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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Post about autists, retards, trannies, pedophiles, drug addicts and/or grifters lacking the sense not to constantly air their dirty laundry online. Also post about the chronically online autistic, retarded, transgender, pedophilic, drug-addicted grifters whomst stalk them.

Previous thread: >>>/lounge/65630
Archive: https://archive.is/nD6mO


So this is the meta thread, yeah?


is this the heckerino gossip?


I want to do political punditry and have people give me money to tell them about why the jews are bad


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BREAKING: Leaked Telegram messages reveal that the Australian neo-Nazi group National Socialist Network is affiliated with the Order of Nine Angles Satanist terrorist network. Leader Joel Davis openly displays Satanist tattoos.

>The O9A Satanist group is an occultist terrorist network known for far-right terrorism, murder, sexual assaults, child sexual abuse and child prostitution. They express enthusiasm for Islamist jihadist violence.

>NSN co-leader Thomas Sewell previously stated: “Islam is right about women, we need white sharia.” He encourages his followers to beat their partners. Joel Davis meanwhile has previously called for “child brides.”

>These “saviours of the white race” are literally a pedophile internet neonazi Satanist cult


Join our satanic honeypot to go on protests, get doxed and then thrown in jail for shitposts we promise it's just memes, you guys. on telegram today. While also telling Meds and Slavs to go back to North Africa and Asia, but accepting jewish ASIO agents, of course.

One of the twitter users, that goes by White Man's Wrath and ShlomoWrecker says this, in defense of the great daddy leader Joel Davis!
>He’s driven by a homoerotic desire to be dominated by an Aryan chad, which was formed after being absolutely destroyed by Joel Davis in his debate with Drew.

Remember to beat women, forcefully sissify and rape that tight boipussy of new groomed members to instill discipline and order in the ranks during the masonic orgies, fellow nazis!

Shlomo Shekelstein signing off!


No, see, you talk about fake stuff. Talking about the jews is how you lose money. At least meet halfway and vaguely curse "bankers" or "globalists".


I don't think anyone in the nsn/eam is particularly smart, maybe they shud take what is mostly their own advice anyway and shut their traps and just do the "tribe and train" to keep growing White ethnocentrism

Sewell has also said retarded stuff like he literally said that if u don't join his club he hopes your family dies. Doesn't really inspire u to join

Another relevant thing is it seems u can't have a gun license and be part of the nsn as the cops will literally revoke it on the grounds ur a danger or something. So inquiring minds now know its either the nsn or guns and not both.

Speaking of such things, the wiembilla shooting is so suss (just from reading the wiki entry).


Like, ohmygosh, did you hear what Shelly said to Amanda? And I can't believe Jennifer cheated on Brett with Zach.


The sad thing about many of these recent "neo-Nazi" groups is that they're ran by edgy degenerates (probably literal feds as well) instead of respectable men like Rockwell or Pierce. They don't care that White nations are being destroyed. They just want to indulge themselves in the decay. Many nasty elements love to pretend they're good bedfellows to White Nationalism and sadly many young, naive White men fall for their bullshit.


Pierce wrote edgy fanfiction and single handedly destroyed his own "movement". Even the respectable heroes of white nationalists are losers.


I've never censored myself before and I'm not gonna start now


How is it his fault the retards sperged the fuck out after he died?


Chon synchronicity I was thinking of that phrase strange bedfellows


William Pierce was actually the best person in the history of the "movement" no matter how you look at it. You can criticize him as a person, but no one can compare after his death. People that came after are all degenerate subhumans and "losers", the kind he called out during one of his speeches.


>People that came after are all degenerate subhumans and "losers", the kind he called out during one of his speeches.
Pierce was married five times (no one married that many times is a normal person, no matter how you slice it) and invented a woowoo cult. He's as degenerate as Jim Jones.


These guys are just f*ds. They likely have little gayops trips in The Grampians to show off on 60 Minutes.


Cosmotheism is nowhere close to whatever quackery Jim Jones was on (and who gives if a shit if all those lefty shitskins dumb enough to follow him were mass-murdered, good riddance). It's highly possible he just bullshitted a religion up to obtain tax exemption for a WN organization. At least it paid homage to pagan roots. Don't really care if he was cruel to his Hungarian mail-order brides. Still leagues better than satanic pedo feds or dysgenic retards like Anglin hiding out and copulating with SEAmonkeys.



LMAO even




why are you replying to yourself?


At this point who gives a shit if they've got moles, every organisation ever has had moles. Given NSN aren't committing crimes the moles can't do shit except try to dox you. The price of inaction is shame and the destruction of everything we hold dear, even if the action results in you getting facefagged - because that's all they can do - you are fighting for a noble cause. And unlike cowards and fedjacketers you will be able to look yourself in the face 30 years from now in victory or defeat knowing you tried and made friends for life who'd die for you in the process.

Those little networks of true loyal friends are going to matter more and more over the coming decades, kith and kin are all you can count on as Australia becomes a true anarchotyranny. NSN offers young White men and their families access to what ethnic minorities get without any trouble at all - community and political activism on their behalf. NSN rock and they are more that this nation deserves in its current state.


