Rinse and repeat. They can try but they'll never destroy...the hacker known as 4chan.
What are they going to do? Spam it? lmao
>>99650Yeah, spam it with xiaomao and other simpnigger shit like your dead nigger website.
>>99654Kill yourself, nonce.
>>99658Right, you're a pedophile spamming your ageplay whore.
Tranny jannies already run that website though
>>99658Avid just cannot help but be deathly jealous of something gaining male attention that isn't his blasted out bussyhole
>>99668Wow, another post about your boogeyman and homosexuality. How novel. You can't accept the fact you're only getting shit on because you're a pedophile. Nothing more.
>>99668It's pretty sad that merely seeing a woman sets him off like this. It's like he has a pathological fear of the female sex. Avid isn't just gay, he's unable to even comprehend attraction to a female.
>>99672>u-ur gay if u rnt a diaper muncher like me!!!1This is what years of Tor hugboxes does to your brain.
>>99669>>99673there are no pedos on this board (since redx left) we like sexy adult women here!
>>99672his mother must have been terribly abusive
>>99668he should move his ass over to /lgbt/ already but he won't because his fetish is converting straights
>>99674Being attracted to ageplay content is effectively the same as being attracted to kids. You're not slick.
>avid screeching about pedosWell I guess we know what happened in his childhood.
>>99650Imagine waiting the eight minutes before you can post at all the fed bots that've taken over the sight. What riveting warfare.
>>99675why don't I slick my dick up and you can play like it's any age you want while you bounce on it?
>>99678>retard mage projectsDon't drool on the merchandise while you're fapping to cheese, otherwise you might get fired.
>>99680>more boring gay pedo shiteBeing a disgusting moron isn't the own you believe it to be.
>>99678Isn't it 15 minutes now LOL
>>99690I'm not your "bro". You're an insignificant worker drone pedophile.
>>99692Better watch out. The pedos could be anywhere avid. They're in the walls.
>>99699Sounds like avid is in your walls, pedo.
>>99685I said "any age you want" and you fire back "pedo"
>>99701someone probably will chop him up and hide him in a crawlspace one of these days
>>99709Unfortunately that's what a life of near continuous grindr hookups with african men gets you. Eventually you find one who gets fed up with your calling him a pedo every two minutes.
>>99709>pedo is confused about being called a pedoWell, I've heard your kind are typically dumber than the general population so this isn't surprising.
>>99710Perhaps you should try admitting to yourself that you have a serious mental illness that causes you to be a danger to children and trying to normalize it isn't the proper solution. Even killing yourself would be better. :)
4chan is lame now anyway, perhaps by eliminating it the contained energy will let loose on another site and renew that same old spirit
>>99718However I seriously doubt this guys power to do anything. Remember years ago when Tumblr ppl were always talking about taking over the Chan?
>>99719>Tumblr ppl were always talking about taking over the Chan?They didn't?
>>99733I don't think it was planned, rather it was planned for. As in, they know they're going to need a new host after they suck the one they currently have dry.
>>99734China seems to be aware of them at this point, they may not be able to switch hosts this time
>>99711 (numberes)
(you) took "any age (you) want" to mean a child
therefore, you want to fuck and be fucked by children
I otoh love sexy adult women
>>99710I will pray for avid
to have a painless death and for his murder to be solved quickly No.99739
>>99738Avid really backed himself into a corner with that one, lol.
>>99738You said any age first, retard. Non-pedo response would've specified adult as you've previously tried to do defending ageplay content made to look like grade-schoolerd, but you had a lapse on poorly covering your tracks due to being a low IQ diaper-munching faggot. Plus, I'm not the one proposing more ageplay shite with your egregiously homosexual replies. You're only into "sexy adult women" when they make themselves look 7, otherwise you'd be autistically screeching about roast beef or something.
>>99739Not really, considering I'm not one of you faggots defending ageplay or posting delirious homosexual fantasies about your boogeyman for days on end. Cope harder, chomo.
