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 No.95935[Last 50 Posts]

Ey, uh, heh-heh just, uh startin' uh, 'nother thread, y'know? Heh-heh...
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wear cowl


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Reptile owners are always the creepiest fucks. There's something deeply evil about people who form attachments to snakes.


I miss the le moa background 4chon used to have heh. The themes we have here aren't bad but there was something endearing about that guy.


True, we need le moa
Also a le moa flag would be cool. Either using the world famous scientific illustration or the sprite from Live A Live heh




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*blocks your path*




based Jared taylor poster


>the jews? the jews are fine by me. look h'wite to me.



I think I confused Barney's mannerisms with Yogi's. Not enough Ey boo-boo, too much heh-heh.


hey, boo boo, I'm gonna tell you about niggers and jews
one will steal your pic-a-nic basket and the other will give you a high interest loan to buy new one


Ashkenazi are mostly German, unironically. Also thanks dev


They're still mongrelized, plus they choose to distinguish themselves from Whites as well as encourage attitudes and pursue policies that are detrimental to the well-being of Whites. It's not really news that jews deliberately rape themselves into the gene pools of other races either. The more German they can appear, the better they can disseminate harmful propaganda among Germans.


hold on

let me spend

an entire afternoon

updating shit like
in a massive spreadsheet

instead of doing what i wanted to be doing

so that i can better
pay taxes to the government

when somebody asks me to


i say

"how high"


Germans aren't white.


Australian Pokemon Showdown player vlogging about his life in China


>hold on let me spend an entire afternoon updating shit like =MAX(0;IF(AND(R39<=H55;R39>H54);H52*R39-G58;0)) in a massive spreadsheet
thats what they invented copilot and chatgpt for. similarly with bash scripts, regex, etc.


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Might get drug to my inlaws for Christmas. Smh, I was looking forward to something peaceful at home.


Don't worry anon. I'm sure what you're doing is of tremendous value to society to justify your salary... somehow.

At least your boss isn't making you tabulate your excel sheet with a calculator.


for common cases chatgpt happens to work for some shell util. oneliners, which still need to be validated

otherwise it just spews lines of jeet tutorials encoded xor-smashed-together and decoded,
something that vaguely resembles the expected thing but is just schizo self-referential scribbles the closer you look at it


reading chatgpt output feels like reading seo spam basically


needing browser addons to filter out low quality jeet content was already a thing before the llms were all the rage


Pretty much, which makes sense since that's what it was trained on.. It's only going to get worse now too, since the training data is contaminated by AI slop. Much like with animal incest, it will reinforce certain strange traits and behaviors, like using the word "delve" in everything.


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it's almost like the legal system and the oligarchs are one in the same


Scrooge was right about hating Christmas. My mom always whines about money, but she's still going to buy me crap I don't even want, even though I told her not to.


oh for crying out loud, this whole "nip it in the bud" "send a message" "make an example" lark is so pathetic and beta

the corruption is real, at least in America, that place is very very corrupt, it's so corrupt it doesn't even seem like a real place, more like a country version of a really bad TV show, I feel the incessant proliferation of drama based TV and film and celebrity worship that exists over there has spread to everyone, no matter the positions they hold, it's like there's a mind block that exists in Americans to where they don't fully understand that it's real life they are living in.


>i have a secret club and ur not invited neener neener neener
I wonder how many of those "eccentrics and spergs" would turn out to be model Whites with a proper community, discipline and guidance. A lot of Whites are completely atomized and don't know a single other racially conscious White who wants to organize in meatspace, so sperging out about stuff like RaHoWa online is their only avenue to fulfil that need to connect. Desire for secrecy is understandable, but that jab was a bit petty.


He's a boomer piece of shit and his secret club buddies are feds. People like this are why white nationalism is seen as a joke at best, and something repugnant at worst.


White nationalism itself is a joke. You soyim say Hitler, Himmler and Speer are white but a baltic or slav with blond hair and blue eyes is non-white. You soyim say people with brown hair or brown eyes are non-white and people with blue eyes are white, yet there are half-blacks with blue eyes >>93928 >>93929. Also wypipo are anti-intellectual, impolite and busybodyish compared to East Asians (in their own countries or first-gen FOBs of course... Asians born in Western countries are as brainrotted and retarded as wypipo, niggers, spics, etc.), you soyim consider "McDonalds" to be food, you smoke weed all day and you wear your shoes indoors. As far as I'm concerned anyone who takes "white nationalism" seriously belongs in a loony bin.


Orientals are soyboys and they all look like they have Down syndrome. Have fun being cannibalized by your fellow browns when Whites go extinct and the charity runs dry.


Avid we know you love black cock but there's no need to base your entire worldview around it.


Jared's "race realism" even with its neglecting of the JQ is far more coherent than your schizophrenic "ideology" (delusions would be a more applicable term).


Keep wrestling with that strawman in your brave defense of rebranded cuckoldry, champ.


Define white.


Coherently retarded.

Not you clearly.


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You're a circumcised amerimutt.
So European descent? Half of self-described "white nationalists" here say people with brown hair or brown eyes are non-white. And they're almost always amerimutts.


>Half of self-described "white nationalists" here say people with brown hair or brown eyes are non-white.

I haven't seen a single person here make that argument seriously, but keep building strawmen if it makes you feel better about your gaped asshole, avid.


I see avid has been hitting the meth again.


>White nationalism itself is a joke. You soyim say Hitler, Himmler and Speer are white but a baltic or slav with blond hair and blue eyes is non-white. You soyim say people with brown hair or brown eyes are non-white and people with blue eyes are white, yet there are half-blacks with blue eyes
Can't disagree on this particular thing. White nationalism today doesn't attract quality people nowadays. If you wonder why National-Socialism is stuck in one place and is hard to rehabilitate it's because of these people, first and foremost. But the problem is also with the core of the ideology itself and it's as if everything Hitler said should be treated as gospel and right, even though he was a retard too and had his flaws, a retard for not making holocaust real and having imperialistic tendencies for example, but that's a whole different story. Spergs want to keep it as strictly Pan-Germanic idea, not Pan-European and Pro-White as a whole. They act autistic and say that it's somehow bad, conveniently bringing up a half-asiatic mongrel like Kalergi being a Pan-European (yet they definitely understand that it's not what these people mean), and treating it as if those nationalists that promote unity want all Europeans to mix with each other, and even if that's the case, the differences between Europeans are paper thin since they all shared same roots at one point. I've seen demented faggots picking literal shitskins from Turkey and Indians over Greeks and Ukrainians, this isn't normal and a sign of mental illness, it's not shitposting either. A Spaniard is still more close to Norwegian genetically than a fucking arab, or a Pole and German. The main reason why NW Euros are living comfortable lives and had time to make some narcissistic race theories where the Irish are "White negroes" and the Southern Italians are "Lower than negroes" or "Slavs are barbaric lol and yet a lot of them idealize that archetype savages" is because they were sheltered by Southern and Eastern Europeans, who were busy fighting off hordes of shitskins and mongols for centuries, while they were initiating intra-european petty squabbles over stupid shit and thinking they are above all, much like the kikes. Even kikes are less of a problem, when it comes to portraying White nationalists in a bad light. Check out any random LARPing nationalist or a few e-celebs on twitter in that sphere and you will understand that it's a dead end, these are not serious people, it's just pure cancer. It's not about preserving Europe and its natural diversity, but being an insufferable faggot.


