No.98972[Last 50 Posts]
It's that time again. Fug. 8-D
>>>/lounge/95935Archive: No.98977
>>98976I thought you said that game was shit.
>>98977It is, which is why I haven't played it in awhile now. I was pretty much just logging in once daily to reset my offline XP cap a long time before I stopped. It's just RuneScape skilling without the fun economy, minigames or socialization.
>>98987Used Toyotas from the 90s with 300,000 miles are selling for more now than they costed brand new, inflation aside. They're typically 10-15k, maybe more
>>98987>America>public transitGood joke anon.
>>98988I'm seeing much lower prices on Facebook Marketplace, nothing of the sort you're claiming.
>>98987Bottled water was more expensive than coca cola last time I was in the states. I don't think most foods are more expensive though, but Americans don't know how to cook so they prefer precooked frozen slop.
>>98988My '99 Toyota has been in the shop for months :(
>>98990I spent about a month looking for a pre-'89 Hilux or 4runner, or a 90's RAV4 at worst. Before '89 Toyota produced vehicles in the Tahara Japanese factory and they were completely indestructible. Each model could easily hit a million miles with minimal, basic maintenance work
In '89 Toyota started manufacturing in America and of course the quality took a huge nosedive in the garbage market of planned obsolescence
Find me a pre-'89 Hilux or 4runner with less than 300k miles. Find me an old Toyota that isn't an expensive 15k scam sold by Mexicans with fake rolled back miles. It's like looking for a unicorn
>>98996I was thinking more about mid-size to subcompact. Pickup truck and SUV prices have gone insane because apparently everyone wants one now for whatever reason and is willing to pay whatever the price, without even bothering to negotiate. Does every man in America now want to become a roofer and farmer or something? And apparently they don't give a shit about fuel efficiency. Don't know what's going on there.
>>98998Chuds buy trucks to feel masculine. Women buy SUVs because it's a compromise between the guy who wants a pavement princess truck and the woman who wants a minivan.
Nobody gives a shit about fuel efficiency. Nobody uses vehicles for work. It's just a form of peacocking.
>>98998>Pickup truck and SUV prices have gone insane because apparently everyone wants one now for whatever reason and is willing to pay whatever the price, without even bothering to negotiateRetards buy huge vehicles for peacocking as
>>98999 pointed out, but what I don't understand is why this effects the obscure market of 80s Toyotas. An 80s Japanese vehicle isn't peacocking
>>99005The government wants to see avid's onlyfans.
>>99006The BBC double entendre.
Speaking of porn. I've noticed a lot of porn sites are blocked in Florida due to recent legislation. I think it's misguided boomer retardation. Firstly, since the genie is already out of the bottle, I imagine any attempts to ban the coomer drug are going to be especially unpopular. Secondly I doubt kids are primarily exposed to porn via mainstream websites if that is indeed the intent. They would have to crack down on porn heavily, the same way they do with cheese pizza to make a dent.
>>99015It's a transparent attempt to censor the web to "protect the children". The same tactic republicans have used to push their agenda since time immemorial. It's always to protect the children who are allegedly threatened.
why are white people so bad at budgeting?
decided to visit the leftard site for some cringe, and stumbled upon this sticky
>$90/mo for hosting lol
it costs hdv $4/mo for 4chon's hosting (which provides 160GB storage, 512MB RAM) and $1.50/mo for the domain (calculated from $18/yr for godaddy annual renewal which is a rip-off, i told hdv to switch to namesilo to reduce the domain renewal price to $9/yr but refused for some reason, think he claimed he has some discount or something but i think it's laziness, w/e)
this guy claims vichan running leftypol requires 8GB of RAM due to "mysql memory spikes", that is nonsense. he is ignorant and never bothered to configure mysql from its extremely excessive defaults (because yes if you do leave it as is, it'll take all the RAM it can get because the defaults are admittedly for bloated corporate sites, not regular sites), you do have to be a bit eccentric like myself to play around with the INI config file. mysql fundamentally does not require much RAM. you can easily configure it to use only 50 MB of RAM, and things should still function fine, there won't be any OOM (out of memory) errors. the only drawback is that queries may take a little longer (since fewer common queries will be in cache) and this may be noticeable when you have a ton of people posting at once, but even with leftypol's PPH of 82 according to their front page, the potentially increased delay wouldn't be noticeable, i estimate maybe an extra 500ms in the absolute worst case scenario if you have two people attempting to post within the same few seconds.