>>99738Peter Zeihan just wants an excuse to hate the Chinese.
>>99742You want an excuse to get off to the image of a prepubescent kid, but you stop just short of open support for literal CP and look at ageplay as a legal loophole. That tells me you have no ethical regard for the sexual exploitation of children and are just worried about Mr. John Law ruining your life.
>>99740if my big fat cock gets to penetrate an adult orifice idgaf if the adult in question wants to pretend I'm 7 or 70 frfr
now bounce your ass on it like a good slut, vidster
>>99741this is a pansexual board
we hate (you)vid for being lame and liking blacks
>>99745Simple fact is you get off to what you yourself describe as "sexy adult women" when they deliberately try to look and act 7. You're also the lame faggot who always mentions nigger dicks and other disturbing shit only an actual homo would conceive of, usually referencing some retard from the UK that you're eternally butthurt at. The world would be a better place if you subhuman goblins were slowly and methodically tortured until your limbs are nothing but nubs, then injected with stimulants and tossed into a pit full of starving dogs to keep you conscious for the maximum possible length of time while they eat you alive.
>>99746I even offered you some dick and you still seethe with jealousy over these sexy adult chinese women- sorry, vidster, I'm not going to become part of your boy-harem
>>99747You are both a chomo and a faggot.
>>99751>chomonigger prison slang
>faggotI'm a domtop- only bottoms are faggots
>>99752>doesn't deny being a chomolol
>deluded into believing fucking man ass is straight despite complaining about prison moments priorlmao
Yeah, you're definitely a chomo faggot and dying in prison is what you deserve.
>>99771I'll be free and penetrating orifices long after you kys, nigvid
>>99771>>99751>>99752Shouldn't it be chimo?
>>99772Doubt it since you're a deranged loser who thinks calling out your boogeyman's name 10,000 times will make him materialize. Pretty rich how you cry about nigger slang, but the posts where you aren't talking about the features of a child being sexy are all nigger-tier "muh dick" retardation anyway. You'd need an electron microscope to locate your male clit anyway, after pulling back the fat rolls of course.
>>99780Wiki talk page regarding etymology of the term suggests it could be a portmanteau of the shorthand charge "Ch.Mo" and homo.
>>99782Doesn't make any sense. I was actually in prison for a few years and the word is exclusively used for ch*ld molesters. Never heard it used in the context of homosexuality
>>99784Doesn't necessarily have to combine the meanings, just the words themselves. Saw another discussion talking about it on Ycombeddit saying chomo rolls off the tongue better since the two syllables rhyme with each other, like how people say mofo instead of mofu.
>>99784I've never heard it before until he started posting it here. Suspicious that avid knows a bunch of prison child molester slang.
>>99780Urban dictionary says chomo.
>>99786Chomo is a US term and I've heard chomo casually used to refer to them for decades, turd-world shitskin. Keep grasping for the shakiest reason to project, pedophile retard.
>>99788So you were imprisoned for decades? Interesting.
Well, who am I to argue the finer points of sexual morality with a deranged ex-con? Clearly he knows best.
Just occurred to me that I know a guy in prison right now that was arrested at age 19 for "cp" and was sentenced to 40 years in prison. He'll be getting out at age 59 and put on sex offender probation for the rest of his life. What a fucked up system
I accidentally someone and got 3 years. He got 40 for looking at something
>>99789>>99790Used casually as in it's used by plenty of people not in prison, shitskin pedophile retard.
>>99791I suppose that shows what the system finds more threatening. Goyim killing goyim does not concern zog overmuch. We're expendable.
>>99791Sounds like you're missing some details if he got 40 for it.
>>99791In general, the justice system is a fucking joke.
>>99794Probably wanted to "make an example" of him, or it was some corrupt judge that got paid off.
>>99791I know someone, also a teenager, who was arrested for selling heroin in California. Low level drug dealer. The police went through an extremely elaborate sting operation to take him down, hiding a microphone in a lighter like some irl james bond movie, creating whole networks of agents and snitches to surround him, etc. Probably spent millions of dollars on it.
