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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.90573[Last 50 Posts]


Post about autists, retards, trannies, pedophiles, drug addicts and/or grifters lacking the sense not to constantly air their dirty laundry online. Also post about the chronically online autistic, retarded, transgender, pedophilic, drug-addicted grifters whomst stalk them.

Previous thread: >>>/lounge/65630
Archive: https://archive.is/nD6mO


So this is the meta thread, yeah?


is this the heckerino gossip?


I want to do political punditry and have people give me money to tell them about why the jews are bad


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BREAKING: Leaked Telegram messages reveal that the Australian neo-Nazi group National Socialist Network is affiliated with the Order of Nine Angles Satanist terrorist network. Leader Joel Davis openly displays Satanist tattoos.

>The O9A Satanist group is an occultist terrorist network known for far-right terrorism, murder, sexual assaults, child sexual abuse and child prostitution. They express enthusiasm for Islamist jihadist violence.

>NSN co-leader Thomas Sewell previously stated: “Islam is right about women, we need white sharia.” He encourages his followers to beat their partners. Joel Davis meanwhile has previously called for “child brides.”

>These “saviours of the white race” are literally a pedophile internet neonazi Satanist cult


Join our satanic honeypot to go on protests, get doxed and then thrown in jail for shitposts we promise it's just memes, you guys. on telegram today. While also telling Meds and Slavs to go back to North Africa and Asia, but accepting jewish ASIO agents, of course.

One of the twitter users, that goes by White Man's Wrath and ShlomoWrecker says this, in defense of the great daddy leader Joel Davis!
>He’s driven by a homoerotic desire to be dominated by an Aryan chad, which was formed after being absolutely destroyed by Joel Davis in his debate with Drew.

Remember to beat women, forcefully sissify and rape that tight boipussy of new groomed members to instill discipline and order in the ranks during the masonic orgies, fellow nazis!

Shlomo Shekelstein signing off!


No, see, you talk about fake stuff. Talking about the jews is how you lose money. At least meet halfway and vaguely curse "bankers" or "globalists".


I don't think anyone in the nsn/eam is particularly smart, maybe they shud take what is mostly their own advice anyway and shut their traps and just do the "tribe and train" to keep growing White ethnocentrism

Sewell has also said retarded stuff like he literally said that if u don't join his club he hopes your family dies. Doesn't really inspire u to join

Another relevant thing is it seems u can't have a gun license and be part of the nsn as the cops will literally revoke it on the grounds ur a danger or something. So inquiring minds now know its either the nsn or guns and not both.

Speaking of such things, the wiembilla shooting is so suss (just from reading the wiki entry).


Like, ohmygosh, did you hear what Shelly said to Amanda? And I can't believe Jennifer cheated on Brett with Zach.


The sad thing about many of these recent "neo-Nazi" groups is that they're ran by edgy degenerates (probably literal feds as well) instead of respectable men like Rockwell or Pierce. They don't care that White nations are being destroyed. They just want to indulge themselves in the decay. Many nasty elements love to pretend they're good bedfellows to White Nationalism and sadly many young, naive White men fall for their bullshit.


Pierce wrote edgy fanfiction and single handedly destroyed his own "movement". Even the respectable heroes of white nationalists are losers.


I've never censored myself before and I'm not gonna start now


How is it his fault the retards sperged the fuck out after he died?


Chon synchronicity I was thinking of that phrase strange bedfellows


William Pierce was actually the best person in the history of the "movement" no matter how you look at it. You can criticize him as a person, but no one can compare after his death. People that came after are all degenerate subhumans and "losers", the kind he called out during one of his speeches.


>People that came after are all degenerate subhumans and "losers", the kind he called out during one of his speeches.
Pierce was married five times (no one married that many times is a normal person, no matter how you slice it) and invented a woowoo cult. He's as degenerate as Jim Jones.


These guys are just f*ds. They likely have little gayops trips in The Grampians to show off on 60 Minutes.


Cosmotheism is nowhere close to whatever quackery Jim Jones was on (and who gives if a shit if all those lefty shitskins dumb enough to follow him were mass-murdered, good riddance). It's highly possible he just bullshitted a religion up to obtain tax exemption for a WN organization. At least it paid homage to pagan roots. Don't really care if he was cruel to his Hungarian mail-order brides. Still leagues better than satanic pedo feds or dysgenic retards like Anglin hiding out and copulating with SEAmonkeys.



LMAO even




why are you replying to yourself?


At this point who gives a shit if they've got moles, every organisation ever has had moles. Given NSN aren't committing crimes the moles can't do shit except try to dox you. The price of inaction is shame and the destruction of everything we hold dear, even if the action results in you getting facefagged - because that's all they can do - you are fighting for a noble cause. And unlike cowards and fedjacketers you will be able to look yourself in the face 30 years from now in victory or defeat knowing you tried and made friends for life who'd die for you in the process.

Those little networks of true loyal friends are going to matter more and more over the coming decades, kith and kin are all you can count on as Australia becomes a true anarchotyranny. NSN offers young White men and their families access to what ethnic minorities get without any trouble at all - community and political activism on their behalf. NSN rock and they are more that this nation deserves in its current state.