like bruh no one has to believe me, one can just google this shit bet you could run vichan with leftypol's traffic on 256 MB RAM easily, you just have to make sure to change MySQL's and PHP-FPM's defaults to use less RAM, and have a large enough swap file (aka virtual memory) on the storage of maybe 512 MB and you shouldn't get OOM errors
not sure why they need a "devops" server either, just spin up a 5GB storage debian Xfce VM on virtualbox on your own PC lol, they're acting like this is a bank or PlayStation Network, not an imageboard
not gonna to bother posting in that thread, they'll just call me transphobic or something and ban and/or ignore me
just had to blog and sperg about this because this is like a microcosm of the corporate and government worlds, so much waste and complacency, people being wasteful really irks me, it's like spoiled amerilards who leave a lot of shit on their plates at restaurants
>>99020Reminds me of ye old internet days where site admins would lie about their hosting fees to solicit donations or as an excuse to have ads.
>>99024Not to mention they're a broke bum anyway if 90 dollars a month is a huge deal
>>99025then u have the same mindset as them. not everyone is lucky and born into wealth and easily gets cushy high-paying ameriburger jobs. the point is they don't need to waste $90/mo
also i bet u don't take off ur shoes when u enter a home, including ur own. amerilards, not even once
>>9902690 dollars a month is 3 dollars a day. It's not an amount that's reasonable to solicit donations for. By all accounts I'm extremely cheap, but if you can't scrounge 90 bucks in 2025 you are well bellow the poverty line and running a website probably shouldn't be a priority.
>>99027False, and I bet you don't even have housing expenses to be concerned about, unlike "rich Americans". Every turd world nigger seems to own their own flat outright at a minimum. They have nothing to pay for, get to keep the grand majority of their income, and still whine about how poor they are.
>Oh boy I wish I was like those rich Americans with their mortgage payments and their car payments, and needing to work 3 more months a year than the average country. No.99032
>>99031thinking it's ok to pay $90/mo for a site when it should cost small fraction if you just spent a few minutes tinkering with some settings is like thinking it's ok that a modern chat app (e.g. discord, slack) should require hogging 1 or 2 GB of RAM when the exact same functionality was done in the late 90s with just 32 MB of RAM
this is why the chinese could get deepseek working with just $5M while u amerilards are spending hundreds of billions of dollars on "AI" for worse outcomes (assuming it's not mostly just another money laundering wealth transfer to your rich)
or hundreds of billions of dollars to defeat russia while they have a much smaller military budget and are still winning
>>99032All tech faggots are scammers, and I agree with you, but 90 dollars isn't a lot of money these days in the first place is all I'm saying. While it is an unnecessary waste of money, it's also a comical amount to ask for.
>>99020>why are white people so bad at budgeting?The aryan soul rejects jewishness.
For real though I think most people just have other things on their minds and don't really give a shit about minmaxxing their budget.
>looking for a discussion about one of evola's books
>get reddit result
>give it a chance and click it
>same 2-3 retards are shitting the discussion up to cry about le heckin' racist fascist bad man instead of discussing the content of the book
Why the fuck is Reddit always one of the top results on search engines when it produces so many threads of butthurt and snarky dorks trying to dab on someone instead of answer any questions? These same faggots complain about anonymous boards being "toxic", but I've gotten some good advice without much heckling the few times I requested it from places like 4chan over the years. I really hope these "people" get mugged and subsequently murdered by niggers.