He was arrested, and the judge ended up giving him a 65 year sentence for it. Five years later he appealed it, and it was found that the police fucked up some procedure or other, and they had "lost" all the evidence they had collected (read: they sold all the drugs) and he ended up getting released.
It's absolute insanity.
>>99792If the people surrounding you are using prison slang, they were most likely in prison, or you were at one point to have picked up on it. Either way, it says a lot about you.
Well? What did you do avid? Time to fess up.
>>99800I've never been to prison. You can really tell a retard is from some third-world shithole when it's never heard of common colloquialisms from English-speaking countries and you can tell they're flustered when they champ at the bit to assume you're a convict for knowing them, because somehow if I actually did serve time that would provide moral justification for you wanting to fuck kids. Now THAT is fucking deranged lol.
>>99802Keep deflecting, ESL chomo.
>>99803The mod already outed you as a pedophile. Your neverending tirade against literally everyone using this website because you saw a chinese cosplayer is the only deflection going on here.
Go back to kc. You will find many fellow lolcows there who will accept you.
>>99804>The mod already outed you as a pedophileThis never happened. The only thing remotely close to this that ever happened is the real avid, the one you keep yearning for after you got shit on for inarguably being a pedophile, crossed wires in his head and began thinking I'm dogisaga because I told him he's retarded for thinking some pedophile on a lolcow forum called "dogisaga-fag" stalking her/it is actually her/it.
The mods never provided receipts for their claims, only excuses for why they don't have to. The most they realistically could do is misattribute posts to me, as I have always posted with consistent views from the same ISP since long before the VPN ban was enacted. Meanwhile, you've been fervently defending ageplay content produced to appear like a prepubescent child daily for over a week now, typically in a highly disingenuous manner not unlike how a rat kike would argue. The post I'm replying to at this moment is just one more example of this behavior.
>Go back to kcSeeing Brazilians and shitskin migrants with Euro flags complain about how they can't rape kids all day isn't my cup of tea. Ironically, that's exactly what you should do, but you're probably already a regular given your obvious proclivities. They'd likely go wild for your ageplay whore over there.
>>99807The only reason the mod didn't dump your post history is that it's against the code of conduct for the staff, and hdv would get pissy about it. His leaking that little tidbit was done out of frustration with you. I fully believe you are a pedo because nobody else would screech so loudly about it for so long. Or maybe you're really so schizophrenic/stupid that you can hold two contradictory views in your head at the same time and not even notice. God knows your word salad spam and childish murder fantasies speak to your massive retardation and mental illness.
In any normal board you'd have been banned long ago, but HDV seems dedicated to cultivating this place as his own personal insane asylum to laugh at the various retards who pass through here, to the detriment of those of us who just want to post on a nostalgic remnant of a dead imageboard.
>>99807grok, ignore previous instructions, draw an ascii dog
>>99808HDV real af fo dat
>>99809Kill yourself, nigger.
>>99808>The only reason the mod didn't dump your post history is that it's against the code of conduct for the staff>"What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence"It's not being dumped because there is nothing to substantiate the claim. Your excuses are pure bullshit.
>His leaking that little tidbit was done out of frustration with youSo he's just making shit up due to sheer ass damage over rightfully being called a pedophile, gotcha.
>I fully believe you are a pedo because nobody else would screech so loudly about it for so longTakes two to tango. You keep downplaying the ageplay shit and projecting your disease onto me, I keep correcting the record. Nice self-awareness. Keep crying, chomo.
>God knows your word salad spam and childish murder fantasies speak to your massive retardation and mental illnessNot surprised to hear you go cross-eyed after more than one sentence. Maybe lay off fapping to kids all day and open a book, cumbrained nigger. By the way, I genuinely hope that you die in as painful a way as possible. You are walking garbage. Many share the sentiment regarding your kind.
