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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.88474[Last 50 Posts]

/ck/ thread.




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I am mewing and jelqing to this foodie brainrot!!!

Keep up the rizz, chefoids!




Rizzful post


baking some thick dark sausages in my dutch oven


post a timestamped pic of yourself


I wanted to learn how to make kebabs out of minced ground beef meat and spices because they taste better than cutlets with bread inside, but the local shop sells raw kebabs for the price of minced meat. The my culinary plan is ruined by the economy.


Chicken in watermelon? Hell's food.


It's a Christmas miracle m, tiny tim.


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hilarious, hate to burst your bubble but im not fat at all, infact i dont think ive been in better shape, you on the other hand are probably an obese greasy ugly cunt


You mean like Avid?




NELvid knows the darkies like cushion for the pushin'.




What do you suggest me make for breakfast, anonymous?




What did you have for breakfast, anonymous?


A serving size of raisen bran cereal, a plain toasted bagel with 4 pats of butter, a serving size of 2% milk and three cups of coffee.

and (you)?


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Eating breakfast rn


complete slop


Wasn't sure if you took a bite out of that solid cheese at first, but I just noticed the toothpicks.


What are the toothpicks for?


Holding the cheese and keeping my hands clean

They're all healthy foods


Why not thinly slice the cheese, layer it on top of the bread and toast it in the oven or on the stove until the cheese is melted?


Heh I eat with my hands like a troglodyte.


noone cares, shut the fuck up faggot


Sorry if I derailed the thread, I have a habit of typing too much and giving TMI like Smiley.


You're fine. You'll get used to taking a beating here and grow a thick skin. If not... don't make yourself identifiable and find some place better suited. This is not a hugbox, unfortunately.


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Thanks, but what makes you think I'd want to be in a hugbox? Flirting with evil and danger is far more interesting than being around normie cattle.


kill yourselves


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Whatever floats your boat.


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After (you).



great now stay on topic you niggerfaggot

now if you'll excuse me i have some dark chocolate to suck on tonight if you know what i mean ;)


hey you sound like an expert, help me learn to cook so i can win the hearts and minds of my african partn- errr, friends, who stay over so they don't ghost me just because i stink a little bit down there if i don't fast and use an enema


...i'm thinking something along the lines of big brown juicy sausages would do, or something similar, what do you think?


god i wanna hear some ideas from you for obtaining delicious brown wieners

>not giving a fuck about public humiliation
this advice helped me with making some african friends at the nearby gay bar



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she got rizz and five star gyatt

don't hate, masturbate, maybe shoot your shot and copulate


I eat for sustenance, not pleasure


I bet you're real fun at parties.


avid just seethe gooning cuz fanum dont taxed his ohio L bussy yet frfr ong


Not trying to defend factory husbandry (I do think it is an insanely villainous crime against nature and I don't think meat should be as plentiful as it currently is), but the snobbery of some vegans irritates me. They believe they are protesting the contribution to universal suffering by having picky diets. This presupposes that plants are unfeeling beings. Hell, many people (i.e. not specifically vegans) even try to say arthropods cannot conceive what pain is because their nervous systems are somehow significantly different from mammals. I firmly believe that both these kinds of life do intensely feel since they exhibit strong protests to negative stimuli.

I think, so long as you want to survive, you will necessarily be inflicting suffering upon another being. Even the plants are potentially guilty. So invertebrates and flora are considered incapable of being hurt, but it's even more true of minerals. It probably seems ridiculous to propose that even minerals might possess life (they do share some properties associated with life), but it seems the "official" human conception of feeling is already so flawed to deny that bugs and plants understand pain that perhaps our definition as to what constitutes living is as well. Who knows?

