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Last thred got mysteriously suddenly disappeared somehow.

How many of these do you watch? ARE YOU EMBARASSED to watch them??

Starting off with hot Turk med girl with conservative dad edition


Are you sure it didn't get bumped off by the nigger tranny spam?




Thats the thread specifically for the unmodern maiden


Pretty sure you first commented about it being gone right after the spam wave, so I assumed it either got pushed off the index due to the spam or maybe was erroneously deleted along with the spam.


Maybe HDV deleted it because he... is a bit GAY! xd

Don't worry I am kidding... OR AM I?! xd



Have commented about this girl before, seriously every "shorts" video now has the same nigger mumble rap ho bitch crack yeh girl go down on me girl yeh come for me girl garbage. What the heck is up with her. Literally can't keep watching. She made some vid where she mentioned being on the pill and has made these "hehe xd" allusions to getting aroused on certain days of the week. Like wtf keep that shit to yourself, have some dignity... WOMAN! Class 404 not found. Alarming.


Was barely listening to the thing I posted, it ended up being some Spanish or BZ mumble blah blah monkey sounds, bom bom ting ting ta "music"


Heh lel nigga music is all bang bang bong bong bah tish bangedy bangedy boom boom la ding ding ding

True White men listen to nothing but either classical or stoner doom

Otherwise we all know the White man's music and other ventures post ww2 have just been outlets for expressing respressed fascist and otherwise ethnocentric desire, desire that we can't express openly or verbally and so on


>Like wtf keep that shit to yourself, have some dignity... WOMAN! Class 404 not found. Alarming.
It's better for sluts to be open so there's no misunderstanding. On dating apps on the other hand they play this game where they say they only want "serious relationships" when in fact they actually only want one-night stands and flings. It's unclear why they do this nonsensical lying, but one reason might be they don't want to be perceived as sluts (they want to lie that they're not) because parts of society still shame them and it's seen as negative, as evidenced by you. Shaming (by itself) never works, it just turns people into liars.


I don't watch any of this shit. These girlboss white-collar workers look like their jobs are just adult daycares. It's unsurprising why everything involving electronics is getting pozzed.


How do I get this level of self-control


Here's another, she has this sexy 20yo-approx-etc fat distribution


I don't know. I want to say my libido might finally be failing, but I still wake up with wood all the time (almost never have remotely sexual dreams) and I haven't ever been ultra turned-on by interacting with women before or after the scamdemic (only worth noting because I used it as an excuse to retire from traditional work early and subsequently don't go to public spaces much anymore).

Maybe you think women are less stupid than they actually are. I don't hate them by any means and I do think they can be nice to look at, but they never evoke strong feelings for me. I might be schizoid or something like that, however.


vlogging your own and family life at like 18 or 24 with no regards of privacy as a theatric spectacle for thirdworlders (w/ somebody pro-editing the videos and adding thumbnail images) is completely sane and normal and dignified (like lip injections), which only leaves one question unanswered

which one of these broads is



be the WHALE sending them $100k

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