I dont do drugs and I didn't make that post


>White nationalism today doesn't attract quality people nowaday
Whites don't have many quality people to begin with. The average white worships money and values short term hedonism to the extent they'll ruin the entire world, destroy their body, and sabotage/betray their closest family


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Does anyone know where Liberal Feline hangs out in VRchat? I was gifted a VR headset and would like to see the realm that LF decided to choose over 4chon. Is it heaven or hell that he abandoned us for? I can find it and reveal it


You're a kike bastard, so...
To be fair, someone did post something like that on new and I forgot about it. I don't agree with that sentiment personally, and I don't think many White regulars in general do. I'm a White man with dark brown hair, grey eyes, flat nasal bridge and English surname. I idolize angelic, naturally blonde hair, but I don't think one is significantly less White merely for not possessing it. I had baby-blue eyes and reddish-brown hair when I was young. Hair and eye color just grow a bit darker for many as they age.


I think purity crusading over people with brown eyes or blue eyes or whatever being white or not is just a glowop designed to further divide and atomize people. They want white people at each other's throats as much as possible. Same goes for the "not one drop" types, as if being 1/64th native or whatever matters in the slightest.

Honestly, who knows if he even still uses it. It's been like 8 years since he started playing that game. My impression back then was that he played in a private setting, some invite only room or something.

Go ask random catgirls if they're him heh.


Centrelink is so retarded, I handed over the doccos as for all the big bags of monies I've been making from Chainlink and I don't think they cut my payment at all, but for some reason they listed that I'm making 8k annually from capital gains. Doesn't make sense but w/e... I think my back pain might be psychogenic indeed...


>You're a kike bastard, so...
Hitler had plenty of those bastards in Wehrmacht and one as a doctor and didn't kill a single one of those kikes during the heckin' holohoax. If you have nothing else to say then fuck off, nigger.


And I also didn't hear anything that would refute the points I made. This behavior is way too common among these circles, it's not the JIDF trying to poison the well anymore, sorry. And until then you are a dysgenic, inbred, projecting, snub-nosed, tay-sachs ridden, neurotic NIGGERISH ASHKIE KIKE WITH CHINK ADMIXTURE.


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fucking yikes


What is there to respond to? You sound like an unhinged faggot lol.


>What is there to respond to? You sound like an unhinged faggot lol
Of course there is nothing to respond to, because you are a low IQ nigger, who watches gooktoons. You are too retarded to discuss these issues, much like Hitler when he had a chance to solve the jewish question permanently, so I forgive you, big-lipped spear-chucking jigaboo. I won this polemic.


Don't you have to go try and fail to predict random numbers or something? Actual kike schizo.


>y-you are my boogeyman!1!1!!!1!111
Actual retard, beyond subhuman. No, I am not smiley, but maybe I am Avid and Phantasm or whoever the fuck lives in your skullfucked neanderthal skull. Go jerk off to your anime whore and take your pills, you might be hallucinating.


OK, carry on screeching "nigger nigger nigger Hitler nigger redtext nigger /redtext ayo fuck wypipo nigger" and pretending like you are saying something profound.


the irony


Sage doesn't do anything when the thread is at the top of the index, champ.


it sends a message to idiots like you regardless


That you're butthurt? True.


the irony, go and have a look at your posts before you label anyone as butthurt

here I'll help you


>another seething wall of text wherein mutt projects and heroically defeats strawman
And then everyone clapped.


You're just linking any old post of mine now. Deranged.


First off, you are definitely not White, because I said so, you are a curly-haired ashkoid rapebaby with chink-jap-mongol-pinoy admixture, refer to >>96356
Second, all I got from (You), a retarded dysgenic mischling mystery meat animal, is a projection like "lol, ur a schizo kike" for criticizing what this joke of a "movement" devolved into with the core of the ideology itself not being perfect. I clearly did struck a nerve and probably you, an insufferable faggot that you are, saw yourself amongst those I criticized.
Drown yourself in semen.



exactly, and they're all NEL, you've proven my point
>can't respond because they know they're in the wrong
>resorts to low IQ cringeposting
every single time lol


I am from Europe, not a mutt like the """people""" in your dysgenic, mongrelized, white trash, inbred family tree, fucking weeb subhuman.
See >>96354, >>96356, >>96371, >>96383 and slit your wrists, but you will never pass your defective genes anyway.


>all your posts that have nothing to do with nigger erections make me fantasize about nigger erections, this is all your fault
So like I said, deranged.
>>can't respond
It's incoherent drivel crying about how WN is all bad because some people in adjacent spaces do retarded shit like purity-spiral when it makes no sense to and now the sperg is throwing a tantrum because I thought he was smiley due to the SS flag. There is no actual content to respond to.


You seem flustered.


Also, not everyone "from" Europe is White, if you were the guy randomly screeching about how someone misgendered your eye color a day or two ago. Gypsies are not White, for example (but I do consider slavs to be White if that makes you feel better, little fella).


>brings up black penises, again, unprompted
how do you not realise how gay you sound?
>So like I said, deranged.
the irony
>It's incoherent drivel
>There is no actual content to respond to.
there is, you just can't respond because you got logically owned
you're trying to claim the moral highground now, that's genuinely hilarious


>>brings up black penises, again, unprompted
>fagvid already forgot he was the first one to post NEL in this conversation
Call a nurse.
>the irony
Female-coded non-starter.
If you read past the words you quoted, you would've seen my elaboration.
>there is, you just can't respond because you got logically owned
>fagvid is so butthurt that xhe has been reduced to cheerleading
lol, lol
>you're trying to claim the moral highground now
How is your English comprehension this terrible?


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>u-u-uhh... y-you seem flustered...
Trembling low T ashkie weaboo cuck.


>grumble grumble grrr argh


I don't give a shit what you consider white, you fucking curly-haired ashkoid dune coon nigger copper-stealing gypsy-pajeet faggot. You are not White to begin with. So your opinion on anthropology and genetics as a whole is completely irrelevant.


>complains about WN because of purity-spiraling
>purity-spirals due to butthurt
If I were a woman (male) like avid, I'd probably say something like "the irony" here. So let me get this straight, someone with exclusively English/Irish heritage isn't White now?


But you are not English or Irish, I already told you are an ashkenazi rapebaby yid with an anglicized surname, not to mention you also have jap-chink-mongol pinoy admixture from SEAmonkeys, because I said so and I am right and I will always will be right whether you like it or not. And I want you to do a flip and commit suicide this instant, retarded schizo kike.


