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 No.89101[View All]

Nu Blarg, soyboys
163 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Do you get paid a salary or like, per delivery?

I suppose I don't own a cell phone either LOL. Maybe it's not for me.


It actually does come across as weird to others if you never greet anyone despite seeing them every workday. It's an unwritten rule in soyciety that most people understand. You can say it's a problem with soyciety, the modern workplace or whatever, but this is how humans have always been. Either something must've happened to you to be this misanthropic or you may be mildly on the spectrum. And I'm the opposite of extroverted (though I'm good at pretending to be, especially on alcohol) as I'm fearful of bothering other people.


My body hurts from dancing too much and fugging Avid's butthole too much (in a heterosexual way). It's a dom thing, you all might not understand (I'm a bull, he's my cuck). His asshole and body probably hurt more though. See you all later I've got a butthole to bang while listening to Lady Gaga or whatever the newest very not-degenerate pop sensation is


I'm guessing niggers are insufferable to deal with in the service industry so I could never do delivery (or any low-tier service job, really). Such fucking disgusting people, as stingy as kikes are.

Saw this short video of a guy complaining about how customers in Japan can also be huge assholes. Unsure of frequency compared to other places on the planet. I'd guess he's right in saying it's not some perfectly polite utopia, especially regarding foreigners, but it's hard to imagine that it's worse on average. Might be a fag living in Tokyo like most foreigners, which might skew his understanding.


I was a pizza for several years. Overall I think Hispanics were the best tippers, followed by Whites, then Asians and lastly blacks


He's exaggerating, especially that tip range, you won't always get that many orders per hour, and don't forget paying for gas, and what happens when your car breaks down after driving for so long every day, and less people are ordering deliveries with the shit economy, unless you're in some upper 1% neighborhood who aren't affected by it (if not benefiting from it, since that's what a "recession" really is, i.e. an accelerated upward transfer of wealth).


Delivering in Sydney sounds like a nightmare. You must be a bit insane to do it as a White guy (assuming you/we are...). Sounds like you must have hitman/deadpool-like reaction time. Good luck if any of you want to do it heh. I wonder if you might get free food from someone, that sounds good lol. My first job was as a kitchenhand and I was eating all the food around constantly it was funny and awesome. Also I jerked off into a container as a joke for a fellow (woman) colleague and almost got fired for it, it was hilarious.


I would not expect spics to tip the best. Closest spics I know have a property with a double-wide and barn/shed. I don't think they have much land, though. Most of them live in the rundown areas a few miles away along with niggers and low-income Whites (and Whites used to be the majority in those neighborhoods, but I have no clue about now). I don't know, not very fond of spics. Also not too fond of natives after working with them in my teens (and they run the local casinos too). Consider natives pretty similar to spics, though at least natives don't seem to be anywhere as violent on the whole. Just more drunk usually. Maybe spics get drunk before ordering delivery and feel obligated to tip more while inebriated, no clue.


Also: White men never lie. Never!


Posted something in the wrong thread lol. Nvm. All good.


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I think maybe they have a lot of cash on hand from working illegally and collecting government benefits. Hispanics would usually put 5, 10 or 20 in my hand. Whites don't order pizza often, except for boomers and they typically think that $3 is a generous tip. Asians are about the same as h'white boomers, and blacks typically don't tip at all

Now this was all routine and regular, however the rare mega tips I would get exclusively came from Whites. I believe they're the only race that has manic episodes of extreme generosity

Also, poor people often tip better than wealthy people. I would much rather deliver to cheap, run-down trailers than any $600,000 house that was recently mortgaged

Pizza was once a fun job but I wouldn't want to do it in 2024


lol these crypto hype men are so sleazy

video put out on june 8


zoom out to one year, value of this memecoin "andy" craters to 1/5 its value within a month


Was looking at Smogon dex the other day on my phone and saw they're running shitcoin ads now lol.


What jobs are worthwhile in 2024?


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Society is unworthy of participation in 2024. Get on neetbux, make a homestead, or just be homeless and squat/innawoods/live in an urn. Withdraw to the greatest degree possible and prepare for the collapse

Nothing is more cucked than supporting a system that hates you


(Don't actually follow this malicious advice unless you want to end up like Avid or worse)



I am already following it LOL.


Inadvertently gone on like a 3-4 day nofap streak. Wondering when I'll get dat dere testosterone boost I've heard about before. Anyone know about this kind of thing? Honestly surprised I haven't had a wet dream yet.