Anyway, a diet based on morality seems stupid to me. Just try to avoid consuming stuff that will damage your body. A diet most consistently adhering to morals as possible would be suicide by starvation, but even that has its own caveat in inflicting suffering upon the billions of individual cell lives that constitute the whole. The self is contained within a very small region of the brain regardless of its assertiveness.

tldr diet choices have no impact on suffering at large because the bottom line is that life is always sustained by the consumption of other life. It's all a competition.


literally obsessed


>tldr diet choices have no impact on suffering at large because the bottom line is that life is always sustained by the consumption of other life
There are ways of consumption that minimize suffering (ethical farming, hunting) and ways that maximize suffering (factory farming). The former is always superior to the latter

>the snobbery of some vegans irritates me

Veganism is a trap for midwits. Both the stupid and intelligent can gaze upon a vegan, see their sickly, decaying body and understand immediately that veganism is wrong

Humans need quality protein, saturated fat and cholesterol. Plants are unable to provide any of these in sufficient quantity or quality

I met a vegan not long ago, a sickly liberal woman, with a young boy aged 5 (named Strider) that she had forced to be vegan. This delusional female creates immense suffering with her self-righteous delusion

The average human is truly of less moral character than any wildlife


I'm a punk rocker chef. I got tattoos and a meth addiction. I don't take shit from civies. The kitchen is a war zone and I'm Pol Pot. You want me to hold the mayo? KILL YOURSELF


eating at mcdicks and taco smell for the rest of my life to avoid giving this kind of person my money


Why not cook your own food and deny both the sloppers and the cokeheads your money


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Uh, gay?


Just the way avid likes it.



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i want chicken nurgets


cooking thread with webm spam of trash meals and no actual discussions of meals that you retards have cooked

might aswell rename 4chon to off offtopic because every thread is derailed by the goblin and foky spamming zero discussion garbage, what a joke


Please show us how it's done, chef avid: the dirty 30 year old scubber who to this day still has stacks of filthy, used plates all over his bedroom floor lol


Get 'em!


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>the dirty 30 year old scubber who to this day still has stacks of filthy, used plates all over his bedroom floor lol

I'm not 30 and I'm tidy, you skitzo cunt


Same tbh.


Sardines over potatoes is really good.


Mashed potatoes are bland.


Hogetara post.


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weeaboo retard


BBC sissy post.


>NELvid the BBC sissy is so mindbroken that she is now spamming a list of people's dicks she sucked today before noon


who is this beautiful woman?


That's avid in drag.


dayum! might have to paint my dick black and see if he'll suck it


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You don't have to worry. He'll suck it. He always does.



I'm glad avid is being more inclusive and sucking all types of willies now!


He always has but he loves bbc the most.


>bugs are a sustainable superfood gringo
This hasn't been proven at all. The demand for bug protein doesn't remotely approach that of traditional meat industries. It's dwarved a few dozen times over even by the plant protein market. There is absolutely no proof that bugs are better for the environment because the demand to test their sustainability doesn't exist. Even in regions where bugs are easy to locate at market, a lot of people refuse to eat them. I wonder what the impact on emissions would be from lynching all these privileged freaks born with silver spoons up their asses so they can't traffick around and rape sex slaves/future organ harvests on their private jets and superyachts daily.

Truth is there are too many people on the planet, in particular too many worthless eaters having more kids than they can manage to feed themselves (niggers, spics and indians being the major culprits). I still don't believe that the consumption of meat should be abolished, but reductions to its availability and the amount of consumers seem like they could go far in slowing or reversing ecological damage.


Also worth adding, each of the three demographics I mentioned that are likely causing the most ecological damage already practice the consumption of bugs to some extent.



