyphone i guess

this would be an EXCITING TECH DIY REPAIR PROJECT for a reddit cat-uncle *starts twerking* *beyonce music intensifies*

i aint no doing this even if i have the tools, time and 45$ for the battery

it may be the dysfunctional overheating wifi chip draining the battery on idle, it's been fine & lasts well over a day when using the mobile network, and the newer chinkyphone(TM) iteration has a different chip which may be not faulty


>it may be the dysfunctional overheating wifi chip draining the battery on idle
>the newer chinkyphone(TM) iteration has a different chip which may be not faulty
only 200$
find out


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adolf bros, our response??


im currently wondering what the longest piss ive had in my life was

im also thinking about how to my knowledge ive never wiped my arse with my left hand


Think no longer. Autism spectrum disorder.


whats that some kind of gay sex shit? fucking cringe


I once again find myself not having any positive thoughts about anything. The very idea that things can get better doesn't even seem like a possibility, and that's a rough place to be. I know in reality that it's only true for certain if I believe it is, but I can't see any silver linings.


lmao, imagine thinking this would work


Thinking what would work?


There goes avid, randomly raving about gay sex again. What a deranged queer.


making a post detailing your negative outlook with the subconscious thought that it would somehow null and void it all


projecting much?


We live balls deep in the kali yuga. Retain your semen and buckle up


It wasn't intentional, but it does work, marginally. If you're 100% convinced you're fucked, then you 100% are. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. I would like to avoid that.


>erm projection much?
Boring non-response from gay sperg.


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shut the fuck up retard


i get it youd rather me insult you instead there sado


Randomly bringing up gay sex unprompted as you typically do isn't insulting me in any shape for form. It's just another display of your severe mental illness.


thats literally you who does that though


>n-no u...!!!1
>works cited: crackpipe


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>cant answer
>gets owned
>ad hominem

every time


>thinks "no u" is a rebuttal
>projects incapability to answer
>gets owned
Every time.


i was right though

you spam gay shit all the time

dont even try and act like you dont


I get that you're slow, but I already said "n-no u *sob*" isn't an argument multiple times. I told you that you are on the spectrum and your mind (not so) randomly jumped to gay sex here >>87867

You're actually delirious lol. What a fucking retard.







You're the only fag here and you're constantly posting gay shit, moron. Talking about black willies or whatever other gay shit. Anyone who identifies as LGBTQP (like you) should be thrown in the fucking loony bin or, better yet, euthanized.


I'm gay. Deal with it.


imagine leeching off me this much


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Imposter impostering me.


turntrinch bosterioryop


incomprehensible spam


grorchner tingbeliworph


It actually looks like summoner dialect.


he is summoning black men lol




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Was reading about Kaylee Muthart the girl who pulled her eyes out on meth it's so sad.




You will reincarnate into her someday and do what she did heh maybe... Omg scary. Anyway I hope she does well. I would hug her if I could. People make mistakes.


>Omg scary
Nightmare fuel.


Every time I go to town I get hit with the fear of reincarnation. Truly nothing is more terrifying


all drug dealers should be drawn and quartered


>someone think of the poor meth-heads


I bet fagvid is the kind of guy who shilled the Orange Box on /v/ for FREE in 2007. Fuck TF2 and fuck steam.


The only other retard I recently ran into online who insisted on playing TF2 (which is a game I actually like, but haven't played in years and still don't feel like playing now) was another severely autistic retard like avid that acts obnoxious then plays victim when called out.


True. Round them up and make massive pile of corpses out of them. Half of them are some muttified kike subhumans or niggers anyway.


I have absolutey no idea why people still play TF2. I tried installing it a few years ago and it just felt horrible, like the resolution was ridiculously low and it even killed some of my nostalgia I used to have for it (I prolly had like 10k+ hours on it before I uninstalled and deleted or lost my steam acc I used with it). It's always in the top 10 or something on steamcharts. Play better games people! Though idk if there are any good modern fps aside from COD but you sorta need friends for it.



It's probably high on Steam solely due to bots farming refined metal.


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Do they claim anyone who is against them is AbLeIsT?


Tired of this youtube trend where some faggot will green screen themselves talking into a mic for the entire video over the actual footage. It's even more annoying than face cam.


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>all drug dealers should be drawn and quartered
Start with the CIA. They are the world's worst offenders.


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And then follow it up with Big Pharma and the US medical industrial complex drugging the hell out of their female subjects.

That lovable goofball HDV needs to stop being naive and understand Murica as a whole needs to collapse and be remade into something completely new for anything to improve, he's still gullible to think voting for Trump will improve things. Murica and all its institutions are the enemy of the people, including their own subjects. They lied about 9/11 FFS.


At least he doesn't censor you for disagreeing like ImKampfy.


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Put 4chon on it and make it a new banner heh


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Does anyone else schiz out when they receive a call from a strange number? Just spent 15 minutes looking up a person who called me. It's a nurse or something. I want nothing to do with anything related to medicine. These assholes solicit so much. Medicare fines you for not scheduling regular checkups lol. Free country my ass.


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god she is sexy




Buy an ad


I'm not meatcanyon. I just really enjoy his OC.


