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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.90573[View All]


Post about autists, retards, trannies, pedophiles, drug addicts and/or grifters lacking the sense not to constantly air their dirty laundry online. Also post about the chronically online autistic, retarded, transgender, pedophilic, drug-addicted grifters whomst stalk them.

Previous thread: >>>/lounge/65630
Archive: https://archive.is/nD6mO
247 posts and 99 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>It is you that has the problem. This is unnatural. Wanting to breed healthy young women is GOOD
>t. Rajesh Dikshit
7-year-olds aren't "healthy young women" of breeding age and this has been known since time immemorial, you clueless nigger.
>Asexuality is a disorder of some sort
I'm not asexual, I just don't seek out sexual companionship nor do I consume pornography nor do I make retarded fetishes like pedophilia my entire identity. You're a freak of nature.


>I'm not asexual
>I just hate sex
>I will now proceed to lecture others about why sex is bad on a dead neonazi imageboard

You missed your calling as a baptist pastor.


You can't honestly grapple with what's being said to you. You have a serious mental problem and now you're butthurt that you got pushback for it once you stepped out of your onion hugbox.


You're the only one here arguing that sex is bad and morally grandstanding about le pedophilia (but not really, the girl is an adult).

You're like austrailians who ban small tit porn because women aren't allowed to look too much like kids. It's absolutely absurd prudery only a roasty or an incel could come up with.


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>You're the only one here arguing that sex is bad
People often discuss sex here and you don't see me ranting at them about it nonstop.
>morally grandstanding about le pedophilia (but not really, the girl is an adult)
>You're like austrailians who ban small tit porn because women aren't allowed to look too much like kids. It's absolutely absurd prudery only a roasty or an incel could come up with
You can keep saying shit like this, but it's obvious why you are attracted to her. It's certainly not because she appears to be a woman of breeding age in these videos. She is producing fetish content wherein she deliberately tries to look like a child, very specifically a prepubescent one. No shit defending that is going to raise eyebrows, dumb fuck. If you had a healthy sexual appetite, you wouldn't be so overzealous about defending this specific content. You told on yourself and now you're trying to backpedal.


Leave Shy Meow-chan Alone!


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You made Shy Meow-chan sad ;_;


You should kill yourself in the messiest way possible


She is cat.



Didn't click, KCnigger from São Paulo. Go back and die in a favela shooting.


Also like how the retarded pedophile nigger has given up on denying anything lol.


Seethe more.


>got assblasted into infinity
>thinks posting more pedo cope owns anyone but itself
lol, lmao


>implying your sludgy schizobabble mixture of strawmen, projections, ad hominems and bad faith arguing is worth anyone's time responding to
Go back to your containment board avid


It's pretty obvious you're the only person assblasted here. You have zero self awareness, holy shit.


Pretty rich coming from some retard that thinks it isn't an obvious pedophile by stating "w-well it's merely an adult trying to look like a kindergartener that gets my tiny pp hard heh!"


Enough pls.


Eat shit


Shy Meow has marked this thread as her territory, and there's nothing you can do about it, faggot ^^

Made me wanna ♫
Kiss Kiss Shy Shy 😘
Zhǐ xiǎng yào hé nǐ yī qǐ ♬


Who even is this person?


Shy Meow.


Breaking: Johnny Somali has just released his first video after disappearing for a few months while awaiting trial in South Korea after having his passport seized.

Spoiler: All he does is talk shit about the Japanese government for some reason.



typical magatard


what a gorgeous adult woman! tfw no wife just like her

I hate republicans so much it's unreal



Japs and asians of all kind deserve this and much worse, maybe with an exception of South Koreans, these guys are less robotic. Couldn't care less.


In addition to you being a chomo coward, it's also off-topic. But this entire board is a clown rodeo. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


jewish hands typed this post


Gooks are on par with the kikes when it comes to empathy and I see nothing wrong with seeing them suffer. This romanticized faggotry of them being somehow "traditional" or "resisting the jewish yoke" is a cope. Yakuza niggers need to be rounded up and shot. This mostly comes from manchildren who love to watch cartoons and have a hard-on on ugly whores from there.


Has it been confirmed that Chris Chan got her pregnant?


No. It has been DEBOONKED.


>asian organized crime exists
>therefore niggers should be in asia
very jewy line of reasoning

a fine woman like that is wasted on a troonsperg

he probably shoots blanks


Chris Chan is VIRILE and ready to breed. The genetic heritage of west virginia (?) will never be the same after his passing.


he's from western virginia, not west virginia


If there is no East Virginia, there should be no West Virginia either. This naming convention needs to be rectified.


Asians, like niggers, do not concern me. Non-whites in general don't, egalitarian kike.


you have two tiers: white and everyone else

I rank races against each other with respect to situational nuance

therefore you are more egalitarian than I am

virginian reunification would be cool


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That is probably true tbh.


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TikTok and pretty much every Chinese app and site is banned in India.


They're instead on Instagram, Linkedin, Github, Facebook et al.


I'm sure Indians still use your normalfag app despite the ban, autismo.


I think culturally they tend to gravitate toward any platform that has a monetization scheme. Indians are obsessed with the grindset and constantly trying new schemes to make a few rupees. The only reason they use facebook is to post ai generated shrimp jesus pictures to make a few cents when it trends with boomers.


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>Unfortunately, they are going to make us go extinct.

so i aint replying to him. i just wanted to post something. but i am not really into political guy thing
i really like that song and dont know many places where I nomad, i dont like pedokultur or whatever but dont want to wait 800 fucking seconds each time i open 4chan with vpn... oh wait vpn is banned, i do not trust the site though i like some of the posters sadly. anyway here is song listen and enjoy while you can because gooning kills your soul instead.
>maximum file size is xx
nevermind, sorry. i guess you cant have music either.


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>Ramsey's (Johnny Somali's) first day of trial just concluded, he was 1 hour late and came in with his roommate Hank. Both Ramsey's lawyer and Ramsey had no idea about the new charges so they pushed the next trial date for 3 weeks from today, April 9th.

>Ramsey faces a total of 4 charges, 2 counts of obstruction of business and 2 violations of the minor crimes act. Today, he pled GUILTY to 1 count of obstruction (convenience store) and 2 counts of the minor crimes act (dead fish harassment & disrupting subway / bus)



>Is Johnny Somali (Ramsey Khalid Ismael) going to receive a fifth charge? Well, through a drunken daze, it looked like #johnnysomali confirmed it. Legal Mindset gives an explanation about this new charge... You shouldn't have used those deepfakes, Johnny, but thank you! #deepfake

>Once formally indicted by prosecutors, this new charge will likely be a separate case in the Eastern District. Many other uncharged crimes occurred in this District as it is Johnny Somali's residence (Hank Yoo's officetel apartment in Jamsil).

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