I have been eating the same meals for nearly a year now my food shop is always the same items and I dont care if you don't like it


pussy retard thinks bugs are le icky


Emaciated, impoverished Laotian ladyboy boasts about eating maggots while it daydreams of being noticed by and gifted a career of getting blown out by nigger dicks in NWO Land from Klaus Schwab, wallowing in a puddle of its own excrement created by sodomy-induced incontinence.


cringe and asspain, your life fucking sucks and you're obsessed with black men


>cringe my ass is in pain, i cant stop fucking and sucking cos i am obsessed with black men
Didn't ask for your autobiography. Also counter-sage, you butthurt sperm-soaked shitrag.


stay mad you deranged homosexual alcoholic loser


Projection. Go have another tard fit on some lampposts because you're having trouble finding nigger dicks to block out the smell of your own colon, you supreme faggot.


avids right you do kinda bring up gay stuff all the time
you should give a gay bar a whirl you might like it


I don't and I wouldn't. Making fun of faggots putrefying while still alive isn't remotely pro-faggotry.


>avid deletes his post
>posts again with a flag as if it disguises his retarded writing style


Stay mad homo.



you're pathetic
that wasn't me skitzo


You write like a woman faglord cumbucket. You're the only person here who writes like the gayest bottom bitch imaginable, and it's obvious that it's you samefagging.


cry more, youre actually miserable though, I know for a fact you are, that's why you get trolled/butthurt so easily

I bet you have no friends, no girlfriend and you live in your parents basement


Wrong on all counts. In any case, I know the kind of 15 minute "friends" you keep as company, you cumslut completely lacking any self respect.


literally obsessed



You wish. You crave male attention like an e-girl. Why else would you have stuck around here?

Sorry avid. None of us are going to fuck your skeezy, diseased hole. Have some self respect. Get a monogamous boyfriend and do some kegels to stop the smell getting out. It's embarrassing.


Didn't ask about your job description.


If you look at countries where bugs are commonly eaten, like thailand, they're more expensive than other meats. In this video, a fellow buys some grasshoppers directly from a farm, and a kilogram cost him 500 baht, or about $14.52 us.

The price of pork in America is what, like 3-4 dollars a kilo if you buy it in bulk? Bugs are as much as prime beef.

Also if you look at the way the bugs are raised, it's very labour intensive compared to something like a pig. They got these big net-houses set up to contain them, they have to scoop up piles of bug shit, feed them the same shit a cow or a pig would eat, wrangle tons of tiny little bugs with nets... it's ridiculous. They don't even look that bad to eat but the amount of space, time, and effort required to raise bugs as food is insane compared to normal livestock. The whole idea of bugs as some sort of cheap wonderfood for the masses is a retarded grift.

>I wonder what the impact on emissions would be from lynching all these privileged freaks born with silver spoons up their asses so they can't traffick around and rape sex slaves/future organ harvests on their private jets and superyachts daily.

I'm not going to look up the exact numbers for some random convo on 4chon, but something like 50% of global carbon emissions come from 5 super container ships. Nobody ever suggests fining shipping companies, or taking away greta's private jet. They always try to pin it on regular people, democratize the problem, and then sell them a "solution" to their guilt in the form of a bunch of pointless taxes and dumb grifts like bugs and soyburgers.


Guy Fieri: successful, down to earth, White, fathered two children and adopted his deceased sister's son, happily married for nearly 30 years
Anthony Bourdain: neurotic, gets psychotic urges from unimportant things like how others eat sushi, pretentious, kike, got cucked by a high schooler, divorced, dead


Guy Fieri was also on the front lines trying to help restaurants stay afloat while the WEF shut the world down and tried to destroy as many small businesses as possible. He may tragically be a libtard but he's a good fella for the most part


Italians > Jews

most White libs are good people actually


Good video but that uploader is brown and made a rude comment about Fieri (how he's a fat piece of shit or something). Apparently the video was also stolen. He's an odd little fella.

That's the problem with libtards (Whites in general really). They sympathize with others and project their earnesty onto people who are devoid of such character. They think niggers would do the right thing if it weren't for some nebulous force holding them down. Too kind for their own good.