That FAS face is pure hotness.


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Gretchen Thunderburp is a dude, you're jacking off to a tranny. Look at the shoulder to waist ratio.


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Pol Pot and Ted Kaczynski were right about industrialization and white collar "work."


>fagvid projecting again
Greta has a tight, legal cunny!



https://github.com/arkenfox/user.js (gotta de-ad the web browser itself u know also w3c standards committee deserves the rope for being google microsfot company proxy limiting www to 2 gigabloated browsers in 3 operating systems needing supercomputer gigabyte ram specs when in 2004 any 1MB ram nokia motorola shitnugget with a grayscale lcd and gprs or even a text terminal could render most html/xml web pages with functioning forms and images or their placeholders as long as there was just enough RAM)


there is audience for these videos though

these programs and addons above lack the essential.. ads and company branding so they probably confuse and make viewers of his video feel bad and anxious

i've yet to buy a car or a tv with ad screens and i contain ILLEGALLY ACTIVATED LONG TERM VERSION of mswindows in a vmware vm if i ever need ILLEGALLY ACTIVATED adobe programs or some chink firmware tool or something


It feels like it's been years since I saw an advert for anything. It's shocking how few people use adblockers.


Shes great


>watching video about pikmin 2 pacifist challenge
>ace of spades card treasure is collected
>uploader makes bbc joke
>close video


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Fucking hell I hate sleep deprivation migraines. Naps do absolutely nothing for me. I have a ton of work to get done over the next several days and nights but this horrible migraine compounded with severe depression full of regrets & suicidal ideation (that I'm usually able to suppress, but not with this migraine... maybe I should look into edibles, weed's legal here) is making it extremely difficult for me to do anything. I don't get how some people never get headaches/migraines when they get little or no sleep but I always do, I wonder what's different in their brain chemistry / genetics to be resistant to getting this symptom.

Took a 400mg Advil (ibuprofen), let's see if that has any effect in half an hour.


Use your thumbs really hard to press the area near the highest portion of your nose, just under the eyebrows, inside of the top of the eye socket. Press hard on the nerve there towards the nose and hold for at least 10 seconds


That seems to help. Or maybe the ibuprofen has kicked in, who knows. I'll try that again next time before taking ibuprofen.


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The migraine and groggy feeling is still kind of there but is now mild and manageable. Cured the depression with a small glass of white wine with an ice cube. I only keep this white wine in the fridge for several months just for cooking (for flavoring or for making sauces). Damb this is really delicious 😋. Why the fuck did I quit alcohol?


Loc-Nar your friend smiley has some questions directed most likely at you on the other board


i boofed some booze last night at a party after the boys convinced me to


A boofed wine enema to prepare for the gangbang. Always a party fave.


I h'wonder what goes thru womens minds when they have someone that they know from uni ask to be friends with them on facebook. And when they don't accept. WHY won't they accept?

The obvious reasons why I want to add them as friends: - I want to jerk off to their pics, and want more influence or somethin like that heh... And/Or/But women should know that.

Anyway I'm waiting on women accepting my invos heh... But really, why wouldn't they accept me? I guess they're rebuffing me because... idk. I don't think I've ever not accepted a friend request unless I had a legit falling out... even then I think I'd still be friends. I'm friends with everyone... Heh anyway...


There was one girl at uni who I messaged and I think sent a friend request (probs, but can't remember) and she immediately blocked me. That made me fkn mad and gave me thoughts of doing bad things to her, even though I had thoughts of that anyway heh, because all men have the desire to rape, but we control ourselves. We're constantly thinking about the opposite sex unless we are a HOMO etc, which is unhealthy.


Idk but I get a few Indian pajeet or whatever scam emails once a day or something, its annoying. I prolly get the Indian scam calls too. Get lost u aint gettin money out of me heh, get a job nigga! - i.e. not the scammy job ur doin rite now.


Reading some facebook thingy and it says 121 comment and I click on it and the comments don't come up. Fix ur shit nigga!


There are pajeets and mohammeds everywhere on fb, replying to ads, seemingly trying to lure in White womens. Guess I'm the same though (I desire women yes). Gross heh


White women and White men are meant for each other, so it isn't a problem if you are White yourself.


I think it wants me to join the group to see more comments.


Very funny heh


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I saw a thread about that video on tv recently. Someone mentioned his old videos with Harald Baldr and I got sad. I guess these two guys aren't on good terms anymore. It's a shame because they're both seemingly quite redpilled and had very good chemistry.


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I dislike this video and I double-dislike it due to being no-sound 4ddit shite. I'd honestly prefer if you guys uploaded mp4 conversions of your snapchat/instagram/facebook normalfeeds with sound.


somebody's jelly he didn't get any black pussy


What the fuck? Hell no I'm not. Fucking a dog is even less pathetic, and I would never stoop to that.


I've received unsolicited phone numbers from many, many black women. Even the non-fatties disgusted me. I hate this shit. I'm not living in Brazil. I just go to the nearest gas stations and there are nigger bitches now. Fucking YUCK!


Many, many was a gross overestimate


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I have never lived life on easy mode. That doesn't exist.



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Black women are great. Grind some XP. They absolutely worship their men


Give me their numbers heh.


