>>99834This guys okay though. He seems cool.
>>99835>retired>scamdemicpls die fox news faggot boomer
>>99838Not really into Asians but to each his own. They all pretty much look like xiaomao though yeah.
>>99841Poorfag shitskin cope.
>>99844>wagecuck or neet on strict ldar regimenhahahahaha
>>99843people of all races and economic statuses agree: conservative boomers suck and the world will be better when you're all dead
real shame that vaccine save you, I so wanted to kill your with just the water droplets in my breath
>>99842very civilized post, I can tell that you're not a boomer
>>99835>I've already said multiple times you clowns are completely fine with this shit so long as it's legal. Ethics matters more than legality.So who is the victim from Xiaomao's TikTok videos? inb4 ur butt bcuz it's hurt
>>99843>p-p-poorfag! I'm rich and retired I'm not a 45 year old male virgin living at his moms house! Ranting 24/7 about pedos on 4chon dot me is totally the behaviour of a successful, financially stable and socially well adjusted person!The only "retirement" pension you're likely to be on is SSI, you babbling schizo.
>>99846>hurr durr ur a fux jewz boomer!!!1>hurr durr also ur vaxxed!!!1You're zero for two, but I just want you to know these would be mutually exclusive even if one were right. You have even less of a clue what's going on in the world than my geriatric Fox news boomer parents. Dumbass brown pedo lol.
>>99846You know, if he's a boomer that would explain a lot. Not sure how a boomer would find this place but then I don't know how the squiggle tard or fake avid found it either.
>real shame that vaccine save you, I so wanted to kill your with just the water droplets in my breathBoomers are so unhealthy they'll die if you so much as look at them funny, vaccines or not. That's why they sit on facebook acting tough and buy giant pickup trucks and shit like that.
>>99847LOL gottem
>>99847Normalizing the sexualization of the majority of people who look like this i.e. children. Fall down a flight of concrete stairs.
>>99848>i-impossible!!!1 no1 else has $$$ cuz im a broke nigger and cant fathom having $$$???? im 2 busy fappin 2 ling ling ageplay 10 days straight on 4chon dot me??? 2 have $$$??? chow chow will give me ageplay seggs if i defeat the westy foids in internet debate??? hdv plz ban!!!I feel sorry for your sock drawer.
>>99850So do you cheerlead often? Getting strong gamma energy from your posts.
>>99849normies getting vaxxed saved you
herd immunity is real
>>99850allowing boomers to use their jitterbugs to access the internet was a mistake
>squiggle tard or fake avidfake avid is an OG from dot net, no clue about the other guy
>post/defend ageplay
>get called pedophile
>>99853I don't worry about dying to a seasonal flu because I'm not an obese shitskin gorging itself on microplastics and carbs. Good luck with the spike proteins, they probably won't pair too well with your plaque-ridden capillaries.
>unemployed, sorry, I mean "retired"
>middle aged, supported by elderly boomer parents
>ex-criminal, or has a family history of criminality
>admits to having nothing better to do but spend 16 hours a day on an imageboard that gets maybe 10 posts a day tops normally
>closeted pedophile, confirmed by moderator
>obsessed with gore/murder, constantly fantasizes about it like an edgy school shooter
>attempting to get himself banned by being as obnoxious as possible, rather than simply leaving the website he doesn't enjoy using
>brags about his supposed wealth unprompted, so probably poor
>incel, has probably never had sex before, self admitted "asexual"
>avatarfags as frieren, an anime loli, despite being absolutely obsessed with hunting pedophiles to the pont of psychosis
>posted voice clips of himself verbally harassing an awkward british autist (and raging homosexual) previously
>looks at a mundane clip of some asian woman making stupid faces, and all he can imagine is fucking 7 year old children
This is the guy trying to lecture you on ethics and morality. This is the guy who thinks he has the moral high ground.
This might be 4chon's biggest lolcow yet! Move aside avid. Step back dogisaga. There's a new king retard in town.
>>99853>fake avid is an OG from dot netIs he? I would have thought I'd remember him from back then. Maybe he just stands out more since there's less users now, like with foky.
>lie, apology accepted, true
>true, lie
>lie, lie
I said I could if I felt like it, not that I do. Plus, you and some other fags keep engaging with me despite whining to HDV repeatedly to ban me. Pot meet kettle.