>>fagvid already forgot he was the first one to post NEL in this conversation
1. I'm not a fag
2. that's not what NEL means
>Female-coded non-starter.
it was an accurate observation
>If you read past the words you quoted, you would've seen my elaboration
I thought their post was easy to digest, you obviously couldn't understand it, I'd like to know why
>>fagvid is so butthurt that xhe has been reduced to cheerleading
not really, I dont like you, so if someone is owning you, I'm going to support that
literally obsessed, you should embrace your obvious love for black men and trannys, you'd probably enjoy it, I mean why else would it be on your mind so often if you secretly didn't enjoy thinking about it
>How is your English comprehension this terrible?
>>grumble grumble grrr argh
how come whenever someone makes a salient point you immediately resort to butthurt confusion? are you afraid of addressing it all? I mean that kind of weak behaviour I feel should be expected from someone who watches anime, so that's probably on me


>more delirious seething
Anglicized implies it was altered to become suitable for English, but my surname is a very old one directly from England that is now mostly found in Southwest England.


Yes, you are
Yes, it does
>it was an accurate observation
>not really, I dont like you, so if someone is owning you, I'm going to support that
In both cases, it would've made more sense to say "i'm butthurt".
>literally obsessed, you should embrace your obvious love for black men and trannys, you'd probably enjoy it
Holy projection!
You started complaining about moral high ground or something out of the blue. I think you're getting mixed up between your argument with me and the one with the voices in your head.
>how come whenever someone makes a salient point you immediately resort to butthurt confusion?
"Nigger nigger Hitler retard ashkoid nigger strums lips like a looney tunes character nigger" isn't a "salient point" no matter how hard you wish it to be.


If not anglicized, then you are just the result of genestealing machinations kikes do, your race traitor faggot of a grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grandfather couldn't resist the khazar milkers and the result was you, a defective impotent mutted up projecting mischling. Kill yourself, schizophrenic ashkoid quarter chink-jap-korean-pinoy weeb nigger and fuck your old anglo surname to death, you are a shame to whoever your ancestors were. Faggot.


Nigger nigger Hitler retard ashkoid nigger, nigger.
Drown yourself in semen, weeb coon.


>defective impotent mutted up projecting mischling
>ashkoid quarter chink-jap-korean-pinoy weeb nigger
I don't remember asking for your 23 and Me results, champ.


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>implying i'd pay for DNA stealing kike scams
>implying he is not all those things
Yup, I totally won this polemic. So mindbroken he cannot even come up with anything anymore, the cumbrained weeb kike is utterly destroyed by this verbal assault.
I won.


The only things destroyed by your kvetching are my sides from laughing too hard.


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>The only things destroyed by your kvetching are my sides from laughing too hard.


>xhe's so ass-damaged xhe can't even reply properly anymore
Lol, lmao. Hold on, one second. The Ministry of Whiteness just called and it sounds like they have revoked slavs' White status. They have been demoted back to the rank of dog as Hitler intended.


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Hey fellas, can't we all just get along? How about we all go out together for some hamburgers and milkshakes at Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe?


>Yes, it does
I guess who am I to tell you you can't see a gay definition of something, that would be bigoted of me
>In both cases, it would've made more sense to say "i'm butthurt".
you're in absolutely no position to say who is and isn't butthurt
>Holy projection!
I dont know man, you could ask others here who of us types out homoerotic comments more, although you'll reject this notion as it's seemingly too much for you to handle right now, maybe when you grow a bit older you'll realise who you really are (inb4 projection)
>You started complaining about moral high ground or something out of the blue. I think you're getting mixed up between your argument with me and the one with the voices in your head.
I was referring to the wording you used here
you typed this while also typing out
and I was bringing up the humour of you trying to act normal , which you most definitely aren't, this is evidenced by your apparent crashout and subsequent avoidance and deflection, rather immature of you, although as stated previously, weebs tend to be this way
>I don't remember asking for your 23 and Me results, champ.
what kind of impotent comeback even is this?
I dont know, you seem very angry, as evidenced here
inb4 you blame me for you not being able to respond with any form of composure
again with the out of unprompted references to trannies, something you want to tell us there 'champ'?
>Lol, lmao. Hold on, one second. The Ministry of Whiteness just called and it sounds like they have revoked slavs' White status. They have been demoted back to the rank of dog as Hitler intended.
non sequitor


"I am too retarded to follow a conversation but I want to feel included anyway" and "no u" in so many words. Big yawn, thanks for typing all that out though.


While I do get a chuckle out of avid being tortured, you shouldn't feed xim. I think xhe enjoys the male attention a little too much, if you know what I mean. It only encourages xim to continue shitting up the site.


Speaking of dogs.
Didn't Hitler end up as one and perished like one by blowing his brains out later on? Not a good look. Must suck to have your edgy racial theories and "muh might makes right" shtick ruined by inferior Slavs, who, on average, have lighter features than most Germans and Anglos. This probably made uncle A. very insecure about his own lineage back then.


>gets owned
>resorts to strawman and non sequitor


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>xhe actually is mad that Hitler said mean things about alcoholic starving dogs decades before xhe was born
Your autism is the gift that keeps on giving. Look how proud you are that vodkaniggers died in the tens of millions for the benefit of kikes (functionally the same as MIGAtards) because at least those mean Germans died too :'), all because someone called you subhuman for having black hair and brown eyes one time. The amount of projection in your barely-coherent rants is staggering. Maybe you'll find peace one day when you have an aneurysm during one of your meltdowns and you drop dead over the keyboard.


The post that triggered some random vodkanigger's entire digestive system to prolapse out of his rear-end.


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>blowing his brains out
After saving Germany and fighting multiple world powers to save the rest of Europe from Communism and kikery. We live in a dystopian nightmare because he lost. That's not a coincidence. Hitler was the last hope we had. National Socialism, to this day, is the most successful form of modern government the world has known and what it succeeded in doing under a ten year period is a testament to its value and innate correctness.


Uh-oh, by Chamberlain and Gobineau! Someone's a little bit mad.
I bet Hitler played a fine 4D chess during Molotov-Ribbentrop pact too. Not executing that one Rothschild banker was a good idea as well. Very strategic and complex.
Here's to vodkanigger golems and spaghetti-devouring swarthoids anally devastating the entirety of the west and inheriting it in the future due to suicidal behavior of Germanics and Angloids.


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There was a declassified cia document that strongly suggested he escaped to argentina. Plus, if the soviets had really found his body, they would have paraded it around instead of just disappearing it.


Where did you find this video of avid!?


Avid can't help it.


I met a girl at a property inspection and shes been on my mind ever since. I'm in love heh. I think she might've been mixed-Asian descent, forgive me my Aryan brothas.


I've almost fallen for a hapa before. It's understandable


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Heh I followed a bob ross video (mystic mountain) and painted a picture. Turned out better than expected.


Looks nice. Used to watch that guy on public access or something. Kinda like proto-ASMR.


I learned recently that in his waning years, he got jewed hard by his business partner. Stole everything he owned, including the rights to his name and his paintbrushes.

No early life section on the business partner's wikipedia page, but with a name like Kowalski, you can take a guess.

But yeah, Bob Ross was a cool guy.