I checked your links. At absolute worst the messages linked are edgy. O9A are scum but I see zero proof they're involved with NSN other than one guy having an edgy demon tattoo. Gotta admit though any age of consent related talk always gives me the willies. Why these groups always end up discussing it is beyond me.


>And unlike cowards and fedjacketers you will be able to look yourself in the face 30 years from now in victory or defeat
I hear this cowardice cope quite often. NSN are faggots, who didn't achieve anything aside from taking in a bunch of edgy degenerates in and going on protests to get v&. That includes O9A retards, who infiltrate EVERY National-Socialist group and are by default connected with the alphabet agencies, which makes the organization glow even harder. So long as there are memes about "child brides", "BOERS ARE PATHETIC FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO DEFEND THEMSELVES FROM HORDES OF VIOLENT NIGGERS", "DIIIRLEEEEGAAAANG RAPING SLAVIC HOEEEES", "white sharia NOW" and "hurr durr, muh italian wogs" faggotry BUT IT'S ALL MEMES, MAN!, the organization will continue to be faggoty. You are safer with a gun and your own family ( >>90628 ) than with a bunch of ASIO-backed cunts that might make you unemployable or straight-up frame you as some kind of a traitor, if you dare to abandon the group or have some kind of a disagreement with the higher-ups. No thanks and go fuck yourselves.



didn't even click


She thought they were blending lives... he had other plans.



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How does everyone digest that seeing nickacado avocado's asshole was all part of his master plan?


Phagtasm and Avid get erections when they see it.


Speech in question.
But, really, if you look deeper into the whole thing you might as well start realizing the real reason why we're all in this mess in the first place is because Hitler and the rest of National-Socialists that came with him, and it's a hard pill to swallow for a lot of people, were the biggest cucks that ever lived for not making holocaust real and making a bunch of gentiles die in another war.


at no point in this speech does pierce denounce hitler, he's denouncing edgelords that like the image of hitler created by the media

also, he's wrong, "winners" are people doing well under whatever system is currently in place. if you want to destroy that, you need to know how to mobilize losers who rightly or wrongly believe that the system is what made their lives suck. yes, you need winners that have some grievance to get the ball rolling but the majority of their supporters will be losers until your revolutionary party wins. then the old system's winners will all want in. many of the rank and file losers will be able to become winners in the new system, many who were winners in the old system will need to be excluded from the new one.

this is a sort of limit of reactionary thinking, they don't want work with the sort of people who can destroy so they can rebuild. they don't want to rub elbows with the types that could subvert or deceive their enemies. they just heckin want normal people to get fed up and shout "enough"... which is something normal people almost never do.


as an addendum; people like pierce (or ramzpaul heh) are blind to how strange they seem to actual normies

imagine reading passages from the turner diaries for a room full of magapedes, or saying nigger as freely as pierce did in a setting like a city council meeting

normies wouldn't see a difference between that or shouting 1488


Hmm, I don't think I'm completely sure the point you and or Pierce are making. In my unit on Fascism at uni I had a girl write an essay and otherwise make the argument that a huge amount of men attracted to fascism and hitler in the 30s were fatherless. I didn't get much into the argument but it seems very plausible. Also/And if that's true, what's the harm in attracting them? Hitler cared about them, in I imagine the same or in a very similar way I care about my people (and the same way ppl are ethnocentrist and otherwise raceloyal etc in general.


What was the tone, sneering? "Fascism attracts fatherless manchildren"? Pretty retarded if so. Shouldn't come as a shock or sound comical that a bunch of boys turn militant after seeing their fathers murdered 1-2 decades prior.
In one of his broadcasts, he mentions his time with Rockwell and how Rockwell associated with such people, still critical but noticeably ambivalent regarding his feelings toward them.


I didn't read her essay we were just talking about what she was going to write... And she was doing research, so she was smart... I mean this was uni... I think she was smart. I remember her saying she had had enough of Riefenstahl and Olympia and so on. Wasn't sure of her tone, she's a woman anyway, they can be turned "on a dime" so to speak xd.




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Oh no no no
no no no no!

Styx sisters, we got too cocky...!

Previously on Tarl "Styxhexenhammer666" Warwick news: >>74393


Turns out it's not just Styx merely drunkenly throwing a glass at a fireplace and his new girlfriend calling the cops over it and being sent to jail as Ramzpaul initially claimed two weeks ago. ( youtube.com/watch?v=ebIDSSCDYQE ). Sheeeit!


Right-wing internet celebrity with a bloody-nosed girlfriend, remind you of someone else? Cohen-cidence?


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The leaked DMs between Styx and (ex-)GF


The video, leaked by the GF presumably


>“You won’t answer the question, of course, because the question invalidates your particular opinions” lmao. Styx is the most pedantic domestic abuser - @binroy5000, Twitter reply


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Canadian police continue to seek tips from public to help find Élora Patoine, JF Gariepy's wife


Previously: >>67740


It's been over a year. The evidence is long gone. Sorry mounties, you dropped the ball.



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That woman is for billionaire chads ONLY! Let's keep it movin!