Ong niggers be skibidi mode.


Would if I could. Got them years ago and either immediately threw them away or blocked their texts on a phone I no longer have. They're definitely all baby mamas by now.


You're a jewish woman. That is the easiest life gets.


Scam Hyde soyfacing while discussing 13-year-olds blowing the entire varsity football team, then also pretending that driving a 15-year-old across state lines for the sole purpose of sodomy is legal in USA.


one day, when the feds are done with him, shemuel hydeberg will retire to israel.


This website is full of hater-trolls. Don't feed them and you're good.


Being a sexy Israeli brown light skinned curly haired dirty blonde Jewish woman is GOOD, retard!


HAMAS wants to kill.. THAT?!


8% ashikinazi.


Die for Israel

One-drop rule


H'what is the one drop rule?


I feel like nickacado avocado atm.

IT'S A SOCIAL EXPERIMENT! and so on and so forth


Possessing any amount of non-white DNA means you aren't White.


Are leprechauns non H'white?


I am bothered that smiley is just enjoying his life and posting his enjoyment on YouTube for all to watch. How carefree. How simple. Live. Laugh. Love.


Slamming copypaste the midge into the pavement


I enjoy this visual imagery.


Retards still blame Tim Heidecker for getting World Peace canceled when all he said was to contact Turner's advertisers instead of derail his stream crying about Sam Hyde all the time. Even Sam Hyde still believes that's what happened. He forgot he had a meltdown at that Buzzfeed journalist I guess.


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In this pic, Tim looks hot.


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Oops. He's taken off the market. Bye.



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imagine stealing posts from endchon


>blog thread
>read through the entire thing
>no mentions of being outside

lmao you guys are pathetic


Gonna brag about walking next, fatass?


going to brag about actually going outside



You have shit reading comprehension anyway. Multiple posts imply outdoor activity. Keep desperately searching for things to feel better about your miserable life, wide load.


>wide load



You are such a boring, low-energy poster. Your life is just an endless autistic fit of rage. That is the full extent of your personality.


the irony


>no u
Wake me up when you locate some wit, tard.


you got owned and couldnt respond because you knew that comment perfectly described yourself


no u isn't a response though. You just start screeching "projection" nonstop because your ass is damaged and you don't have two braincells to rub together.


File: 1727041905418.webp 404.17 KB, 3648x2736, Homebrew_Wine_fermenting_A….webp

I really need to get into homebrewing my own wine. In the feudal shithole I live in (Canada) our alcohol tax is at least 5 times higher than the US.

Let's see, for ingredients I need a ton of grape juice (the cheapest I can find without fermentation-limiting preservatives), a cup of sugar and a gram of wine yeast. For the homebrewing equipment I will need a huge food-grade bucket with a lid. Since I want to drink two glasses of wine a day this should be cost-effective.

$10 for 10L of grape juice
$0.30 for a cup of sugar
$0.40 for a gram of wine yeast

If this can yield close to 10L of wine then it would cost me 5 times less than the cheapest wine I buy.


I've done this. It works, but it has always tasted awful. I've only used the jug and balloon method.


want to be inspired how to look like an ingenuine, tacky arab car salesman? want to dress like a sigma-male masculinity affirmation 5h youtube thumbnail? want to look like mr cheapshit aliexpress?

"male <whatever> fashion"
"male <whatever> outfit" etc.
in any internet search engine image search (in false hopes of seeing decent ideas what to put on going to some job thing for a day)


You can just go to a u-brew and it's cheap.


Nevermind, I can't be arsed and decided I don't want to become an alcoholic just to solve my mental issues. I did some deep thinking and figured out what was giving me all this stress. I realized it's not worth worrying about, I don't want to die stressed out trying to stay in a rat race (one that's entirely psychological) created by humans. By truly accepting I will always be an outcast in every way and not human (merely a crude imitation of one), as well as strictly avoiding certain social media (Twitter et al.) and imageboards (4chan et al.), I feel a massive weight has been lifted of my shoulders as I no longer feel obligated to follow societal/human expectations and can actually start to enjoy the little things in life. Paradoxically now I feel more productive than ever, wherever that leads me, because my mind is at ease.

Turns out, the secret to tranquility is not giving a single damn. Who would've thought?


so i take it you no longer want to boof booze with us anymore? ...traitor!


if youre the real avid post a timestamped picture of yourself


cock and face must be visible


no, a timestamped picture of them fully clothed will suffice


He took the easy way out


I mean you did heh


the real avid would never pass up a chance to post cock


ive posted my penis once, thats not 'never passing up a chance to post' it


he is ashamed to post his butthole because it has been turned inside out from bbc overdose


>>88733 (checked)
dubs confirm you need to double the number of cock posts you've made by posting another

he shouldn't be! this is a body positive space!


no it has not because i dont have homosexual sex because i am not homosexual, are you perhaps projecting again?
i will not do that, now i will appreciate it if you stop the sexual harassment


Guess who just got a love letter


Ur mum


Not kidding.