That's unfortunate. Didn't know about that. I thought his son or someone in his family uploaded his show to YouTube or was that also the jew's doing?


I'm not sure, but his name and image are owned by Bob Ross Inc, and his family have no stake in that.

Could have just been a fan who uploaded the vids.


She was so fivking sweet. REEE! The story is do funny.


coffee is fucking great


I watched the documentary Happy Accidents, pretty sad stuff. The kikes were pestering him to give them ownership of his likeness every single day in his final days. After he passed, his brother eventually signed over power to them as he had 51% ownership of his franchise (and the jews sued him for it) while his son had 49%. They showed the Bob Ross chia pet clip in the documentary and I didn't realize how demonic such a product was until now. Kikes truly are evil incarnate.


It was absolutely fucking evil. Bob tried to sign the jews out of his will but they went to court over it and won iirc.

Dude just wanted to paint happy pictures on pbs.


did you cry about it, poor heckin painter man got his shit rocked by kikes then died of lung aids

bet you cried like a little fucking girl


>defense of kikes
>freudian slip at the end
Yep, fagvid is definitely a jewish pedophile


I am monkeymaxxing.


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Boomer vs jew. The two greatest evils of society having a contest over who can be more nefarious.


Jared Taylor has literally never lost a debate.


Pretty easy to do if you pick your opponents wisely. E.g. Ben Shapiro made an entire career arguing against emotional, retarded college students that were something like 2/3 his age.
>"Facts don't care about your feelings." *smirk* *adjusts yarmulke*


The people he debates are all pretty high-profile though, and it isn't so easy when you are on the platform of someone who opposes your views. Guys like Crowder and Shapiro put themselves in an advantageous position, Jared Taylor does not. He always leaves a good impression on the audience. I consider him to be the last good White advocate. Everyone else alive at this point is a compromised weirdo-freak with lots of baggage.


h'Jared h'Taylor h'is h'the h'Greatest h'White h'Advocate h'of h'All h'Time

(I mean that sincerely h'by the way)


How bored is this guy that he's getting into debates with a fruity-looking college kid? Whatever happened to Stephen Molyneux?


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>mfw no argument spotted


kikes on suicide watch


He started a new cult grift after getting banned from youtube.


His opponent looks like a jewish tranny college student. Yuck.


Last I checked, Molymeme was doing Minecraft let's plays with his daughter


peaceful mode parenting


When he was banned off of youtube was when I knew the internet was going to shit. Older fags will say the internet was getting worse way before that and thats true in all likelyhood but from my perspective at least Stefan wasn't doing anything ban worthy other than putting out information they dont want you coming across.


This is the survey I work for the census. I don't want to do it anymore, but I need to get paid. I didn't think it would be like this. When I did the decennial it was a lot less invasive and all anyone had tell me is how many people live in the home so that I could move on. The fact of the matter is, even though the information we gather can't even be legally subpoenaed that doesn't mean it's anonymous in practice. Somebody has access to the data. The records are just "sealed". That's how sites like ancestry.com find your relatives. If you're a broke bum, who's hopeful for more public funding I could maybe find an excuse for why you might want to answer the survey, but when a middle-class h'White person doesn't want to answer it, how the fuck are they wrong when they tell me that providing their information to me might be actively detrimental to them?
>Oh boy, you're going to tax my demographic more so shitskins can get more gibs? Sign me right-on up!
Rationally, I maybe shouldn't care since retard nigger-cattle have a digital fingerprint anyway, and that's how I find their phone number half the time, but I haven't been able to shake this feeling (of guilt?) all day. I haven't even been able to start work today. Since I'm h'White it's just not in my nature to be duplicitous for prolonged periods of time.


dude dude 90s/early 00s cartoons but get this... they're doing drugs!!!! ahahaha wow this is hilarious omg,





Shit like having a tree planted with your ashes is retardedly sentimental. I'd be fine if my ashes were scattered someplace irreverent like in the sewer or an empty parking lot or something. Ideally I'd just want to find a place deep in the woods to blast myself so my remains can be consumed and rot away. Either tossed nowhere meaningful or rotting in the open air would be a lot less pretentious than this hippie tree bullshit.


>Either tossed nowhere meaningful or rotting in the open air would be a lot less pretentious than this hippie tree bullshit
Anything half-assed is lame. Both the towers of silence and sky burial, where human remains are fed to vultures, are unpretentiously cool


Hhhheeeeeyyyyyyy fuck OFF


Lots of shit about prions in the news recently. Supposedly methylene blue stops prions. If they get rid of it at some point in the future we'll know it works


I can't find anyone else talking about this, but It's been on my mind lately that on a fundamental level technology hasn't gotten any better since we discovered semiconductors. All tech we have is just an iteration of something that got discovered over half a century ago. The science hasn't changed much, it's the economics that has. We have a supply chain that allows for quick iterations and cheaper, more-complex parts. For the most part it's not like big discoveries get made, you just need tools that make tools that make tools.


There's been a lot of technological developments but they're slow to see the light of day or get buried in journals and forgotten. The elite are pretty happy with the way things are right now.


>I can't find anyone else talking about this

I still think your argument is a bit hyper-reductionist even if you're looking at it from the physicist's lens. Things like corrective eye surgery or Avid being able to talk to Phagtasm through video feed with just fraction-of-a-second delay are pretty big deals.


There's been a lot of iteration, but I mean our understanding of physics hasn't really changed much. After the 1950s it's all "quantum" gobbledygook that has no practical value. Stuff like medicine or material science might improve because it's literally trial and error, like cavemen attempting to discern which plants are safe to eat, but at this time I believe we are between 95%-99% at our technological limit with what we know. By 2035 I don't think computers will be much faster for example. My hardware is already almost a decade old and I don't feel it's age at all, but if I were still using a computer built in 2005 in 2015 I would have. It's been on my mind because people keep hyping up vaporware scams, and I do wonder if they're going to even realize that the future they envision is never coming. How long will it take before the soyence god finally dies?


Thanks for the articles
>Things like corrective eye surgery or Avid being able to talk to Phagtasm through video feed with just fraction-of-a-second delay are pretty big deals.
I'm not saying it's insignificant, but I suspect it's just the natural conclusion of the tech-tree. It came to fruition mostly due to economic changes and clever use of what was already known, rather than making constant game-changing discoveries over the course of the last 70 years. Will the material science cavemen find something that breaks the cap? Maybe I suppose.


>After the 1950s it's all "quantum" gobbledygook that has no practical value.
The transistor your mentioned would not exist without "quantum gobbledygook". Look up how they work sometime.

Also, technological development != scientific breakthroughs. In the field of physics, over the past 20 years there's been a lot of work done in particle physics but as far as I'm aware there haven't been many practical technological applications created that filter down into everyday life.

>My hardware is already almost a decade old and I don't feel it's age at all

Moore's law no longer applies. The transistors in your CPU are like 3 atoms thick and it's physically impossible to make them smaller. You can only make more of them. More cores. Issue is most software doesn't play kindly with that even to this day, so you run into bottlenecks. The software development ecosystem has also petrified under the oppression of trannies and megacorps so there isn't much motivation to change anything.