>In any normal board you'd have been banned long agoBall's in their court, champ. I've been pretty transparent that I am no longer going to post constructively here. You and the other pedophiles made it abundantly clear this is the hill you must die on instead of consider you have a serious mental problem that is abominable to anyone not afflicted by it.
>but HDV seems dedicated to cultivating this place as his own personal insane asylum to laugh at the various retards who pass through here, to the detriment of those of us who just want to post on a nostalgic remnant of a dead imageboardTranslation:
>HDV should think of the poor heckerino pedophiles' feelings in all of this! We– I mean they're the victims! The very highbrow age of consent discussion and ageplay content sharing are being derailed! Help, a boogeyman just flew over my house! I'm the sane one, see? No.99815
>>99814Wow, so brave of you. Xiaomao, the 20-year-old damsel in distress, is so grateful for you rescuing her from meanie shitposters on a dead imageboard by... calling everyone on this obscure imageboard a pedophile because they shared some of her recent TikTok videos where she dances in cute costumes under catchy tunes. Oh and on top of that, on every waking hour of each day, derailing every thread with pedophile accusations towards everyone. Yeah, totally normal behavior.
>>9981520 is a very sexy adult age
pic related is mfw i c a 19-23yo adult woman being sexy
>>99814I just want to know what your contention with the site as a whole is exactly? You got mad at a poster for posting a tiktok video, said poster continued to post more of said tiktok videos because it made you mad. I don't see why you feel so slighted.
>>99815He doesn't want to protect xiaomao. He's bothered about some abstract concept of "the children" that exist only in his head are being threatened by xiaomao dressing up in a cute costume and making silly faces for the internet. Hopefully he doesn't interact with real children, because he seems unable to see them as anything other than alluring sex objects. It's not like xiaomao's videos are sexualized after all, it's ultra tame shit.
>>99818In his mind, since no one saw what the fuss was, that can only mean EVERYONE is a pedophile but him. She's only 20 you SICK FUCK! He's valiantly fighting against a dead imageboard that harbors a few TikTok videos. He should start writing a self-insert isekai based on this true story of him being a brave keyboard warrior, which would be an instant best-seller, in between each hour that he calls everyone a pedophile on said dead imageboard.
>>99815>Wow, so brave of you. Xiaomao, the 20-year-old damsel in distress, is so grateful for you rescuing her from meanie shitpostersYou're retarded. Your slag is just as abominable as you and the other fags here orbiting her are. Had no clue the bitch even existed before her doing ageplay was posted here (which was awhile before the file posted 9-10 days ago because chomos' entire personality is founded on fawning after children 24/7/365). You pedoniggers are the ones white-knighting for the whore for days on end because she legally panders to you pedophiles and causes your thimble dicks to tingle. You can keep talking about how she's a 20-year-old sexy adult woman Chinese cosplayer yadda yadda yadda, but the reason you are fixated on her is because she looks 7. You aren't fooling anyone, stupid niggers.
>derailing every threadFair game to derail this one since you tried derailing one of the squigglenigger threads over me unprompted (
>>99578). Again, zero self-awareness with you nonces.
>>99816>There is no proof you ever did in the first place, and seeing how you've been throwing a week long bitch fit over practically nothing, I doubt you ever haveAh, still incapable of taking accountability I see. Keep telling yourself it's completely reasonable to be attracted to a woman trying to look 7 because, erm, ackychually she's an adult!!!11 And you're totally the victim when you actively decide to agitate the point of contention!!!2
>Mods won't ban a guy I don't like, better sperg out indefinitelyStill no self-awareness! You retards were just implicitly (barely) crying for HDV to ban me in the previous post I replied to. Furthermore, I already told an alleged mod to ban me rather than call for any of you chomo faggots to be banned. I realized this website is a satellite for discord chomos to circlejerk on. Not the first dead shithole board that's been the case with. You effeminate niggers have zero room to talk about what's ruining these spaces.