I don't think anybody over the age of 14 (at least mentally) would care if people started lynching tourists (mostly niggers) whom disrupt the peace for internet videos. If anything, traveling to another country should compel you to act more polite than you do at home. There are plenty of bad tourists from Asia that come to the West as well, but I don't know of any doing egregious shit like these velcro-heads like Johnny Somali or kikes like Logan Paul do to stream and upload.


>If anything, traveling to another country should compel you to act more polite than you do at home
That's the proper behavior for a guest. Broken human trash don't understand guest or host manners though, or even proper behavior at all



I kinda hope everyone in this clip dies. Two unfunny retards reacting to a gay spic incel retard that says shit this autistic all the time so you can't even tell when he's being serious or not. Having a severe mental disability absolutely has to be a prerequisite to being a groyper.


Spic Fuentes is a dysgenic test tube baby. He never had a chance.


I like using that epithet/name too lol.


It pisses his beaner fans off and makes them start screehing about "wignats".


Yo what was the twitter of that strung up Irish bitch who spat on people etc?



Thanks bud, though "account suspended" thing.






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Her vag looks diseased.


Meh some attention seeking slut. Just wants money. Will never respond to you. Boring.


Send her some XMR, champ.



>throne wishlist
Throne of bloody pads and skidmarked Ojamajo Doremi panties, and begging for vapid shit nobody worth a damn would ever want nor buy for someone else? I'm not clicking any of these links and didn't even go to page with the links by the way.
Merchandise for a nobody...?
>teehee le oldfag im le boxxy but spoopy snowflake smol bean!!!1
Was this retard even alive when Boxxy was relevant? Also, can only imagine just how shit her opinion on film is. Probably just another avenue for her to reinforce her dweeby, fake-edgy e-whore persona 3.


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There are literal toilet lickers >>91792 who will give all their disposable income to her. Just like that one "finsub" cuckold who got rich off the crypto boom and bought an apartment for another OnlyFans whore without getting anything in return.

Kim Kardashian is America's most famous woman (or at least among the top) and became a "self-made" billionaire all because of a leaked sex tape.


Implying I can't use XMR for Ket or something 100x more valuable.


That awkward moment when you forgot to teach the kids the commandment "Thou shalt not commit murder."



your jealousy is showing


What is there to be jealous of? I'm a man and I'm worth more than she ever will be. Keep simping for filth, cuck.


>im a man

no you're not, youre a troon


Stop trying to ERP with me, you deranged faggot. Go choke on nigger dicks like you do every night.


you seem butthurt, try tweaking your hrt dosages or something




no seriously, maybe the hrt is messing with you


No seriously, more projection.


what's your hrt stack?


>NELvid projecting again and again and again
Sorry, small little dude, but most people don't "stack" jewish/brazilian bathtub hormones. Keep polishing those nigger cocks, you moronic loser buttfairy.


there's that hrt rage again


>even MORE projection
Fag is a disgusting organism. Pretty sorry and nasty. Little homo is in a perpetual state of using all its holes on nigger dicks. Amazin'


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It’s a great time for women and their sexual adventures.

Unfortunately, they are going to make us go extinct.

>A recent study from University College London (UCL) found that only one in four 32-year-olds in England who want children are actively trying to have them. When researchers looked at the reasons for why, financial and work pressures were often cited for those born in 1989-90.

>But despite a declining fertility rate in England and Wales since the 1970s, the population has continued to grow, largely because of immigration.

The economic arguments are completely fake. The richest countries have the lowest birthrates and the more economically prosperous a nation gets, the fewer children they have. This is because economic prosperity is tied to woman’s liberation, which is the real cause of falling fertility rates. Women like going around and manipulating as many men as they can find, living it up and having a very fun time.

>Katie, 38, from Wolverhampton, said she previously wanted three children, but being a step parent had changed her opinion due to “the stress” of parenthood. “I’m just happy doing what I’m doing as a child-free woman… not having to be tied to anything,” she said.

Ultimate women’s liberation means a birthrate of 0.


more hrt rage, try adding less plastic bags



This retard is still around?


When will Anglin's dad finally stop paying his bills?


Doug Wilson seems like a fat, smug christcuck faggot.




Barely paid attention to the new Fishtank season, but some gay schizo nigger is the fan favorite it seems. He just masturbates and mutters to himself about sodomy.


kek, Sam Hyde, Charls and Nick would NOT get along with Locknar, Smiley, Retard and Greenpurplepill

They're talking shit about everything from yoga to magick and semen retention, saying you're non-white if you believe in that stuff


Good for them, I guess.


A tree is judged by its fruit


Fingers crossed Johnny Somali will be facing prison (hoping he dies in there too). Stupid nigger muslim faggot.


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why do republican pedophiles think they get to decide who is and isn't white


I get the feeling he'll get a slap on the wrist because the Korean govt wouldn't want to upset Trump or something




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That nigger is 5 foot 4 by the way. Not too far above the booster seat cutoff.


I don't give a toss about height- how big is his willie?


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Nigga revisits the 7-Eleven he made the mess in, and the owner isn't too thrilled


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Watch Trump save this nigger from prison.