>>99037>For real though I think most people just have other things on their minds and don't really give a shit about minmaxxing their budgetIf this was true then the site admin wouldn't be publicly begging for small amounts of money. The admin is a shameless moron that does in fact care about $90/month
>>99037i think ur right, ill stop caring how others spend money, ill only help my parents not get scammed and find good deals, not like anyone else would listen, no such thing as free will anyway, just automatons that go around breeding to buy iphone pro maxes and play FIFA
>>99051It's a problem with search engines in general. They either don't index other forums or don't bother listing them.
To be fair reddit posts are often a better result than the ai generated fake websites that flood search results. Sometimes, rarely, you can find some sort of answer to a query in a reddit thread between the dumb puns and moral grandstanding.
There isn't really a good site for actual discussion anymore. Most people use discord or other apps like that. The world wide web is basically dead.
>>99068>They either don't index other forums or don't bother listing them.And discord, which can't be indexed, killed a lot of niche forums.
>Sometimes, rarely, you can find some sort of answer to a query in a reddit thread between the dumb puns and moral grandstanding.99% of the time the best answer they can provide is the top result they found on google anyway. Sometimes they want to be helpful(or they want the goodboy points for it), but it's the blind leading the blind.
>>99084>99% of the time the best answer they can provide is the top result they found on google anyway.You're not wrong, but it depends on what the question is. If it's anything technical, than yeah, they're fucking useless. But if it's something normal, sometimes you can get something of worth.
Gotten a few decent book recommendations, recipes, and that sort of humdrum stuff from reddit threads. Most media recs suck because redditors have shockingly bad taste, but books are usually okay.
Like I said there's nowhere else to really discuss anything anymore though unless you join a discord cult. You sure as shit can't have a genuine discussion on an imageboard these days.
>>99087>You sure as shit can't have a genuine discussion on an imageboard these daysWhat makes you feel this way? Not trying to say message boards are primarily utilized as places for cerebral, educational and respectful discussion, but I do believe there is relatively more thoughtfulness to be found in such places compared to websites such as Reddit.
>>990884chon is an outlier, at least since foky left. There are still a few old guard here. If I go to 4chan, let's say I go to /lit/ and look for book suggestions. All I'll see is shills, spam, and trollposts. Many of the threads are about the bible, most others are about very shitty pretentious books that the users there haven't even read. People have an extremely contrarian attitude, and are so irony poisoned that they couldn't give a genuine opinion if they wanted to.
It is the same if I go to /v/ and look at people discussing video games. They argue from a position that is not genuine. A new game comes out, and they decide they hate it right off the bat unless it's pornographic, because it's just part of the board culture at this point to be contrarian and excessively negativistic. There's no thought to be found at all here.
God forbid I go to /pol/.
The thing about imageboards is, people using imageboards don't seem to have any interests outside of using imageboards. They don't play video games, or read books, or engage in political activism, or anything, so it isn't really surprising they don't have the ability to genuinely discuss any of these topics. Redditors ironically have more interests, even if those interests tend to be soy/lame.
>>99092I can't get behind that idea. I hate discord and if successful it would probably supplant the board if anything.
>>99093This. I enjoy the imageboard format. I can't see a discord group being as comfy, and I dislike the idea of a non-anonymous environment.
>>99092HDV doesn't even post here anymore. It's some other guy running the site.
>>99089>4chon is an outlierNo, it isn't. There are plenty of alt boards that are shit, too, but there are also good boards outside of 4chan. And 4chan was still botted, but fine for technical advice last time I used it several years ago. I'm guessing there are still real people that like to help others even now.
>>99092Honestly, you seem pretty suspicious by pushing this idea so much.
>>99092There's been like multiple chon discords. If they didn't work the first three times why would they work now, fed-kun?
>>99099I don't go to 4chan for technical advice, so I wouldn't know. My interests lie in other areas.
I can't think of a good altchan since 8chan shut down. Lainchan maybe? It's full of trannies though and not really the sort of place that interests me.
I hate 2FA so god damn much it's unreal.
