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 No.89101[View All]

Nu Blarg, soyboys
255 posts and 48 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


BRUH I lost it when she said "would that make you feel better"


But retards(online) told me trannies are just an internet fringe minority that don't exist IRL! Never mind that I see them constantly even in a red state. I'm just "terminally online", unlike the retards(online), who surely have a keen situational awareness due to their thriving social life.


shut up retard


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>I see them constantly even in a red state.
I live in a blue state. Good news is...the 42%


42% isn't enough, they're crawling over every high school, college, and convention. They've ruined every "nerd" hobby and take advantage of anyone unfortunate enough to tolerate their presence. They are globohomo saboteurs that have destroyed countless families and friend groups.


Are the trannies in the room with us right now, anon?



stop posting webm's from your fap folder


avid going two seconds without bbc:


it's you 24/7


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Imagine how different the world would be if they accepted Hitler into art school.



Wow, they had DEI even back then.


>Be Hitler
>Apply to Jewish art school
>Griepenkerl the jew rejects you
>All Jews will pay
>Start ww1



It looks like it has a goiter. Gross.


you look like a goiter, gross


Brothers what are we doing for halloween. I was thought about going out but I'm sorta busy.


I'm expecting a bunch of kids to show up and ask for candy, so I'll probably stay in.


Gonna go to my parents' house and watch for trick-or-treaters. I expect none where I live, but they at least get some 'treaters so I hand candy out to let them take my kid brothers around. Hoping there will be a lot of leftovers I can take home and pig out on while drinking some night soon, but I always tell the kids to take a bunch since even my parents' neighborhood gets few visitors. That's including ethnics driving over from their brokenigger neighborhoods. Just hoping shitskins won't ruin this holiday, too, at least until my siblings grow out of it.


Aryan warriors making a disgusting subhuman gook cry, so fucking based


Early morning depression is the worst.


Craigslist Hunter video intros make me laugh. I think people were making fun of him in the comments about his greeting so now he rearranges the words and it's stroke-inducing. Also this thing on the thumbnail has to be a tranny.


I had the absolute worst halloween ever I'm so embarassed, even as a man of truth, a White King and a philosopher supreme I might not admit what happened.


You fucked avid didn't you?


I'm hot, cope


Your gaped bussy ain't shit anymore.


they're doing this to me tonight...



It's amazing how post-industrial soyciety is nothing more than liars being propped up by one lie after another lie after another lie. I don't get how I'm the only one who sees something crazy about this whole system. Like the Indian dude Krishnamurti said: "It's no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick soyciety."


Your employer will lie to you, so why shouldn't you lie to them?


That's only a microcosm of the lying done by general soyciety, business world, government, etc.


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The entire economy is a ponzi scheme. The fed creates money for free for whatever they want, but the peasants pay for this fake currency (that's constantly being devalued) with blood and sweat

Anyone who still honestly contributes to this system controlled by demons is hopelessly retarded



It goes deeper than that. Politicians scam the public with wrestling kayfabe while most of the legislation they sign is never talked about. Soyentists make shit up so they can get their billions in grant money, tech scammer stocks have a ludicrous market cap despite producing nothing of value, ect. It is the most semitic soyciety to ever exist. Being the most unscrupulous cut-throat kike on the daily is what gets you ahead more than anything.


Modern h'white man needs to orcmaxx


This. We should learn from the niggers. They thrive in western society because they've evolved ways to exploit it.

We need to NIGMAXX.


>do drugs
>fuck holes
>don't work
>live on welfare
>don't inject government death poison
>don't cooperate with pigs

Yeah I'm thinking based


*momentary slight breeze*
*Jordan Peterson starts uncontrollably sobbing*



I do all that except for being an incel headcase, though it'd probably more accurate to call myself a vocel. And on topic, one of the reasons why I'm so powerful I think is because I have a drop of the black man's blood, just like Hitler (haters will deny it).


It's the darnedest thing. I maintained about 66-68kg for years and years as a 5'10" king but weighed myself recently and was 62kg. Maybe from all night sipping energy drinks addicted to a game.


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"Jewkraine" was never intended to be a shallow insult: it's an accurate description.


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Forgot there was an election tomorrow in Amerilardia

I bet HDV will actually waste gas money to drive to the polling station lmao




Hopefully he's at least voting for Harris instead of Zion Don.


I hope on his way to the voting booth he slips on a turd J.D. Vance's wife left on the street.


I honestly don't know what would be worse in practice. I still have some lingering affection for "right wing" retards even if I'd like to claim otherwise. Seeing the unwarranted Trump worship is going to be bitter. The goyim have been bamboozled yet again.


I don't really know either. It's shocking Trump still has the wide support from rightoids that he does after he had thousands of his supporters thrown in prison.

The same could be said about Harris. Black people form a large part of the democrat voting base, and KKKamala was behind throwing plenty of them in prison.


>The same could be said about Harris. Black people form a large part of the democrat voting base, and KKKamala was behind throwing plenty of them in prison.
The so called "left" is a coalition of "people" who have a poor nature. They're severally tainted by modernity and simply hate anything perceived as "normal". I no longer put any thought into their motives, they're just pests, an unthinking swarm. For the most part I still see the "right" as people who are merely extremely naive. Every election feels like I'm watching bullies rob a retard's lunch money. It's just sad. They need a good shepherd, but such a thing can't exist in this system.

That said, I do think maybe it's worth it if you want to go vote on ballot measures or what not, but I digress. Don't put your faith in any politician, and don't legitimize the red team just because you're scared of the blue team. No matter who wins the trajectory we're on isn't going to be altered, and I'm sure HDV knows that.


Voting is fake and gay. Vote for pro-immigration pro-Israel nigger-indian hybrid married to a jew or vote for a jew's pro-immigration pro-Israel best friend with jewish in-laws and his sidekick Mr. Curryfucker.


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