I checked your links. At absolute worst the messages linked are edgy. O9A are scum but I see zero proof they're involved with NSN other than one guy having an edgy demon tattoo. Gotta admit though any age of consent related talk always gives me the willies. Why these groups always end up discussing it is beyond me.


>And unlike cowards and fedjacketers you will be able to look yourself in the face 30 years from now in victory or defeat
I hear this cowardice cope quite often. NSN are faggots, who didn't achieve anything aside from taking in a bunch of edgy degenerates in and going on protests to get v&. That includes O9A retards, who infiltrate EVERY National-Socialist group and are by default connected with the alphabet agencies, which makes the organization glow even harder. So long as there are memes about "child brides", "BOERS ARE PATHETIC FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO DEFEND THEMSELVES FROM HORDES OF VIOLENT NIGGERS", "DIIIRLEEEEGAAAANG RAPING SLAVIC HOEEEES", "white sharia NOW" and "hurr durr, muh italian wogs" faggotry BUT IT'S ALL MEMES, MAN!, the organization will continue to be faggoty. You are safer with a gun and your own family ( >>90628 ) than with a bunch of ASIO-backed cunts that might make you unemployable or straight-up frame you as some kind of a traitor, if you dare to abandon the group or have some kind of a disagreement with the higher-ups. No thanks and go fuck yourselves.


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didn't even click


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She thought they were blending lives... he had other plans.



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How does everyone digest that seeing nickacado avocado's asshole was all part of his master plan?


Phagtasm and Avid get erections when they see it.


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Speech in question.
But, really, if you look deeper into the whole thing you might as well start realizing the real reason why we're all in this mess in the first place is because Hitler and the rest of National-Socialists that came with him, and it's a hard pill to swallow for a lot of people, were the biggest cucks that ever lived for not making holocaust real and making a bunch of gentiles die in another war.


at no point in this speech does pierce denounce hitler, he's denouncing edgelords that like the image of hitler created by the media

also, he's wrong, "winners" are people doing well under whatever system is currently in place. if you want to destroy that, you need to know how to mobilize losers who rightly or wrongly believe that the system is what made their lives suck. yes, you need winners that have some grievance to get the ball rolling but the majority of their supporters will be losers until your revolutionary party wins. then the old system's winners will all want in. many of the rank and file losers will be able to become winners in the new system, many who were winners in the old system will need to be excluded from the new one.

this is a sort of limit of reactionary thinking, they don't want work with the sort of people who can destroy so they can rebuild. they don't want to rub elbows with the types that could subvert or deceive their enemies. they just heckin want normal people to get fed up and shout "enough"... which is something normal people almost never do.


as an addendum; people like pierce (or ramzpaul heh) are blind to how strange they seem to actual normies

imagine reading passages from the turner diaries for a room full of magapedes, or saying nigger as freely as pierce did in a setting like a city council meeting

normies wouldn't see a difference between that or shouting 1488


Hmm, I don't think I'm completely sure the point you and or Pierce are making. In my unit on Fascism at uni I had a girl write an essay and otherwise make the argument that a huge amount of men attracted to fascism and hitler in the 30s were fatherless. I didn't get much into the argument but it seems very plausible. Also/And if that's true, what's the harm in attracting them? Hitler cared about them, in I imagine the same or in a very similar way I care about my people (and the same way ppl are ethnocentrist and otherwise raceloyal etc in general.


What was the tone, sneering? "Fascism attracts fatherless manchildren"? Pretty retarded if so. Shouldn't come as a shock or sound comical that a bunch of boys turn militant after seeing their fathers murdered 1-2 decades prior.
In one of his broadcasts, he mentions his time with Rockwell and how Rockwell associated with such people, still critical but noticeably ambivalent regarding his feelings toward them.


I didn't read her essay we were just talking about what she was going to write... And she was doing research, so she was smart... I mean this was uni... I think she was smart. I remember her saying she had had enough of Riefenstahl and Olympia and so on. Wasn't sure of her tone, she's a woman anyway, they can be turned "on a dime" so to speak xd.


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Oh no no no
no no no no!

Styx sisters, we got too cocky...!

Previously on Tarl "Styxhexenhammer666" Warwick news: >>74393


Turns out it's not just Styx merely drunkenly throwing a glass at a fireplace and his new girlfriend calling the cops over it and being sent to jail as Ramzpaul initially claimed two weeks ago. ( youtube.com/watch?v=ebIDSSCDYQE ). Sheeeit!


Right-wing internet celebrity with a bloody-nosed girlfriend, remind you of someone else? Cohen-cidence?


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The leaked DMs between Styx and (ex-)GF


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The video, leaked by the GF presumably


>“You won’t answer the question, of course, because the question invalidates your particular opinions” lmao. Styx is the most pedantic domestic abuser - @binroy5000, Twitter reply


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Canadian police continue to seek tips from public to help find Élora Patoine, JF Gariepy's wife


Previously: >>67740


It's been over a year. The evidence is long gone. Sorry mounties, you dropped the ball.



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That woman is for billionaire chads ONLY! Let's keep it movin!

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