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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.87023[Last 50 Posts]



Finally fembots are real.


>chinese would rather make shitty fembots than outlaw aborting non-disabled daughters by married (or de facto common-law married to reduce loopholes) women to prevent the extreme gender imbalance in the first place



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women need to cover up, inshallah brother tim apple


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Retards genuinely believ(ed) this
I lmao every time


Not a single funny thing has been posted in one of these threads, because Avid has an awful sense of humor.


It kind of turned out to be true but it's caused by heroin and meth not covid vaccines.

The number of shambling zombies I see is definitely on the rise though.


so youre dead inside, big woop


Not, avid, but I've been busy converting anime for my own viewing pleasure. Maybe I will spend a few hours creating some clips that I think are funny tomorrow. No promises.


>No promises
No rush. No pressure. If you care to share, thanks. If not, that's fine. Relax. No worries.


I swear PFFR-produced shows are the gold standard of television. Wonder Showzen, Xavier Renegade Angel, Delocated, The Heart She Holler, Neon Joe Werewolf Hunter, etc.








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the seaside capsule for terminally ill people (or vulnerable ones eventually gaslighted as such by trusty bureaucrats) and it is so CORNY

it is a modern comfort but still magine suffering for dozens of years be all weak and ceremonially put in a ring rong chinese 2003 glitter plastic toy shampoo bottle spaceship alien dildo bathroom nail-salon appliance with a reddit carl sagan quote on it

this is some cat-lady karen hair-salon beanybabies petbabies vibe frequency aesthetic nightmare shit

>hey guys this looks uh.. i've suffered so much.. but i don't want to die in something gay like this. this is too infantalizing and demoralizing. can you just beat my head with a shovel instead and put it on the liveleak?


the peak civilization aesthetics that deal with sanctity of life and voluntary most difficult choice around is not an art deco bronze sculpture solid immovable tomb but a horrible looking 3$ plastic electrovibrating water bowl from alibaba.com that looks like you wash and pedicure your nasty chinese catlady feet in. it would be fitting if the sagan quote was mispelled gibberish.


God wtf that's invredible


Sagan quote is correct, if cheesy and poorly adorned on this ugly device. The only cool suicide methods I've seen are Buddhistic, such as self-mummification, ritual living burial, self-immolation and so on. Sky burial for corpse disposal is also the goat method


It's not ai?


youre AI




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Where's the joke?



Noticer news on Telegram top kek heh


grenstrer bolfungleshret





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Seeing nickacado avocado's asshole was all part of his plan. He's always two steps ahead.


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tldr some food distribution logistics the u.s. run on chinese & pajeet contractor slave labor java code and funny mishaps happen


Indians seem like adorable mischievous gremlins that cause chaos wherever they go


File: 1726619255416.webm 3.92 MB, 1024x576, pajeet vs chink.webm


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These were all very uncomfortable to watch.



Paint open bobs. Very excite. Very wow.


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Can't wait to have millions more legal immigrants from this part of the world.


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Any1 else prepared for Halloween?


those gourds make my willie feel funny...


Take me back



Nickacado avocado and [REDACTED] have children when?


prove youre avid, post a timestamped pic


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Golden retrievers are amazing. Fuck him for putting that poor innocent dog in that toxic environment. That's animal abuse.


it would be really 'funny' if one of the retards assaults the dog. and the dog would 'enjoy' the constant tts noises and spergouts.

hopefully the wigger crew isn't that desperate and cynical and retarded and the 'pet' better be some mexican gay pervert in a dog suit.

(i don't even thing most beasts people hold as pets are appropriate for being in house, the furbaby freaks need to purchase a farmland or something)


Golden retrievers are family dogs.


Rare pepe


The dog will probably be put down in that case. Animal rights are abysmal across the world.


guys please dont derail this YLYL thread with your thoughts and feelings on race please


Race discussion isn't happening in this thread. Calm down.


youre right, youre discussing dogs instead


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do white people really


really what?


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>some edgy ARG project goes wrong and now the freaky dude is targeted for making creepy shitty meatsleep-lite videos
When are they going to investigate the kikes kidnapping children instead of memoryholing the incidents?


he posts quite reserved compared to an average x.com freak, probly cuz hes oldschool, but still wrote poetry of how erotic being a kid in uniform and high heeled shoes, and flashing underwear is, and probably solicited some personal pics from kids online use in his ig collages.
dont think this is arg, just another form of homogay exhibitionist with a computer.


I don't know, just watched some clips of this guy and it seems to be both deliberately creepy and goofy at the same time.