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If you wanna prove your masculinity to popular "Manosphere" MAGA conservative commentator Mike Cernovich (Ramzpaul loves this guy), you just need to deepthroat tranny cock like him


There's nothing more masculine than forcing another man to submit to you.


youre literally gay


Depends. Was it a trap or a bimboized dude with fake tits? The latter is unsettling.


Keith throws stones in glass houses these days as he hangs around Funtes.


Well yeah, Mike Fat-o-bitch and Keith Cucks are both massive faggots that nobody should follow.


This is true. The surgically butchered mutants give me the heebie jeebies.

There is nothing gay about railing a cute trap though. In fact it's probably less gay than having sex with a woman.


Do you have any more examples of Keith Woods cucking out? I'm new to his writings and he seems alright so far. When, where, and how did he cuck out specifically?


Go to bed Keith.


Kek what a bullshitter

Full apology (skip to 10:25): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkCLSon5kAo

What's funny is the Koreans are all pissed off at these Korean Youtubers/streamers that he's "apologizing" to, calling them grifters and retards, for giving him an "out" with this PR stunt that they rightly believe was insincere


>I'm cool to die. I ain't got nothing to live for anyway. If I had shit to live for I wouldn't be streaming.



>A U.S. YouTuber is reportedly facing jail time for creating a deepfake video that showed him kissing a South Korean influencer.

>Bongbong reportedly filed a complaint against Somali at the Cheongwon Police Department in relation to the deepfake video but later decided not to press charges against him. However, Dexerto reports that the South Korean government may prosecute him over the AI video instead.

>Somali published the video just months after South Korea passed a bill that criminalizes possessing or watching sexually explicit deepfake images and videos, with penalties set to include prison terms and fines. According to the bill, that was passed by South Korean lawmakers on September 26, making sexually explicit deepfakes with the intention of distributing them is punishable by up to seven years in prison and a fine of 50 million won ($35,500).


The scandal has reached as far as the Korean national assembly watching the Johnny Somali comfort women statue videos.

>When the news of Johnny Somali was published, a member of parliament asked the chairman of the committee on the comfort women issue a question. The chairman avoided giving a clear answer. When the member of parliament asked for immediate measures, including legislation, the chairman responded, "We are monitoring (Johnny Somali)." Ramjikari has finally become an issue at the level of the Korean National Assembly.


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>fact checked


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Johnny Somali threatens return to Comfort Women statue if banned from TikTok


>The banned Kick streamer, infamous for his antics, previously sparked backlash for kissing the Statue of Peace, a monument memorializing South Korean victims of sexual slavery during World War II.

>During a TikTok live on November 20, Somali stated, “If you ban me from TikTok, I’m going back to the statue tomorrow,” contradicting his earlier apology where he claimed his actions were a mistake and vowed to respect the monument. Legal Mindset, a YouTube lawyer, commented, “Johnny making more provocations – he cannot stop digging himself deeper.”

>Somali’s behavior has led to numerous legal troubles in South Korea, including obstruction of business, bomb prank violations, and alleged drug use. He remains unable to leave the country while investigations and charges mount.

>Despite facing significant backlash and a potential legal battle, Somali maintains confidence that he will avoid jail time and eventually return to the U.S. His continued provocations, however, suggest his troubles in South Korea are far from over.


On some video about him, a Korean lady commented that she met him and was surprised by how short he is. Didn't even know it was him at first. Likened him to a chihuahua.


I hope they kill him. It's funny, because I can imagine they're using this incident in North Korea as propaganda to show how cucked the south is, and it would be 100% truthful. If they let him go it's proof that niggers can get away with anything in your country as long as you're a vassal state of the U.S.


The thing that annoys me the most about this guy is that he puts on the super Mario accent when he's talking to people that don't understand English.

Yeah that'll help them understand you, bro.


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He's betting on Trump to rescue him, presumably through diplomatic pressure.


Trump isn't that retarded, is he?




Video of the streamer filing the police report against Johnny Somali for the deepfake kissing video


There is an AI dub for this starting around 5:14. Don't know how accurate it is.


Wouldn't be the first time he saved a nigger after they caused trouble in Asia.



She looks fake and plastic, but even so, it's like looking at an angel next to a demon. He has no place outside of Africa



Niga means you in Korean.


This is hilarious. In all his latest TikTok videos he's wearing the MAGA hat. He's really betting on the Trump card.


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Johnny Somali's streamer friend "Jino" tries his PUA skills on a Korean woman


How vulgar. Disgusting nigger.


I see nothing wrong with this, par for the course. That's an average Trump supporter right here.


How the fuck is Chris Chan gonna support and raise a child, Jesus Christ and god knows the birth defects it will have because of him being on estrogen.


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I'll play devil's advocate.