We need more games like this. Society is a lie. How do you know when a human is lying? When his lips are moving. Society at large is playing a massive game of crabs in a bucket who are in turn playing a game of musical chairs sprinkled with endless catch-22s and doublethink. Honesty and kindness are not only severely punished when they sporadically surface but these traits were selectively bred out of humanity. Bill Gates was right, all human scum need to die.


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Missing the pub that used to be open a couple minutes away from me. Wasn't the best food, but it was good enough and also very convenient. Another bar bought their building, but never opened another location in it for whatever reason. Closest place to get a meal now is a gas station. That was built where a very nice Italian restaurant used to be, too.


cry about it you alcoholic freak


Play in traffic, retard.


ooo the burn, damn i learned my lesson with that, harsh words, really harshs words

>"play in traffic"

damn, you didnt have to go all out like that


i just had a shit and it smelled strongly of shit


For all those pedobux you allegedly have, you still just self-admittedly go to a dead imageboard full of posters you hate to be a miserable, gay nuisance. That is beyond pathetic. Get cancer.


shut the fuck up you little retard lol


i feel sick as fuck
the bad kind not good



i hope you die


wow, just wow!


Dogisaga could've ended up like this ozzie. A bubbly otaku author who makes storywriting videos. Instead she got the bad ending.


I can tell this chick is a far better communicator and has higher IQ than 99% of women. Is able to completely avoid using sex appeal in her thumbnails and art to pull in an audience (and doesn't bother to using makeup such as painting over her weak eyebrows or use mascara to make her eyes look more feminine) or make cringe sexual jokes, and doesn't talk about idiotic normoid brain and coomerbrain shit in her personal Twitter like about celebrities and politics like everyone else does (not throwing stones). These kind of people are very rare.


That's a trap.


Forgot about this board. Glad it is still here. Long live the CHON.


frickin' based!


seeuing jealous goblinsaga spotted


Enjoy fapping to traps. I won't yuck your yum.


youre the one thinking about traps there gayboy


Your mom is a trap and you incubated in the ass for 9 months until you got shit out.


you are disturbed, your mind is flooded with degenerate imagery, i instantly win on those grounds


You are on the chon. Therefore you lose always. Welcome to the losers club, loser.


deflecting because you know my comment was correct, contrary to what you believe though im nothing like you, your mind is poisoned with visions of an outright disgusting nature, you are by extension outright disgusting


This seems to be what is women's version of self-help magical thinking guru stuff on their side of YouTube

On another note, still boggles the mind how men in the West became so pussy-whipped and feministic they're too scared to say tattoos on women are ugly and so young women get tattoos in droves, yet in Asia they're not afraid to say tattoo are ugly (including fathers to their daughters) and so they avoid getting tattoos. Same concept with "body positivity", transgenderism and other dysgenic trends. But that can all be explained by the West's extreme political correctness. If you're a guy in the West who works for a big company (whether as a low-wage clerk or a white-collar professional yuppie) or government agency and says in his personal social media that "tattoos on women are ugly" you risk getting fired if this leaks out enough because of "bad PR" and because of some bitch in HR department, whereas in Japan, South Korea or China no one in the company will give a shit (they just care that you put in your 12-hour workday wageslavery and boss ass-kissing).


You are a kang or queen. I bow.


cry about it, this isnt your world and people can do whatever the fuck they want, the world doesnt give a single fuck about your opinion, you narcissistic little cunt
they all do


Xhe is a queen of spades to be exact.


you are the prole of nothing, a slime of stench and uselessness, a totem of what not to be, a stuffed bag of rotten discards


You eat a bag of dicks every day for breakfast lunch dinner and snacks.


And the winner for the gayest comeback of all time goes to...


It goes to the kang homo, avid.


>cry about it, this isnt your world and people can do whatever the fuck they want, the world doesnt give a single fuck about your opinion, you narcissistic little cunt
LMAO I just remembered you had tattoos and those hideous gauge earrings. I was wondering why you're this sore and now I realized why.


your family is shit and you are cringe


shut up vikki you ugly little goblin


I criiee errytime




>was wondering why you're this sore and now I realized why.

explain why then flea bite


doesnt your dad have one leg too vikki, imagine being born into a family of nobodies


Who vikki? Who u?


Sorry I don't speak meth-fueled babble.


no, you speak retard instead hahaha


so what if i have a spade tattoo? it is to signal my interest to chocolate men.
so what if i have gauge earrings? i want them to know i am free access, just lightly tap my shoulder at the pub and i will meet them in the restroom momentarily.


File: 1727404667180.jpg 51.06 KB, 1140x696, blog-kitten-nursery-operati….jpg

Okay. Who is going to marry me?


This is like national geographic.


NatGeo Presents: Avid Does Africa


If you're who I think it is I already sent an invite with a cringe flirty message on Insta a while ago but then chickened out the next morning before work and deleted it. Still a follower though, add me back and start a chat so you can see my face later, and if it's to your liking there's more I want to discuss.


File: 1727409247036.gif 1.6 MB, 281x498, ezgif-5-ba5492de3a.gif

Idk who u R but u wil sex me? U wil sexe all nite long?


By the way I might look too emoish / boyish for your taste. It's polarizing based on the feedback/flirting I've received over the years. If you want someone older there are other 4chonners more suitable for you.