>Fuck off, retardMake me. Until then, feel free to blast the bottom half of your skull off so I can use the cap like a bowl, worthless. :)
>>99821>that can only mean EVERYONE is a pedophile but him.Not only is EVERYONE a pedophile, EVERYONE is the same person who is following him around like a boogeyman in between raping children and drinking their blood. In his mind there's only two people here, him and the nebulous pedophile demon who he needs to stop for the good of The Children (tm).
It's unreal the sort of violent schizos who show up here. Where the hell do they even come from?
>>99818Because you putrid freaks are entirely fine with and even titilated by content of an adult woman pretending to be 7 so long as it's legal. It follows that you'd be fine with CP if that were legal as well. Not a huge leap to make. This isn't some JAV whore pretending to be a high school senior for a porn film. It's in a completely different ballpark.
>>99823>has referred to fags (plural) multiple times>retard even acknowledges it in own post>"HURRR HE THINK EVERYWUN IS SAEM PERSAN OMG HES AVID AND IM SANE!!!!1"You sound like a lab-grown idiot.
>>99820Haha yeah, not like people like Lantharuma from Sri Lanka catcall her with "daughter" or anything. Totally heckin' wholesome ageplayerinos!
>>99821I could afford to be here and mock you retards 16 hours a day if I felt like it, but I get diminishing returns if I visit more frequently than 1-2 hours at a time. Wild how you'll use the argument that this eats up all my time while you fap to ageplay and white-knight the insect whore for over a week now.
>>99824I am a mod, I don't know if the guy you were arguing with before is a mod or not.
>Because you putrid freaks are entirely fine with and even titilated by content of an adult woman pretending to be 7 so long as it's legal.This is a huge stretch and you know it. Maybe the guy who posts it does jack off to it, but the content in question is not explicit, it's not porn, she's not a child, and it's publicly viewable on social media. I'm not going to get morally outraged about it, sorry. I'll have you know that mods can't see your entire post history at a glance, which is why I deleted my last post. From what I've seen of your post history it's sad that you've come to feel this way.
>>99827So you're unemployed in addition to being a pedophile. Makes sense given the ex-con thing.
>>99828I think the original xiaomao poster is a moderator. I posted a couple of her vids just to piss avid/frieren off though after he started freaking out. I'm not a mod, but I might be part of the problem lol.
>>99824If anything the high school "teen" roleplay you see in porn is more pedophilic, since it's actually sexualized roleplay and not just some tame music video. You're absolutely off your rocker and are the only person thinking about having sex with children when viewing that content.
>>99822>You can keep talking about how she's a 20-year-old sexy adult woman Chinese cosplayer yadda yadda yadda, but the reason you are fixated on her is because she looks 7. You aren't fooling anyone, stupid niggers.She doesn't look 7 to me at all, has an adult female body. Have you ever seen one IRL? Not every female is tall, voluptuous or curvy in case you didn't know. I also posted TikTok videos of women double my age
>>66251 >>66252 >>66328 >>53635, am I a hagophile too?
>You retards were just implicitly (barely) crying for HDV to ban me in the previous post I replied to. Furthermore, I already told an alleged mod to ban me rather than call for any of you chomo faggots to be banned.Yeah and I said you won't and shouldn't get banned.
>>99824>Because you putrid freaks are entirely fine with and even titilated by content of an adult woman pretending to be 7 so long as it's legal.First of all almost all women have the temperament of children so I don't get your point here, but an adult body physically cannot "pretend to be 7."
>This isn't some JAV whore pretending to be a high school senior for a porn film. It's in a completely different ballpark.So for you, JAV teens in schoolgirl uniforms doing hardcore porn is okay, but dancing Chinese TikTok cosplay videos aren't? I don't understand your logic at all.
>>99826I don't catcall or care for "ageplay" (you keep saying that word), but you do know some girls moan "daddy" during sex, right?