>Must have a password with 12 characters and at least one capital, one number, and one special character for every fucking account you make
>Sometimes the password criteria is even more complex and it isn't even spelled out for you if you forget your password
>Need to remake your password every 3 months
>Need to get SMS every god damn time you log in
>Need to fill captcha some times
>Password recovery can be like pulling teeth, I hope you still have access to that phone number or email you were using!
>>99095He posts here sometimes.
>>99092>>99095>>99106I heard HDV died
>>99101remember avid's server? he baleeted it because he couldn't figure out which one of us was fake avid (it was all of us lel)
>>99105What you described doesn't sound like 2FA, though. Sounds like common sense, especially because services you have to sign up for have incompetent IT niggers behind their upkeep. I get annoyed by password requirements more because they don't allow me to create ones past certain lengths (like 100 or 128). I don't know if it's the most reliable or up-to-date site, but I routinely check haveibeenpwned. That's in spite of using a dozen emails along with unique passwords for every single thing any are signed up for. 2FA is like linking shit to your phone or Google/Microsoft accounts, though I don't really mind 2FA if it allows just referencing another secure email.
>>99107What are you talking about? We are the real Avid.
>>99105That stuff makes sense for like, a bank account, but you end up seeing it in places that don't matter at all like a fucking twitter account.
>>99102Try chan city and patience. You can probably have decent discussions about something you're interested in by browsing more small boards and giving people time to respond.
>>99108>What you described doesn't sound like 2FA, though. I guess I expanded the scope of my complaint before posting. I was inspired to write it after forgetting the password and email I used for an account, and then after I had remembered the email I needed for the account, I forgot the password for the email I needed in order to reset my password for the other account, and every time I tried to guess the password for the email I was forced to do a shitty captcha. "Cyber security professionals" are actually sadists I'm pretty sure.
>>99110Yeah, and a lot of these sites shouldn't require registration in the first place, but I need to jump through hoops just to download something off of some random forum I might never use again for example.
>>99099>>99101Discord is the future. We should all be using our real names there and discussing our secret plans with each other
>>99120Maybe it cleared your sinuses.
>>99109I'm FoKvid, you're FoKvid, we are PhanDV!
>>99113putting my dawks name in the name field
Finally got a steady 50K a year job. I'm gonna be rich and can spend my free time fucking east European whores.
>>99175I hate this lip syncing shit. Tiktok is responsible for this and should be banned. Why has Trump forsaken us?
>>99177>lip syncing I don't see it. My eyes might be going boomer.
>>99178Might be on my end. Ever since I screwed with my GPU settings everything is fucky.
>>99178Not seeing it either. Vid is sped up tho.
There hasn't been a (non-spam) post in /new/ in nearly a week.
Delete it. Kill this blight on 4chon before it's too late!
One Board.
One Chon.
Retvrn to Tradition.
>>99181Return to the void, nigger.
>>99182I just did. Nobody was posting there. There is no reason for /new/ to exist and if HDV was still alive he'd delete it.
>>99184That meant die, you busybody faggot.
>>99181>Retvrn to TraditionTradition would be a return to three boards you goober. /r9k/, /new/, and /meta/ AS GOD INTENDED.
>>99192I prefer HDV's comfy tradition to STEE's shithole.
>>99181>>99184I've been saying this for over a year at least lol.
>>99195And nobody agreed because it's a retarded complaint heh
>>99195You are a man of wisdom.
>>99196They did though. In fact there was no /new/ for a long time and HDV randomly brought it back to be foky's litterbox pretty much.
>>99200>a-and me a-and *sniff* my s-sockpuppet said...!Cool story, busybody retard. You could always fuck off instead of raise insincere fusses about non-existent issues.
>>99200Yeah. Now that foky is gone it doesn't really serve a purpose, not that it ever worked to contain that tard.
>>99201Why you are so defensive over /new/? You don't even post there.
Nobody does. LOL!
>>99204Prison island bans yet another thing. Not surprising.