>The transistor your mentioned would not exist without "quantum gobbledygook". Look up how they work sometime.
I do not mean to shit on "quantum physics" wholesale, but a lot of it falls into what is strictly theoretical. Maybe I'm just a stupid layman, but a lot of it sounds like complete unprovable nonsense, such as teleportation, q-bits, supposed pictures of blackholes, and accelerated universe expansion.


Quantum mechanics is actually verifiable in very real terms. It seems to be the correct model of the universe, as opposed to general relativity which is literally just Jewish nonsense.

It sounds very strange to say it, but the universe does not appear to run on objective laws, but rather subjective ones that depend on the person observing it.

As for proof, I assume you are posting this from some sort of modern computing device which has an SSD in it. The electron wells in the ssd utilize quantum tunnelling to function. Q-Bits are real as well, you can rent time on a quantum computer right now if you'd like to run your quantum computer program. Quantum teleportation and instantaneous communication via quantum entanglement have been practically demonstrated in laboratories. The quantum model of the atom, having an electron exist in a state of flux in different "shells", has been proven to be correct over the older planetary orbit model.

The theoretical side of the field is stuff like quantum field theory which seems plausible as a way to describe the universe but hasn't been proven. I can't speak on blackholes and universe expansion because I'm not an astronomer.


There's a problem with a lot of quacks latching onto quantum mechanics, basically saying their Marvel fanfics about the universe are real or something. It's referred to as quantum mysticism. The two are conflated so much that a lot of people both for and against it treat it as some new-age spirituality bullshit.



I'm no engineer but the way I understand it is SSDs use flash memory that stores data with electrical charges in tiny cells using field-effect transistors (FETs). That's standard semiconductor physics. No quantum tunneling needed. Quantum tunneling is a phenomenon from the quantum world, but AFAIK your SSD works with well-understood solid-state electrical and semiconductor physics principles. I haven't seen any evidence that engineers relied on quantum mechanics to make your storage work.


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>Issue is most software doesn't play kindly with that even to this day, so you run into bottlenecks. The software development ecosystem has also petrified under the oppression of trannies and megacorps so there isn't much motivation to change anything.
The main bottleneck with modern software is memory-related (CPU cache, memory latency and just memory bloat in general), through careless programming paradigms, disregarding the reality of memory limitations, similar to how trannies disregard the reality of biology.

Read these slides by Mike Akton:

Modern programming means high-level abstractions, dynamic typing & garbage collection, complex data structures not optimized at all for cache efficiency, and pulling in a shit ton of library dependencies (npm et al.) creating a tower of babel situation.

Even though a Ryzen 7700 and Ryzen 7800X3D score with the same MIPS in benchmarks, there are some games that almost double in frame rate with the latter just because the 7800X3D has more cache. This shows lack of effort in ensuring cache-friendliness in the data structures used for developing the game.

Tower of babel situation is exemplified by modern apps (Discord made with Electron JS) consuming a gigabyte of RAM and functionally-equivalent software (IRC clients) that ran efficiently on as little as 32MB of RAM.


>way I understand it is SSDs use flash memory that stores data with electrical charges in tiny cells using field-effect transistors (FETs)

You're not entirely wrong, but the structure of the transistor is a bit different. When they talk about tunnelling through the isolation layer in the vid, it's referring to quantum tunnelling.

I used to go to college for physics before covid, and talking about this stuff is nostalgic heh.


OOP was a mistake.

It makes sense yeah. You'd know better than I.


I am still sick since right after Christmas. All that's left as an issue is my ear but the god damn thing won't go back to normal.


Do you have an infection?


Entirely possible. There's no pain or anything, I don't notice any soreness or reddening, it's just being annoying. Feels like it needs to open up.


The only thing better than niggers dying is kikes dying.


hwai not boaf?? :3


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Le heh


Scam Billionaire's free speech does it again.


Go to the doctor before you die.


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I can fix him


Maybe with a [REDACTED] to the [REDACTED]


Not sure what you wrote, I think the mods removed some words


Nah, nobody removed anything. Use your imagination.


But I can't. I need some he lp


Dick to the ass.


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xcrement tbh


Avid, not tonight.


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>tfw a comfy textboard was just a hallucination i had recurring dreams about for a couple weeks


Cool picture. What prompts?





Was about to buy a plot of land until I called the county and realized that their ordinances would fuck my shit up. I can't use an RV as a permanent home. I can't build any structure unless it's up to the county's standards and signed off on by an engineer. I can't keep more than 2 chickens per acre, and I'm not allowed to have roosters or sell the eggs. This is in the middle of nowhere too, but if 1 bastard rats me out I'd be screwed. Fuck soyciety!
The retard arguments from the dumb faggots of yesteryear reverberate in my mind:
This is why, you shit-lickers!


When I bought my land I passed up a lot of nice places because of shit like this. Not every county is anal about it... but most of them are.

>but if 1 bastard rats me out I'd be screwed

You also have to keep in mind the culture of an area yeah. If you live around boomers and conservatives they absolutely WILL try to use ordinances to fuck with you. Liberals are a lot more live and let live. Move to a blue state anon, regardless of your politics. It's a lot easier to live with a bunch of pot smoking hippies around than busybody karens and boomers.


>Move to a blue state anon, regardless of your politics. It's a lot easier to live with a bunch of pot smoking hippies around than busybody karens and boomers.
I would like to stay in my state. Also the prices for rural land around New England and such are obscene, so I'm guessing you're in the mid-west or something?



The h'white man has come home.


It is the nicest place on earth.


Life feeds on life feeds on life feeds on LIIIIIIIIIIIIIFE


Reminder: Getting some good cardio is very important for your brain. I've been neglecting it for awhile and hadn't realized how deep I had sunk.


this is necessary


My contract with the census expired and they couldn't be bothered to renew it. For some reason they hired a shit ton of people the last few months also. At least I have an excuse not to work there anymore.



I'm so used to firefox and the addon setup I have, but this makes me want to jump ship.


Mozilla is literally a shell company for google (they are responsible for the great majority of their budget, something like 85-90%), they exist as a foil to keep google from facing antitrust lawsuits lmoa

Install Brave which was created by a Mozilla founder Brendan Eich who was ousted for being a conservatard heh


Cucknada is a shell company for satanic cults and swindlers.


Be that as it may, it's at least still not a chrome-based browser and it isn't plagued with google's most up-to-date kikery.


Mozilla's kikery is just as bad. Absolutely horrible company.

Brave is based on chromium not chrome, technically.


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Fucking hell, how are redditors this bad at basic probability & statistics?

This is on "r/dataisbeautiful" so you'd think it'd have degree-holding nerds.


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h'which paul is right?


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Finished writing my novel last month, and I think I edited most of the errors out. It's a bittersweet feel because other than friends it will be pretty hard to find anyone to read it in this age of ai slop. Don't even really care about monetization.

