MERRY CHRIMBUS EDITIONHope you've eaten your fair share of hair this year, otherwise the Winter Man won't come.
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>>>/lounge/77180Archive: No.96109
Dungeons and dragons movie actually pretty good heh
>>96109Too bad about all the niggers.
>>96113Didn't feel especially dei plagued.
any good CGI floating about? I heard about that secret level armoured core thing but it's got keanu reeves in so it has a 90% chance of being slop
last CGI thing I saw was the netflix resident evil series, it was alright I guess
>>96119uhhhh, elf bowling: the movie: the great north pole elf strike? heh
>>96155>>96156not really interested in these suggestions, I was after something more mature
I heard berzerk has cgi episodes though I would have no idea who anyone is
@phantasm is it able to be viewed as a standalone or would I have to know the lore beforehand?
>>96184Anime CGI is almost always really, really bad. Nu-Soyzerk is no exception.
>>96119tbh the Warhammer secret level was pretty good apart from an instance or two of bad fight choreography
>he le hits le guy sneaking up on him without le looking (GAY)it was narratively and visually really cool, especially if you're a fan of the two Space Marine games it directly ties into heh
>>96189yeah I looked at some clips, it looks bad
>>96194I'm not a pedo so I won't be watching that
Thx for making a new thread sir.
>>96197>I'm not a pedoSucks to be you then!
>start squid game season 2
>hey this ain't half bad for a gook show on netfl–
>episode 3
>tranny and nigger-mutt contestants introduced within about a minute of each other
Never mind. They weren't shown prior to the games starting like some other characters (mostly just the real female lead was shown), so it'd be nice if they die early on. Sadly, they probably won't.
From the outset, they start molding the tranny and nigger-mutt to be the characters of high moral fiber.
1. A man is technically eliminated during Red Light Green Light, but only shot in the hip by a sadistic staff member. He begs for help so the main character rushes to save him before time runs out. He sprints over to the man and starts explaining the plan to get over the finish line. As soon as the next phase starts, he struggles to lift the man, but suddenly the tranny appears out of nowhere to brace the wounded man from his other shoulder. Supertranny saves the day! The guy they saved is immediately shot in the head anyway upon the conclusion of Red Light Green Light.
2. The nigger-mutt and his mom, who coincidentally both joined the game on his behalf to help pay his debt back, are the very first characters who beg to prematurely end the game during intermission after Red Light Green Light.
3. During the first vote to stop the games, the tranny is one of the fastest to vote for ending. The nigger-mutt at least wavers, but it's just an excuse to show how him's a good boy who listens to his mama because she yells at him to vote to end when he hesitates and he obliges her.
These are all spoilers from the same episode 3. I'll say the one nice thing is that the tranny had very few lines of dialogue at the very least. It looks and sounds like a man with long hair. Don't know if that's better or worse than trying to put on a nauseatingly phony female voice or not. There is a slightly funny exchange during the contestant photo processing where the nigger-mutt's mom asks if the tranny is a man or a woman, and the nigger-mutt responds that it's a man who wants to be a woman while motioning to his chest and pelvic region and then chastises her when she says men are men and women are women. If they at least give these shoehorned diversity characters a little more depth and don't just try to make them upstanding people who were tragically unlucky enough to wind up in the games, I'll give the show a small amount of credit, but I'm guessing the worst that will happen is they will selflessly sacrifice themselves.
They literally have a scene in Squid Game where a pregnant woman and the nigger-mutt's mother show their acceptance of the tranny when it suddenly rushes over to follow them to the bathroom and they tell the guard it can come because it's a woman too. Faggot propaganda. There is also some dumbass rapper with purple hair, half his dialogue is in English, he's constantly high on some sort of drug he stores in a cross necklace and he generally acts like a nigger.
>>96478Koreans lick American asshole more than any other vassalized state. It's very sad.
>>96478you're not beating the NEL allegations
>>96480You love getting railed by mutts and trannies.
>>96479Forgot to mention, what's even worse about the rapper is that he is called Thanos and I believe his finger nails were painted different colors like the jewels from the gauntlet that Thanos from whatever capeshit franchise wears.
>>96481put your flag back on frierencel
>>96483Frieren is a good show. Stop being toxic
>>96486Asking avid to stop being toxic is like asking him to stop gobbling every bbc he sees. Just not possible.
>mfw tim heidecker
>>97363Remember watching this years ago, really good documentary. Thats going to be my pauper's funeral most likely lol, lmao
Lynch's "Dune" will always be the greatest
t. saw the latest Dune in cinema and loved it
>>97716Rest in piss for trolling me with the shit that was Twin Peaks the return.
>>98551Forgot that movie existed. It's not bad, though.
>[truth/truth] NIGGER BALLS (Issue #1488)
>>99017Probably Jacob's Ladder, just because. Or maybe something like Hellraiser because I like the gore.
>>98641I second this. It's misery for the sake of misery trying to go for some kind of edgy take on some bullshit take on morality and emotional damage or what the fuck ever but it's just cringe.
>>99137It looks like Rocket Power or Wild Thornberrys.
Adult Swim has done one not-gay thing recently and has slowly been uploading HD versions of XRA to YouTube. Frittata.
>>99138All well animated shows.
>>99137Infinitely better. What a missed opportunity.
>>99496It says Mike Judge is an executive producer for it.