>How the fuck is Chris Chan gonna support

2x SSDI = 2 * $1700 = $3400
Paetor LLC income = $1400
Child's SSDI dependent benefit (50% of one parent's SSDI) : $1700
Total monthly income = $6500
Total monthly income after 25% combined taxes estimate = $4875
Total monthly income if I misunderstood the SSDI dependent benefit (but I'm pretty sure I'm right): $4800
Total income if no SSDI dependent benefit after 20% combined taxes estimate = $3840

Lynchburg, VA's average 2-bedroom rent: $1200
Child's private health insurance cost (higher-end estimate): $400
Groceries for modest family of 3 (higher-end estimate): $1000
Average US phone bill (2x) = 2* $150 = $300
Average VA electric bill: $200
Average monthly US gasoline cost: $200
Average US internet bill: $80
Miscellaneous expenses cushion: $200
Total monthly expenses: $3580

$4875 - $3580 = $1295 of savings after bills paid
$3840 - $3580 = $260 of savings after bills paid if no SSDI dependent benefit

If he stops receiving his streamer income through his LLC proxy, then with the lower family income the child would most likely be eligible for Medicaid (or CHIP), SNAP and free school lunches, removing the private health insurance cost and reducing the grocery bill. I'm not going to calculate all that but it will still not only break even after paying the bills but also have savings... unless they're completely retarded with finances which does remain a strong possibility.

>and raise a child

Is it really any worse than the millions of children raised by single mothers, representing 1/4 of all children in America? You know what the average single mothers are like, right?


>Is it really any worse than the millions of children raised by single mothers, representing 1/4 of all children in America?
Yeah. He has incredibly strange notions about everything, while lacking a basic understanding of almost anything. This guy is as whacko as they come. He was arrested for having sex with his senile mother FFS.


Going to prison is like a magic spell in the eyes of foids. Get arrested for literally anything and suddenly women who wouldn't give you the time of day want to fuck you.


Wait is that loli the gf?



if source i made it up we're a post


She's not a loli. She might look like a downie, but maybe it's just because she's Finnish.


It is known.


Just be Chris Chan theory. Do you niggas recall jbw from the anti-pua-osphere, I.e Just Be White? Well...


(Just be a felon)


Based because it makes kiwiniggers seethe.
Sad, because that kid will never have a chance.


Kiwiniggers forced to accept that they're bigger losers than the guy they stalk on the internet.


I find it funny that they're a bunch of pearl-clutching faggots, when they're the bastard spawn of ED, and were created to document the every bowel movement of a retard. I would hazard to guess many of them would get V& if anyone saw the contents of their hard drive.


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I can't believe someone actually made a lolcow thread on queen dogi, about time I guess?


Now we will have a ton of hyperfixated dead-end aging autistic faggots unironically using terms like "zoomers" and lolcow.farm whores with dried up eggs watching, gossiping and archiving her every post on telegram, that is unless the shithole they post on will croak like they tend to. All that happening on some bottom feeder, dead nigger baby of a foxdicks splinter of a splinter that is ran by a gay jew from Onionfarms no less, where everyone throws "pedo-pedo-pedo-pedo-pedo" word around like in any other spergatory filled with projecting low status nonces wishing they were Peter Scullies and Jeffrey Epsteins, too afraid to own up to their perversions. The "muh zoomers" cuck probably watches this thread as well. That's a pretty sad life if it revolves around observing a schizophrenic abo and making threads about her, if you ask me. Wouldn't be surprised if it's some kind of a mystery meat /co/ bugman too, who was very sad about his waifu not being a retarded chink like him, but an aussie landwhale instead. Don't forget to take a screenshot of this post, it's on me, might as well motivate you to waste your already transparently fucked existence further.


dunno if i understand your wordslop but just by googling dogisaga she's already been posted about endlessly on redacted's board lolcow.farm and kiwifarms
i find her nonsensically boring


>dunno if i understand your wordslop
You clearly do if you had the need to reply, you fucking idiot.


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>when you ask Daggerfall NPCs for directions


Watched this and found out Terry had a cockatiel he named Percival, and when Percival died, he was distraught and talked about how lonely he was and was waiting to join God while he was working on Temple, and how perhaps ignorance is bliss for "Percival" because "Percival" would have a simple grasp on reality.

As someone who has a cockatiel himself and misses his old ones too, I hope Terry found God and I hope Percival has joined him wherever he is and can understand his code and he's not lonely anymore. I hope Terry is coding for God, and all the computers in heaven have TempleOS running.


The CIA glow niggers hit him with a train. It was an assassination.


He was isekai'ed to heaven.


>worshipping a dead kike on a stick


They've both reincarnated, possibly multiple times already. Maybe their karmic bondage will have them meet again



says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less


These dumb faggots are always so loud. The fat jabbed retard in particular should consider offing himself and Warski should have stopped being relevant long ago and died from coke overdose. Absolutely insufferable tardbabble. These utter failed abortions can't even get straight to the point, they always have to scream from the top of their lungs, especially during donations from bigger retards, just makes me angry.


I mean, I'm not about to defend them, but they're a necessary evil when the typical dramatuber retards ignore this subject. Yes, I entirely agree that they both sound annoying as fuck.


I normally think video commentary is vapid shit, but this was an entertaining segment.


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>there's a leaked video of Destiny sucking dick


Yeah, I thought for sure fuentes would be the bottom. Quite a twist.


lol, lol


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Did some digging on the shit you posted because why not. Strange cohencidences. It's most likely the bored gay chomo from skibidifarms judging by the writing style. Same pattern, quirks and behavior. Writes like a mentally stunted low IQ retard too, another reason why racemixing is bad, I guess. He also seems to like Elaine, so I am sure that it's this faggot.