Posting it on royalroad and a couple other sites chapter by chapter to try to get some exposure. If people like it maybe I'll take it down and amazon self publish it.


They're both right. Tariffs are taxes and they're not good but they can also be a tool leveraged to achieve some other goal. Apart from that I think Trump is trying to almost completely replace the old guard Federal government which is why he's talking about replacing the IRS with a new agency (the "External Revenue Service"). lol


If by American jobs he means h1b visa openings then sure, lol.


You'll find an audience. Hell, with even the handful of people you'd shown it to so far you're likely doing better than most others heh


I saw someone post in a thread that he amazon self published his book. Someone asked him if his readers enjoyed it, and he replied something like:

>I don't know, I don't think I've gotten a reader yet



I'll read it, what is it about?


Guess it wouldn't hurt to post it heh.


Last year I played a rimworld game where I made a little village of orcs on some post-apoc desert hellscape planet, and I got inspired to write a book about it.

The story follows two brothers, Koruk and Moktark, who make first contact with the remnants of a lost lost human civilisation on their world, and end up going on a quest to discover the lost history of their race and world.

The whole book is done on my computer, but I've been posting chapters on the site three times a week so it stays on the front page more. Gives it more of a chance to get noticed I figure.


naw dawg brave is hot garbage

discovered a THIRD major bug with it, where it pegs a CPU core to 100% any time it's downloading a large file. the other bugs i reported:


back to firefox even though i said not being able to reload GPU Process without reopening the browser was a deal-breaker


i will try to compile firefox for windows on my unused shitty laptop (circa 2008. Core 2 Duo P8400, 4GB RAM, HDD) maybe this week and see if i (deepsikh & chatjeetPT) can implement that feature, though deepsikh is giving grim estimates of 15+ hours to wait for compiling for the initial debug build (which is fine, i can live with that because it's just once), but the real issue is its estimate of a whopping 30+ minutes for incremental builds (i.e. only re-compile a few modified CPP and H files), but i think deepsikh might be overestimating that


nvm forgot the piece of shit trackpad is fucked. i despise laptops, they are designed to be throwaway garbage.


Depends on the laptop I think. I have a toshiba satellite that's 12 years old and still working despite being beaten and battered and dropped down a flight of stairs one time, although it's definitely starting to slow down. Headphone jack is broken but that's entirely my fault. I tripped on the cord one time and ripped it out.


If 4chon has a million users, then I am one of them. If 4chon has ten users, then I am one of them. If 4chon has only one user then that is me. If 4chon has no users, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against 4chon, then I am against the world.


It's a shame 4chon.me isn't more popular. I feel like there is a ton of reasonable leeway for what gets posted, despite recent complaints of lacking crackdown on the retards (maybe I am included in that appraisal). It's not another of multiple shitboards, which I won't link here, but WOW. I guess there isn't some faggot retard endlessly talking about eating "teenage girl-shits" for fucking once.


I think most forums and imageboards are suffering, although the retard invasion definitely accelerated 4chon's death.

But it might have been inevitable. I use other boards other than this one and they've all been on the decline. The internet as a whole is pretty dead now.


Outside of shitboards or everything? I had a MySpace for a moment like 20+ years ago and then I checked out of all that crap. Guessing Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok are all pretty similar.


I use a couple ancient phpbb forums. They've weathered the enshittification of the internet better than imageboards honestly. Still fairly active, or at least comparable to a website like zzzchan.

As far as imageboards go, zzzchan seems like one of the faster altchans I've been on recently and even it is pretty damn slow. 2016 era 4chon, after HDV took it over, was faster.

Facebook, reddit, twitter etc are absolutely flooded with bots. Probably 60% or more of all posts are just bots now. Hard to say how many real human beans use those platforms.


>I use a couple ancient phpbb forums
Not gonna ask which, used to sign up for a lot of those, but don't care to see which ones are still alive in any sense. I use zzzchan, too, but it's not a great board. Not one of the many schizo retards complaining about deserved bans all the time, but the place certainly is ban-happy. I am banned until two days from now over a word filter and I have absolutely no idea what word it was. I reposted 3/4 of what I initially meant to say on another connection and it went through fine. It certainly wasn't anything like promoting soyjaks or other obvious 4chan terminology.

I don't think I can use any other shit besides imageboards now, even if there are still traditional php boards up. I like lengthy discussions, but I also like engaging with sudden shit-talk, which isn't an endearing characteristic.


phpbb boards are really locked down. Some of them have less modfaggotry than others but you still don't have a lot of freedom to express your opinions. They're nice places to discuss extremely specific topics but you don't dare go outside of that.

Given the state of a lot of imageboards now, 4chan and zzzchan included, it's probably about the same though. You can and will get banned for literally anything on most ibs. Jim Profit was right about mods, it seems.


I fucking hate channels like these and pray for the spiritually jewish losers running them (in addition to the soyboy collectors who enable them) to die.


Ngl bros having a black african kween cook me and our gaggle of aggressive mulatto children with bad grades weird soul food before we engage in hot sweaty jungle sex is an appealing fantasy.


Noting appealing about having nigglets IMO.


Does anyone here use the kagi search engine? I'm interested to know if it's worth paying for.


They're like orcs or aliens irl which is somewhat appealing though the idea of losing the divine spark of the h'White Sovl is distressing a bit lmoa


People have been saying stuff like "OMG BURGER FLIPPERS ARE MAKING 15 DOLLARS AN HOUR!" over the last few years, but I think wages are on the decline. I'm looking at jobs in my area right now and even veterinarians and surgeon aides are making less than 20 dollars an hour. That's grim.


Cost of living is twice as expensive or more as in 2020, but the wages have only gone up like 50%. Real standards are declining fast.


Wages haven't kept up with inflation for decades now.


I don't just mean relative to inflation, I mean the actual dollar amount seems to be going down from what it was few years ago.


I see. Tick tock wagie.


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Amerilards now want to ban Deepseek lmao


>The proposed law would prevent the importation of “technology or intellectual property” developed in China, with anyone violating the restrictions facing up to 20 years in prison. Individuals could also be fined up to $1 million, while for businesses it could reach up to $100m.

It's better than ChatGPT from my experience because it doesn't bug you after using it for a bit about paying for a monthly subscription to continue using the "smart" model (and continue being able to upload text / source code files) instead of switching you to a more retarded model, you're on the "smart" model that's on par with ChatGPT with no prompt limits. That may change, but for now their current monetization scheme is to just charge for the API endpoint.


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I just posted this on /new/. I believe it's possible that the United States will have actual hate speech laws on the books. People who think this is only going to apply to violent sandniggers are in for a rude awakening.




The age of blurmph is a hell of a ride.


Palestinians are Semites. Jesus was a Semite. It would be interesting to see someone try to apply this to law to something other than a very specific type of Semitie




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My life is a disaster heh lel


My level of surprise: none. Yet again people got played.

Hell yeah, brother. Ain't none of us getting out. Let's go.




Lets fuggin' go


When will looking like this all the time become socially acceptable? I'll keep looking homeless until then.