>>99220cp spam (which you probably posted) stays up there for hours or days because nobody visits the board and reports it, including the mods. It's a problem for the security of the site.
Retarded manchild. Kill yourself.
>>99222>erm ackychually u posted that thing i have on my hard drive lol ownedYou have no fucking clue what you're saying at this point. The CP spammer that hits tons of alt boards hasn't posted here since the VPN ban. Pedophiles always end up arguing like kikes, deflecting and projecting. You're very mad that your fetish porn got called out earlier.
>>99222There is no more CP due to the VPN block, last one posted was 2/15/2025.
>>99181>>99218>There hasn't been a (non-spam) post in /new/ in nearly a week.>it doesn't really serve a purpose/new/ serves at least to absorb spam lol. Just ignore it or think of it as a very slow board.
>>99227It wasn't a cp image, but there was a link posted yesterday to a discord server, with a suspicious message. The day prior, another thread with a link (can't remember where to). He's just changed up his tactics I think.
>>99225The day when the UK government takes away your internet access will be a good one, avid.
>>99229I'm not your boogeyman, you pedophile idiot.
>>99231Sure thing avid. Don't you have some bbcs to suck or something?
>>99232You should suck some buckshot out of a shotgun barrel, retard.
>It wasn't a cp image, but there was a link posted yesterday to a discord server, with a suspicious message. The day prior, another thread with a link (can't remember where to). He's just changed up his tactics I think
There has been a falseflagging nigger spamming another board recently and it has adopted the "innovative" strategy of accusing others of what it's guilty of. Retard can't even recall a radio thread or discord thread posted elsewhere. Honestly, if you're enough of a fucking retard to fall for this shit-stirring pedophile nigger's crap, go ahead and ban me. One less website I have to care about getting assraped by bored trolls.
>>99245I would prefer that you stay. I like you despite your occasional aloofness. No one's perfect. I don't hold grudges.
>>99247I don't give a shit what you prefer. Your failure to handle disingenuous posters with obvious agendas won't be earning you my vote of confidence either way, nigger.
>>99251It's a (mostly) free speech board, we don't discriminate by "agendas." That's why was created in the first place.
>>99253Bla, bla, bla. Kill yourself.
>>99256You can always leave.
>>99260You can always fellate a shotgun barrel
>>99266I mean you asked to be banned. Are you being compelled to post here, that you need to be banned to leave? Just turn the computer off. That easy.
>>99272It's also really quick and easy to turn the top half of your head into red mush if you suck a shotgun barrel and pull the trigger
>>99323I'm not avid, you drooling nigger retard, but I guess he turned out to be less of a faggot than you future chomos.
>>99326We're all friends here, you don't have to be so mad. It's not your fault, Avid. It's not your fault.
>>99328I can see why avid hates you freaks now. This shithole really is a loony bin.
>>99323I think it's obvious Avid had some sort of early childhood trauma given his ahh, obsession. You could probably write a psychology paper on his meth fuelled freakout yesterday. Dude has as much as admitted to being a tweaker in the past and he's clearly relapsing.
>TiktokI will never forget when tiktok decided that a sports tournament near where he lived in scotland was going to be nuked, and decided to hide in his bathtub all night while posting on 4chon. It was the wildest of rides. Dude was completely unhinged.
Tiktok worked at an amazon warehouse and that's gotta drive anyone nuts to be fair.
>>99333>>99334Because people who aren't pedophiles definitely choose to die on the hill of fetish content about trying to look like a grade-schooler. Get real, fucking faggot.
>>99331Why don't you post both canned responses you planned for whether I said yes or no, champ.
>>99331Despite living in the UK avid is white. Growing up in Birmingham around a sea of pakis must have rubbed off on him (in more ways than one) though because he acts like a jeet on the internet.
Apparently they can sell THC seltzers in Florida gas stations due to some legal technicality. Local recreational drug peddlers are on suicide watch if the contents are actually of the advertised 20MG THC.
>>99343>>99334post your goyhole for us jews to enjoy, slutvid.