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multimedia from "the current nft grifters behind winamp brand dont know how loicenses and other legal documents and version control works" github soy battle https://github.com/WinampDesktop/winamp/issues/6


imagine grabbing those handle bars where people have fecal fingers and then eating food afterwards


i know the current sex trend is anilingus but you'd think an asian who has higher IQ on average than wypipo would know better


youre literally obsessed with shit arent you


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>thinking that eating food in a public restroom is unsanitary is possessing a scat fetish now
Bona fide retard.


youre just triggered because you eat shit, shitboy

you love the taste and texture of shit and so thats why you eat it, stop deflecting




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Why are his pupils like that




how the fuck am i supposed to know


its also 'how' not 'why' retard


The zombie injection


4chon - The worst online dating sites imaginable.


I met my schizophrenic wife (male) on the chon. Meet yours today!


shit site bump out goblinsaga thread


not funny


Sorry about your Instagram seashell account. You'll survive. The chon is a place of contact. You've contacted me here. I hope God smothers me with s pillow and I have sweet dreams of deat-OH HI goodnight. I hate niggers. Sweet dreams. Catch ya on the flip side. Goodnight.


I'm happy for you!

incel cope


wasnt trying to be, just quoting you


how about trying shutting the fuck up faggot


you dont have to see my posts anymore if you kill yourself




you first then


No thanks, you can go first. I insist. Your memory will be etched into the anals of avid's BBC-ravaged butt. That's a fair honor for such a little dude like yourself.


you need to embrace your BBC obsession, go out and get some, youre obviously thinking about it goblin, although, i dont think anyone will indulge you, seeing as youre ugly as sin



Nice projection



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roleplaying some goyslop kike movie is pure unadulterated ntgger


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throw this faggot off a roof


I can't tell if he's trolling or just gay, both?



I'm guessing he's a butt pirate. I solved the mystery for all y'all Nancy drews and Sherlock Holmes.


throw him either way

he's avid tier


eat shit and die pedo


um... *projecting?*



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not funny at all


lmao classic coalburner avid


I don't burn coal, I have a gas powered boiler




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Liam Payne of one direction smoked crack and nose dived into a patio or something and now he's dead.


Legit funny




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I needezes tee full deth foto
I needezes itz


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Looks like my bus ride home xd


Not kidding I didn't even watch the full clip and I was already lol'in heh


People can't keep up with my moves, I'm so dangerous


Alrite, watched it, bruh thats awesome.


That's not the only Payne he's felt... being joined by fellow jumper Tmoore in hell and forced to listen to his corny jokes.


>Hey, hey Liam, get this..


>Trevor Moore in



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4chan /ck/


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I'd eat pic related...and (you)?


Wouldn't buy it let alone make it. The donut would overpower all the other parts like the tomatoes. There are combinations that sound odd initially but work out alright like fried broccoli doused and caramelized in maple syrup, but this ain't one of them.


'You Can't Even Buy Bread': People Line Up To Charge Phones After Typhoon Yagi Hits China
>Typhoon Yagi, the strongest storm in Asia this year, hit China's Hainan province on September 6, causing widespread destruction and power outages.
>Many residents are unable to conduct transactions without access to mobile devices, sparking a conversation about the challenges of living in a cashless society.
>The reliance on electric vehicles and the expiration dates of digital currency in China's digital economy have also been highlighted

Cashless soyciety is the last step to techno-feudalism.


Bruh I'm traumatised at what my relatives are eating. So many carbs. Wtf. I can see they're gonna get fat. Wtf if you don't have your health you've got nothin'...


The normoid "western diet" is 90% empty carbs. It's no wonder they all get cancer.


need to stockpile some cash


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Wonder if Smiley thinks like this


Smiley has the hots for his sister. He would marry her. No joke.


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Thought those were sperm cells surrounding avid from the thumbnail


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Would tbh.





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>Would tbh.



For all of human history people have found comedy in cross-dressing, because it's absurd. In modernity we are well-beyond the point of parody.


It's the execution and intent that make it unfunny. Retards like these pretend they're comedians when they're just virtue-signaling about how much they love faggots to a captive audience. It's the same shit clueless dipshits like Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have made a career out of. They want to be treated like informed pundits or satirize a strawman of their political enemies one moment, but then hide behind comedy when they get called out the next.


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There's always that guy.


we must kill that guy



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I've read a lot of self-help books and it's hilarious how so many of them assume you are an over-worked office drone with lots of disposable income.


Seems like they know thier audience. Blue collar workers can't read... LOL!



