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 No.87023[View All]

252 posts and 119 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less


>perpetually butthurt NELvid always whines about spam but ends up spamming the most
lol haha


says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less


he really doesn't have any self respect

meds now


says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less


Many heh


ur future tradwife and mother of ur children


why she wearing an England football shirt?

sluts like her are the reason we are cursed to never win the Euros


i also request this .gif


now THATS a soulless glare


It is the SSRI stare.


File: 1734291728568.webm 2.77 MB, 640x360, HDV Rap.webm


wow HDV looks exactly how I thought he would



I've been sending PJW vids about Bonnie Blue to all my contacts lol


This vid in particular. Soooooooooooooooooo damn heh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


PJW... peanutbutter jelly wich?


File: 1734469559396.mp4 444.17 KB, 720x1280, 0000.mp4




Man. That's rough.


The day the floyd breathed :)


Friday is *such* a good film!



i like this music, what is it


In this ornament... YOU JUST KNOW! YOU JUST KNOW!




File: 1734580344259.mp4 7.58 MB, 720x1280, 1734540099095.mp4

Jew coded encrypted hebrew Israeli language speak.


Ummm the more you know...I guess...




you just know both these guys have erm... redx style porn (shall we say?) on their phones


Entire sketch is loud = funny, like an inferior version of the CEO Erick Hayden one from World Peace. Hahaha Sammy dribble and spittle so funnee! Poop! Break thing! Honestly didn't laugh a single time.



I believe ariana grande's brain is wasting away and dying on account of her lacking in protein vegan diet

also her boyfriend looks like her brother


what skinwalking alien mutt race even is that


Italian American with Sicilian and Abruzzese roots according to Loogle


sam hyde isn't funny, he's cringe and also on roids like a retard




dey look like bughumanoids whose beady-eyed perpetually smiling humanfaces are only a facade for the prey and pointy long spiderlegs dripping in sticky acid are to pop out of their mouths


big if tru


they loudly shriek and projectile vomit acid all over to blind and paralyze you


fucking hell.. why aren't more people talking about this


One thing we can agree on.


I'm sure that there are other opinions we can come to an agreement on


Your whole family has to be executed now.


File: 1735043069661.jpg 123.98 KB, 750x750, 1735028042109629.jpg


Like how breathing air and drinking water are important? Not attempting to bathe in magma is important? Sure to all of those things, but you seem to be a very retarded asshole with faggoty opinions so, no, I don't think we agree on much. Or you are a fucking loser and say a lot of reasonable posts of mine are wrong just because you are supremely butthurt by my existence, but I really don't think I'm special in this regard because it seems like you're butthurt by any random post here 95% of the time (probably because you cook up some schizo fantasy in your swiss cheese brain that it was made by one of your numerous boogeymen).

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