>They think niggers would do the right thing if it weren't for some nebulous force holding them down.
conservatives think the same thing, they just disagree on what's holding them down (racism vs big government)


I used to think leftycucks were just misguided too back in the day, but they're mostly neurotic or manipulative, and don't have any good intentions what-so-ever. They have no morality to speak of. They are pro-nigger, because they're concerned about what people will think of them, not because they actually care about niggers. If consensus flipped, they would flip. "The right" are the mostly honest retards in my experience. They're the ones who unironically believe in the Martin Looter Koon dream speech, and commie kike bullshit written on a statue in New York. They can be sold on dumb crap, but their beliefs are more static and based on the generation they grew up in. They don't "update" their sense of morality every 2 weeks.


I think you're thinking from a position of bias. If you look at the behavior of right wingers you'll see they're just as groupthink-based and morally bankrupt, often supporting evil positions for no reason other than to be contrarian. They're the kind of people that roll coal on pedestrians to "own the libs". They absolutely update thier sense of morality every 2 weeks as well.

These problems aren't exclusive to right or left. They're problems with normies. NPCs. I'd say normies are incapable of having any sort of real moral feeling whatsoever. They're a race of psychopaths, merely imitating human emotions and behaviors. Doppelgangers.



Thats avids face after he sees a bbc.


says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less





Second top comment perfectly explains why that video is retarded. You rest a steak as to not over-cook it. I have never in my life heard anything about "juiciness". I've never heard it explained that way in any cooking show.


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da sauce in these is HOSTILE
it will wake u up
my nose was dripping
is this even for white man
the noodles could be bit chunkier & chewier



>I have never in my life heard anything about "juiciness"
Not on cooking shows off the top of my head, but I've heard cooking channels on YouTube talk about resting steak for that reason.


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These are great. I also really like these mi goreng noodles, or any noodles meant to be fried rather than eaten as a soup.

Don't buy goyslop anymore though so I haven't had them for years. Was making me sick.


Crushed a couple of these, now I'm gonna try to take a nap.


Managed to make some nice bread last night, but I'm not really sure why it turned out so light and airy this time but not pre ious times. Very mysterious.


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Japanese snow ice cream.


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Not sure how I feel about this one. I mean yeah it's a snow cone so it probably tastes great, but it reminds me of like, fried hashbrowns or hickory sticks and I can't get that out of my head.



Ice cream snow cone. I've never had that before. Have you?


It isn't ice cream I think. The machine says "snowmaker" on it, and she's just freezing some sort of japanese soft drink with it.


I guess we'll learn together.



What an unpleasant looking meal. Doesn't help that the place has terrible lighting.


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It looks delicious.


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What in the fuck is this goyslop. Horrifying.


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I made homemade Korokke.

Turned out so good.


Looks great, you weeb.


carb to protein ratio looks shit


Yes, it's a Japanese food inspired by the French potato croquette. That's kinda intrinsic fam, unless you add crab meat or chicken or pork in there.


carbs are for homosexuals



skeet got mad protein and no carbs


says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less


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tempeh and salad rate


Looks amazing. You're a good cook.


Looks great. Good presentation too.


it was good, the macros of tempeh are good too


yucky waffles


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Made coconut beef curry, with haystacks for dessert.


I'll take your (ASSUMED) word for it...that it's good.


It is good. I used a little too much curry powder in the beef dish, and the coconut didn't come through as strongly as I would have liked as a result. But it was tasty.


so this retard hired statisticians, developers and designers who made a machine learning product due to his little misunderstanding of a cooking practice huh


protein to carb ratio is shit lmao

nice spiked insulin there

no wonder you have zogtits


A diet of 100% nigger protein doesn't seem to have done you much good, Avid.


you are fat and ugly and you have weird tits


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Made butter chicken and rice. Turned out well.


Is it really good with all that garnish and jalapenos (pronounced as a trailer park Ricky, one word)? I like spice, but I like it incorporated more. A proper vindaloo is so fucking good. Meat, potatoes, spice, rice. Just a perfect ensemble.