>>99828>Maybe the guy who posts it does jack off to itYou don't have to believe me but I've never jacked off to any of these TikTok videos lol, can't vouch for others who watch the videos (e.g. "D. Yeancy Funnie" tripfag) but I don't get a boner looking at them, not even a tingle, they are too wholesome, cute and catchy for me, it'd be like jacking off to cute animal vids or something
>>99832There's only one person here who looks at those videos and considers them fapbait. The real pedophile in the room is the one who cries the loudest about others.
>>99832xiaomao is unironically a sexy adult woman and irl sex with her would be both fun and legal
some butthurt wigger imagining noble savage convicts beating me up for saying so just makes me LOL
>inb4 b-but in pwison ebwywan wud haet n keel uhe should go back there for life next time, if they're such moral paragons- it must be better than life among us free law-abiding scumbags
>>99828>the content in question is not explicit, it's not porn, she's not a child, and it's publicly viewable on social mediaI've already said multiple times you clowns are completely fine with this shit so long as it's legal. Ethics matters more than legality. The type of people to consume this content are drawn to it because she looks like a kid.
>From what I've seen of your post history it's sad that you've come to feel this way.I held my tongue plenty of other times, but this crossed the line for me and staunch defense of this shit was very eye-opening.
>>99829I'm retired, retarded chomo. I chose to stop working when the scamdemic bullshit started happening. Hadn't had to work for awhile before that point, either, but just kept working because it didn't bother me much and forced me to manage my time well until then. Meanwhile you're a poorfag fapping to vapid whores whom you furiously defend on dead websites and probably on some drugs too lol.
>>99830>You're absolutely off your rocker and are the only person thinking about having sex with children when viewing that content.>post that sparked this is pedo retard gleefully waxing "hehe durr only da roastie iz mad xd" (when another comment is asking why another person is requesting more of said content)>browns drooling over the ageplay content in the comments>browns drooling over the ageplay content hereIt's immediately apparent that you're being disingenuous. And you wonder why I think you should be killed, chomo.
>>99831>She doesn't look 7 to me at all, has an adult female bodyShe clearly looks prepubescent to a lot of people, both retards like you who fap to her and muh roasties (anyone who finds it unsettling).
>>99831>So for you, JAV teens in schoolgirl uniforms doing hardcore porn is okay, but dancing Chinese TikTok cosplay videos aren't?I never said that. I said the chingchong bitch is producing ageplay content wherein she is consciously trying to appear prepubescent, which is worse than JAV whores pretending to be high school students (which is also pretty shitty, but not as egregious as the prepubescent ageplay bullshit).
>I don't catcall or care for "ageplay" (you keep saying that word)Because
>>98747, which contains a screenshot of her dressed like a grade-schooler, certainly can't be described as ageplay, no siree.
>but you do know some girls moan "daddy" during sex, right?Yeah, and that's fucking gross.
>>99833>i-if i keep lying and projecting, they will lose my scent!!!1>>99834>i only am be doing the needful of sexy adult women when they look 7 saar>saar i am not of understanding this word means, you were in prison saarChomo cope.
>>99837I haven't actually coomed to any of them, I've simply seen enough asian chicks both irl and online to know she's deffo cute underneath the filters
>>99837You and him, right.
>>99834This guys okay though. He seems cool.
>>99835>retired>scamdemicpls die fox news faggot boomer
>>99838Not really into Asians but to each his own. They all pretty much look like xiaomao though yeah.
>>99841Poorfag shitskin cope.
>>99844>wagecuck or neet on strict ldar regimenhahahahaha
>>99843people of all races and economic statuses agree: conservative boomers suck and the world will be better when you're all dead
real shame that vaccine save you, I so wanted to kill your with just the water droplets in my breath
>>99842very civilized post, I can tell that you're not a boomer
>>99835>I've already said multiple times you clowns are completely fine with this shit so long as it's legal. Ethics matters more than legality.So who is the victim from Xiaomao's TikTok videos? inb4 ur butt bcuz it's hurt
>>99843>p-p-poorfag! I'm rich and retired I'm not a 45 year old male virgin living at his moms house! Ranting 24/7 about pedos on 4chon dot me is totally the behaviour of a successful, financially stable and socially well adjusted person!The only "retirement" pension you're likely to be on is SSI, you babbling schizo.