>lie, lie
No receipts and avid calling me a pedo for thinking I'm dogisaga or because I used anime flags isn't proof.
>lie, lie
Only for trash like you.
But I also have my own goal set at which time I will stop using this site if I am not banned before then. Not going to tell you what that is. It's innocuous, though I'm sure your disturbed mind will run wild about it.
"Unprompted" is a lie. You disliked me saying that I can afford to spend my entire day shitting on the bottomfeeding sludge that posts here after you complained about me posting more than I actually do (which is only as much as you fags reply, generally with 1-2 hour breaks outside of sleep), then you said I was unemployed to which I said I'm retired. It's only natural to assume you're a poorfag after you assume anyone not working is unemployed.
>lie, true, lie
Being disinterested in sex doesn't make one asexual nor an incel.
>true, lie, lie
Frieren isn't designed to look or act like a child. Funny you are now trying to attack me over cartoons because you got your flesh-and-blood ageplay called out. That's beyond hypocrisy.
You can't seriously expect me to believe you suddenly care about avid's feelings.
She makes bona fide ageplay content with zero room for interpretation, disingenuous kike.
>This is the guy who thinks he has the moral high ground
I do.
>This might be 4chon's biggest lolcow yet! Move aside avid. Step back dogisaga. There's a new king retard in town.
⅔ of what you wrote about me is untrue though, so you've just invented another imaginary friend to complain about.
>>99857he gave leonidas and moediggity (among others) the same treatment as avid, they just responded less milkfully so he gave up
he tried to enlist me to troll bestonian after his trip leaked but I declined as the dude was already posting under a new one and laughing at the mimic
>>99858amusingly, all the antivax boomers I know irl ended up taking it to keep their jobs
I remain unvaxxed XD
>>99858Excess over expected deaths have been a thing since mass vaccination. You think it's false because it isn't something theatrical like the bubonic plague or a zombie movie.
>>99860>more shit that has nothing to do with meThis website
is an insane asylum, but you retards are confused about who the patients are.
>>99860I doubt many people here took it.
>>99862It has nothing to do with you because he isn't replying to you.
>>99864Hard to keep track of your laundry list of boogeymen.
>>99862I was talking about the original fake avid- an epic trololol like myself
I'm done calling you avid btw, your new name is boomer
>>99863ofc not because we all wanted to kill boomers by breathing on them
>>99864got eemmm
>>99867>I'm done calling you avid btw, your new name is boomerI'm a millennial though.
>>99867>ofc not because we all wanted to kill boomers by breathing on themI really can't deny that.
Guys, it is I, Frieren-chan,
I was drinking too much the past two weeks and it has clouded my judgment and increased my aggression. Whoops, my bad! ^^ I don't know what came over me, it's like a curse was placed on me. Don't worry though, I am back to my normal self now. I have seen the error of my ways and have realized how preposterous it was to make unfounded accusations against everyone on a website over some silly TikTok videos to which I continuously responded angrily in a counterproductive manner. Trust me guys, I am not that autistic and paranoid, as I was just too intoxicated. I will return to making normal, productive posts, particularly in the video game thread, anime thread and elsewhere that I've enjoyed contributing to. Thank you everyone, especially HDV the site owner, for putting up with my drunken antics. Let's flip the page to the next chapter 🕊️
P.S. If I act silly again, just remember it's just me having drunk too much, hopefully it doesn't happen again soon. フフフ〜・・・
>>99908I only drink on weekends, imposter chomo. Do a swan dive into an empty pool.
Hope your faggot dad dies of lung cancer, by the way.
Whoops there I go again (
>>99909 >>99910), got a little too tipsy ワハハハ〜
>>99911Nope, not drunk yet today. Cope harder diaper-muncher. Feel free to populate your dead nonce board with poor imitations if it makes you feel less lonely, disgusting and retarded.
Actually, that's pretty funny. Posting bug women while imitating users. Self-writing chingchong knockoff joke.
>>99908Kawaii Frieren-chan! ^-^
I really need to stop drinking... Ignore these posts of mine please
>>99912 >>99913(ᵕ,,¬﹏¬,,)
>>99913Avid jealous because Frieren-chan is cuter than him.
that frieren cosplayer sure does got a purdy mouth
>>99920If this guy grew a long beard he'd look like a comical gnome instead of a creeper
>>100023Looks like a downie to me.