>>99353Don't use legal THC products from Florida. They're 'hemp derived' which means that Frankenstein bullshit was involved to make a product with high THC levels from a 0.5% THC plant. They're contaminated with God knows what
>>99356I don't touch the herbal Jew. It's just something I noticed.
>>99357Aryans were smoking weed and rolling in chariots across the Eurasian stepp for millennia before j*ws crawled out of their caves
Air fryers and microwaves both seem completely useless, or at least vastly inferior to a normal stovetop. Don't know what people see in them.
>>99359Depends what you are cooking and how fast you want it.
>>99361What cooks well in an air frier? I've tried french fries (seemed like an obvious choice) and they were about equivalent to oven fries, and worse than deep fried fries.
Microwave can reheat leftovers quickly but anything cooked in it turns out rubbery and wierd.
>>99362>What cooks well in an air frier? I've tried french fries (seemed like an obvious choice) and they were about equivalent to oven fries, and worse than deep fried fries.Despite being called an "air fryer", it in fact is not a fryer. Think of it as a small oven, and consider why you might need a small oven. It is a meme as a fryer replacement and is disingenuously advertised.
>Microwave can reheat leftovers quickly but anything cooked in it turns out rubbery and wierd.Some things come out better than others. We sacrifice for speed sometimes. The microwave is rarely an ideal choice for anything.
>>99363So it's basically a toaster oven but harder to clean? I see. In that case, I guess it could probably do some chicken wings or something.
>>99364Yeah, a toaster oven is probably strictly better in most cases. Air fryers kind of suck, and you may even need to flip over what you cook sometimes. I use mine basically because I already have it and I don't have a toaster oven. Good thing it was only 40 bucks.
Made some tortilla chips from scratch today. Had some nice salsa in the fridge I wanted to eat and didn't feel like driving to a grocery store for chips. Turned out nice. Probably too much work to justify doing it normally though, since I ended up pre-cooking the tortillas before deep frying them.
Made a strange soup in the slow cooker with stuff I had lying around. I intended on making tomato soup at first, so I purred some squash, tomatoes, and onions, but then I decided to add ground pork for some reason, and now I have this pork soup that's basically stew broth as a result of putting in too much pork and not enough tomatoes. It's pretty good, but not what I was expecting. It is serviceable as something to eat with sandwiches.
>>99408Doesn't sound too bad.
I think my coffee mug is plotting against me. Every morning, it waits until I'm halfway to work to reveal the tiny crack that leaks scalding coffee onto my hand. Coincidence? I think not. It knows. It always knows.
>>99421I'll get a thermos when my mug apologizes.
God i am dead wtf. My toes are so blistered from going out and approaching last fri i think it was. Really can't walk much, want to go out but I just can't. At least I have drugs and ice cream. Bought a soda maker recently and it works perfectly BTW. Sodastream Art. Highly recommend. I had analysis paralysis for so long on it, so that's me giving value if you're the same. Get that one it's great.
>>99419It's watching you masturbate and judging you.
>>99426>My toes are so blistered from going out and approaching last fri i think it was. Really can't walk much, want to go out but I just can't. For the amount of time and effort you've been putting into this, you do not seem to be getting very good results.
>>99428Idk, but I keep trying
A dozen eggs are now $10, what the fuck?
>>99461Kind of strange how bees and chickens are suddenly dying off en masse from supposed disease at the same time. I was watching a stream of a guy who keeps bees, and he said that normally if a hive is fucked up, you're gonna see a lot of dead bees, but his hives have gone empty for reasons he can't understand.
>>99462Kikes aren't exactly fond of bees, just so you know. Of course normalfags would call you a schizophrenic if you dared to say such a thing, but yeah. Bees make kikes seethe for some reason.