FML like last year or so I found the perfect pair of black noname no brand training tight shorts things and got the right size but now I want a size smaller and I can't find it in store anymore, might not be manufactured anymore. Can't find the receipt in my email even though I'm pretty sure thats how I bought it too. Its over


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Hey may be I'll just get these wet suit short thingies. Mite not b ova


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>Inadvertently gone on like a 3-4 day nofap streak. Wondering when I'll get dat dere testosterone boost I've heard about before. Anyone know about this kind of thing?
Test spike at day 7. Levels continue to slowly rise after this. More importantly testosterone receptors will dramatically increase for months/years. Also your brain neurochemicals will come into balance after three weeks of retention

>Prolactin causes baldness, ie masturbation literally causes baldness



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Just don't like me to any YT videos about brown people talking about semen retention, it makes me want to vomit lol


*link me


Bro thanks


I'll have to make sure I don't cum in my pants when I go to this dance class I'm planning on getting to at my uni. It seems to be all-girls. Though I've been there years before.


Interesting, read all that, thx.


Did you miss the ten-thousand discussions we had about it on 8chan?


Guess I must've. The phrase "semen demon" comes clearer to me now.


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The professional-managerial class is the labor aristocracy of the 21st century. And they are just as much as fraudsters as lower level criminals.


what's that as a percentage of all webmd papers?


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That chart makes me think of a penis


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there are at least 849k records added since the 40s

the funny word is mostly seen in about 9k of records from the recent 4 years


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Drank too many days in a row (drunk from Tuesday night to Sunday morning basically) and my stomach has been throwing a fit all day. Hopefully it will settle down by the time I wake up. Forgot this is why I limited myself to drinking on weekends. Wish I wasn't paranoid of other drugs now. Don't really want to risk getting busted or getting crap cut with fentanyl.


Drinking is never worth it. It gives me terrible acid reflux I should just quit.


>Drank too many days in a row and my stomach has been throwing a fit all day
>Drinking is never worth it. It gives me terrible acid reflux
Alcohol is literal poison


Yeah, well... you're MOM is poison.


That is technical true.


I suppose I can make a token effort to say "good morning" to every person who looks at me if it's so important to them. If it proves effective then it would just be laziness not to.
>Either something must've happened to you to be this misanthropic or you may be mildly on the spectrum.
Many of the same traits apply to different disorders. I can't take psychology too seriously. Regardless, I don't consider myself to be misanthropic.


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>I can't take psychology too seriously
Ah, yes, hmm. It appears the patient is... expressing a deep, subconscious desire to... rail lines of coke off his mother's ass? Interesting, very interesting...


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Drug advice is always risky to give (and look who's talking lol) but honestly, I and I say this with some sincerity really, if you're an alco, you might as well try and switch to a less harmful drug like DXM. Thats what I did anyway (though I was a binge drinker before I really had any good drug knowledge at all, so it's not like I did it particularly purposefully... I guess that's how drug use works). There's still whole classes of drugs I haven't used, that I know about, and won't use, e.g. the heavy stims and opioids, and I could go on. Anyway stay safe and use the psychonautwiki

Also Robotabs are legal pretty much everywhere afaik


>less harmful drug
I doubt this.


Jumping in here a bit but I say hi to my bus driver/s and thank him/her/they/it/them, it's just politeness. Even if they are a brown humanoid person being. Also I'm a NICE GUY! Even though my writing is not intended for brown ppl, or my activism or whatever I will end up doing, they will be able to access it anyway and ppl learn from each other in ways you don't always understand until it happens, so I think it pays to be nice really.


Was thinking about this recently and I've re-thought about my idea that "the most harmful drug is the one that you actually do". In other words, whatever drug you decide to take is the one that you're reckoning with. So e.g. you might completely close yourself off to drugs like amph's, but you're still having caffeine, and so caffeine might be the one that actually ruins you. I think it's a really worthwhile thought or idea...


Brazilian transvestite roach deformity prattles on about Trump WN Death Squads and claws at the open wound it calls a mangina while waiting in a FEMA death camp queue disguised as an EBT handout line as the future Haitian doctor-lawyer ploughs through the procession with the human trafficking van it stole from balding ratfaced pedophile Eli Rosenthal, having mistaken some rotund Venezuelan goblins for ripe bushmeat as the vultures circle overhead (no funeral). SPOILER ALERT: this lusophone mongrel in drag is a 53-year-old grown ASS man and xe just came from xer ninth booster shot of the day!!! NO REFUNDS!


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Broke my nofap streak, honestly felt practically involuntary. I apologize if this is gross to hear but I basically just started thrusting and then finished myself off. What an experience though, it was probably a 5-6 day streak or something, longest in prolly 10 years. Anyway... I felt like it gave me a lot of self-control.


pics or it didn't happen

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