Having a narcissist with a short fuse for a close relative is tiring. They lose their shit over nothing, project fault onto whoever or whatever (anything from a drive-thru attendant to a kitchen appliance to the immutable laws of physics) triggered them and argue in circles until it is accepted that they were the victim all along. These "people" really should be euthanized. They're incapable of feeling the most basic level of respect for anything. I don't get this bad even when I drink a whole liter of vodka in a single night.


Be the change you want to see in the world. Nobody's stopping you. Be the clown you deserve to be.


>When will looking like this all the time become socially acceptable?
It's not already? If retards with face tattoos and trannies can hold go out in public and hold a job these days, I can't see why you wouldn't be able to dress like a clown.


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ChatJeetPT is such a piece of shit, they don't let you delete individual memories anymore.

Meanwhile their Help page shows screenshots with a "Manage" link that is not-existent on my end.


I want to use DeepSikh but the chinks in charge of it seem to have zero cybersecurity knowledge, they're getting DDoS'd all the time rendering it unusable, for example try uploading a small text file and it'll fail every time, or it'll just fail to respond often with a server is busy message.


Use superior deepseek, not this gweilo shit.


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Useless. Copilot's the only one remaining usable.


Wondering if Rust is major part of the reason Github's search functionality sucks ass (compared to just a grep search command).

/r/Rust is soyed out a few years back when they announced it was being rewritten in Rust from Ruby:


But most soyim now seem to be agreeing with me the search is actually terrible. Oh and they made logins mandatory for searching.


The problem with Rust is it wastes your time on things that have nothing to with the actual work, e.g. business logic. Not only is a lot of time wasted on "fighting the borrow checker" (for any small changes you do, the borrow checker is there ready to waste your time), it's difficult for people to parse and debug each other's code in Rust. If they had hindsight they would've done this search component in Go, so they could actually be productive, while not having the performance scaling issues of the more mainstream languages (NodeJS, C#, Java, Ruby, PHP, Python, etc.).

But no, they took the bait because of trendy survey results like this:



Stopped using it when they made phone authentication mandatory. Why does my profile need to be tied to a fashion accessory?


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The justification people give for requiring a login to search on GitHub like in that r/linux thread above is bullshit. If they're worried about automated scraping, they could just implement a JavaScript captcha like the one on TikTok/Douyin as well as rate-limit IP ranges to mitigate bot activity.

BlackHatWorld couldn't figure out how to automate TikTok's captcha.

You're telling me a hundred billionaire by revenue software company can't figure this out, but TikTok can? The real reason must be malicious.


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The Cancer of Reddit Censorship

AssMongolZionGold's video: Reddit's Censorship Finally Revealed


Who benefits from welfare niggers spending all their money on cigarettes and scratch-off tickets? Well tobacco companies, obviously, but when it comes to scratch-offs, wagecucks are giving money to the federal government, the federal government gives the wagecuck's money to each individual state government fo' dem programs, the states give it to the niggers, and then the niggers give it back to the state via the retard-nigger tax called "scratch-off tickets", which then goes back to the niggers via welfare bux. They're just playing a game of catch with the wagecuck's bux, It's crazy to think about.


Just pooped. Bit constipated.


Every time the money changes hands, it adds to the gdp, which in turn raises the debt ceiling, letting the whole system trundle on for a few more months.


Haven't pooped since yesterday morning myself. Normally it's every single morning


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"Pajeet" is now a censored term on youtube, but "Poojeet" still posts just fine.


Stop blaming hard-working immigrants for your own shortcomings, bucko!


Open bobz n vageen now


The home page looks different. HDV what hath thou done?!


Love the jpg artifacts around the logo. Pure sovl.


As long as the ponies stay that's all that really matters heh


There's stars now! Stars!


It reverted back. It's over.


H'what dis mean?!


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It's easier on the eyes so who cares.


The new look only shows up on my phone browser. Is it mobile only?


I mean, I like it.


kinda think his tables look trashy but pretty keyed video


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Was playing through the campaign of warcraft 3 tft for like the 10th time, and I found a couple secrets I'd never seen before. One was the ""brewmaster drinking area" in one of the nelf missions. In the next mission, there's an objective to destroy a naga base, but if you leave that base standing a little bit and explore past it there's some ledges maive can reach with blink that contain some pretty decent items, including a charm of spell negation and a +2 tome of agility. You have to intentionally leave the naga a couple buildings or else the mission will end though.

Made me realize that I haven't really seen any secrets or easter eggs in many modern games I've played. Maybe it's a lost art.


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As far as I'm concerned, LLMs made STEM degrees obtained after 2022 obsolete. There is so much bullshit make-work that students had to do before, for example wasting countless hours on writing stupid lab reports. Now those lab reports are done in 1 minute, they just input the values and verify that the calculations are correct. Most countries' immigration systems require people having STEM degrees with an employer's invitation or opening a business (or investing in one) that will employ X amount of people. It makes me wonder if governments will ever start to rethink the degree requirements considering how fraudulent they especially are now. And students, especially Indians, are obviously looking at their phones using ChatGPT to write answers on their exams. There are miniature Android phones designed for this purpose (e.g. Soyes XS15). Obviously since governments are inherently bureaucratic and slow to adapt there won't be any rethinking about this any time soon.


>Now those lab reports are done in 1 minute
I doubt it. Chatgpt couldn't even do basic trig last I checked. It absolutely could not solve bearing word problems for example. It was confidently wrong every time. Then if you already know which formulas to apply then you don't need to cheat. Just do the math. There's this crazy HIGH TECH LLM AI GENERATIVE MODEL that has existed since at least the 1980s called a "graphing calculator". That said, rampant cheating is nothing new and this is why professors will often force you to do labs in class. It's unreal how many people I know paid someone else to do online classes for them or just copied everything from a friend. When it comes to stuff like essays I think this could be solved by simply raising standards. The stuff chatGPT writes is dog shit, but somehow both the students and professors consider it to be adequate.


Pretty much every math guy uses matlab to do calculations. Chatgpt is likely to just give you weird hallucinations.


the appeal is that it gives you very plausible (and occasionally correct) 'intuition' about something (basically what words you need to gooogl / search in documentation urself)

but it's like being in totally blue-balls mindfatique when you realize that it's all confidently written 20 paragraph nonsense essay you've been reading and trying to run 'examples' from for 25 minutes

the other day i had to explain html accessibility to product people incl designers. they actually want to make the blinds and other cripples and normals be able to use the websight with keyboard and screen-reader. it has taken a couple weeks on and off and involved speaking to 5-10 people so far to figure the exact elements and parameters and things that would work htmlsemantically and visually in terms of copy-writing and the changes in the existing software dependencies.

it's a completely mundane thing of being on the same line with like 5 other busybodies on the outline the work required. there is nothing about that can be automated by a pathologically lying billion dollar skitzo chatbot web ui by samuel altman, that's so far detached from it.

microshart company does analyze all the teams calls and chats and stuff on the sharepoint and in code repos so maybe one day you'll have your know-it-all philosophical-zombie colleagues i don't know


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I find that I have a bad habit of going into Twitter and Youtube threads to engage in arguments with people who are clearly too retarded to see how retarded they are. I don't know why I waste my time doing it but it keeps happening. Twitter banned me twice for it, and now I'm getting messages from Youtube that my comments are getting deleted for violating their faggy terms of service. Everything is Reddit and awful.