>>99462Chickens are being genocided by humans because of fraudulent PCR tests. They're not dying from disease. It's the same shit they did with the scamdemic
>government tests healthy chicken with PCR test>they run it on infinity cycles until it tests positive>sorry goy, your chicken has the flu>we have to kill everythingThey don't want peasants having an easy source of safe quality food. Eggs interfere with ACE2 receptors also, which is one of their avenues of attack
They're probably going to start injecting chickens with mRNA poison to poison the egg supply, then they'll claim that the bird flu pandemic is over and the goyim will happily eat mRNA goy-b-gone
>>99465They don't want independent bee farmers to produce their own honey. No goyim are allowed to leave the kosher supply chain.
>>99469Ironically you should
only be eating kosher food right now, unless you literally produced the food yourself
>>99470I don't mean kosher food. I mean they don't want you to get your food from sources they don't control.
>>99473Right, which is why there's shit like raw milk bans and licenced butchers. A lot of it is simple economics. If people do things themselves or participate in an underground economy, it doesn't generate any gdp.
>>99462>>99468What confuses me, and maybe I'm a retard, but isn't the best way to fight illness to get ill? That's what boosts immune systems. We don't randomly kill people for getting the sniffles, why are we killing chickens and bees and whatever else instead of letting them work it out the natural way? I know the answer is because Jews but come on now.
>>99465Jews are literally the wasps of humanity.
>>99471rip memories of chon skype channel
>>99480>What confuses me, and maybe I'm a retard, but isn't the best way to fight illness to get ill? That's what boosts immune systems. We don't randomly kill people for getting the sniffles, why are we killing chickens and bees and whatever else instead of letting them work it out the natural way? I know the answer is because Jews but come on now.The chicken flu could be transmitted to humans through undercooked meat, and it would kill baby boomers and the severely immunocompromised. That's the justification anyways. Same justification for locking down for covid, which exclusively harmed boomers.
>>99481If people are eating undercooked chicken meat then maybe they don't deserve to live.
>>99471at some point you had calls and chats and screen sharing that just werked w/ <100MB of RAM client written in cpp in 2000s and it used p2p
'skype' brand has been a reskin of msft xboxlive chat network client since like 2010-ish just like the 'teams' electron pajeet shitware now so who cares at this point
windong 11 maxxes out 16G of ram w/ office outlook, teams and 4 browser tabs. windong 11 ui is made in react """"""native"""""" so everything is msedge2webview.exe
abhorrent shitware
>>99482Likewise if you're in such a poor state of health that a flu takes you out, but we're expected to bend over backwards to protect boomers and their poor life choices. There isn't any logic, it's just pandering to the "every life is precious" crowd.
>>99585We must bring jobs home for the incoming wave of pajeets!
I have an old Toshiba laptop that's been sitting around for years after the screen stopped working. Recently I've decided to finally get it fixed. One guy I called said that he could get the files off of it but wouldn't repair it because he didn't fix computers that old. Another guy said he'd give it a look, and possibly could fix it, but that it was preferable to just get the files off and move onto something new with Windows 10 or 11. He said that it "wasn't safe" to access the internet with anything as old as having Windows 7 and then tried to sell me on $400 laptops he was selling. I'm going to take the laptop in so that he can at least look at the thing, but why do I feel like both of these guys are trying to scam me?
>>99585lol no
>>99585Nothing can prevent death for one who has a legion of parasites in control and refuses to even acknowledge them plus blatant disregard for biological realities. Perhaps after this beast goes down we will have a Mormon theocracy pop up but the same problems would eventually lead them here too. By parasites I mean not only the upper crust of semites but across the board a ppl without honor or shame
>>99613It is scam. Just take the hdd out and call it a day.
>>99615The problem with electronics these days is they're usually not even worth fixing because electronics have become cheap, while replacement parts have become difficult to find.
>>99613Why not just get a phillips head screwdriver and gently open it yourself to see there's no obvious issue like a loose/unplugged connector from the screen to mainboard, or it's too bent/chewed-up around the hinge? Then you'll know whether you need to just order a connector (~$10) or screen replacement ($50-$100), and the latter shouldn't be too difficult since there should be youtube or ifixit tutorials / teardowns / disassembles for your laptop model.