I don't fuck niggers.


No hair covering eyes though cuz that looks faggy, just at eyebrows, and no makeup, it's not what I meant by emoish, maybe not the best word, more like Beatles without the dumber & dumber bangs.


Ok then how about Avid? He can get you British citizenship and then you can get the same kind of welfare he has so you can call other people "poorfags" like him.


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Pic related, you.


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I learn my lesson. Stay away from the chon. Keep it on the board and never off the board.


Which Beatle?
The dead one?
The one that Left the band?
The one that replaced the one that left the band?
Paul's replacement because he's dead?


You will have to initiate because I don't like being annoying with my high libido. But I'll never reject and you'll always cum first.

I don't have black hair, eyeliner, wrinkles and I'm pale (despite cycling in the sun quite a bit this summer).


That's only because of your atrocious experience with Smiley. He didn't care at all for your wellbeing.


Hmm, maybe a mix of George’s mystery, Paul’s charm and a dash of John’s rebellious spirit. But I’ll let you decide which version is your favorite when you meet me for dinner ;^)


I think she's vaxxed. Be warned if you want to remain pureblood. Still masochistic to consider it with all the baggage either way. Don't throw away your life on her, inshallah


Don't worry. Nothing is going to happen, mom.


[Redacted] is extremely over protective of herself. Getting doxed is a huge no, no. Trust is not given over nievly. Internet was a mistake. Put hand in fire, ouch it burns. [redacted] learned from mean evil people that were/are looking to destroy her. Must be safe and protected at all costs. On board is safe. Off board is not.


I get it. The internet can be like sticking your hand in a fire -- ouch, lesson learned. But I’m not trying to be another burn; I'd rather ask you to dinner than know your "dox." I don't care for "doxxing" or know what to do with it. You deserve to feel safe and I respect that. So no worries, I’m happy to keep things right where you feel comfortable. Besides, I think you're worth the wait, when you feel ready ;^)




File: 1727424402758.jpg 11.85 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg

this is you


Is that one of your androgynous nappy-haired bulbous-nose gayboy situationships? Which one of you is the bottom?


There will be a war between the USA, may God punish him, and China, may god bless him, it will weaken the US dollar, may everyone shit on it, and the yuan.


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File: 1727447554840.webp 62.64 KB, 1439x1607, Screenshot_20240927-093143.webp

Absolutely don't trust.


File: 1727448185088.webp 70.94 KB, 1439x1929, Screenshot_20240927-094022.webp

Who that account is following. 100% not safe & don't trust. Not a good look. CWC, nickacado avocado...lolcows, HELLO!


bump limit suddenly higher than 300 or something?


You okay?


the thread shouldn't be this high on the index, retard. it displays as anchored yet it was bumped more recently than the next blog thread.




it was just a dumb joke on my part. I literally just made the account, so I followed some random 'lolcow' accounts for a laugh that I assumed you also found entertaining, not realizing it would come off that way to you. I can remove them. I want to make it clear, though -- your privacy is something I’d never cross or even ask about. Would never ever ask for 'dox,' pictures, no funny business, on Insta. I hope this clears things up.


Kek she has you on a tight leash. Warned you not to simp a v*xoid


lol adolf hitler 1939-1945


If that's Dwarf, I'mma let you in on a little secret since you seem to be a newfag. How do you think many of the prominent tripfags and namefags got their names and dox leaked? You're far from the only 4chonner who made a pass at her. Why do you think all her exes dumped her and not the other way around? She's single and in a mental institution for a reason. Don't fall for her act. She loves creating drama. Save yourself the embarrassment.


File: 1727457919045.webp 454.87 KB, 1042x8043, 1720535869427.webp

[Redacted] leaves everyone in the dust, not the other way around. Nice try, though.
Go fuck your 79 yr old bitch in a dumpster and enjoy your romantic outing of smoking meth and looking for hidden treasures in the garbage.
First of all digital shit isn't real. You two were never together. Get the fuck over yourself. A nursing home isn't a mental institution and you got left.
You created all the drama. You always do. Nice scapegoat.
[Redacted] asked to not be posted about and to not know your Internet people. You never listen. The only way to make your bull shit go away was to disappear back into the void.


Cringewizard has a mirage of a digital hallucination where one part of is delusion is a harlem of dwarfs, elves and whatnot. It's very varg of him.


File: 1727458595850.webp 172.73 KB, 1440x2246, 1686966809235.webp

There's many male dwarfs here, too.



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[Redacted] had nothing to do with doxing others. You are projecting. You literally dox every single person and also you dox yourself. All the more reason for everyone to stay away from you.
You literally embarrass yourself for free. Good or bad attention. You don't care as long as you get it. Nobody has to put in any kind of work for you to clown yourself. That comes naturally and effortless to you.