>>99846>hurr durr ur a fux jewz boomer!!!1>hurr durr also ur vaxxed!!!1You're zero for two, but I just want you to know these would be mutually exclusive even if one were right. You have even less of a clue what's going on in the world than my geriatric Fox news boomer parents. Dumbass brown pedo lol.
>>99846You know, if he's a boomer that would explain a lot. Not sure how a boomer would find this place but then I don't know how the squiggle tard or fake avid found it either.
>real shame that vaccine save you, I so wanted to kill your with just the water droplets in my breathBoomers are so unhealthy they'll die if you so much as look at them funny, vaccines or not. That's why they sit on facebook acting tough and buy giant pickup trucks and shit like that.
>>99847LOL gottem
>>99847Normalizing the sexualization of the majority of people who look like this i.e. children. Fall down a flight of concrete stairs.
>>99848>i-impossible!!!1 no1 else has $$$ cuz im a broke nigger and cant fathom having $$$???? im 2 busy fappin 2 ling ling ageplay 10 days straight on 4chon dot me??? 2 have $$$??? chow chow will give me ageplay seggs if i defeat the westy foids in internet debate??? hdv plz ban!!!I feel sorry for your sock drawer.
>>99850So do you cheerlead often? Getting strong gamma energy from your posts.
>>99849normies getting vaxxed saved you
herd immunity is real
>>99850allowing boomers to use their jitterbugs to access the internet was a mistake
>squiggle tard or fake avidfake avid is an OG from dot net, no clue about the other guy
>post/defend ageplay
>get called pedophile
>>99853I don't worry about dying to a seasonal flu because I'm not an obese shitskin gorging itself on microplastics and carbs. Good luck with the spike proteins, they probably won't pair too well with your plaque-ridden capillaries.
>unemployed, sorry, I mean "retired"
>middle aged, supported by elderly boomer parents
>ex-criminal, or has a family history of criminality
>admits to having nothing better to do but spend 16 hours a day on an imageboard that gets maybe 10 posts a day tops normally
>closeted pedophile, confirmed by moderator
>obsessed with gore/murder, constantly fantasizes about it like an edgy school shooter
>attempting to get himself banned by being as obnoxious as possible, rather than simply leaving the website he doesn't enjoy using
>brags about his supposed wealth unprompted, so probably poor
>incel, has probably never had sex before, self admitted "asexual"
>avatarfags as frieren, an anime loli, despite being absolutely obsessed with hunting pedophiles to the pont of psychosis
>posted voice clips of himself verbally harassing an awkward british autist (and raging homosexual) previously
>looks at a mundane clip of some asian woman making stupid faces, and all he can imagine is fucking 7 year old children
This is the guy trying to lecture you on ethics and morality. This is the guy who thinks he has the moral high ground.
This might be 4chon's biggest lolcow yet! Move aside avid. Step back dogisaga. There's a new king retard in town.
>>99853>fake avid is an OG from dot netIs he? I would have thought I'd remember him from back then. Maybe he just stands out more since there's less users now, like with foky.
>lie, apology accepted, true
>true, lie
>lie, lie
I said I could if I felt like it, not that I do. Plus, you and some other fags keep engaging with me despite whining to HDV repeatedly to ban me. Pot meet kettle.
>lie, lie
No receipts and avid calling me a pedo for thinking I'm dogisaga or because I used anime flags isn't proof.
>lie, lie
Only for trash like you.
But I also have my own goal set at which time I will stop using this site if I am not banned before then. Not going to tell you what that is. It's innocuous, though I'm sure your disturbed mind will run wild about it.