>>99619(Although if it has a discrete Nvidia or AMD/ATi GPU as opposed to an Intel iGPU of AMD APU, don't bother fixing the laptop, since those are designed to have a lifespan of 3 years so it might not be a screen issue)
>>99613They are trying to scam you, but they raise a point in that it usually isn't worth fixing a computer that old. Toshiba doesn't even exist as a company anymore, so it's not like they make replacement parts. Getting a new (used) laptop in functional condition and swapping the hard drive into it would be cheaper probably.
>>99613>He said that it "wasn't safe" to access the internet with anything as old as having Windows 7 and then tried to sell me on $400 laptops he was selling. I'm going to take the laptop in so that he can at least look at the thing, but why do I feel like both of these guys are trying to scam me? Bro, don't waste your time. Get a thinkpad off amazon for like 200 bucks. This guy is a scumbag.
>>99748You didn't end up paying for it, right?
>>99749$100 for him to look at it and download everything onto a 250 gig flashdrive. He was an old lonely man with a dog on a rainy day, it's not that major of a loss. Now I just need to actually buy a new laptop.
>>99748Heh, I'd play it.
>>99753You got ripped off, but eh. Glad you got your stuff.
>>98980>You have therefore learned that even a gentile who engages in Torah study is considered like a High Priest. How does it feel to be a high priest?
>>99877Side ponytail is goat foid hair
>>99880I don't know if many women can pull off the look.
>>98980Y'Know I have always felt anti jewish ppl are a little harsh on the Hebrew rules about how gentiles aren't ppl because in my studies of the ancients, they are all kinda like that. Plenty of greeks like aristotle said non Greeks were only fit to be slaves.
Any cohesive group that lasts needs to consider those outside as non-human.
>>99891greeks said that millennia ago
jews say it now
The Greek manly masculine men used traps and twinks to drain their balls. It's not gay as long as the balls don't touch.
>>99901It is literally gay, but you may maintain your dignity if you don't bottom.
>>99901It is the pleasure of a civilised man.
I've noticed that every fatfuck streamer is always eating on stream, while non-fatfuck streamers take a dedicated lunch break.
Despite the STEM gender gap, most of the researchers at this B.C. AI lab are women, so these women must be doing something useful and productive for soyciety, for the benefit of everyone, right?
>"I've taken a number of years off to take care of my daughter and I've come back to school and [the lab] is very supportive of my personal needs," said PhD candidate Meehae Song. Currently, Song is using AI-enhanced, wearable sensors to collect physiological data that can help people practise meditation and mindfulness. Her 16-year-old daughter comes to the lab with her and helps her with the research by wearing the sensors.
>Master's student Charlotte Hou, who previously obtained a master's in negotiation and conflict resolution from Columbia University, is developing an AI model to help women in the corporate world negotiate raises. Users can talk back and forth with a male boss until the AI character agrees to give them a raise, allowing women to gain confidence in a realistic but low-risk setting, said Hou. "I wanted to empower women … to fight for what they deserve," she said, adding that women could also use the AI model to practise for job interviews or other ways to advance their careers.
>Lisa Willis, an assistant professor of biological sciences at the University of Alberta, says despite more women being in STEM now, there’s still work to do to make women feel more welcome in those spaces. Currently, her lab is 100 per cent women. "That's not because I'm screening out men," she said. "It's because women want to work somewhere where they will be seen and valued and be able to be successful."This is what Canadian taxes are allocated towards.
>>100011Not so different from most other techscams tbh. At least they're honest about producing useless shit.
>>100011Ai somehow manages to be a bigger scam than blockchain.
>>99933Feels like they did it intentionally to flex on Americans heh.
>>99930Thank you. Already using this information to harass boomers
Tired of gas station pajeets not putting prices on anything in their store. They're probably ripping people off.
Seems like most music is satanic and designed to get negative messages stuck repeating in one's head. They're programming our collective subconscious to direct the demiurge into keeping us enslaved, unhealthy and unhappy