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Look, I fucked a 54 year old methhead bitch, but I wouldn't fuck you. You are not attractive and are delusional to think that. You just have desperate men, men more desperate than me, around you giving you false feedback. You are nothing special. Get rid of this nonsense idea you're "attractive". You look like a mentally disturbed person with inferior dark eyes and dark hair. Yeah you're not a nigress or a chinkess so you've above these subhumans but for a white person you're really ugly. And the sad thing? It's an ugliness that can't be fixed; it's not like obesity or something is causing you to be ugly. As far as I can tell this is a good as you'll ever look. My 54 year old gf is better looking than you, she has prettier eyes, red hair, freckles, is tall. You are just… mediocre. If I was married to you I'd have to get you to wear a mask so as not to publicly embarrass me as people would taunt me for having an ugly girlfriend. I don't know what is worse; having an old girlfriend or an ugly one… ah I think I'll stick with my old lady. A woman's value usually comes down to her looks because women don't have anything else to offer in terms of character, virtue, intelligence, etc. so if you don't even have that then you are just nothing but a miserable femcel who will only be pursued by the most bestial and subhuman of "men" that would fuck anything. The best you could do is get a sperm donation from a real man like me because I wouldn't stick around to raise the child with you, you're too ugly to have around, hopefully my superior genetics would be an upgrade for your lineage else the child might curse me forever for having given you my seed.


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Just learned I can ctrl-D to bookmark (firefox/windows). Also save the setting so you bookmark right to the bookmark toolbar then make a new folder or whatever.

Damn how did I never know this before? Now I can save porno tabs very easily instead of opening like 40 tabs from my history from the previous day or whatever...




I can fix her. Challenge accepted. I don't go down so easily until I get a clear rejection.😁 She's too valuable🏆 and precious💎 to pass up on. Yosh, ikuzo!! 💪

[Redacted]-chan. I took your criticism like a champ with great honor... now let’s see if this new username and description hits the "sweet spot." ;^) I humbly took your critique to heart, toasted it up and came back sweeter and more chocolatey than ever. Please have a look at your revamped golden brown & sweet follower. Also be sure to check out my new followings: out with the drama queens, in with the cuddle machines.

I also acknowledge it was too low effort, so I can understand a "Son... I Am Disappoint" reaction. Unfortunately I have strict work deadlines this week so I won't have time anytime soon to add much, but I hope you're willing to wait and stay tuned! Prease forrow me one day!


>Halp DELETE. I condensed them into [...]
Ossu! [Redacted]-chan! 🙇‍♂️

>You are nothing special.
She's our special [Redacted]-chan.
>You are just… mediocre.
She's THE [Redacted]-chan, the qween of 4chon.
>inferior dark eyes
[Redacted]-chan has blue eyes though.
>but for a white person you're really ugly. And the sad thing? It's an ugliness that can't be fixed; it's not like obesity or something is causing you to be ugly.
Looked cute in her last pic. I think Retard Flag Guy and Avid would agree too.
>I don't know what is worse; having an old girlfriend or an ugly one… ah I think I'll stick with my old lady.
Your homeless street MILF is fickle though. You're not the only one she's been fucking in the same week (if not day). Didn't you say you caught syphilis from her? What's the difference between her and a $50 whore at Figueroa Street? And didn't you say she ended the situationship with you?


White chocolate and not nigger?


Why is this thread still bumping??? 😫



you are doing gay admin shenanigans i bet




File: 1727479829243.jpg 824.47 KB, 3046x2018, lemon-white-chcolate-smores….jpg

I ain't no racist but I don't fuck niggers and I won't reproduce with niggers.


It's done this before, I don't see any logic error that would cause this. I think the workaround is for someone to bump a bunch of threads so this is on page two and then it should stay down but I dunno.

>In Ancient Greece, China, and Rome, the marshmallow plant was used for food and medicinal purposes. In Egypt, marshmallow sap was combined with honey, producing a candy reserved for the gods and rulers. The root of the plant was also boiled with sugar to release the root sap until it thickened, then strained and cooled to make “suckets,” which were like cough drops.


My 23andMe said 100% European, not even a trace of Jew, Asian or African. I was originally born in Germany. Have you done an ancestry DNA test?


No. I haven't done 23&me because I don't want my DNA to be put into government databases.


But you're literally being taken care of by the government... and you said you're vaccinated with boosters. And they certainly have your DNA one way or another anyway. Also you can't outconspiracy me, you probably still believe in the official narrative of 9/11.


Just wait for autistic retard BBC slut avid to randomly bump a bunch of threads with seething stupidity.

Also, if you're chasing who I think you're chasing, she recently admitted to having at least 8% ashkenazi DNA.


(just gotta wait for the 89999 and 90000 gets because avid is enough a loser to care about claiming them)


Since I can see you’re not a fan of that sweet treat… why not sail over and have a look at my new username and description?

I'm not a h'white nationalist, just politically incorrect and support free speech.

I feel a little bad deleting his last get thread with the board advertising. I'll let him have it next time. He needs his small victory for once.


>not a WN
So you're just blind or indifferent toward the clear, deliberate genocide of European peoples. Alright.

>I feel a little bad deleting his last get thread with the board advertising

Why? He spammed to get it in the first place. Giving narcissistic literal retards small victories is a horrible idea. Whether a get is incoming or he is starved for attention, he never engages with anyone. He just whines like a little bitch about how he's being victimized by the existence of this board and talks shit on literally every other subject. Kid should just magnetize to a moving train like Indians tend to do.