Also, sorry to sound like I'm diminishing your cooking ability. Maybe it tastes better the way you prepared it.


I kind of enjoy the garnish. Honestly it doesn't add (or subtract) much taste wise since the curry is strongly flavored already, but I like the look of it. It adds some colour to an otherwise brown and ugly dish.

Vindaloo is good. I've been cooking a lot of stews and curries lately, so it might be worth trying.


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need to make


Let us know how it turns out.


Apple pie with nuts and raisins.


Hitler cake*


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Ended up making a christmas dinner. Roast duck, yorkshire pudding, and mashed potatoes with swiss cheese, all with gravy.


You just had to show all three of your holes.


>finding gem cuisine in cooking thread on imageboard is actually harder than fucking finding a good porn game with deep story and detailed sophisticated world realization.


warlock and boobs
corruption of champions


laughed pretty hard at this heh


>warlock and boobs
>corruption of champions
The Hidden Village of Witches and Catgirls


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Crab and lobster are so delicious. Being able to trawl for them is the only thing I envy about coastalfags.


Looks great.


that isn't a Christmas dinner, that's toad in the hole


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Today I spent much of the day cooking. Two pizzas, and I got a chance to catch up on rendering some fat that was in my fridge for a couple days. I had cut up a beef striploin into steaks, but ended up with a lot of extra fat trimmings. They will make good cooking tallow for the future. I also made some bread for tomorrow evening. I can't eat the store bread anymore because it makes me ill.


did you know russia has tigers?


>>96277 (checked)
based non-kosher food enjoyer


*dies of mRNA goyim exploder*


Gonna make some nice fatty candles with that tallow?


Probably just use it in place of butter/lard.


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>fucking dies of the salt intake from 1 slice


Salt is good for you. Don't believe the boomer lies.

Pretty much any food (((they))) say is unhealthy is the opposite. Eggs, salt, fat, red meat, fish, milk, etc. They're all extremely good for you.


In modernity salt intake has gone down and heart disease has gone up. Nobody can be bothered to explain this.


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>"eat to live, don't live to eat"
>t. fat fuck retard



The way this fag argues is so slimy.


This short clip perfectly summarizes what Trump and Musk have envisioned for the United States.


RIP to this dumb fuck if he wants to believes that almost any Chink is going to adhere to regulation. If people are broke enough to be collecting cans or collecting oil to recycle, you think backwater restaurants wouldn't use this shit to save some pennies? You think the government can enforce what people do in random villages out in the boonies? Yeah I'm sure they do everything by the book in places that don't even have garbage collection figured out. Eat more street food, buddy.


I like having eggs with some 'ronis or salami sometimes, it's nice and pretty easy/quick to prepare. Might even make it again soon and share pics.

As for the pizza, I haven't had any in a while. Some high carb foods like that just make me explode in weight... sometimes I end up hurling it. Now if I could somehow make or buy 'za with a very thin crust, that might be a potential option. But that and/or low carb crust is hard to come by. Also, all of the low carb tortillas I've tried have been awful. They just don't have that delicious fatty softness to them.

All that being said I had a pork burrito today with lots of other fillings and it was amazing. I always make sure to exclude the rice and beans though.


Hmmsybe actually I'll try a completely crustless "pizza" - just pepperoni, cheese and some tomato sauce thing


Try it on a tortilla. Pretty close to crustless but still holds together.


He admits bias early into the video, but then curiously spends most of the video just describing the history of legal action against the sewer oil phenomenon and the mechanism for how used oil is intended to be separated from the sewer system. When he actually does give his opinions on the current situation, he sure wastes a lot of breath prefacing them with how fair and open-minded he is.

I like how he doesn't even say it isn't a problem, just that it's your own responsibility to manage risk and it's none of your business if you don't live in China anyway (also something something well your country doesn't have stellar food safety practices either!!!11). He even calls serpentza a basement troll/grifter without directly naming him and states believing there is widespread usage of sewer oil or in a social credit system in China are MAGA (code for racist) talking points. Ironically, the way he conveys his opinion makes him seem very greasy. I wonder if he got paid to make the video.