Most of these books were written in the mid-late 2000s, so there was an emerging demographic of underemployed, socially maladjusted millennials looking for advice, and these books usually didn't make it clear who their intended audience was. They were aimed at Gen X, which was fine of course. Their problems do seem insignificant and I don't know why they needed a book to tell them "You have six figures in savings, so just work less, retard!", but it is what it is. The problem is the more time has gone on, the more poorly these books age. "The 4 hour work week" and "how to make friends and influence people" are still some of the most shilled self-help books to this day.


Issue is if you have a job you generally are not in control of your work hours. You either work all the time, have a lot of money, but little time to enjoy it, or you become a NEET or part time worker and have basically no money but lots of time.






When you already have money it's easier to make more. I could eliminate the majority of my expenses permanently with 100k.




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Is this from Tissue Box or a different video?




wtf? don't dox chucky!


does anyone remember that one hilariously bad music video that featured Jews singing about a schul



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wasn't funny at all


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Saw this on aus /pol/ heh...


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resurrecting this dead thread that's been spam flooded with unfunny retard garbage


is this supposed to be funny? because its not, get some actual funny shit to post you weak faggot


Damn avid, you're always so grouchy. Is your life as a living cumrag for niggers so unsatisfying that you need to come here and shit up this board with your whining every day?


mad fag is crashing out hard lmfaoooo


Niggar look like he barfin in jpg. No click.


Just clicked. Niggar sleepin in car. Person throws an egg at his face.


says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less


silence, cave bitch. get back down there and finish the job
t. Avid's bull, probably


says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less


File: 1732860721889.png 58.54 KB, 268x372, YAKUB.png

Silence, slut


says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less


Hail the Dark Father


I don't have the file anymore, but imagine a gif of the nigger prying a door open to find two dead niglets (after the one accidentally killed her cousin or whatever then immediately committed suicide on stream) then recoiling in anguish before leaving view and it's captioned with ">shadman". Probably the funniest shadman reaction image I've ever seen.


get hit by a bus and die spergoid


You take public transportation to meet niggers and because you're too autistic to be granted a license.


says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less


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>no u
Get new material, witless nigger-loving faggot.


says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less


>perpetually butthurt NELvid always whines about spam but ends up spamming the most
lol haha


says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less


he really doesn't have any self respect

meds now


says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less


Many heh


ur future tradwife and mother of ur children


why she wearing an England football shirt?

sluts like her are the reason we are cursed to never win the Euros


i also request this .gif


now THATS a soulless glare


It is the SSRI stare.


File: 1734291728568.webm 2.77 MB, 640x360, HDV Rap.webm


wow HDV looks exactly how I thought he would



I've been sending PJW vids about Bonnie Blue to all my contacts lol


This vid in particular. Soooooooooooooooooo damn heh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


PJW... peanutbutter jelly wich?


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Man. That's rough.


The day the floyd breathed :)


Friday is *such* a good film!



i like this music, what is it


In this ornament... YOU JUST KNOW! YOU JUST KNOW!




File: 1734580344259.mp4 7.58 MB, 720x1280, 1734540099095.mp4

Jew coded encrypted hebrew Israeli language speak.


Ummm the more you know...I guess...




you just know both these guys have erm... redx style porn (shall we say?) on their phones


Entire sketch is loud = funny, like an inferior version of the CEO Erick Hayden one from World Peace. Hahaha Sammy dribble and spittle so funnee! Poop! Break thing! Honestly didn't laugh a single time.



I believe ariana grande's brain is wasting away and dying on account of her lacking in protein vegan diet

also her boyfriend looks like her brother


what skinwalking alien mutt race even is that


Italian American with Sicilian and Abruzzese roots according to Loogle


sam hyde isn't funny, he's cringe and also on roids like a retard




dey look like bughumanoids whose beady-eyed perpetually smiling humanfaces are only a facade for the prey and pointy long spiderlegs dripping in sticky acid are to pop out of their mouths


big if tru


they loudly shriek and projectile vomit acid all over to blind and paralyze you


fucking hell.. why aren't more people talking about this


One thing we can agree on.


I'm sure that there are other opinions we can come to an agreement on


Your whole family has to be executed now.


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Like how breathing air and drinking water are important? Not attempting to bathe in magma is important? Sure to all of those things, but you seem to be a very retarded asshole with faggoty opinions so, no, I don't think we agree on much. Or you are a fucking loser and say a lot of reasonable posts of mine are wrong just because you are supremely butthurt by my existence, but I really don't think I'm special in this regard because it seems like you're butthurt by any random post here 95% of the time (probably because you cook up some schizo fantasy in your swiss cheese brain that it was made by one of your numerous boogeymen).

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