I am sure the sad cunt is pathetic enough to screenshot his epic gets on deadchon anyway. Besides, not like it will endear the cuck of spades to you or anyone else here and get him to stop being a faggot retard. He's dysgenic. There is no cure.


>So you're just blind or indifferent toward the clear, deliberate genocide of European peoples. Alright.
These same "European peoples" would fire you, blacklist you from hiring or various services, report you to the police or ostracize you if you said anything like that. Also they, especially the boomers, want cheaper migrant workers to replace the younger native-born generation calling them "lazy avocado toast eaters" or whatever, such as to do their landscaping. Fuck them.


So you dislike the insidious effects of jewish policies upon Western civilization, yet you want to swap secretions with one of the "people" who caused these problems in the first place?


File: 1727485537141.mp4 955.11 KB, 720x720, 1727317420001.mp4

Bruh I live in a town that's almost all h'white, with a large German immigrant population. There are virtually no Jews where I live. I'm all for nuking Tel Aviv and New York City but you can't excuse shitty h'whites by using Jews as a cop-out.


this thread is proof that even when im not posting you spergs are seething


You've been the one posting this? Pretty sad if so.

>I'm all for nuking Tel Aviv and New York City but you can't excuse shitty h'whites by using Jews as a cop-out

I don't, traitors should be lined up first, but you clearly don't comprehend the root of the problem if you're posting files like that. It tells me something simple as you haven't looked into what ethnicity the most prominent porn producers and distributors in USA are, let alone general media distribution.

Even something as (relatively) recent a development in America as circumcision is now standard. You should hear all the host of reasons why amerifats still get their little niglets cut. Guessing you are cut, too, so you can't begin to understand
this part: gee, I'm sure a group guilty of a couple thousand years of gaslighting a people and their cousins into murdering each other has NO bearing on the current world.
Uh, no shit, but they weren't inviting thousands of niggers for the avid of their time to service either, were they?


If you died, I would laugh really hard then forget about you until the next BBC spam.


I can't even follow the retarded conversation going on in this thread.



File: 1727487828715.webp 338.78 KB, 1440x1708, Screenshot_20240927-203942.webp

I have to tread very carefully or else I'll get wack'ed but I'll rise again. Be careful. Be very careful. Tread carefully. Tread carefully or else you'll get wack'ed. If you get wack'ed, don't worry because you will rise again. Rinse and repeat till infinity.


Amerilards are a special brand of crazy. You goyim don't believe in universal health insurance. You shit on the working class and suffer from Stockholm syndrome. Kaiser Wilhelm, Adolf Hitler of the National SOCIALISTS (Alex Jones emphasis), Il Duce Benito Mussolini and Emperor Hirohito were firm supporters of state health insurance. Yet you downie-tier Amerilards are fully funding both Israel's and Ukraine's universal healthcare systems. And you don't give a fuck about that, you feel no indignation over that, but when I mention that maybe American workers shouldn't have to ever worry about medical bankruptcies either, HDV or some other lolbert goes on a philosophical spergout with "Um Ackchyually state-mandated health insurance is immoral, you see, according to the Austrian School of Economics... ☝️🤓"

>Even something as (relatively) recent a development in America as circumcision is now standard. You should hear all the host of reasons why amerifats still get their little niglets cut.

It should be illegal, barring the rarest forms of phimosis that have no chance of improvement where a partial circumcision is required.
>Guessing you are cut, too
Nope, I just said I was born in Germany.









>Amerilards are a special brand of crazy. You goyim don't believe in universal health insurance. You shit on the working class and suffer from Stockholm syndrome. Kaiser Wilhelm, Adolf Hitler of the National SOCIALISTS (Alex Jones emphasis), Il Duce Benito Mussolini and Emperor Hirohito were firm supporters of state health insurance. Yet you downie-tier Amerilards are fully funding both Israel's and Ukraine's universal healthcare systems. And you don't give a fuck about that, you feel no indignation over that, but when I mention that maybe American workers shouldn't have to ever worry about medical bankruptcies either, HDV or some other lolbert goes on a philosophical spergout with "Um Ackchyually state-mandated health insurance is immoral, you see, according to the Austrian School of Economics... ☝️🤓"
Full, true definition of a non-sequitur. I shit on America plenty, but it shows how all your alleged respect for privacy is likely a red herring. Why the fuck are you having a mental breakdown all of a sudden? You've been acting increasingly strange the past few days. It's 100-fold lamer than the random nelvid scattershots. Run out of meds or something?


File: 1727489562888.gif 351.56 KB, 498x257, look at the cats eyes.gif

I was just ranting, it wasn't really aimed at you. We're just talking past each other now. I think we're just arguing semantics.


Don't look under your bed, sweet child


Also when I say things like "downie-tier Amerilards", it's just banter, please don't take it literally. It's my style. Every country is a shithole in its own way, mine too. Some more than others depending what you prioritize (e.g. life expectancy, home ownership rates, speech laws, etc.). You have your good and bad qualities. Such is humanity.