>I wonder if he got paid to make the video.
I always assume anyone who makes a video about something contentious in china is being paid. There's too many actors with stakes in china's reputation. People like serpentza are paid by the falun gong and us government, and there's plenty of chinese bullshitters trying to whitewash china as well.

The Chinese propaganda strategy is to put so much bullshit out there that even though people don't really believe the state narrative, they don't know what's real either so they end up with a very distorted view of the world that tends to favor china. The USA has been doing the same thing recently. It's hard to know what life is really like in china without living there, which is dangerous/difficult for westerners.


>People like serpentza are paid by the falun gong and us government
I've heard him disavow Falun Gong on multiple occasions, namely when people mention Epoch Times to him. He's called them an annoying cult of solicitors or something like that. Don't know if he's being directly paid by feds, just figured he holds typical (((Western))) social values either because he earnestly believes in them or his paypigs tend to be freedumbasses who refuse to accept US is a police state and disinformation nightmare itself and he doesn't want to lose his crowdfunded gravy train by going against their narrative.


>I've heard him disavow Falun Gong on multiple occasions
Means nothing. The guy is dishonest. I used to watch his channel and advchina a lot, back when it was a travel channel and he was more politically neutral. You get the impression he genuinely liked china and chinese culture, and his vids mostly just showcased silly stuff in china or interesting chinese cuisine and culture.

Then at some point, his channel sharply changed focus. Every video became ranting about how china is le bad, so horrible and oppressive. In every video, he started pointing out (and tbh embellishing) problems in china, and casting chinese people as being lazy thieving people. If he really believed that, why did he live in the country for so long and learn to speak their language? Why did he and his friend marry ugly chinese women? It's obvious he was paid off to produce propaganda videos.

Now he lives in california because presumably the chinese government kicked him out, although given the nature of his channel you can't really blame them for that.

>his paypigs tend to be freedumbasses

Well that's certainly true now but I don't think it was true when he ran a travel channel tasting weird chinese bitter melons and visiting temples and stuff on his bike. Freedumbasses don't watch that kind of content because they have no interest in other cultures other than to shit on them and pretend to be superior.


>Then at some point, his channel sharply changed focus
I stopped watching serpentza/laowhy86/ADVChina a few years ago because hearing them say China is going to collapse in two more weeks every few days gets old fast. I miss the videos where they rode around the Chinese countryside on motorcycles. I want to watch their Conquering China documentary series sometime, but don't feel like paying for it. It probably won't end up on Kemono anytime soon since it seems like most of the users are only subscribed to pornographic content on Patreon (and maybe those documentaries aren't even included with the Patreon subscription, no clue).


Had some noodles with softboiled eggs. Should've cooked the eggs for 30 seconds less maybe. Now I'm tired.





Appreciate the search, but I haven't trusted anything labeled TPB in a long time. I'm alright with never watching it.


Afraid of letters from your isp?

Probably isn't worth watching anyways.


No, more about seedy seeders. I've had connections from Taiwan use mine as a bridge to download JAV when I've grabbed popular magnets for anime off nyaa. Probably need to reset my desktop or build/buy a new one at some point.




Woman moment


File: 1737987149934.mp4 1.65 MB, 360x640, 1642666799.mp4


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File: 1737987987681.mp4 1.7 MB, 360x640, 27792117408.mp4




File: 1741365549583.jpg 530.86 KB, 1836x3264, 179.jpg

My breakfast today



That's an expensive meal now.


File: 1741380792653.jpg 22.35 KB, 900x900, 1741321684949636.jpg

>mmm, yummy


>eating eggshells like some kind of weirdo


File: 1741383301618.jpg 53.61 KB, 828x809, 1741316798605145.jpg

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