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Would you look at that. Very obsessive. Anyhow, I can see the reason why he would be mad at foxdicks and poltroons, they wouldn't let the poor NEET hapa affiliated with some discord niggers jerk off to shota, loli and cheese pizza in peace. What a sad cucked failure of a human being.


Discount Elliot Rodger should kill itself.


>goblinsaga has a pedo alt

vile, always knew that fat cunt was evil, probably also responsible for the CP spam here

hdv when are you going to man the fuck up and ban them


Hdv can't resist those juicy funbags.


Lay off the alcohol, moron. It's someone who obsesses over dogisaga (like you), not dogisaga.


shut up you ugly cunt
goblinsaga is a pedo, the post was made after


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Pic related OH NO NO NO NO NO


It amuses me to no end that women find chris-chan attractive now.

Literally all you have to do to get female attention is go to jail for a few months. Doesn't matter what for either. Chris-chan was in prison for fucking his ugly boomer mother ffs.

The best advice you can give to an incel is to tell him to go steal a chocolate bar from a grocery store and spend a month in jail.


File: 1733555323747.png 472.88 KB, 1000x1000, oie_EWffkb7YtglC.png

feel free to distribute this to wherever the fat pig hangs out


File: 1733555420372.png 472.88 KB, 1000x1000, oie_EWffkb7YtglC.png

they don't find him attractive you autistic retard, they're being 'le edgy' and 'le Internet reference' quirky

how about you lay off the smack before you post, you stupid little retard


Chris-chan is a soon to be father with some finnish girl who looks like a loli. But then I wouldn't expect a raging homosexual like you to know the first thing about women.

It's for the best that way. You can BECOME the woman avid! Be the sissy cockslut you were born to be!


Avid, I get that you need your dose of nigger dick, but fuck off.


says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less


You crave nigger erections so much you are going through a psychotic episode right now. This isn't normal. Take a deep breath and get a hold of yourself.


File: 1733558656777.png 397.45 KB, 1012x507, here we go again.png


says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less


Doesn't change the fact the person in the screenshot isn't dogisaga, drunkard. Both xer and xer stalker can be pedophiles.



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pedo scum damage control


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wild and crazy


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I like how he pretends to be someone else, like he totally isn't a part of that discord circle. Maybe he's nervous, I mean, first post in a thread about skibidifarms on that dead shithole, he probably is.


>Nick Fuentes Bodycam. Liberal Stranger Shows up at His House.


You heard it here, folks. He's Mexican, not White. He said so himself.


Oh yeah. Nobody absolutely nobody noticed his last name till now. Thank you Sherlock the mystery is solved.


autistic rat cant comprehend sarcasm


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Damn, didn't know it happened in Madison. Crazy. Shame she couldn't contain her angst long enough to grow up to become a nigger-hating wife and mother. Isn't hollowearthterf or some other weird cunt with a relatively significant online radfem following trying to distance xerself from the shooter?


yeah I'm not reading all of that


Your gnat-like attention span and inability to read are a testament to your angloid peasant genes. You're like an NPC in an RPG who's traded away intelligence for maxed out autism.


I dont really have to read it, it's a 'the world is bad' diatribe from a zoomer, I highly doubt there's anything in it that provokes higher thought, also, you seem incredibly triggered over me saying I don't want to read that, why?


This. There's a million identical posts on reddit and tumblr. A glance tells you exactly what's going to be in it.

Only a foolish person would waste his time thinking about such trash, instead of stuff he actually cares about and enjoys.


You could always [–] the thread if you don't enjoy reading its contents.


You could always [-] yourself avid.


I didn't make that post


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sem'yel hydesteen going hard on them jboys


They recently uncovered Chris Chan's (actual) family tree.

It's...actually fascinating.

He has so many clever and successful ancestors. On both sides which I was surprised about because Barb is fucking dumb. Genes are funny like that. One of his ancestors owned a slave in the 1800s.


I know modernity sucks and all that, and the internet has made us all into weirdos, but man, it would be amazing to tell some of these American frontiersmen, immigrants from England - one of whom got chased by fucking wolves coming home buying meat from the butcher - that some day their descendent would believe fictional characters are real, rape their mother, and think they were born the wrong gender...


>Genes are funny like that.
Given where he lives, he could be inbred. He kind of has the look.

Barb being a boomer, she probably suffers from lead poisoning and complications from early childhood malnutrition as well.


What jackass went out of their way to include Sonichu and friends in that tree, smh


That's the imaginary tree Chris believes in, it's pretty funny satire tbh.


I think you mean Christine, sweaty.



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Is he rite?


You can hate the brown footmen in addition to the kikes and their shabbos collaborators.


It's easy to be right every once in awhile when you change your stance on things every other week.


True. A broken clock is right, twice a day.




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Will "free speech absolutist" Elon allow Ye's latest psychosis?


Ivanka Kushner might tell her daddy to have his paypiggy ban the mean chocolate man.



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Thots on this?