I'm not trying to "talk past you", I am deeply concerned with the genocide of the European genome. You're expressing that you don't care at all, chasing a mischling schizo whose eggs are nearly rotten (and therefore fit for Chinese consumption) is my least concern at this point. If you don't want to discuss this subject anymore, that's fine. It's just funny how you claim I'm "talking past you" when you're allegedly German. I am White, my entire family is White and I am implying that we have completely European DNA. Didn't you try to sell yourself this way earlier (>>89241)? You posted a very stupid video file that denies reality here (>>89254). Reminder that, if you actually live in Germany, your media is definitely controlled by the same entities. Guess who hosts nu-KC, champ.




I'm not losing respect for you over banter. It's the complete disregard for the ongoing deliberate genocide of Europe and what remains of White America.


Take medicine and have sweet dreams


>It's just funny how you claim I'm "talking past you" when you're allegedly German.
Do I have to show you my passport?
>if you actually live in Germany
No my family emigrated.
>You posted a very stupid video file that denies reality here
The video's a bit tongue-in-cheek.
>Guess who hosts nu-KC, champ.
I avoid political boards other than 4chon. Sometimes I wonder if they're astroturfed. I don't really know much about KC, last I heard all they talked about was Tinder and child porn. Boring.
>I am deeply concerned with the genocide of the European genome.
I'm not going to ruin my life by becoming a fed-tier neo-nazi, get shat on by other h'whites and become homeless as a result. That said I don't think the migrant policies at least in Europe are politically sustainable in the long run... there will likely be revolts, civil wars and enclaves. A pendulum shift is likely to occur.


File: 1727491406990.webp 82.89 KB, 1439x2415, Screenshot_20240927-214233.webp

That poster isn't me.
t. [redacted]

I'm trying to get my microphone to work and you deletedcthe insta.


I got scared and removed you. Do you want me to add you back?


>add you back


thats funny because its literally you spamming the BBC degeneracy, mods know this, why even lie like that, you stupid retard, fullfill your destiny and go out and find a BBC, the obsession is very obvious, everyone here knows it, you are the one obsessed with BBC, you fucking literally are the only one who brings it up, you then blame it on me because youre too scared to embrace who you really are, ita a safety net of faggotry and you think you have everyone fooled

im fucking posting with a tripcode from now on, ill post a timestamped pic shortly, fuck you and everything you stand for, fuck your entire family too, you are lower than pondscum


I'll add and chat later. I've been procrastinating, I have a huge backlog of work I need to complete this weekend and next few days.

What's with you and "BBC"? Yeesh.


Non-sequitur, the point was Germanic peoples have been destroyed many times over. The epilogue of WW2 was a real holocaust against German civilians.
And? Both NA and EU are being flooded with nonwhites. Not like colonialism was the same. Literal minority of Whites doing hard labor and establishing agriculture for shitskins with no respect for either.
Maybe, only why I commented on it now after seeing it here several times. It's still wrong every time it's been posted.
It was a stupid pedo board when it was kraut, it's definitely a stupid pedo board now that's it's kohl, but hosted on US bases in Germany :)

>I'm not going to ruin my life by becoming a fed-tier neo-nazi, get shat on by other h'whites and become homeless as a result

Not telling you to strip naked and screech "Heil Hitler" in the streets. Big difference between nosediving your life to dab on kikes and just not being a cuck who advocates for libshit online.


I have problems and a huge backlog of life and issues and I'll never add a chat. Talk to you in the astal mundane. I have no sex life. See ya never, chad.


Okay. There's just one thing I want to send you though. The most important thing. Since this is all just text on a screen. Then I'll never bother you again.


>I'll never bother you again
Don't hurt me like that. You never bother me.


Edited/deleted my post to say "text on a screen" instead of "all just talk."




Can we get this over with please. You need to see who's behind your screen.


Trevor Moore. I killed Trevor Moore.




OK but I found my passport recently just out of curiosity, and took a photo of the mugshot. It's just I want you to "swipe left" (nope not my type at all) or "swipe right" (okay I guess) so to speak to get it over with it, y'know? It's the most important thing, right? Not fair for you only I know how you look. I have a lot of work to do and I can't be checking here anymore for a while. If not, you'll have to wait a long time.


Nevermind, my bad I'm being pushy, you don't need to see anything ever. But it's not fair to continue anything without you seeing it and judging.


schizo BBC degenerate idiot fuckface


I typed out paragraph after paragraph on Skype. I can't believe you didn't know that I was only pretending to be retarded. There were times where I'd type it all out and you'd never get it ... It doesn't matter because you'd never get it anyway but that's besides the point.

This isn't directed at you, Skype sucks...

Oh to travel back in time and give love notes to people who would never get them-wait, hey that's life-anyway I love you dear.



just accept his request and reject his ugly nigger faggot face, let him know what a gay ugly faggot nigger he is so he never bothers women again like he said



File: 1727502234493.png 22.76 KB, 390x914, instagram.png

This literally just happened seconds ago after visiting the site. I even used a phone number for this and they still suspended it now. I don't want to deal with Zuckerberg's awful website anymore. Any other way to reach you?


kek what a loser faggot, serves you right


I think that's the end of the road for me, there's no other way to reach her. Tried my best but would've preferred a clear rejection after letting her see my photo instead of this ending.
Locking so this stupid glitchy board stops bumping this thread.

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