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What's your favorite movie and why?


already a thread nigger >>96108


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Real life. We live in a clown world. Never a dull moment.


The hobbit animated film out of nostalgia. I thought about it and there just aren't that many movies I'm particularly fond of.


Conan the Barbarian, with Arnie. Probably seen it a dozen or more times now.

Despite that, it's hard to pin down exactly why I love it. It just feels right. Like there's something special there that speaks to me on a deep level.

The 1977 one? A great film. Mogs the Peter Jackson one in every way.


Conan is a very rare example of a genuinely Aryan film. It exalts beauty, strength, friendship, adventure, and the will to power. When Conan holds up Thulsa Doom's decapitated head and his father's broken sword he's displaying that will is stronger than both flesh and steel

70s animated Hobbit is a good movie


i thot conan was cringe, got bored and couldn't watch after 15 minutes lol, so many better arnie films like total recall, true lies, raw deal, red heat, the 6th day, commando, predator, T1 & T2 and thats about it


o forgot about the running man, that was a fun one too


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Fifth Element. It might not be the most perfect movie but it has a lot of heart that's stuck with me after all these years.

generals r ghey


my b I missed it in the catalog heh


Very fun movie.


Strange to think of the philosophical implications of an 80s action adventure movie, but you're right.


Super green, bro. Very super green.


>"generals are ghey"
>posts in general anyway


You'd know all about gay, Avid.


>muh [boogeyman that hasn't openly posted here in two months]
You seem to have a lot of mental issues yourself.


Post bussy slutvid.


>fetish bullshit
You seem to have a lot of mental issues yourself.


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I need to rewatch this and Heavy Metal (which 5E ripped off).


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