Clear examples showing people being a product of their culture intredast me. Also, putting aside filters and makeup, IMO there's a clear race angle; it's probably hard for them to fathom another race might age differently. I suspect this might also be a case of female intrasexual competition. To me it shows that women can transform into the most vicious nuns (regardless of how sexually sinful their own personal lives were/are, often starting already in their early teens based on American statistics) to keep what they view to be their competition in line (even if they don't realize it). And it's amusing to see the moralizing and the armchair psychoanalysis being thrown around (by both sides IMO) to justify their arguments.


It's not really about one race looking more youthful than another when she's clearly trying to look like a kindergartener.


Am I supposed to be outraged by it? Why should I care how an adult e-thot dresses? What crime was committed and who is the victim?


I never cared what coomers did in their own corner. Sexual deviancy is one of those things I believe should be allowed privately, but should never be praised publicly. The thing is people go looking for this stuff to get mad at. I shit you not, years ago I saw Andrew Anglin retweet a video about a gay twink porn star, where he was talking about how he was worried about looking older due to being type-casted in stepfather porn. Well how did they find that interview in the first place?


Roasts gonna roast


>gay twink porn star, where he was talking about how he was worried about looking older due to being type-casted in stepfather porn

Time to become the stepfather then I guess. Problems weren't.


I don't know if that pans out for manlets.


I don't have social media accounts to cry about it anyway, but it's also not something I can say I feel like defending either.


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If Musk fanboyism could be explained as nothing more than faggotry then that would explain a lot.


Next episode of PGL: Sam stares at his phone while Nick has a somewhat entertaining back and forth with off-screen yes man zoomer. Why the fuck did Nick go back to this loser? He probably could have a great entertainment career if he ever chooses to shed the dead weight.


The only one complaining about this video is a western woman with "she/they" in her profile.


You can clearly see another user questioning it in that screenshot. I bet your glow can be seen from outer space.



You definitely shouldn't be allowed around kids. Can whine about how the only people disagreeing with your based Indian pedo bros are White women all you want, but doesn't change the fact this sort of shit is a red flag betraying your inclinations. Here's a thought: show it to your family and neighbors. Just hit 'em with those airtight arguments about free speech and consenting adults or whatever if they react negatively.


File: 1740505365118.jpg 167.62 KB, 1280x720, 1517653778091.jpg

>bUt WhAt WoUlD lE nOrMaLcAtTlE tHiNk, HuH gOtCHa!!!!1
t. (You) lol


Sounds like you're afraid your arguments defending fetish content where an adult woman tries her hardest to look 7 might not bode well in the marketplace of ideas. How strange!


>nooo you can't find this adult woman larping as a child attractive thats unsafe horny
>ageplay is le wrong think of the theoretical children in my head who are being harmed

Shouldn't you be calling the hoa over a lawn violation or something, Karen?


>ughhhhh like i cant fuck 7 year olds???
>UGHHHH and ppl dont think i should be around kids for beating my microdick like it owes me money to uncanny ageplay attempting to look like 1st graders???
>but im totally attracted to her cuz shes ackychually an adult not cuz she is trying to look 7!!!11
>UgHuGhUgH fucking normalfags/kikes/feminists...
>cp is like aryan evropa tradition or something anyway...
You're a cowardly, mentally ill loser not unlike a faggot and you should kill yourself if not get murdered outright lol.


Supremely butthurt. I'm sure middle aged roasties will sleep with you eventually if you keep repeating thier tired propaganda though. Two more weeks.


Not an argument. I don't want to sleep with anyone. Just hilarious how you're so fucked in the head that you are shocked anyone would take umbrage with you wanting to rape kids, shitskin retard. You've been in onion honeypot echo chambers far too long I guess.


>I don't want to sleep with anyone.
It is you that has the problem. This is unnatural. Wanting to breed healthy young women is GOOD. Asexuality is a disorder of some sort.


>It is you that has the problem. This is unnatural. Wanting to breed healthy young women is GOOD
>t. Rajesh Dikshit
7-year-olds aren't "healthy young women" of breeding age and this has been known since time immemorial, you clueless nigger.
>Asexuality is a disorder of some sort
I'm not asexual, I just don't seek out sexual companionship nor do I consume pornography nor do I make retarded fetishes like pedophilia my entire identity. You're a freak of nature.


>I'm not asexual
>I just hate sex
>I will now proceed to lecture others about why sex is bad on a dead neonazi imageboard

You missed your calling as a baptist pastor.


You can't honestly grapple with what's being said to you. You have a serious mental problem and now you're butthurt that you got pushback for it once you stepped out of your onion hugbox.


You're the only one here arguing that sex is bad and morally grandstanding about le pedophilia (but not really, the girl is an adult).

You're like austrailians who ban small tit porn because women aren't allowed to look too much like kids. It's absolutely absurd prudery only a roasty or an incel could come up with.


File: 1740512284266.png 288.62 KB, 577x449, reminder.png

>You're the only one here arguing that sex is bad
People often discuss sex here and you don't see me ranting at them about it nonstop.
>morally grandstanding about le pedophilia (but not really, the girl is an adult)
>You're like austrailians who ban small tit porn because women aren't allowed to look too much like kids. It's absolutely absurd prudery only a roasty or an incel could come up with
You can keep saying shit like this, but it's obvious why you are attracted to her. It's certainly not because she appears to be a woman of breeding age in these videos. She is producing fetish content wherein she deliberately tries to look like a child, very specifically a prepubescent one. No shit defending that is going to raise eyebrows, dumb fuck. If you had a healthy sexual appetite, you wouldn't be so overzealous about defending this specific content. You told on yourself and now you're trying to backpedal.