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You would do well to remember this.


I stopped making comments at all. No point to. Even making toothless ones about liking the content or relating to what someone else said. It bothered me when I got a lot of thumbs up on a comment because it made me worry that I just said something that retards find relatable. But yeah, trying to have epic debates in the JewTube comments section is a fool's errand. Many other users are dumb kids or mentally stunted adults that fit in with them. When you get slackjawed soyboy morons like MoistCritikal as the platform's posterboy for logic and reason, that should tell you something about the audience.


There's nowhere you can discuss anything anymore. Just sanitized hugboxes. Even imageboards are pretty homogenous in opinion.


>engaging with NPCs
You are supposed to treat the nigger cattle as cattle to manipulate and discard, not as sentient human beings. You have to learn from most kikes, they got the right idea. These people are disposable goyim. You will never change anyone's mind on any issue, because "arguments" are always a waste of time. The only way to convince someone you are right is when their lives are threatened. That's how "arguments" were won throughout the centuries.


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>I can't keep more than 2 chickens per acre, and I'm not allowed to have roosters or sell the eggs
That's truly ridiculous. They're very small animals. I think 50 per acre is a more realistic maximum capacity. As far as roosters go it's typically cities that ban them and most places in the country allow them, at least in my area. Also selling food eggs is illegal in most places, so just sell 'hatching eggs'. Not that I've ever sold eggs myself. I eat them all

>I can't use an RV as a permanent home

I'm personally unaware of anywhere in the USA that it's legal to live in an RV. The economy is set up in such a way to force humans to either live as rentoids or mortgage slaves

I would recommend finding land with the following criteria-
1. Water
2. A poor area with minimal code enforcement presence, ideally zero whatsoever
3. A dilapidated structure with an address, so you can park an RV or whatever there but have the benefits of an address without the curse of legally binding utilities

If 3 isn't possible, then buy raw land and find some other roundabout way to use a legal address while living innawoods on raw land. Stealthmaxx if you do this


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While this is sort of true, a lot of people who will profess this mindset are tards who are unable to express their ideas because they don't have a solid foundation for them. It's just used as a mask to be intellectually bankrupt, uneducated, and lazy. I'd agree that on social media it's a waste of time these days, but not all arguments are in "bad faith" and they aren't only a means to convince the person you're arguing with either.


While you mumble your incoherent pseudo-intellectual wordslop drivel I will cave your skull in with a rock like a proud untamed caveman. There won't be any made-up words like "strawman" and "arguments" after that.


>A poor area with minimal code enforcement presence, ideally zero whatsoever
The lots I was looking at were in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere, but I can already see that the people in the area would seethe about it, even if I would be blocks away from them. There are a lot of people riding around on ATVs and such, so it's not like I'd be hidden.
>3. A dilapidated structure with an address, so you can park an RV or whatever there but have the benefits of an address without the curse of legally binding utilities
I've been looking for a vacant lot, but I had the chance to buy something like this a few years ago and I should have jumped on it. Also it's been hard to find proper rural zoning. A lot of these places are zoned the same way as a city even though they're in the middle of nowhere, because kikes want to turn them into suburbs somewhere down the line.


Only in your dreams, buddy.


Nah because I would go SSJ7 while also activating my Ultra Instinct and True Blue God forms and, basically, you'd be turned into a fine red mist.


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I started driving to this property earlier today to look at it because it fits all of my above listed criteria (>>98828) and I'm looking to buy more land
>has an abandoned structure with a full legal address
>water- has a small pond, wetlands and possibly a creek in the back
>14 acres agricultural zoned
Would be perfect for free-ranging sumatra mutts in the swamp. However on the drive over the cost effectiveness occured to me. I've seen the same amount of land minus the dilapidated shed and address listed for 65k cheaper. It's not worth the current price listed

I spoke to the agent and she told me that the property is "vacant land" and I could look at it whenever I want. She also mentioned that there's an offer on the land currently in negotiations. I suspect she's lying

If I were to pursue this land I would try a low-ball offer. Maybe 60 or 70k at most. They might just take it. It's mostly swamp with just a single broken shed so the 110k price is definitely steep for what's being offered

Oh and it's also 30 minutes outside of a medium sized city. Perhaps that's where the price is coming from, though still seems too steep IMO


Florida is a weird looking place. I expected more mangrove swamps and palm trees. This looks like North Dakota.


While I was at the grocery store yesterday, there was a goblin walking around with his eyeglasses hanging half off his face. He didn't seem aware of it. Like they were kind of dangling off his face from one ear, ready to fall while he's shuffling his ass around putting random canned goods in his shopping cart.

I used to think I was a weird guy, or that maybe there was something wrong with me. Nah, fuck that. Normies walk around doing shit like this. It's them that have the problem not me.


That section of the panhandle is mostly pine scrub. There's a nice variety of biomes in Florida though. I'm personally in a mixture of red titi swamp and longleaf pine scrub


I recognize my own eccentricities but it's important to be aware that normals/midwits are often fucked up in their own way that may be worse than whatever you may have historically given yourself a hard time about


About 10k per acre seems to be the standard market value, sadly. I can't even say it's an obscene price, but I'm not going to spend that much. I'd be fine with less land.


You don't need that much land. What's most important is to have good neighbours. Neighbours will make your life a living hell.


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"Get a stem degree" they said! I wonder how many of those management" positions are for low-end McWagie jobs.


A lot of them are bullshit jobs where the guy doesn't even know what his job is. Having an engineer on staff is a liability thing where they can blame failures on him.


>A lot of them are bullshit jobs where the guy doesn't even know what his job is.
I would like such a job.


Every meal I have now is just mashed potatoes with stuff thrown into it, like chicken and corn. Costs me less than 100 dollars a month to make this slop in bulk.


Sounds nice. I wonder to what extent potatoes are poisoned more than rice. I would figure as an underground crop they absorb more poison

My flesh has rejected potatoes unfortunately


>My flesh has rejected potatoes unfortunately
What does this mean?



>>98955 (checked)
I think it means he's gay


I was approaching on Fri. Went to USyd then walked the city a bit. Did some absolutely awful, embarassing approaches. Got into like 2 real conversations that I can remember. At least I tried though. I want a hijabi so bad heh. I guess I'm learning.


Here is some advice from your fellow Australian and speedrunning commentator Karl Jobst. Good luck.


Yeah I saw that before. Can't tell if that guy was trolling, lol. Thx


Ask your mom to find you a GF. It's the secret tech to getting dates.


The one good thing about Brighter Shores is that it made me hungry for bangers and mash when I was mindlessly grinding cooking XP. Think that's the first thing you can cook. I've been having that pretty often since I started playing that game and I haven't touched the game in weeks now.

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