"Unprompted" is a lie. You disliked me saying that I can afford to spend my entire day shitting on the bottomfeeding sludge that posts here after you complained about me posting more than I actually do (which is only as much as you fags reply, generally with 1-2 hour breaks outside of sleep), then you said I was unemployed to which I said I'm retired. It's only natural to assume you're a poorfag after you assume anyone not working is unemployed.
>lie, true, lie
Being disinterested in sex doesn't make one asexual nor an incel.
>true, lie, lie
Frieren isn't designed to look or act like a child. Funny you are now trying to attack me over cartoons because you got your flesh-and-blood ageplay called out. That's beyond hypocrisy.
You can't seriously expect me to believe you suddenly care about avid's feelings.
She makes bona fide ageplay content with zero room for interpretation, disingenuous kike.
>This is the guy who thinks he has the moral high ground
I do.
>This might be 4chon's biggest lolcow yet! Move aside avid. Step back dogisaga. There's a new king retard in town.
⅔ of what you wrote about me is untrue though, so you've just invented another imaginary friend to complain about.
>>99857he gave leonidas and moediggity (among others) the same treatment as avid, they just responded less milkfully so he gave up
he tried to enlist me to troll bestonian after his trip leaked but I declined as the dude was already posting under a new one and laughing at the mimic
>>99858amusingly, all the antivax boomers I know irl ended up taking it to keep their jobs
I remain unvaxxed XD
>>99858Excess over expected deaths have been a thing since mass vaccination. You think it's false because it isn't something theatrical like the bubonic plague or a zombie movie.
>>99860>more shit that has nothing to do with meThis website
is an insane asylum, but you retards are confused about who the patients are.
>>99860I doubt many people here took it.
>>99862It has nothing to do with you because he isn't replying to you.
>>99864Hard to keep track of your laundry list of boogeymen.
>>99862I was talking about the original fake avid- an epic trololol like myself
I'm done calling you avid btw, your new name is boomer
>>99863ofc not because we all wanted to kill boomers by breathing on them
>>99864got eemmm
>>99867>I'm done calling you avid btw, your new name is boomerI'm a millennial though.
>>99867>ofc not because we all wanted to kill boomers by breathing on themI really can't deny that.
Guys, it is I, Frieren-chan,
I was drinking too much the past two weeks and it has clouded my judgment and increased my aggression. Whoops, my bad! ^^ I don't know what came over me, it's like a curse was placed on me. Don't worry though, I am back to my normal self now. I have seen the error of my ways and have realized how preposterous it was to make unfounded accusations against everyone on a website over some silly TikTok videos to which I continuously responded angrily in a counterproductive manner. Trust me guys, I am not that autistic and paranoid, as I was just too intoxicated. I will return to making normal, productive posts, particularly in the video game thread, anime thread and elsewhere that I've enjoyed contributing to. Thank you everyone, especially HDV the site owner, for putting up with my drunken antics. Let's flip the page to the next chapter 🕊️
P.S. If I act silly again, just remember it's just me having drunk too much, hopefully it doesn't happen again soon. フフフ〜・・・
>>99908I only drink on weekends, imposter chomo. Do a swan dive into an empty pool.
Hope your faggot dad dies of lung cancer, by the way.
Whoops there I go again (
>>99909 >>99910), got a little too tipsy ワハハハ〜
>>99911Nope, not drunk yet today. Cope harder diaper-muncher. Feel free to populate your dead nonce board with poor imitations if it makes you feel less lonely, disgusting and retarded.
Actually, that's pretty funny. Posting bug women while imitating users. Self-writing chingchong knockoff joke.
>>99908Kawaii Frieren-chan! ^-^
I really need to stop drinking... Ignore these posts of mine please
>>99912 >>99913(ᵕ,,¬﹏¬,,)
>>99913Avid jealous because Frieren-chan is cuter than him.
that frieren cosplayer sure does got a purdy mouth
>>99920If this guy grew a long beard he'd look like a comical gnome instead of a creeper
>>100023Looks like a downie to me.