Leave Shy Meow-chan Alone!


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You made Shy Meow-chan sad ;_;


You should kill yourself in the messiest way possible


She is cat.



Didn't click, KCnigger from São Paulo. Go back and die in a favela shooting.


Also like how the retarded pedophile nigger has given up on denying anything lol.


Seethe more.


>got assblasted into infinity
>thinks posting more pedo cope owns anyone but itself
lol, lmao


>implying your sludgy schizobabble mixture of strawmen, projections, ad hominems and bad faith arguing is worth anyone's time responding to
Go back to your containment board avid


It's pretty obvious you're the only person assblasted here. You have zero self awareness, holy shit.


Pretty rich coming from some retard that thinks it isn't an obvious pedophile by stating "w-well it's merely an adult trying to look like a kindergartener that gets my tiny pp hard heh!"


Enough pls.


Eat shit


Shy Meow has marked this thread as her territory, and there's nothing you can do about it, faggot ^^

Made me wanna ♫
Kiss Kiss Shy Shy 😘
Zhǐ xiǎng yào hé nǐ yī qǐ ♬


Who even is this person?


Shy Meow.


Breaking: Johnny Somali has just released his first video after disappearing for a few months while awaiting trial in South Korea after having his passport seized.

Spoiler: All he does is talk shit about the Japanese government for some reason.



typical magatard


what a gorgeous adult woman! tfw no wife just like her

I hate republicans so much it's unreal



Japs and asians of all kind deserve this and much worse, maybe with an exception of South Koreans, these guys are less robotic. Couldn't care less.


In addition to you being a chomo coward, it's also off-topic. But this entire board is a clown rodeo. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


jewish hands typed this post


Gooks are on par with the kikes when it comes to empathy and I see nothing wrong with seeing them suffer. This romanticized faggotry of them being somehow "traditional" or "resisting the jewish yoke" is a cope. Yakuza niggers need to be rounded up and shot. This mostly comes from manchildren who love to watch cartoons and have a hard-on on ugly whores from there.


Has it been confirmed that Chris Chan got her pregnant?


No. It has been DEBOONKED.


>asian organized crime exists
>therefore niggers should be in asia
very jewy line of reasoning

a fine woman like that is wasted on a troonsperg

he probably shoots blanks


Chris Chan is VIRILE and ready to breed. The genetic heritage of west virginia (?) will never be the same after his passing.


he's from western virginia, not west virginia


If there is no East Virginia, there should be no West Virginia either. This naming convention needs to be rectified.


Asians, like niggers, do not concern me. Non-whites in general don't, egalitarian kike.


you have two tiers: white and everyone else

I rank races against each other with respect to situational nuance

therefore you are more egalitarian than I am

virginian reunification would be cool


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That is probably true tbh.


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TikTok and pretty much every Chinese app and site is banned in India.


They're instead on Instagram, Linkedin, Github, Facebook et al.


I'm sure Indians still use your normalfag app despite the ban, autismo.


I think culturally they tend to gravitate toward any platform that has a monetization scheme. Indians are obsessed with the grindset and constantly trying new schemes to make a few rupees. The only reason they use facebook is to post ai generated shrimp jesus pictures to make a few cents when it trends with boomers.


File: 1741263785439.png Spoiler Image, 67.12 KB, 1197x2709, 25180 - SoyBooru.png

>Unfortunately, they are going to make us go extinct.

so i aint replying to him. i just wanted to post something. but i am not really into political guy thing
i really like that song and dont know many places where I nomad, i dont like pedokultur or whatever but dont want to wait 800 fucking seconds each time i open 4chan with vpn... oh wait vpn is banned, i do not trust the site though i like some of the posters sadly. anyway here is song listen and enjoy while you can because gooning kills your soul instead.
>maximum file size is xx
nevermind, sorry. i guess you cant have music either.


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>Ramsey's (Johnny Somali's) first day of trial just concluded, he was 1 hour late and came in with his roommate Hank. Both Ramsey's lawyer and Ramsey had no idea about the new charges so they pushed the next trial date for 3 weeks from today, April 9th.

>Ramsey faces a total of 4 charges, 2 counts of obstruction of business and 2 violations of the minor crimes act. Today, he pled GUILTY to 1 count of obstruction (convenience store) and 2 counts of the minor crimes act (dead fish harassment & disrupting subway / bus)



>Is Johnny Somali (Ramsey Khalid Ismael) going to receive a fifth charge? Well, through a drunken daze, it looked like #johnnysomali confirmed it. Legal Mindset gives an explanation about this new charge... You shouldn't have used those deepfakes, Johnny, but thank you! #deepfake

>Once formally indicted by prosecutors, this new charge will likely be a separate case in the Eastern District. Many other uncharged crimes occurred in this District as it is Johnny Somali's residence (Hank Yoo's officetel apartment in Jamsil).

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